Andreas ZECH - Rutgers Physics


Andreas ZECH - Rutgers Physics
Andreas ZECH
29 ans, célibataire
Né á Aschaffenburg (Allemagne)
41 rue de Turenne
75003 Paris
tel.: 06 99 18 11 59 ou 01 44 27 45 81
fax : 01 44 27 46 38
email: [email protected]
page web:
1999 - 2004: Doctorat en Physique, á Rutgers University, New Jersey, Etats-Unis
1996 - 1998: Vordiplom en Physique, á l’Universität Würzburg, Allemagne
01/2005 – jusqu’á présent: Post-doctorat dans la Laboratoire de Physique Nucléaire et
des Hautes Energies (LPNHE), Université de Paris VI. Recherche sur la détection
hybride des rayons cosmiques des plus hautes énergies avec l’Observatoire Pierre
10/2004 – 12/2004: Post-doctorat á Rutgers University. Recherche sur la simulation de
l’aperture de l’expérience High Resolution Fly’s Eye (HiRes). Encadrement des
travaux de recherche d’un étudiant en thèse.
09/1999 – 09/2004: Thèse á Rutgers University, sous la supervision du Prof. Gordon
Thomson. Recherche sur la détection des rayons cosmiques des plus hautes
énergies avec les détecteurs de fluorescence de l’expérience High Resolution
Fly’s Eye. Titre : «A measurement of the ultra-high energy cosmic ray flux with
the HiRes FADC detector ». Encadrement des travaux de recherche d’un étudiant
en thèse et deux étudiants en maîtrise.
2005: Bourse post-doctorale Marie Curie de la Communauté Européenne (deux ans).
2001: Award for research support by the Sigma Xi Scientific Research Society.
1999: Subvention du ministère de la recherche allemand (DAAD) pendant un an.
Langages : Fortran, C, C++, HTML. Plates-formes: Unix, Linux, Macintosh, Windows.
Programmes d’analyse : PAW, ROOT, Mathematica. Logiciels de bureautique:
LaTeX, Power Point, Word, Excel. Programmes de simulation (physique des
particules) : CORSIKA, Aires.
Anglais : courant
Français : courant
Prof. Murat Boratav
Université de Paris VI, LPNHE
4, place Jussieu, 75005 Paris, France
tel. : 01 44 27 45 80 , email : [email protected]
Prof. Pierre Billoir
Université de Paris VI, LPNHE
4, place Jussieu, 75005 Paris, France
tel. : 01 44 27 43 52 , email : [email protected]
Prof. Gordon Thomson
Rutgers University, Department of Physics and Astronomy
136 Frelinghuysen Rd., Piscataway, New Jersey 08854, USA
tel. : +1 732 445 4566 , email : [email protected]
Dr. Stefan Westerhoff
Columbia University, Physics Department
914 Pupin Hall, MC 5234, New York, NY 10027, USA
tel. : +1 212 854 3379, email : [email protected]
Measurement of Pressure Dependent Fluorescence Yield of Air : Calibration Factor for
UHECR Detectors, J.W.Belz et al. (FLASH Collaboration), soumis à Astropart. Phys.
Techniques for Measuring Atmospheric Aerosols for Air Fluorescence Experiments,
R.U.Abbasi et al. (HiRes Collaboration), soumis à Astropart. Phys. (2005)
Arrival Directions of UHECR within the HiRes-I Monocular Dataset : A Search for
Overlaps with the Reported AGASA Clusters, R.U.Abbasi et al. (HiRes Collaboration),
soumis à Astropart. Phys. (2005)
A Secondary Measurement of Atmospheric Aerosols Using Air Showers Observed in
Stereo by HiRes, R.U.Abbasi et al. (HiRes Collaboration), soumis à Astropart. Phys.
Search for Cross-Correlations of Ultra-High Energy Cosmic Rays with BL Lacertae
Objects, R.U.Abbasi et al. (HiRes Collaboration), soumis à Astropart. Phys. (2005),
Search for Point-Like Sources of Cosmic Rays with Energies above 10^{18.5} eV in the
HiRes-I Monocular Data-Set, R.U.Abbasi et al. (HiRes Collaboration), soumis à
Astropart. Phys. (2005), astro-ph/0507663
Observation of the Ankle and Evidence for a High-Energy Break in the Cosmic Ray
Spectrum, R.U.Abbasi et al. (HiRes Collaboration), accepté par Physics Letters B.,
(2005), astro-ph/0501317
Search for Point Sources of Ultra-High Energy Cosmic Rays above 4.0 x 10^{19} eV
Using a Maximum Likelihood Ratio Test, R.U.Abbasi et al. (HiRes Collaboration) and
G. Farrar, Astrophys.J. 623 (2005) 164-170, astro-ph/0412617
Monocular Measurement of the Spectrum of UHE Cosmic Rays by the FADC Detector of
the HiRes Experiment , R.U.Abbasi et al. (HiRes Collaboration) , Astropart. Phys. 23
(2005) 157-174, astro-ph/020830
A Study of the Composition of Ultra High Energy Cosmic Rays Using the High
Resolution Fly’s Eye, R.U.Abbasi et al. (HiRes Collaboration), Astrophys.J. 622 (2005)
910-926, astro-ph/0407622
Measurement of the Flux of Ultrahigh Energy Cosmic Rays from Monocular
Observations by the High Resolution Fly's Eye Experiment, R.U.Abbasi et al. (HiRes
Collaboration), Phys. Rev. Lett. 92 , 151101 (2004) , astro-ph/0208243
A Measurement of the UHECR Spectrum with the HiRes FADC Detector, A. Zech (for
the HiRes Collaboration), Nucl. Phys. B (Proc. Suppl.) 136 (2004) 34-39
Search for Global Dipole Enhancements in the HiRes-I Monocular Data above 10^{18.5}
eV, HiRes Collaboration, R.U.Abbasi et al. (HiRes Collaboration), Astropart. Phys. 21
(2004) pp. 111-123, astro-ph/0309457
Study of Small-Scale Anisotropy of Ultrahigh Energy Cosmic Rays Observed in Stereo by
HiRes, R.U.Abbasi et al. (HiRes Collaboration), Astrophys.J. 610 (2004) L73-76 , astroph/0404137
A Search for Arrival Direction Clustering in the HiRes-1 Monocular Data above
10^{19.5} eV, R.U.Abbasi et al. (HiRes Collaboration), Astropart. Phys.22 (2004) 139149, astro-ph/0404366
Geometry and Optics Calibration of Air Fluorescence Detectors using Star Light, HiRes
Collaboration , Astropart. Phys. 18 (2002) 237
Poster au congrès « International Cosmic Ray Conference (ICRC 05) », août 2005, Pune,
Inde, A. Zech for the HiRes Collaboration, Studies of Systematic Uncertainties in the
HiRes-2 Measurement of the UHECR Spectrum.
Communication orale au congrès « International Europhysics Conference on High
Energy Physics (HEP 2005) », juillet 2005, Lisbonne, Portugal, A. Zech for the HiRes
Collaboration, Recent Results from the HiRes Experiment.
Seminaire á l’University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, Nouveau Mexique, Etats-Unis,
mars 2005, A.Zech for the HiRes Collaboration, The UHECR Spectrum Observed with
HiRes in Monocular Mode.
Communication orale au congrès « Cosmic Ray International Seminar (CRIS 04) », juin
2004, Catania, Italie, A. Zech for the HiRes Collaboration, A Measurement of the UltraHigh Energy Cosmic Ray Spectrum with the HiRes FADC Detector.
Communication orale au congrès «American Physical Society (APS) meeting », avril
2004, Denver, Etats-Unis, A. Zech for the HiRes Collaboration, A Measurement of the
UHE Cosmic Ray Spectrum by the FADC Detector of the HiRes Experiment.
Communication orale au congrès « International Cosmic Ray Conference (ICRC 03) »,
août 2003, Tsukuba, Japon, A. Zech for the HiRes Collaboration, Testing the HiRes
Detector Simulation against UHECR, Proceedings p. 567 ff.
Communication orale au congrès « American Physical Society (APS) meeting », avril
2003, Philadelphia, Etats-Unis, A. Zech for the HiRes Collaboration, Measurement of the
UHE Cosmic Ray Spectrum by the HiRes FADC Detector.
Communication orale au congrès « International Cosmic Ray Conference (ICRC 01) »,
août 2001, Hamburg, Allemagne, A. Zech for the HiRes Collaboration, Comparison of
CORSIKA-generated Showers with HiRes Data, Proceedings p. 494 ff.