DERBI Anglais-VF


DERBI Anglais-VF
Competitiveness Cluster : Derbi
Thematics : Energy
Main interests
Energy producing buildings
Energy networks
Decentralised energy production
Keys Figures
150 Members
(2008-2011 period)
16 intermediate-sized and large enterprises:
Electricité de France (EDF), GDF-Suez, Vergnet SA,
EDF Énergies Nouvelles, Areva, ERDF, RTE,
Valorem, La Compagnie du Vent, etc. Foreign
companies: IBM (USA), Schüco (Germany),
Kawneer (USA), Alternativa Energetica 3000 (Spain),
Solarwatt (Germany)
Financed projects: 40
Total cost of the projects: 119.2 M€
- FUI projects: 22.6 M€
- NRA projects: 54.5 M€
Achieved projects: 28
Patents (2011) : 3
Scientifics articles (2011) : 23
67 SMEs
24 centers of excellence: University of Perpignan
Via- Domitia, University of Montpellier II, Cirad,
Promes- CNRS, French National Institute for
Agricultural Research (INRA), Bureau of Geological
and Mining Research, École des Mines in Alès, École
des Mines in Albi, etc.
36 others
(Figures evaluation 2012)
(Figures Dec 2012)
Cluster Strengths
Number of employees at cluster members: 17 930
The Languedoc-Roussillon and Midi-Pyrénées regions: France’s leading regions in terms of
financial support provided to renewable energies through a regional plan that sets out four major
Encouraging good citizenship and responsible behavior
Striving for energy efficiency, by developing renewable energies in public housing
Strengthening the regional renewable energies market and boosting employment, through an
incentive policy. Promoting R&D in hydraulic electricity and biomass for Midi-Pyrénées and solar
energies for Languedoc-Roussillon.
Supporting energy policies across the regions
FUI : Single Interministerial Fund provides support for R&D projects between firms and laboratories from French cluster
NRA : French National Research Agency provides support for academics projects
The Greater Metropolitan area of Perpignan has also aligned its policies with the French
Government’s “Green New Deal” through its “Positive Energy City by 2015” framework agreement. The
aim of this approach is to produce enough fully renewable energy across the Greater Metropolitan area
by 2015 to exceed consumption requirements by using several different sources of energy (solar, wind,
heat recovery).
The world’s largest integrated photovoltaic plant in Perpignan: 70,000 m2 (segment 1) in
photovoltaic roofing on top of the Saint-Charles market (European redistribution center dedicated to
Mediterranean fruits and vegetables) total ing €55 mi l l ion in investments
The European technological innovation platform Thémis Solaire Innovation (partnership including
the Languedoc- Roussillon General Council and region, Promes- CNRS and Derbi cluster), hosts
“industrial pilots” in the field of concentrated photovoltaic and thermodynamic solar technologies
Examples of R&D Projects
Blidar: a buoy for measuring offshore wind
speeds next to wind turbines
This project aims to design and manufacture a
floating system for measuring offshore wind speeds
based on the measurement technology already
used on land. The Blidar buoy, offering maximum
flexibility, can be used, particularly in offshore wind
farm sites and regardless of water depth, to
measure wind speeds up to 200m above sea level.
This new sea-based measurement technology will
be more useful than the current measurement
masts from a technical, financial and environmental
viewpoint. No heavy equipment is required, it is
quick and easy to install, is movable and is less
visible than other measurement technologies.
Existing collaborations
IMEDER, Mediterranean sea
ALMEE (Lebanese association for the Control
of the Energy and the Environment), Lebanon
BORJ CEDRIA – Ecopark, Tunisia
ASBL Cluster Eco-construction de Namur,
de Catalunya)
EUROGIA+, Belgium
Rider: improving the energy efficiency of
The Rider project aims to develop an innovative IT
system that will improve the energy efficiency of a
building or group of buildings. The system will
enable the exchange of energy between the
different buildings by integrating traditional,
renewable and “unavoidable” energies, such as
heat generated by an industrial process.
e-mail for Internationals affairs: [email protected]
web site:
Update: 01/09/2013