Packaging with two-color visual effect for decoration or identification


Packaging with two-color visual effect for decoration or identification
Packaging with two-color visual effect
for decoration or identification
Our reference :
Status des brevets
French patent
n°FR1556942 filed on
July 22, 2015 and
entitled "Procédé de
préparation d'un
matériau bichromatique
sous la forme d'un film
Packaging constitutes an important vehicle for the image of a brand. We propose to
produce thin films having bichromatic properties that can be deposited on any transparent
or translucent substrate (glass, ceramic, polymer .. ) , the two-color effect being not
dependent on the angle of observation.
Thus, when a light source is placed behind the material, it will appear a certain color,
called " transmission color "; and when the light source is located on the same side as the
observer (ie in front said material ) , it appears in a different color so-called "
backscattering color ". These colors are a complementary pair (mixed they cancel the
perception of color, producing a neutral gray). An early example of this type of property
dates from the fourth century. This is the so-called glass Lycurgus cup ( in the British
Museum) . It appears green and rather opaque when illuminated from the outside but if
the light source is placed inside (the light is transmitted ), it appears red and translucent.
To date no one has been able to explain how such an object had been produced. (see fig
in the Word document)
Status Commercial
Collaboration research
and/or licence
Laboratoire de Chimie
Physique (LCP,
UMR8000), Paris,
Failing to answer this question we have developed a process for producing a two-color
material in the form of a transparent film comprising monodisperse nanoparticles
consisting of gold and possibly other precious metals or copper (NP) and an aqueous or
organic solution containing at least an organic macromolecule. Once the solutions
containing the nanoparticles and the organic macromolecule are mixed together a film is
deposited on the substrate (transparent or translucent) by conventional methods (dipping,
spinning…), and dried.
The choice of macromolecules is very wide and varies with the use of the final product
and with the substrate (polysaccharides such as chitosan, chitin, cellulose, cellophane, ...
synthetic polymers such as PMMA, PS, PE, PP, PA ...)
The production of such NP presents no difficulties, various methods (Turkevich-Frens for
example) are known. Depending on the desired colors the nature and diameters of the NP
and as well as the thickness are adjusted.
Keywords :
Particle polymer film
exemple obtenu avec un mélange de PVA (0,6mol/l) avec des NP (0.37nmol/l) d’or
de 85nm de diamètre. Le film obtenu bleu en transmission et orange en
rétrodiffusion, présente une épaisseur de 90µm et une densité de NP 1.2x10E11.
On the figure bellow a polymer film has been wraped on a glass bottle and
depending on the orientaiton of the light source it the color of the bottle varies
Gelatin substrate
- An original bichromatic effect which is stable over time
- No handling of NP as such ; they are formed in solution and the solutions are mixed
together to carry out the deposition .
- Large range of colors and light intensity depending on the nature of NP
- low NP concentration
- Packaging /objects decoration
- Means of identification : due to low film thicknesses the film can be used as “small
touch” on specific areas
For further information, please contact us (Ref 06693-01)
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