HOOF-it® Acrylic Hoof Repair Kit – Instructions for Various


HOOF-it® Acrylic Hoof Repair Kit – Instructions for Various
HOOF-­it® Acrylic Hoof Repair Kit – Instructions for Various Applications Quarter Crack Mixing & Applications Instructions: 1. Clean crack with hoof knife to open the crack. Rasp and sand surrounding hoof surface. 2. Mix HOOF-­‐it® Acrylic (1 part liquid to 2 parts powder) and fill in the crack(s) using spatula and/or your hands (use gloves or wet hands in soapy water). 3. Press HOOF-­‐it® Acrylic material into the crack and let the repaired patch dry for approx. 2-­‐4 min. depending on outside temperature. (Needs longer to set in cooler temperatures) 4. After patch has hardened, you may rasp of excess material for a cleaner finish. (Optional) Apply light protective coat and seal of HOOF-­‐it® Acrylic by mixing a small amount and using a brush to paint over the patch and surrounding hoof area. Missing Hoof Wall Instructions: 1. Rasp and clean hoof surface. 2. Apply HOOF-­‐it® Acrylic mixture (1 part liquid to 2 parts powder) into the missing area(s), cracks or the entire hoof. Use gloves, wet hands or spatula to spread Hoof-­‐it® Acrylic mixture over the entire hoof surface. 3. Mold and sculpt HOOF-­‐it® Acrylic mixture onto hoof until desired coverage is achieved. After 2-­‐4 minutes, depending on outside temperature, nail on shoe. (Needs longer to set in cooler temperatures) 4. Let the HOOF-­‐it® Acrylic material set approx. 10 minutes before returning horse to pasture or stall. Pad Mixing Instructions: 1. Thoroughly clean the sole of hoof, removing all debris and ensuring the hoof is dry. 2. Mix HOOF-­‐it® Acrylic (2 parts powder to 1.5 parts liquid) in the measuring / mixing cup to a honey-­‐like consistency and pour 1⁄2 of the HOOF-­‐it® Acrylic mixture onto the hoof sole. 3. Using the applicator stick and gloves or wet hands, press the HOOF-­‐it® Acrylic resin onto sole, forming a seal where the shoe and sole meet. Now pour the remaining HOOF-­‐it® Acrylic mixture to fill the rest of the sole area. Keep foot up as long as possible to allow the HOOF-­‐it® Acrylic to set up. 4. Set the hoof down on a clean/dry surface and allow the HOOF-­‐it® Acrylic pad to cure for approx. 2 min. The HOOF-­‐it® Acrylic patch or pad can be removed at any time with a hoof pick or by softening the HOOF-­‐it® Acrylic with a small amount of acetone if necessary. Note: When the weather is hotter than 75 degrees F, add more liquid to thin the mixture to prevent premature setting of the acrylic. Note: Use damp, soapy hands or gloves when handling or molding the acrylic during the curing and drying period. Note: MSDS (Material Safety Data Sheets) are available upon request and by calling (800) 598-­‐7241 or (800) 222-­‐5264 or (888) 665-­‐9099