ANNEXE 6a Productions scientifiques
ANNEXE 6a Productions scientifiques
Section des unités de recherche Section des unités de recherche Dossier d'évaluation d'une unité de recherche Vague E : campagne d’évaluation 2013-2014 Nom de l’unité : Laboratoire Aimé Cotton Acronyme : LAC Nom du directeur pour le contrat en cours : Jean-François ROCH Nom du directeur pour le contrat à venir : Jean-François ROCH Type de demande : Renouvellement à l’identique x Restructuration □ Choix de l’évaluation interdisciplinaire de l’unité de recherche : Oui □ Non X ANNEXE 6a Productions scientifiques Vague E : campagne d’évaluation 2013 – 2014 janvier 2013 Création ex nihilo □ Section des unités de recherche Vague E : campagne d’évaluation 2013 – 2014 janvier 2013 1 Annexe 6a : Productions scientifiques (2008‐2013) POLE 1 - ATOMES, LUMIERE & APPLICATIONS (AL&A) …………………………………………………………………………………………….……………………………………………………… p.2 GROUPE 1 – SUPEREX………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… GROUPE 2 – IONNEG…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. GROUPE 9 – PAMS………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. p.2 p.11 p.16 POLE 2 - MATIERE FROIDE : INTERACTIONS, CORRELATIONS ET COMPLEXITE (MAFICC) …………………………………………………………………………………………….………………………………………………… p.28 GROUPE GROUPE GROUPE GROUPE 4 - ETICC…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… p.28 5 - MFC………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. p.32 6 – THEOMOL…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… p.44 10 - TWIST…………………………………………………………………………………………………………….……… p.59 POLE 3 - PHOTONIQUE, MATERIAUX ET INTERFACES (PMI) …………………………………………………………………………………………….……………………………………………..…… p.64 GROUPE GROUPE GROUPE GROUPE GROUPE GROUPE GROUPE p.64 p.74 p.79 p.81 p.85 p.92 p.101 3 - GLOP……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 7 - BIOMED……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 8 – NANO3………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 11- AGNANO……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 12 – BIOPHOT…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 13 – NANODIAM……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 14 6 NANOPHOT……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Section des unités de recherche Vague E : campagne d’évaluation 2013 – 2014 janvier 2013 2 POLE 1 - ATOMES, LUMIERE & APPLICATIONS (AL&A) G01 - SUPEREX (En « bleu », les publications communes à plusieurs groupes ; En « gras bleu », les publications communes à plusieurs pôles) ARTICLES DANS DES REVUES INTERNATIONALES OU NATIONALES AVEC COMITE DE LECTURE (ACL) 2013 Calisti A., Ferri S., Mossé C., Talin B., Klisnick A., Meng L., Benredjem D. & Guilbaud O. (2013) Line profiles of Ni-like collisional XUV laser amplifiers : Particle correlation effects. High Energy Density Physics, 9, 516. Mondet G., Gilleron F., Pain J. C., Calisti A. & Benredjem D. (2013) Opacity calculations in ICF plasmas. High Energy Density Physics, 9, 553-559. Chakrabarti K., Backodissa-Kiminou D. R., Pop N., Mezei J. Z., Motapon O., Lique F., Dulieu O., Wolf A. & Schneider I. F. (2013) Dissociative recombination of electrons with diatomic molecular cations above dissociation threshold: Application to H2+ and HD+. Physical Review A, 87 (2), n°022702. 2012 Dickenson G. D., Salumbides E. J., Niu M., Jungen Ch., Ross S. C. & Ubachs W. (2012) Precision spectroscopy of high rotational states in H-2 investigated by Doppler-free two-photon laser spectroscopy in the EF (1)Sigma(+)(g)-X (1)Sigma(+)(g) system. Physical Review A, 86 (3), n°032502. Dora A., Bryjko L., van Mourik T. & Tennyson J. (2012) R-matrix study of elastic and inelastic electron collisions with cytosine and thymine. Journal of Physics B-Atomic Molecular and Optical Physics, 45 (17), n°175203. Glass-Maujean M., Schmoranzer H., Jungen C., Haar I., Knie A., Reiss P. & Ehresmann A. (2012) Ab initio nonadiabatic study of the 3p pi D (1)Pi(+)(u) state of H-2 and D-2. Physical Review A, 86 (5), n°052507. Jungen Ch., Jungen M. & Pratt S. T. (2012) The Jahn-Teller effect in the 3pe ' Rydberg state of H3: review of experimental and ab initio determinations. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society aMathematical Physical and Engineering Sciences, 370 (1978), 5074-5087. Malegat L., Bachau H., Piraux B. & Reynal F. (2012) A novel estimate of the two-photon double-ionization cross section of helium. Journal of Physics B-Atomic Molecular and Optical Physics, 45 (17), n°175601. Mezei J. Z., Schneider I. F., Roueff E. & Jungen C. (2012) Resonances in photoionization: Cross sections for vibrationally excited H-2. Physical Review A, 85 (4), n°043411. Pain J. C., Gilleron F., Bauche J. & Bauche-Arnoult C. (2012) Statistics of electric-quadrupole lines in atomic spectra. Journal of Physics B-Atomic Molecular and Optical Physics, 45 (13), n°135006. Pratt S. T. & Jungen Ch. (2012) The isotope dependence of dissociative recombination via the indirect mechanism. Journal of Chemical Physics, 137 (17), n°174306. Schneider I. F., Pop N. & Jungen Ch. (2012) Analytic three-channel model for resonance-averaged direct and indirect dissociative recombination processes of molecular ions. Physical Review A, 86 (6), n°062706. 2011 Argoubi F., Bezzaouia S., Oueslati H., Telmini M. & Jungen Ch. (2011) Highly excited Sigma(-) states of molecular hydrogen. Physical Review A, 83 (5), n°052504. 3 Benredjem D., Calisti A., Mondet G., Pain J. C. & Gilleron F. (2011) Radiative power losses and opacity calculations in fusion plasmas. Canadian Journal of Physics, 89 (5), 609-614. Glass-Maujean M., Jungen Ch., Roudjane M. & Tchang-Brillet W. U. L. (2011) Theory of vibronic interactions in D2 and H2: A comparison between multichannel-quantum-defect and coupled-equation approaches. Journal of Chemical Physics, 134 (20), n°204305. Glass-Maujean M., Jungen Ch., Schmoranzer H., Haar I., Knie A., Reiss P. & Ehresmann A. (2011) The transition probabilities from the ground state to the excited J=0 (1)Sigma(+)(u) levels of H(2): Measurements and ab initio quantum defect study. Journal of Chemical Physics, 135 (14), n° 144302. Hansen S. B., Bauche J. & Bauche-Arnoult C. (2011) Superconfiguration widths and their effects on atomic models. High Energy Density Physics, 7 (1), 27-37. Jungen Ch. ( 2011) Elements of quantum defect theory. Handbook of High-resolution spectroscopy, Martin Quack (editor) and Frederic Merkt (editor), Wiley & Sons, p. 471-510. Kay J. J., Coy S. L., Wong B. M., Jungen Ch. & Field R. W. (2011) A quantum defect model for the s, p, d, and f Rydberg series of CaF. Journal of Chemical Physics, 134 (11), n°114313. Kirrander A. & Jungen Ch. (2011) Molecular ion-pair states in ungerade H(2). Physical Review A, 84 (5), n° 052512. Kirrander A. & Shalashilin D. V. (2011) Quantum dynamics with fermion coupled coherent states: Theory and application to electron dynamics in laser fields. Physical Review A, 84 (3), n° 033406. Sprecher D., Jungen Ch., Ubachs W. & Merkt F. (2011) Towards measuring the ionisation and dissociation energies of molecular hydrogen with sub-MHz accuracy. Faraday Discussions, 150, 51-70. Wyart J. F. (2011) On the interpretation of complex atomic spectra by means of the parametric RacahSlater method and Cowan codes. Canadian Journal of Physics, 89 (4), 451-456. 2010 Bastiani-Ceccotti S., Renaudin P., Dorchies F., Harmand M., Peyrusse O., Audebert P., Jacquemot S., Calisti A. & Benredjem D. (2010) Temporal and spectral behavior of sub-picosecond laser-created X-ray sources from low- to moderate-Z elements. High Energy Density Physics, 6 (1), 99-104. Glass-Maujean M., Jungen C., Reichardt G., Balzer A., Schmoranzer H., Ehresmann A., Haar I. & Reiss P. (2010) Competing decay-channel fluorescence, dissociation, and ionization in superexcited levels of H-2. Physical Review A, 82 (6), n° 062511. Glass-Maujean M., Jungen Ch., Schmoranzer H., Knie A., Haar I., Hentges R., Kielich W., Jankala K. & Ehresmann A. (2010) H-2 Superexcited States: Experimental and Theoretical Characterization of their Competing Decay-Channel Fluorescence, Dissociation, and Ionization. Physical Review Letters, 104 (18). Guilbaud O., Ros D., Kazamias S., Cassou K., Klisnick A., Benredjem D., Jamelot G., Goddet J.-Ph., Sebban S., Gauthier J., Zeitoun Ph., Hauri C. P., C. Valentin D., Joyeux S. de Rossi, Phalippou D., Maynard G., Cros B. & Boodaa A. (2010) Spectral profile of a seeded OFI soft x-ray laser. Optics Letters, 35 (9), 1326. Jungen Ch. & Pratt S. T. (2010) Low-energy dissociative recombination in small polyatomic molecules. Journal of Chemical Physics, 133 (21), n° 214303. Kirrander A. (2010) Communication: Heavy Rydberg states: The H+H- system. Journal of Chemical Physics, 133 (12), n°121103. 4 Kirrander A., Fielding H. H. & Jungen Ch. (2010) Optical phase and the ionization-dissociation dynamics of excited H-2. Journal of Chemical Physics, 132 (2), n° 024313. Kirrander A., Jungen Ch. & Fielding H. H. (2010) Control of ionization and dissociation by optical pulse trains. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 12 (31), 8949-8953. Lawler J. E., Wyart J. F. & Den Hartog E. A. (2010) Atomic transition probabilities of Er I. Journal of Physics B-Atomic Molecular and Optical Physics, 43 (23), n°235001. Liu J. J., Sprecher D., Jungen Ch., Ubachs W. & Merkt F. (2010) Determination of the ionization and dissociation energies of the deuterium molecule (D-2). Journal of Chemical Physics, 132 (15), n° 154301. Malegat L., Bachau H., Hamido A. & Piraux B. (2010) Analyzing a two-electron wavepacket by semiclassically propagating its Fourier components in space. Journal of Physics B-Atomic Molecular and Optical Physics, 43 ( 24), n°245601. Pain J. C., Gilleron F., Bauche J. & Bauche-Arnoult C. (2010) Effect of third- and fourth- order moments on the modeling of unresolved transition arrays (vol 5, p. 294, 2009). High Energy Density Physics, 6 (3), 356356. Sprecher D., Liu J. J., Jungen Ch., Ubachs W. & Merkt F. (2010) Communication: The ionization and dissociation energies of HD. Journal of Chemical Physics, 133 (11), n°3483462. Vallotton T., Peyrusse O. & Benredjem D. (2010) Density-induced continuum resonances and quasi-bound states in the collisional-radiative equilibrium of dense plasmas. Journal of Physics B-Atomic Molecular and Optical Physics, 43 (15), n°155207. Wyart J.-F. (2010) Interpretation of the odd parity energy levels in the spectrum of neutral tungsten. Journal of Physics B-Atomic Molecular and Optical Physics, 43 (7), n°074018. Wyart J.-F. (2010) Theoretical interpretation of the Nd II spectrum: Odd parity energy levels. Physica Scripta, 82 ( 3), n°035302 [21pp]. 2009 Bauche J., Bauche-Arnoult C. & Peyrusse O. (2009) Role of dielectronic recombination and autoionizing states in the dynamic equilibrium of non-LTE plasmas. High Energy Density Physics, 5, 51-60. Bauche-Arnoult C., Bauche J. & Peyrusse O. (2009) Determination of the charge state distribution from effective ion temperatures in non-LTE plasmas. High Energy Density Physics, 5, 152-156. Benredjem D., Calisti A. & Mosse C. (2009) Opacity and radiative power losses calculations. High Energy Density Physics, 5 (3), 187-190. Glass-Maujean M. & Jungen Ch. (2009) Nonadiabatic ab initio multichannel quantum defect theory applied to absolute experimental absorption intensities in H-2. Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 113 (47), 1312413132. Guérout R., Jungen Ch., Oueslati H., Ross S. C. & Telmini M. (2009) Alternative choices of Coulomb channel functions. Physical Review A, 79 (4), 042717. Gurell J., Wahlgren G. M., Nave G. & Wyart J.-F. (2009) Wavelengths, energy levels and hyperfine structure constants in Ho II. Physica Scripta, 79 (3), n°035306. 5 Jungen Ch. & Pratt S. T. (2009) Jahn-Teller Interactions in the Dissociative Recombination of H-3(+). Physical Review Letters, 102 (2), n°023201. Pain J.Ch., Gilleron F., Bauche J. & Bauche-Arnoult C. (2009) Effect of third and fourth-order moments on the modeling of unresolved transition arrays. High Energy Density Physics, 5 (4), 294-301. Reader J. & Wyart J.-F. (2009) Observation of inner-shell-excited configurations in triply ionized cerium Ce3+. Physical Review A, 80 (4), n° 042517. Wyart J.-F. & Lawler J. E. (2009) Theoretical interpretation and new energy levels in Er II. Physica Scripta, 79 (4), n° 045301. 2008 Bauche J. & Bauche-Arnoult C. (2008) Propriétés spectrales des ions. Chocs, revue du CEA, 36, 4-12. Cruse H.A., Jungen Ch. & Merkt F. (2008) Hyperfine structure of the ground state of para-D-2(+) by highresolution Rydberg-state spectroscopy and multichannel quantum defect theory. Physical Review A, 77 (4), n°042502. Foumouo E., Antoine P., Piraux B., Malegat L., Bachau H. & Shakeshaft R. (2008) Evidence for highly correlated electron dynamics in two-photon double ionization of helium. Journal of Physics B-Atomic Molecular and Optical Physics, 41 (5), n°051001. Gilleron F., Pain J. C., Bauche J. & Bauche-Arnoult C. (2008) Impact of high-order moments on the statistical modeling of transition arrays. Physical Review E, 77 (2), n°026708. Jungen Ch. & Pratt S. T. (2008) Renner-Teller interactions in the vibrational autoionization of polyatomic molecules. Journal of Chemical Physics, 129 (16), n°164310. Jungen Ch. & Pratt S. T. (2008) Renner-Teller interactions in the dissociative recombination of HCO+. Journal of Chemical Physics, 129 (16), n°164311. Kirrander A., Jungen Ch. & Fielding H. H. (2008) Localization of electronic wave packets in H2. Journal of Physics B-Atomic Molecular and Optical Physics, 41 (7), n°074022. Meftah A., Wyart J.-F., Sinzelle J., Tchang-Brillet W. U. L., Champion N., Spector N. & Sugar J. (2008) Spectrum and energy levels of the Nd4+ free ion (Nd V). Physica Scripta, 77 (5), n°055302. Wyart J.-F., Meftah A., Sinzelle J., Tchang-Brillet W. U. L., Spector N. & Judd B. R. (2008) Theoretical study of ground-state configurations 4f(N) in NdIV, PrIV and NdV. Journal of Physics B-Atomic Molecular and Optical Physics, 41 (8), n°085001. Wyart J.-F., Tchang-Brillet W. U. L., Churilov S. S. & Ryabtsev A. N. (2008) Extended analysis of the Eu III spectrum. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 483 (1), 339-359. COMMUNICATIONS AVEC ACTES DANS UN CONGRES INTERNATIONAL OU NATIONAL (ACT) 2013 Benredjem D., Calisti A., Gilleron F., Mondet G. & Pain J. C. (2013) Radiative properties in ICF plasmas. "High Power Lasers for Fusion Research" SPIE Proceedings 2011, 7916, n°791602. Benredjem D., Mondet G., Calisti A., Gilleron F. & Pain J.-C. (2013) Opacity of germanium and silicon in ICF plasmas. SPIE Proceedings High Power Lasers for Fusion Research II 8602, n°860205 6 2012 Motapon O., Backodissa D., Tamo F. O. W., Tudorache D., Chakrabarti K., Mezei J. Z., Lique F., Bultel A., Tchang-Brillet L., Dulieu O., Tennyson J., Wolf A., Urbain X. & Schneider I. F. (2012) Electron-molecular cation reactive collisions: from channel mixing to competitive processes. 8th International Conference on Dissociative Recombination: Theory, Experiments and Applications, 300, n°012018, Lake Tahoe, CA, USA. 16-20 août. 2011 Benredjem D., Calisti A., Mondet G., Pain J.-C. & Gilleron F. (2011) Radiative properties in ICF plasmas. SPIE Proceedings 2011, 7916, n° 791602, Proceedings of SPIE. Bezzaouia S., Argoubi F., Telmini M. & Jungen C. (2011) The sigma(v) reflection symmetry in variational Rmatrix theory: Application to Rydberg and doubly-excited states of (1)Sigma(+)(g) and (1)Sigma(-)(g) symmetries in diatomic hydrogen. 8th International Conference on Dissociative Recombination: Theory, Experiments and Applications. Book series "Journal of Physics Conference Series", 300, n°012013, Lake Tahoe, CA, USA. 16-20 août 2010. Klisnick A., Meng L., Alessi D., Guilbaud O., Wang Y., Berrill M., Luther B., Calisti A., Benredjem D., Ferri S., Mossé C., de Rossi S., Joyeux D. & Rocca J.J. (2011) Spectral width of seeded and ASE XUV lasers: experiment and numerical simulations. SPIE Proceedings : X-Ray Lasers and Coherent X-Ray Sources: Development and Applications IX, 8140, n°814006, San Diego, California, USA. 21 août. Pratt S. T. & Jungen C. (2011) Dissociative Recombination of Small Polyatomic Molecules. 8th International Conference on Dissociative Recombination: Theory, Experiments and Applications. Book series "Journal of Physics Conference Series", 300, n°012019, Lake Tahoe, CA, USA. 16-20 août 2010. Chakrabarti K., Backodissa D., Pop N., Mezei J. Z., Lique F., Motapon O., Dulieu O., Wolf A. & Schneider I. F. (2011) High Energy Reactive Collisions of Electrons with Hydrogen Diatomic Molecular Cation Isotopomers. AIP Conference Proceedings. Physics Conference, 1387. Motapon O., Backodissa D., Tamo F. O. W., Tudorache D., Chakrabarti K., Mezei J. Z., Lique F., Bultel A., Tchang-Brillet L., Dulieu O., Tennyson J., Wolf A., Urbain X. & Schneider I. F. (2011) Electron-molecular cation reactive collisions: from channel mixing to competitive processes. Journal of Physics Conference Series, 300, n° 012018. 2010 Benredjem D. , Calisti A. , Pain J.-C. & Gilleron F. (2010) Radiation power losses and opacity of mid-Z impurities. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 244 (4), n° 042001. 2009 Guilbaud O., Goddet J. P., Sebban S., Joyeux D., Ros D., Gautier J., Cassou K., Kazamias S., Klisnick A., Habib J., Zeitoun P., Benredjem D., de Rossi S., Maynard G., Cros B., Boudaa A., Phalippou D. & Calisti A. (2009) Temporal coherence and spectral linewidth of a seeded soft X-ray laser pulse. 11th International Conference on X-Ray Lasers (Springer Proceedings in Physics), 130,, 193-198 Belfast, Irlande du Nord. 1722 août. Ralchenko Yu., Bauche J., Bauche-Arnoult C. & et al (2009) Multi-Code Ab Initio Calculation of Ionization Distributions and Radiation Losses for Tungsten in Tokamak Plasmas. Atomic Processes in Plasma : Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Atomic Processes in Plasmas, 116, 242-250, AIP Conference Proceedings. 2008 Goddet J. P., Sebban S., Guilbaud O., Maynard G., Cros B., Gautier J., Zeitoun P., Valentin C., Tissandier F., Marchenko T., Lambert G., Benredjem D., Boudaa A., Klisnick A., Ros D., Kazamias S., Cassou K., Habib J., Jamelot G., Lagron J. C., Joyeux D., De Rossi S., Phalippou D., Delmotte F., Ravet M. F., Calisti A., Mocek T., Kozlova M. & Jakubczak K. (2008) Spatio-temporal characterization of an injected XUV laser. 9th 7 Conference of Coherent and Incoherent Sources Uv, Vuv and X (UVX 2008). Applications and Recent Developments, 51-56, Dourdan, France. 7-10 octobre. CONFERENCES INVITEES (INV) 2013 Mezei J. Z. & Schneider I. F. (2013) Electronic and photonic reactive collisions: Applications to H2, BeH and H3 systems. 3rd Research Coordination Meeting of the CRP on Light Element Atom, Molecule and Radical Behaviour in the Divertor and Edge Plasma Regions. IAEA Headquarters, Vienne, Autriche. 20-22 mars. 2011 Malegat L. (2011) R-propagator for 2e-stationary wavefunctions in the double continuum: determination of the TPDI cross section of He" COST+CCP2 Workshop for methods and codes for atoms and molecules in strong fields, Dublin, Irlande. 27-30 avril. Mezei J. Z., Schneider I. F., Roueff E. & Jungen C. (2011) From spectroscopy to collisions: Vibrationally excited H2 molecule. Physics Department, Molecular Physics Division, Stockholm University, Stockholm, Suède. 14 décembre. 2010 Benredjem D., Calisti A., Mondet G., Pain J.-C. & Gilleron F. (2010) Radiative power losses in fusion plasmas 10th International Colloquium on Atomic Spectra and Oscillator Strengths (ASOS) for Astrophysical and Laboratory Plasmas, Berkeley, Ca, USA. 3-7 août. Benredjem D., Calisti A., Mondet G., Pain J.-C. & Gilleron F. (2010) Radiative properties in ICF plasmas. SPIE Photonics West, San Franciso, Ca, USA. 22-27 janvier. Klisnick A., Guilbaud O., Goddet J.P., Habib J., Tissandier F., Meng L.M., Domingue S., Urbanski L., Gautier J., Zielbauer B., Rossi S. de, Wang Y., Alessi D., Luther B., Kazamias S., Ros D., Phalippou D., Maynard G., Benredjem D., Calisti A., Sebban S., Rocca J.J., Marconi M., Joyeux D. & Zeitoun P. (2010) Temporal coherence and spectral width of seeded and ASE XUV lasers. 12th International Conference on X-ray lasers, Gwangju, Corée. 31 mai-4 juin Klisnick O., Guilbaud J.P. , Goddet F., Tissandier L.M. , Meng L. , Urbanski J., Gautier J., de Rossi S., Wang Y., Alessi D., Martz D., Luther B., Maynard G., Benredjem D., Calisti A., Sebban S., Rocca J.J., Marconi M. & Joyeux D. (2010) Caractérisation spectrale des lasers XUV. 10ème Colloque sur les Sources Cohérentes et Incohérentes UV, VUV et X. Applications et développements récents (UVX2010), Ile de Porquerolles, France. 20-24 septembre. Malegat L. (2010) Unusual techniques for disentangling the physical contents of a wavepacket. Workshop of the 1st working group of the COST Action CM0702, Han sur Lesse, Belgique. 12-16 avril. Mezei J. Z. et al. (2010) Reactive collisions between anions and cations: Theory, experiment and applications. Laboratoire Ondes & Milieux Complexes-CNRS-FRE-3102, Université du Havre, France. 29 avril. Wyart J.-F. (2010) Interpretation of complex atomic spectra with the parametric method and Cowan codes. ASOS 10 - Atomic Spectra and Oscillator Strengths, Berkeley, Ca, USA. 4-7 août. 2009 Jungen Ch. (2009) The Rydberg equation and its ramifications : a story that began before quantum mechanics and which is still continuing. Stabia 09, Castellammave di Stabia, Italie Janvier. Jungen Ch. (2009) 25 years of ZEKE spectroscopy, Washington, USA. 16-20 août. 8 Jungen Ch. (2009) Workshop "European Space Agency Network - Session B : Hydrogen systems", Le Havre, France. 12 juin. Malegat L. (2009) Why not combine a time-dependent approach with the HRM-SOW stationnary approach ? Workshop on Numerical methods for time-dependent quantum mechanics : applications for lasertoms/molecules interactions, Geilo, Norvège. 4-6 février. Malegat L. (2009) Combining the time-propagation of a wave packet with the hyper-radial propagation of its Fourier components. International Workshop on Atomic Physics, Dresde, Allemagne. 23-27 novembre. Ralchenko Yu, Bauche J., Bauche-Arnoult C. & et al. (2009) Ab initio Multi-mode calculation of ionization balance and radiative losses for tungsten under MCF conditions. 16th International Conference on Atomic Processes in Plasmas, Monterrey, CA, USA. 22-26 mars. 2008 Jungen Ch. (2008) Multichannel quantum defect theory: what is different in molecules as compared to atoms. The legacy of Michael Seaton, University College, London, Angleterre, UK. Avril. Jungen Ch. (2008) A lifetime of Rydberg states : keynote address - Rydberg states : beyond the energy level formula to non-adiabatic dynamics in molecules. 2008 Photoions, Photoionization & Photodetachment Gordon Research Conference, Il Ciocco, Barga, Italie Janvier. COMMUNICATIONS (sans actes) (COM) 2011 Annaloro J., Bultel A., Omaly P. & Benredjem D. (2011) Preliminary results of the collisional radiative model CoRaMMars: focus on C, N, O and Ar ionization/recombination and CO2 dissociation/recombination. 7th European Symposium on Aerothermodynamics for Space Vehicles, Site Oud Sint-Jan, Bruges, Belgique. 9-12 mai. Bultel A., Annaloro J., Schneider I. F. & Benredjem D. (2011) Relaxation of excited states in air calculated with CoRaM-Air, the CORIAS's collisional-radiative model for air. Conference AIAA (American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics), Honolulu, Hawaii. 27-30 juin. Bultel A., Annaloro J., Schneider I. F. & Benredjem D. (2011) Influence of the vibrational dissociation model on the relaxation of the excited states calculated with the CORIA's collisional radiativemodel CoRaM-Air. 7th European Symposium on Aerothermodynamics for Space Vehicles, Site Oud Sint-Jan, Bruges, Belgique. 9-12 mai. 2010 Bultel A., Annaloro J., Schneider I. F. & Benredjem D. (2010) Air collisional-radiative model developed at CORIA. Workshop, Agence Spatiale Européenne. Octobre. Bultel A., Chéron B. G., Schneider I. F., Benredjem D., Monier-Garbet P. & Kononov E. Ya. (2010) Atomic carbon collisional-radiative model for tokamak plasma edge diagnostic. 20th ESCAMPIG - European Conference on the Atomic and Molecular Physics of Ionized Gases Novi Sad, Serbie. 13-17 juillet Bultel A., Schneider I. F., Benredjem D. & Monier-Garbet P. (2010) Collisional-radiative modelling of the transient excitation of a carbon atom beam crossing a tokamak plasma edge. International Conference on Plasma Physics, Santiago, Chili. Août. Tchang-Brillet W-Ű.L., Wyart J.-F., Champion N., Blaess C., Ryabtsev A.N., Kildiyarova R.R. & Kononov E.Ya. (2010) Spectra of moderately charged ions of heavy elements around tungsten. Première réunion du 9 Coordinated Research Program (CRP) Tungsten, Agence Internationale de l'Energie Atomique (AIEA), Vienne, Autriche Cabaret L., Bretenaker F., Comparat D., Drag C., Jucha A., Jungen Ch., Pillet P., Robert N., Vanhaecke N., Biraben F., Cladé P. , Guellati-Khelifa S., Julien K. & Nez F. (2010) The LymanAlpha Project : A quasi-continuous-wave laser at 121.6 nm for cooled hydrogen metrology and spectroscopy applications. Workshop "New experimental and theoretical developments in molecular spectroscopy atmospheric and astrophysical applications", SOLEIL, Saint-Aubin, Gif-sur-Yvette, France. 22-23 novembre. (G01-G02-G03-G05) - 2009 Benredjem D. (2009) Radiation power losses and opacity of mid-Z impurities. 6th International Conference on Inzertial fusion sciences and applications "IFSA", San Francisco, CA, USA. 5-13 septembre. Wyart J.-F. (2009) Atomic data for plasma modelling at Laboratoire Aimé Cotton. 14ème Workshop on Atomic Data and Analysis Structure (ADAS), Ringberg Castle, Allemagne. 4-7 octobre. AFFICHES (AFF) 2012 Malegat L. (2012) Analyzing a wavepacket by propagating its Fourier transform to the asymptotic region. 4th annual meeting of the COST Action CUSPFE, Cluj, Roumanie. 21-23 mars. Pop N., Waffeu Tamo F. O. , Motapon O., Wolf A., Roueff E., Jungen Ch. & Schneider I. F. (2012) Resonant effects in photoionization and dissociative recombination of hydrogen species of astrochemical interest. Colloque Général - Physique et Chimie des Milieux Interstellaire et Circumstellaire, Paris, France. 19-21 novembre. 2011 Mezei J. Z., Schneider I. F., Roueff E. & Jungen C. (2011) Rydberg resonances in reactive collisions of molecules with photons and electrons: From spectroscopy to collisions... and backwards. Photoions, Photoion- ization and Photodetachment. Gordon Research Conferences, Galveston, Texas, USA. 12-17 février. 2010 Backodissa D., Waffeu-Tamo F. O., Chakrabarty K., Mezei J. Zs., Lique F., Motapon O., Urbain X., Larson A., Orel A. E. & Schneider I. F. (2010) Collisions réactives des électrons avec des cations moléculaires. Colloque commun de la division de Physique Atomique et Moléculaire et Optique de la Société Française de Physique et des Journées de Spectroscopie Moléculaire (PAMO2010), Université Paris-Sud 11, Orsay, France. 9 juin- 2 juillet. Mezei J. Z., Schneider I. F., Roueff E. & Jungen C. (2010) Photoionization Cross Sections for the Vibrationally Excited H2 Molecule. Workshop on the "New experimental and Theoretical developments in molecular spectroscopy: Atmospheric and Astrophysical applications", Saclay, France. 22-23 novembre. Tchang-Brillet W-Ű.L., Wyart J.-F., Ryabtsev A.N., Kildiyarova R.R. & Kononov E.Ya (2010) Spectra of moderately charged tungsten ions and isoelectronic ions of Hf, Ta nd Re. ICAMDATA10 (International Conference on Atomic and Molecular Data and Applications), Vilnius, Lituanie. 21-24 septembre. Wyart J.-F., Tchang-Brillet W-Ű.L., Ryabtsev A.N., Kildiyarova R.R., Tyabchikova T., Ilyin I., Fossatti L. & Kochukov O. (2010) Analysis of Pr III and Nd II spectra with applications to the study of chemically peculiar stars. ICAMDATA10 (International Conference on Atomic and Molecular Data and Applications), Vilnius, Lituanie. 21-24 septembre. 2009 10 Benredjem D., Calisti A. & Mossé-Sabonnadière C. (2009) Opacity and Radiative Power Losses. 16th International Conference on Atomic Processes in Plasmas, Monterrey, CA, USA. 22-26 mars. Reader J. & Wyart J.-F. (2009) Spectrum and energy levels of Ce3+. 16th International Conference on Atomic Processes in Plasmas, Monterrey,CA, USA. 22-26 mars. Wyart J.-F., Champion N. & Tchang-Brillet W.-U L. (2009) Recent advances in the interpretation of weakly charged lanthanide ions spectra: Eu, Er, Tm, 1. 6th International Conference on Atomic Processes in Plasmas, Monterrey, CA, USA. 22-26 mars. Wyart J.-F. & Tchang-Brillet W.-U L. (2009) Interprétation théorique de spectres atomiques complexes. Congrès général SFP, Palaiseau, France. 6-10 juillet. Autres Publications (AP_SEM) : SEMINAIRES, COURS.. 2010 Wyart J.-F. & Tchang-Brillet W.-U L. (2010) Interprétation de spectres atomiques complexes. En conclusion, .... Séminaire du laboratoire Aimé Cotton, Orsay, France. 9 septembre. 2009 Wyart J.-F. (2009) Parametric interpretation of energy levels in complex spectra. N.I.S.T., Gaithersburg, MD, U.S.A. 16 avril. OUVRAGES SCIENTIFIQUES (OS) (ou Section d’ouvrage)- 2013-2008 2011 Mezei J. Z., Schneider I. F., Roueff E. & Jungen C. (2011) Resonances in photoionization: Cross sections for vibrationally excited H-2 In "Atomki Annual Report". (Institute of Nuclear Research of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences), p. 54, Section 4 : Atomic and Molecular PhysicsDebrecen, Hungary. Jungen Ch. ( 2011) Elements of quantum defect theory. Handbook of High-resolution spectroscopy, Martin Quack (editor) and Frederic Merkt (editor), Wiley & Sons, p. 471-510. 11 GROUPE 2 – IONNEG (En « bleu », les publications communes à plusieurs groupes ; En « gras bleu », les publications communes à plusieurs pôles) ARTICLES DANS DES REVUES INTERNATIONALES OU NATIONALES AVEC COMITE DE LECTURE (ACL) 2013 Vandevraye M., Drag C. & Blondel C. (2013) Electron affinity of tin measured by photodetachment microscopy. Journal of Physics B-Atomic Molecular and Optical Physics, 46, n°125002. 2012 Pabœuf D., Mhibik O., Bretenaker F. & Drag C. (2012) Optimization of the resonant wave output coupling of a singly resonant optical parametric oscillator using an intracavity plate. Applied Physics B-Lasers and Optics, 108 (2), 289-293. Vandevraye M., Drag C. & Blondel C. (2012) Electron affinity of selenium measured by photodetachment microscopy. Physical Review A, 85, n° 015401. 2011 Lignier H., Fioretti A., Horchani R., Drag C., Bouloufa N., Allegrini M., Dulieu O., Pruvost L., Pillet P. & Comparat D. (2011) Deeply bound cold caesium molecules formed after 0(g)(-) resonant coupling. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 13 (42), 18910-18920. Mhibik O., Pabœuf D., Drag C. & Bretenaker F. (2011) Sub-kHz-level relative stabilization of an intracavity doubled continuous wave optical parametric oscillator using Pound-Drever-Hall scheme. Optics Express, 19 (19), 18049-18057. Peláez R. J., Blondel C., Vandevraye M., Drag C. & Delsart C. (2011) Photodetachment microscopy to an excited spectral term and the electron affinity of phosphorus. Journal of Physics B-Atomic Molecular and Optical Physics, 44 (19), n° 195009. 2010 Cabaret L. & Drag C. (2010) Highly scannable injection seeded nanosecond Ti:sapphire ring laser. European Physical Journal-Applied Physics, 51 (2). Carette T., Drag C., Scharf O., Blondel C., Delsart C., Fischer C. F. & Godefroid M. (2010) Isotope shift in the sulfur electron affinity: Observation and theory. Physical Review A, 81 (4), n° 042522. Chaibi W., Peláez R. J., Blondel C., Drag C. & Delsart C. (2010) Effect of a magnetic field in photodetachment microscopy. European Physical Journal D, 58 (1), 29-37. Mhibik O., My T. H., Pabœuf D., Bretenaker F. & Drag C. (2010) Frequency stabilization at the kilohertz level of a continuous intracavity frequency-doubled singly resonant optical parametric oscillator. Optics Letters, 35 (14), 2364-2366. 2009 Blondel C., Delsart C., Drag C. & Peláez R. (2009) Pulsed photodetachment microscopy and the electron affinity of Iodine. Journal of Physics B-Atomic Molecular and Optical Physics, 42, n°125001. My T. H., Robin O., Mhibik O., Drag C. & Bretenaker F. (2009) Stimulated Raman scattering in an optical parametric oscillator based on periodically poled MgO-doped stoichiometric LiTaO3. Optics Express, 17 (7), 5912-5918. 2008 12 Chaibi W., Blondel C., Delsart C. & Drag C. (2008) Do fringes and trajectories shift equally in matter-wave interferometers? The example of photodetachment microscopy in a magnetic field. Europhysics Letters, 82 (2), n°20005. My T. H., Drag C. & Bretenaker F. (2008) Single-frequency and tunable operation of a continuous intracavity-frequency-doubled singly resonant optical parametric oscillator. Optics Letters, 33 (13), 1455-1457. COMMUNICATIONS AVEC ACTES DANS UN CONGRES INTERNATIONAL OU NATIONAL (ACT) 2011 Simonin A., Christin L., de Esch H., Garibaldi P., Grand C., Villecroze F., Blondel C., Delsart C., Drag C., Vandevraye M., Brillet A. & Chaibi W. (2011) SIPHORE: Conceptual Study of a High Efficiency Neutral Beam Injector Based on Photo-detachment for Future Fusion Reactors. Second International Symposium on Negative Ions, Beams and Sources. AIP Conference Proceedings, 1390, 494. 2009 Peláez R. J., Blondel C., Delsart C. & Drag C. (2009) Photodetachment microscopy with a pulsed laser Journal of Physics: Conference Series 194 (2), n° 022084. Chaibi W., Blondel C., Cabaret L., Delsart C., Drag C. & Simonin A. (2009) Photo-neutralization of Negative Ion Beam for Future Fusion Reactor. 1st International Symposium on Negative Ions, Beams and Sources. AIP Conference Proceedings, 1097, 385-394, Aix en Provence, France. 09-12 septembre. CONFERENCES INVITEES (INV) 2012 Blondel C., Delsart C., Drag C., R.J. R. Peláez & Vandevraye M. (2012) Photodetachment microscopy and ponderomotive effects Gordon research conference Photoions, photoionization & photodetachment, Galveston, Texas, USA. 12 au 17 février. Blondel C. (2012) H- photodetachment at threshold. Colloque GBAR, Université Pierre-et-Marie-Curie, Paris. 28 juin. 2008 Blondel C., Chaibi W., Delsart C. & Drag C. (2008) Photodetachment microscopy in a magnetic field (conférence plénière). EGAS40 - 40th annual Conference of the European Group for Atomic Systems, Graz, Autriche. 2-5 juillet. My T. H., Mhibik O., Drag C. & Bretenaker F. (2008) Visible optical parametric oscillators for application to quantum memories : an all solid-state alternative to cw dye lasers? Metamaterials and their applications, Hyderâbâd, Inde. 18-20 décembre. COMMUNICATIONS (sans actes) (COM) 2013 Laporte C., Dherbecourt J.B., Melkonian J.M., Raybaut M., Drag C. & Godard A. (2013 ) Spectral and temporal effects in a picosecond optical parametric oscillator based on an aperiodically poled nonlinear crystal. CLEO, San Jose, Californie, USA. 9-14 juin. (G02 ) Laporte C., Dherbecourt J.B., Melkonian J.M., Raybaut M., Drag C. & Godard A. (2013 ) Pulse compression in a synchronously pumped optical parametric oscillator with a graphene saturable absorber. CLEO, San Jose, Californie, USA. 9-14 juin. (G02 ) 13 Laporte C., Dherbecourt J.B., Melkonian J.M., Raybaut M., Drag C. & Godard A. (2013 ) Pulse compression in a synchronously pumped optical parametric oscillator with a graphene saturable absorber. CLEO Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Europe, Munich, Allemagne. 12-16 mai. 2009 My T. H., Mhibik O., Drag C. & Bretenaker F. (2009) Single Frequency and Tunable Operation of a Continuous Intracavity Frequency Doubled Singly Resonant Optical Parametric Oscillato. CLEO Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, (papier CD3.5), Munich, Allemagne. 14-19 juin. My T. H., Mhibik O., Drag C. & Bretenaker F. (2009) Single frequency and tunable operation of a continuous intracavity frequency doubled singly resonant optical parametric oscillator. CLEO Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, (papier CWC2), Baltimore, Maryland, USA. 2-4 juin. My T. H., Drag C. & Bretenaker F. (2008) Single-frequency and tunable continuous intracavity frequency doubled optical parametric oscillator. Photonics, Delhi, Inde. 13-17 décembre. My T. H., Drag C. & Bretenaker F. (2008) Single frequency and tunable operation of a continuous intracavity-frequency-doubled singly resonant optical parametric oscillator. Europhoton, (papier FRoA.9), Paris, France. 31 août-5 septembre. AFFICHES (AFF) 2013 Blondel C., Drag C. & Vandevraye M. (2013) Evolution of the accuracy of electron affinity measurements. European Group on Atomic Systems (EGAS 44), Göteborg, Suède. 9 au 13 juillet. Blondel C., Vandevraye M. & Drag C. (2013) Photodetachment microscopy of tin. 1th European conference on atoms, molecules and photons (ECAMP XI), Aarhus, Danemark. 23-28 juin. 2012 Blondel C., Delsart C., Drag C. & Vandevraye M. (2012) Today’s accuracy of electron affinity measurements. The 23rd International Conference on Atomic Physics ICAP, Palaiseau, France. 23 au 27 juillet Blondel C., Vandevraye M., Drag C., Delsart C. & Peláez R.J. (2012) Spectroscopy of P- and Se- by photodetachment microscopy. Gordon Research Conference Photoions, Photoionization & Photodetachment, Galveston, Texas, USA. 12 au 17 février 2011 Blondel C., Delsart C., Drag C., Peláez R.J. & Vandevraye M. (2011) Photodetachment microscopy to an excited state and the electron affinity of Phosphorus. EGAS43 - 43rd annual Conference of the European Group for Atomic Systems, Fribourg, Suisse. 28 juin-2 juillet. Blondel C., Delsart C., Drag C., Peláez R.J. & Vandevraye M. (2011) Photodetachment microscopy to an excited state and accurate electron affinity measurements. 20th International conference on laser spectroscopy (ICOLS), Ärzen, Allemagne 30 mai-3 juin. Mhibik O., Pabœuf D., Drag C. & Bretenaker F. (2011) The kHz Level Stabilization of an Intracavity Doubled Continuous Wave Optical Parametric Oscillator Using Pound-Drever-Hall Scheme. CLEO EUROPE - EQEC 2011, Munich, Allemagne. 22-26 mai. 2010 Blondel C., Delsart C., Drag C. & Peláez R.J. (2010) Photodetachment microscopy with a pulsed laser and ponderomotive effects. 10th European conference on atoms, molecules and photons (ECAMP X), Salamanque, Espagne. 4-9 juillet 14 Blondel C., Delsart C., Drag C. & Peláez R.J. (2010) Effets pondéromoteurs sub-meV révélés par la microscopie de photodétachement. Colloque PAMO de la Société française de physique, Orsay, France. 29 juin-2 juillet Blondel C., Delsart C., Drag C. & Peláez R.J. (2010) Pulsed photodetachment microscopy of atomic and molecular anions. SPECMO Workshop "New experimental and Theoretical developments in molecular spectroscopy: Atmospheric and Astrophysical applications", SOLEIL, Saint-Aubin, France 22-23 novembre. Mhibik O., My T. H., Pabœuf D., Bretenaker F. & Drag C. (2010) Oscillateur paramétrique optique double intracavité dans le visible et stabilisé au kHz. Colloque commun de la Division Physique Atomique, Moléculaire et Optique de la Société française de Physique et des Journées de Spectroscopie Moléculaire (PAMO-JSM), Orsay, France. 29 juin-2 juillet. Mhibik O., My T. H., Pabœuf D., Bretenaker F. & Drag C. (2010) Continuous intracavity frequency doubled singly resonant optical parametric oscillator frequency stabilized at the kHz level. 4th EPSQEOD Europhoton Conference, Hambourg, Allemagne. 29 août-3 septembre. 2009 Blondel C., Canlet S., Delsart C., Drag C. & Peláez R.J. (2009) Microscopie de photodétachement avec un laser pulsé. Congrès de la Société française de physique (SFP), Palaiseau, France. 6-10 juillet. Blondel C., Delsart C., Drag C. & Peláez R. (2009) Pulsed photodetachment microscopy and the electron affinity of Iodine. EGAS41 - 41st annual Conference of the European Group for Atomic Systems, Gdansk, Pologne. 8-11 juillet. Mhibik O., My T. H., Drag C. & Bretenaker F. (2009) Oscillateur paramétrique optique visible à grande longueur de cohérence. Journées Nationales des Cristaux pour l’Optique, Lyon, France. 2-4 décembre. Peláez R. J., Blondel C., Delsart C. & Drag C. (2009) Photodetachment microscopy with a pulsed laser. XXVI International Conference on Photonic,Electronic, and Atomic Colisions (ICPEAC 2009), Kalamazoo, Mi, USA. 22-28 juillet. 2008 Blondel C., Chaibi W., Delsart C. & Drag C. (2008) Microscopie de photodétachement en champ magnétique. 5ème colloque PAMO de la SFP, Villeneuve d'Ascq, France. 7-10 juillet. Carette T., Drag C., Blondel C., Delsart C., Froese-Fischer C., Godefroid M. & Scharf O. (2008) Isotope shift in the electron affinity of sulfur. EGAS40 - 40th annual Conference of the European Group for Atomic Systems, Graz, Autriche. 2-5 juillet. My T. H., Drag C. & Bretenaker F. (2008) Sources paramétriques visibles pour la manipulation cohérente des ions de terres rares. PAMO 2008, Lille, France. 7-10 juillet. (G02-G03) Autres Publications (AP_SEM) : SEMINAIRES, COURS.. Blondel C. (2012) Photodetachment microscopy: magnetic fields and ponderomotive effects, Department of physics, College of William & Mary Williamsburg, Virginia, USA. 20 février. Autres Publications : ORGANISATION DE CONGRES (AP_ORG) OU AUTRES MANIFESTATIONS 15 Drag C., Blondel C. & Vandevraye M. (2011) Microscopie de photodétachement/Photodetachment microscopy. Direction des travaux pratiques pour l’école de printemps d’ICONIC (Imaging and CONtrol In Chemistry), Laboratoire Aimé Cotton, Orsay. 8 juin OUVRAGES SCIENTIFIQUES (OS) (ou Section d’ouvrage) Delsart C. (2008) Lasers et optique non linéaire (cours, exercices et problèmes corrigés), Physique LMD, niveau M1-M2. Ellipses Edition Marketing. OUVRAGES DE VULGARISATION (OV) Blondel C. (2010 ) Physique et Bonheur, Les cahiers de l’Observatoire du bonheur, n°1 (Coca-Cola France, Issy-les-Moulineaux). 16 GROUPE 9 – PAMS (En « bleu », les publications communes à plusieurs groupes ; En « gras bleu », les publications communes à plusieurs pôles) ARTICLES DANS DES REVUES INTERNATIONALES OU NATIONALES AVEC COMITE DE LECTURE (ACL) 2013 Ghodbane A., Colleaux J., Saffon N., Mahiou R., Galaup J. P. & Fery-Forgues S. (2013) Blue-Emitting Nanocrystals, Microcrystals, and Highly Oriented Nanofibers Prepared by Reprecipitation and Solvent Drop-Casting of 2-Phenyl-naphthoxazoles. Chempluschem, 78 (2), 185-191. Linget H., Morvan L., Le Gouët J. L. & Louchet-Chauvet A. (2013) Time reversal of optically carried radiofrequency signals in the microsecond range. Optics Letters, 38 (5), 643-645. Pascual-Winter M. F., Tongning R. C., Chanelière T. & Le Gouët J. L. (2013) Securing coherence rephasing with a pair of adiabatic rapid passages. New Journal of Physics, 15, n°055024. Thon R., Chin W., Galaup J.-P., Ouvrard A., Bourguignon B. & Crépin C. (2013) Vibrational perturbations of W(CO)6 trapped in a molecular lattice probed by linear and non-linear spectroscopy. Journal of Physical Chemistry A, publication date May 3, 2013. 2012 Arabei S. M., Galaup J. P., McCaffrey J. G., Shafizadeh N. & Crepin C. (2012) Electronic spectroscopy, stimulated emission, and persistent spectral hole burning of cryogenic nitrogen matrices doped with tetrabenzoporphin. Low Temperature Physics, 38 (8), 727-731. Bonarota M., Le Gouët J. L., Moiseev S. A. & Chanelière T. (2012) Atomic frequency comb storage as a slowlight effect. Journal of Physics B-Atomic Molecular and Optical Physics, 45 (12), n°124002. Corde J., Perruchas S., Vieille L., Galaup J. P., Duluard S., Biver C., Boilot J. P. & Gacoin T. (2012) Photolithographic processing of silver loaded dielectric coatings based on preformed colloidal TiO2 nanoparticles dispersed in a mesoporous silica binder. Nanotechnology, 23 (50), n°505206. Le Gouët J.-L. & Moiseev S. (2012) Quantum memory. Journal of Physics B-Atomic Molecular and Optical Physics, 45 (12), n°120201. Moiseev S. A. & Le Gouët J.-L. (2012) Rephasing processes and quantum memory for light: reversibility issues and how to fix them. Journal of Physics B-Atomic Molecular and Optical Physics, 45 (12), n°124003. Pascual-Winter M. F., Tongning R. C., Chanelière T. & Le Gouët J. L. (2012) Spin coherence lifetime extension in Tm3+:YAG through dynamical decoupling. Physical Review B, 86 (6), n° 184301. Pascual-Winter M. F., Tongning R. C., Lauro R., Louchet-Chauvet A., Chanelière T. & Le Gouët J. L. (2012) Adiabatic passage with spin locking in Tm3+:YAG. Physical Review B, 86 (6), n°064301. 2011 Beaudoux F., Ferrier A., Guillot-Noël O., Chanelière T., Le Gouët J. L. & Goldner P. (2011) Emission of photon echoes in a strongly scattering medium. Optics Express, 19 (16), 15236-15243. Berman P. R. & Le Gouët J. L. (2011) Phase-matched emission from an optically thin medium following onephoton pulse excitation: Energy considerations. Physical Review A, 83 (3), n° 035804. Berman P. R. & Le Gouët J.L. (2011) Absorption of a pulse by an optically dense medium: An argument for field quantization. American Journal of Physics, 79 (5), 527-531. 17 Bonarota M., Le Gouët J. L. & Chanelière T. (2011) Highly multimode storage in a crystal. New Journal of Physics, 13, n°013013. Damon V., Bonarota M., Louchet-Chauvet A., Chanelière T. & Le Gouët J. L. (2011) Revival of silenced echo and quantum memory for light. New Journal of Physics, 13, n° 093031. Lauro R., Chanelière T. & Le Gouët J. L. (2011) Adiabatic refocusing of nuclear spins in Tm3+:YAG. Physical Review B, 83 (3), n°035124. Louchet-Chauvet A., Farah T., Bodart Q., Clairon A., Landragin A., Merlet S. & Dos Santos F. P. (2011) The influence of transverse motion within an atomic gravimeter. New Journal of Physics, 13, n°065025. Ruggiero J., Chanelière T. & Le Gouët J. L. (2011) Coherent response to optical excitation in a strongly absorbing rare-earth ion-doped crystal. Journal of The Optical Society of America B-Optical Physics, 27 (1), 32-37. 2010 Baldit E., Bencheikh K., Monnier P., Briaudeau S., Levenson J. A., Crozatier V., Lorgeré I., Bretenaker F., Le Gouët J. L., Guillot-Noël O. & Goldner P. (2010) Identification of Lambda-like systems in Er3+:Y2SiO5 and observation of electromagnetically induced transparency. Physical Review B, 81 (14), n° 144303. Bonarota M., Ruggiero J., Le Gouët J.-L. & Chanelière T. (2010) Efficiency optimization for atomic frequency comb storage. Physical Review A, 81 (3), n°033803. Chanelière T., Ruggiero J., Bonarota M., Afzelius M. & Le Gouët J-L. (2010) Efficient light storage in a crystal using an Atomic Frequency Comb. New Journal of Physics, 12, n° 023025. Crépin C., Shafizadeh N., Chin W., Galaup J. P., McCaffrey J. G. & Arabei S. M. (2010) Unveiled optical properties of tetrapyrollic pigments in cryogenic environments. Low Temperature Physics, 36 (5), 451-457. Damon V., Crozatier V., Chanelière T., Le Gouët J.-L. & Lorgeré I. (2010) Broadband photonic arbitrary waveform generation using a frequency agile laser at 1.5 micrometer. Journal of The Optical Society of America B, 27 (3), 524-530. Ghosh J., Goldfarb F., Le Gouët J. L., Bretenaker F. & Ghosh R. (2010) Electromagnetically Induced Transparency and Slow Light in Room Temperature He-4. Laser Physics, 20 (5), 1234-1243. Louchet-Chauvet A., Appel J., Renema J. J., Oblak D., N. Kjærgaard & Polzik E. S. (2010) Entanglementassisted atomic clock beyond the projection noise limit. New Journal of Physics, 12, n°065032. Ruggiero J., Chanelière T. & Le Gouët J.-L. (2010) Coherent response to optical excitation in a strongly absorbing rare-earth ion-doped crystal. Journal of The Optical Society of America B, 27, 32. Sangouard N., Simon C., Minar J., Afzelius M., Chanelière T., Gisin N., Le Gouët J. L., de Riedmatten H. & Tittel W. (2010) Impossibility of faithfully storing single photons with the three-pulse photon echo. Physical Review A, 81 (6), n° 062333. Tittel W., Afzelius M., Chanelière T., Cone R. L., Kröll S., Moiseev S. A. & Sellars M. (2010) Photon-echo quantum memory in solid state systems. Laser & Photonics Reviews, 4 (2), 244-267. Zhao R., Jenkins S. D., Campbell C. J., Matsukevich D. N., Chanelière T., Kennedy T. A. B. & Kuzmich A. (2010) Continuous quantum measurement of a light-matter system. Physical Review A, 81 (3), n° 031802. 2009 18 Arabei S. M., Galaup J. P., Stupak A. P., Pavich T. A., Makarova E. A. & Solovyov K. N. (2009) Spectral and luminescent properties of triareno-substituted tetraazachlorins. Journal of Applied Spectroscopy, 76 (3), 352-361. Berman P. R. & Le Gouët J.-L. (2009) Quantum-information storage: A Schrodinger-picture approach. Physical Review A, 79 (4), n°042314. Goldner Ph., Guillot-Noël O., Beaudoux F., Le Du Y., Lejay J., Chanelière T., Le Gouët J.-L., Rippe L., Amari A., Walther A. & Kröll S.T. (2009) Long coherence lifetime and electromagnetically induced transparency in a highly-spin-concentrated solid. Physical Review A, 79 (3), n°033809. Ghosh J., Ghosh R., Goldfarb F., Le Gouët J.-L. & Bretenaker F. (2009) Analysis of electromagnetically induced transparency and slow light in a hot vapor of atoms undergoing collisions. Physical Review A, 80 (2), 023817. Lauro R., Chanelière T. & Le Gouët J.-L. (2009) Spectral hole burning for stopping light. Physical Review A, 79 (5), n°053801. Lauro R., Chanelière T. & Le Gouët J.-L. (2009) Slow light using spectral hole burning in a Tm3+-doped yttrium-aluminum-garnet crystal. Physical Review A, 79 (6), n°063844. Lauro R., Ruggiero J., Louchet A., Alexander A., Chanelière T., Lorgeré I., Bretenaker F., Goldfarb F. & Le Gouët J.-L. (2009) Thulium doped crystals for quantum information storage. Journal of Luminescence, 129 (12), 1951-1954. Le Gouët J.-L. & Berman P. R. (2009) Raman scheme for adjustable-bandwidth quantum memory. Physical Review A, 80 (1), n° 012320. Louchet A., Le Du Y., Brouri T., Bretenaker F., Chanelière T., Goldfarb F., Lorgeré I. & Le Gouët J.-L. (2009) Optical investigation of nuclear spin coherence in Tm:YAG (vol 10, p.1374, 2008correction). Solid State Sciences, 11 (5), 949-949. Rodriguez-Otazo M., Augier-Calderin A. & Galaup J. P. (2009) Nanometer gold-silica composite particles manipulated by optical tweezers. Optics Communications, 282 (14), 2921-2929. Rodriguez-Otazo M., Augier-Calderin A., Galaup J. P., Lamère J. F. & Fery-Forgues S. (2009) High rotation speed of single molecular microcrystals in an optical trap with elliptically polarized light. Applied Optics, 48 (14), 2720-2730. Ruggiero J., Le Gouët J.-L., Simon C. & Chanelière T. (2009) Why the two-pulse photon echo is not a good quantum memory protocol. Physical Review A, 79 (5), n°053851. Windpassinger P.J., Oblak D., Hoff U.B., Louchet-Chauvet A., Appel J., Kjærgaard N. & Polzik E. S. (2009) Squeezing of atomic quantum projection noise. Journal of Modern Optics, 56, 1993-1998. 2008 Alexander A. L., Lauro R., Louchet A., Chanelière T. & Le Gouët J.-L. (2008) Stimulated Raman adiabatic passage in Tm3+:YAG. Physical Review B, 78 (14), n°144407. Chanelière T., He L., Kaiser R. & Wilkowski D. (2008) Three dimensional cooling and trapping with a narrow line. European Physical Journal D, 46 (3), 507-515. Chanelière T., Ruggiero J., Le Gouët J.-L., Tittel W., Mun J. H., Jouini A., Yoshikawa A., Boulon G., Le Du Y., Goldner Ph., Beaudoux F., Vincent J., Antic-Fidancev E. & Guillot-Noël O. (2008) Tm3+: Y2O3 investigated for a quantum light storage application. Physical Review B, 77 (24), n°245127. 19 Crozatier V., Gorju G., Lavielle V., Louchet A., Bretenaker F., Chanelière T., Goldfarb F., Lorgeré I. & Le Gouët J.-L. (2008) Solid state atomic processors for light. Journal of the European Optical Society-Rapid Publications, 3, n°08025. Goldfarb F., Ghosh J., David M., Ruggiero J., Chanelière T., Le Gouët J.-L., Gilles H., Ghosh R. & Bretenaker F. (2008) Observation of ultra-narrow electromagnetically induced transparency and slow light using purely electronic spins in a hot atomic vapor. Europhysics Letters, 82 (5), n°54002. Louchet A., Le Du Y., Brouri T., Bretenaker F., Chanelière T., Goldfarb E., Lorgeré I. & Le Gouët J.-L. (2008) Optical investigation of nuclear spin coherence in Tm:YAG. Solid State Sciences, 10 (10), 1374-1378. Louchet A., Le Du Y., Bretenaker F., Chanelière T., Goldfarb F., Lorgeré I., Le Gouët J.-L., Guillot-Noël O. & Goldner Ph. (2008) Optical excitation of nuclear spin coherence in a Tm3+: YAG crystal. Physical Review B, 77 (19), n°195110. COMMUNICATIONS AVEC ACTES DANS UN CONGRES INTERNATIONAL OU NATIONAL (ACT) 2012 Galaup J. P. (2012) Laser induced fluorescence: application to spectroscopy and new microscopy imaging methods, to be published in Revista Cubana de Fisica. Proceedings TECNOLASER Conference, La Havane, Cuba. 10-13 avril. Bonarota M., Damon V., Chanelière T., Le Gouët J.-L. & Pascual Winter M. F. (2012) Revival of silenced echo for optical quantum memories: efficiency and noise level. Research in Optical Sciences, OSA Technical Digest, Optical Society of America, paper QW2A.6. 2011 Louchet-Chauvet A., Merlet S., Bodart Q., Landragin A., Dos Santos F. P., Baumann H., D'Agostino G. & Origlia C. (2011) Comparison of 3 Absolute Gravimeters Based on Different Methods for the e-MASS Project. Conference on Precision Electromagnetic Measurements (CPEM 2010, special issue). IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, 60 (7), 2527-2532. Louchet-Chauvet A., Lauro R., Goldner P., Ramaz F., Chanelière T. & Le Gouët J.L. (2011) High-resolution large dynamic range spectral filtering at 800 nm using Tm:YAG crystals. SPIE Proceedings - Advances in Photonics of Quantum Computing, Memory, and Communication IV, 7948, (Spectral Holeburning: Optical Tomography and Other Applications I), 794805, Proceedings of SPIE, San Francisco, Californie, USA. 25 janvier. 2010 Damon V., Crozatier V., Chanelière T., Le Gouët J.-L. & Lorgeré I. (2010) Broadband Photonic Arbitrary Waveform Generation Using a Frequency Agile Laser at 1.5µm. Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, OSA Technical Digest (CD) (Optical Society of America, 2010), paper CThF4. Chanelière T., Bonarota M., Damon V., Lauro R., Ruggiero J., Lorgeré I. & Le Gouët J. L. (2010) Light storage protocols in Tm:YAG - Special Issue based on the Proceedings of the 10th international meeting on hole burning, single molecule, and related spectroscopies: science and applications (HBSM 2009) - Issue dedicated to Ivan Lorgeré and Oliver Guillot-Noël. Journal of Luminescence, 130, (9), 1572-1578, Palm Cove, Australie. 22-27 juin 2009. Arabei S.M., Crépin C., Shafizadeh N., Chin W., Galaup J.-P. & McCaffrey J.G. (2010) Emission stimulée par des molécules de tétrabenzoporphine en matrice de gaz rares à basse température. VIII International Conference on “Quantum Electronics", p.57, Minsk, Biélorussie. 22-25 novembre. 20 Arabei S.M., Crépin C., Shafizadeh N., Chin W., Galaup J.-P. & Mccaffrey J.G. (2010) Absorption, fluorescence et émission stimulée de AlCl-Phtalocyanine en matrice d’Argon. Proceedings de la conférence internationale "Bases moléculaires membranaires et cellulaires du fonctionnement des biosystèmes", Part 1, p 157, Minsk Belarus, Ed. UEB 2010. 23-25 juin. Appel J., Renema J., Oblak D., Louchet-Chauvet A., Kjærgaard N. & Polzik E. S. (2010) Mesoscopic Nonclassical Atomic States for Quantum Information and Metrology. Latin America Optics and Photonics Conference, OSA Technical Digest (CD) (Optical Society of America). 2009 Ruggiero J., Lauro R., Le Gouët J.-L. & Chanelière T. (2009) Light storage using an Atomic Frequency Comb. Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics and Quantum Electronics and Laser Science Conference (CLEO/QELS 2009), 2186-2187, IEEE, Baltimore, MD, USA. 2-4 juin. Le Gouët J.-L. (2009) Coherent light-matter interactions. Proceedings of the "International quantum of quasars workshop", (PoS(QQ09)007 ), Grenoble, France. 2-4 décembre. Lauro R., Chanelière T. & Le Gouët J. L. (2009) Trapping Light in a Crystal. 2009 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics and Quantum Electronics and Laser Science Conference (CLEO/QELS 2009), 2184-2185, IEEE, Baltimore, MD, USA. 2-4 juin. 2008 Goldfarb F., Ghosh J., David M., Ruggiero J., Chanelière T., Le Gouët J.-L. , Gilles H., Ghosh R. & Bretenaker F. (2008) Electromagnetically Induced Transparency (EIT) and Slow Light in a 4He* Hot Atomic Vapor. Slow and Fast Light SL 2008. Conference paper, (papier SMA4), Boston, USA. Juillet. (G03-G09) P3 PMI CONFERENCES INVITEES (INV) 2013 Pascual-Winter M.-F., Tongning R. C., T. Chanelière & J.-L. Le Gouët (2013) Spin coherence lifetime extension through dynamical decoupling: coping with the spin inhomogeneous broadening in Tm3+:YAG. The 43rd Winter Colloquium on the Physics of Quantum Electronics, Snowbird, Utah, USA. 6-10 janvier. Galaup J.-P. (2013) New materials for optics, optical storage, lasers…. 2nd International Meeting for Researchers in Materials and Plasma Technology (IMRMPT), Bucaramanga, Colombie. 23 février-2 mars. 2012 Galaup J.-P. (2012) Laser induced fluorescence: applications to spectroscopy. SPECTRA 2012, Lima, Pérou. 20-24 février. Galaup J.-P. (2012) Laser induced fluorescence: applications to spectroscopy. TECNOLASER 2012 et OPTICA, VIDA y PATRIMONIO, La Habana, Cuba. 10-13 avril. Bonarota M., Damon V., Chanelière T., Le Gouët J.-L. & Pascual-Winter M.-F. (2012) Revival of silenced echo: a novel protocol for quantum light storage. PQE 2012 - 42nd Winter Colloquium on the Physics on Quantum Electronics, Snowbird, Utah, USA. 2-6 janvier. 2011 Pascual-Winter M.-F., Tongning R.-C., Bonarota M., Damon V., Chanelière T., Louchet-Chauvet A. & Le Gouët J.-L. (2011) Rephasage de cohérences atomiques par passages adiabatiques rapides pour la mémorisation quantique. Optique Marseille 2011, Marseille, France. 4-7 juillet. Moiseev S. A. & Le Gouët J.-L. (2011) MAFC photon echo quantum memory. 20th International Laser Physics Workshop (LPHYS’11), Sarajevo, Bosnie-Herzégovine. 11-15 juillet. 21 Louchet-Chauvet A. (2011) High-resolution large dynamic range spectral filtering at 800 nm using Tm:YAG crystals. Conférence "Photonics West 2010", San Francisco, USA. 24-29 janvier. Goldner Ph., Le Gouët J.-L., Chanelière T. & Ferrier A. (2011) Photon echo in scattering media. SPIE Photonics West, San Francisco, USA,. 22-27 janvier Galaup J.-P. (2011) Spin and orbital angular momentum transfer from light to matter. XII ENO et III CANCOA, Barranquilla, Colombie. 5-9 septembre. Damon V., Bonarota M., Louchet-Chauvet A., Chanelière T. & Le Gouët J.-L. (2011) Revival of silenced echo and quantum memory for light. 20th International Laser Physics Workshop (LPHYS’11), Sarajevo, BosnieHerzégovine. 11-15 juillet. Bonarota M., Damon V., Tongning R.-C., Pascual-Winter M.-F., Louchet-Chauvet A., Chanelière T. & Le Gouët J.-L. (2011) Quantum memory for light in rare earth ion doped crystals. Conférence "Optical Complex Systems3 (OCS11), Marseille, France. 6-7 septembre. 2010 Galaup J.-P., Rodriguez-Otazo M., Augier-Calderin A., Lamère J.-F. & Fery-Forgues S. (2010) Trapping, manipulation and rapid rotation of NBD-C8 fluorescent single crystals in optical tweezers. AMARIS, Advances in Molecular Nonlinear Optics en hommage à Joseph Zyss, Cachan, France. 24-28 mai. Galaup J. P. (2010) Spin and orbital angular momentum transfer from light to matter. NANOCIENCIAS, 3rd International Seminar on Nanosciences and Nano-technologies, La Habana, Cuba. 7-10 septembre. Ferrier A., Beaudoux F., Goldner P., Le Gouët J.-L., Chanelière T., Marino R., Tumino B. & Guillot-Noël O. (2010) Photon echo measurement in scattering media. 19th International Laser Physics Workshop (LPHYS’10), Foz do Iguaçu, Brésil. 5-9 juillet. Chanelière T., Bonarota M., Lauro R., Ruggiero J. & Le Gouët J.-L. (2010) Few photons storage in thulium doped crystals. Physics of Quantum Electronics, Snowbird, Utah, USA. 3-7 janvier. Beaudoux F., Le Gouët J.-L., Chanelière T., Ferrier A., Marino R., Guillot-Noël O. & Goldner P. (2010) Coherent Collective Emission in a Random Medium. Physics of Quantum Electronics, Snowbird, Utah, USA. 3-7 janvier. 2009 Le Gouët J.-L., Grison X., Dolfi D. & Desruelle B. (2009) Résonateur atomique pour l’analyse spectrale radiofréquence. Journée Scientifique de la DGA, Cité des Sciences, Paris, France. 14 mai. Le Gouët J.-L. (2009) Coherent light-matter interactions. Workshop "Quantum of Quasars", Grenoble, France. 2-4 décembre. Galaup J.-P., Rodriguez-Otazo M., Augier-Calderin A., Lamère J.-F. & Fery-Forgues S. (2009) Trapping, manipulation and rapid rotation of NBD-C8 fluorescent single crystals in optical tweezers. Conférence «Photon echoes and coherent spectroscopies» en hommage au Prof. Samartsev, Kazan, Tatarstan, Fédération de Russie. 26-31 Octobre. Galaup J.-P. (2009) Spectral hole-burning and related spectroscopies: science and applications. SPECTRA 2009 - 2ème Conférence internationale de spectroscopie, Lima, Pérou. 9-13 mars. Damon V., Crozatier V., Le Gouët J.-L. & Lorgeré I. (2009) Time to frequency Fourier transform with photon echoes and frequency agile laser oscillators. 18th international laser physics workshop, Barcelone, Espagne. 13-17 juillet. 22 Chanelière T. (2009) Light storage in Tm:YAG. HBSM 2009 - The 10th International Meeting, Canberra, Australie. 22-29 juin. Beaudoux F., Le Du Y., Lejay J., Goldner Ph., Guillot-Noël O., Amari A., Walther A., Rippe L., Kröll S.T., Chanelière T. & Le Gouët J.-L. (2009) Predicting and tailoring the properties of three-level λ systems in rare earth doped crystals for quantum memories. 18th international laser physics workshop, Barcelone, Espagne. 13-17 juillet. 2008 Rodriguez-Otazo M. & Galaup J.-P. (2008) Playing with optical tweezers forces induced on structured micro-nano objects. Fifth Workshop on Photodynamics, La Havane, Cuba. 4-8 février. Lorgeré I., Chanelière T., Le Gouët J.-L., Louchet A., Guillot-Noël O., Marino R. & Goldner Ph. (2008) Nuclear spin optical control via superhyperfine interaction in rare-earthdoped crystals. LPHYS'08 - 17th International Laser Physics Workshop, Trondheim, Norvège. 30 juin-4 juillet. Goldner Ph., Guillot-Noël O., Beaudoux F., Le Du Y., Lejay J., Chanelière T., Le Gouët J.-L., Amari A., Walther A., Rippe L. & S.T. Kröll (2008) Material Design for Solid State Quantum Memories. ICL08 International conference on Luminescence Lyon, France. 7-11 juillet. Galaup J.-P. & Gorokhovsky A. (2008) Long delay engraving and recovery of spectrally chirped femtosecond pulses by spectro-temporal holography in a molecular doped solid. Fifth Workshop on Photodynamics, La Havane, Cuba. 4-8 février. COMMUNICATIONS (sans actes) (COM) 2013 Linget H., Chanelière T., Morvan L., Le Gouët J. L. & Louchet-Chauvet A. (2013) Renversement temporel de signaux radiofréquences. Journée du Club Optique et Micro-Ondes, Palaiseau, France. 20 juin. 2012 Bonarota M., Damon V., Tongning R.C., Chanelière T., Le Gouët J.-L. , Louchet-Chauvet A. & Pascual Winter M. F. (2012) Revival of silenced echo for optical quantum memory in rare-earth crystals. 11th International Conference on Hole Burning, Single Molecule and Related Spectroscopies: Science and Applications, Tübingen, Allemagne. 27-30 août. Bonarota M., Damon V., Chanelière T., Le Gouët J.-L. & Pascual Winter M. F. (2012) Revival of silenced echo for optical quantum memories: efficiency and noise level. Quantum Information and Measurement (Laser Optics Berlin), Berlin, Allemagne. 19-21 mars. Chin W., Thon R., Galaup J.-P., Ouvrard A., Bourguignon B. & Crépin C. (2012) Déformation moléculaire dans des solides cryogéniques sondée par dynamique vibrationnelle. PAMO, Metz, France. 3-6 juillet. Galaup J.-P. & Rodriguez-Otazo M. (2012) Manipulating nano structured colloids and organic micro-crystals with optical tweezers. Lasers and Interactions with Particles (LIP 2012), Rouen, France. Linget H., Le Gouët J. L., Morvan L. & Louchet-Chauvet A. (2012) Time reversal of optically carried radiofrequency signals. CIPRIS 1st Mini School and Soft Skill Seminar, Mayence, Allemagne. 18-22 juin. Linget H., Le Gouët J. L., Morvan L. & Louchet-Chauvet A. (2012) Time reversal of optically carried radiofrequency signals. 11th International Conference on Hole Burning, Single Molecule and Related Spectroscopies: Science and Applications, Tübingen, Allemagne. 27-30 août. 23 Thon R., Chin W., Galaup J.-P., Ouvrard A., Bourguignon B. & Crépin C. (2012) IR photon echo spectroscopy of W(CO)6 in cryogenic solids: a probe of lattice environment. Hole Burning, Single Molecule and Related Spectroscopies: Science and Applications HBSM 2012 Tübingen, Allemagne. 27-30 août. Thon R., Chin W., Galaup J.-P., Ouvrard A., Bourguignon B. & Crépin C. (2012) Host-guest interaction in cryogenic solids probed by infrared stimulated photon echoes. 6th International Conference on Coherent Multidimensional Spectroscopy CMDS 2012, Berlin, Allemagne. 16-18 juillet. Tongning R.-C., Pascual-Winter M.-F., Louchet-Chauvet A., Chanelière T. & Le Gouët J.-L. (2012) Spin coherence lifetime extension in Tm3+:YAG through dynamical decoupling. CIPRIS 1st Mini School and Soft Skill Seminar, Mayence, Allemagne. 18-22 juin. 2011 Bonarota M. (2011) Efficiency and capacity of an Atomic Frequency Comb based quantum memory. PQE 2011 - 41st Winter Colloquium on the Physics on Quantum Electronics, Snowbird, Utah, USA. 29 décembre-10 janvier. Farah T., Louchet-Chauvet A., Clairon A., Landragin A., Merlet S. & Pereira Dos Santos F. (2011 ) Continuous g monitoring with atom interferometry. Joint Conference of the IEEE International Frequency Control Symposium and European Frequency and Time Forum San Francisco, USA. 5 mai. Guerlin C., Farah T., Louchet-Chauvet A., Merlet S. & Pereira dos Santos F. (2011) High-Sensitivity Absolute Atomic Gravimeter. Quantum Information and Measurement, Berlin, Allemagne. 12 mars Louchet-Chauvet A., Merlet S., Bodart Q., Farah T., Landragin A. & Pereira dos Santos F. (2011 ) Absolute gravity measurements with a cold atom gravimeter. Gravitation and Fundamental Physics in Space, Paris, France. 22-24 juin Molin S., Linget H., Lorgeré I., Gorju G., Ménager L., Lavielle V., Morvan L., Tonda-Goldstein S., Dolfi D., Le Gouët J.-L. , Bretenaker F. & Huignard J.-P. (2011) Analyseur RF large bande basé sur le spectral hole burning dans le Tm3+:YAG. Journée Club Optique et Microondes 2011, Rennes, France. 23 juin. Pascual-Winter M.-F., Tongning R.-C., Bonarota M., Damon V., Louchet-Chauvet Anne, Chanelière T. & Le Gouët J.-L. (2011) Atomic coherences rephasing by rapid adiabatic passages for quantum storage. 1er Workshop GDR - IQFA - Information Quantique, Fondements & Applications, Paris, France. 23-25 Novembre. Pascual-Winter M.-F., Louchet-Chauvet A., Chanelière T. & Le Gouët J.-L. (2011) Adiabatic passages and rephasing for quantum memory protocols. 6th Workshop on Quantum Information Processing with RareEarth Doped, Barcelone, Espagne. 11-13 mai. Thon R., Chin W., Galaup J.-P., Daquin J., Ouvrard A., Bourguignon B. & Crépin C. (2011) Vibrational dynamics of glycolaldehyde trapped in cryogenic matrices probed by femtosecond photon echo spectroscopy. Young European Physicist meeting, ultrafast optics, Toulouse, France. 18-22 juillet Thon R., Chin W., Daquin J., Galaup J.-P. & Crépin C. (2011) Vibrational relaxation of small molecules isolated in low-temperature matrice. 15th International Conference on Time-Resolved Vibrational Spectroscopy TRVS XV, Ascona, Suisse. 19-24 juin. 2010 Appel J., Renema J., Oblak D., Louchet-Chauvet A., Kjærgaard N. & Polzik E. S. (2010) Mesoscopic Nonclassical Atomic States for Quantum Information and Metrology. Latin America Optics and Photonics Conference, Recife, Brésil. 27 septembre. 24 Galaup J.-P., Rodriguez-Otazo M., Augier-Calderin A., Lamère J.-F. & Fery-Forgues S. (2010) Trapping, manipulation and rapid rotation of NBD-C8 fluorescent single crystals in optical tweezers. RIAO-OPTILAS 2010, 7th Ibero-American Conference on Optics, Lima, Pérou. 20-24 septembre. Galaup J. P. (2010) Journées dédiées à Jacques Delaire et à Monique Martin. Réunion d’automne du Groupe Français de Photochimie, Photophysique et Photoscience (GFP2P), Cachan, France. 17-18 novembre. Louchet-Chauvet A., Appel J., Renema J. J., Oblak D., N. Kjærgaard & Polzik E. S. (2010) Entanglementassisted atomic clock. European Conference on Atoms, Molecules and Photons 2010, Salamanca, Espagne. 49 juillet. 2009 Crépin-Gilbert C., Shafizadeh N., Galaup J.-P., Arabei S. M., Dozova N., Murray C. & Mccaffrey J. G. (2009) Stimulated emission on specific vibronic transitions of phthalocyanine in thin films of rare gas or nitrogen matrices at 8K. FISPHOTON, 2nd Franco-Italian Symposium on Photosciences, Marseille, France. 7-10 décembre. Galaup J.-P., Rodriguez-Otazo M., Augier-Calderin A., Lamère J.-F. & Fery-Forgues S. (2009) Trapping, manipulation and rapid rotation of NBD-C8 fluorescent single crystals in optical tweezers. TECNOLASER, La Habana, Cuba. 11-18 avril. Ghosh J., Ghosh R., Bretenaker F., Goldfarb F. & Gouët J.-L. Le (2009) ElectromagneticallyInduced Transparency and Slow Light in Room Temperature 4He*. LPHYS'09 - 18th International Laser Physics Workshop, Barcelona, Espagne. 13-17 juillet. Lorgeré I., Gorju G., Ménager L., Lavielle V., F. Bretenaker, Gouët J.-L Le, Molin S., Morvan L., Tonda-Goldstein S., Dolfi D. & Huignard J-P. (2009) Broadband RF Spectrum Analyzer based on Spectral Hole Burning. Microwave Photonics 2009, (papier 6), Valencia, Espagne. 14-16 octobre. 2008 Chanelière T., Bretenaker F., Goldfarb F., Goldner Ph., Guillot-Noël O., Le Gouët J.-L. , Lorgeré I. & Louchet A. (2008) Quantum storage investigation in Thulium based materials. Storage and manipulation of quantum information in optically addressed solids, Bozeman, Montana, USA. Janvier. Goldfarb F., Ghosh J., David M., Ruggiero J., Chanelière T., Le Gouët J.-L. , Gilles H., Ghosh R. & Bretenaker F. (2008) Electromagnetically Induced Transparency (EIT) and Slow Light in a 4He* Hot Atomic Vapor. Slow and Fast Light SL 2008, (papier SMA4), Boston, USA. Juillet. Lorgeré I., Bretenaker F., Chanelière T., Goldfarb F., Le Gouët J.-L. , Louchet A., Guillot-Noël O., Goldner Ph., Ledu Y. & Vincent J. (2008) Towards optically-controlled quantum NMR gates in rare-earth doped crystals. Storage and Manipulation of Quantum Information in Optically Addressed Solids, Bozeman, Montana, USA. Janvier. Louchet-Chauvet A., Lauro R., Alexander A., Bretenaker F., Chanelière T., Goldfarb I., Lorgeré I. & Le Gouët J.-L. (2008) Caractérisation d’un cristal dopé aux ions de terre rare pour le stockage quantique d’information. Physique Atomique, Moléculaire et Optique 2008, Lille, France. Juillet. Rodriguez-Otazo M., Galaup J.-P., Lamère J.-F. & Fery-Forgues S. (2008) Piégeage, manipulation et mise en rotation rapide de monocristaux fluorescents de NBD-C8 dans une pince optique. Réunion d’automne du Groupe Français de Photochimie, Palaiseau, France. 26-28 décembre AFFICHES (AFF) 2013 25 Linget H., Louchet-Chauvet A., Le Gouët J. L., Berger P. & Morvan L. (2013) Analyseur spectral arc-en-ciel : de l’étude fondamentale au démonstrateur. Journée du Club Optique et Micro-Ondes, Palaiseau, France. 20 juin. Linget H., Morvan L., Le Gouët J. L. & Louchet-Chauvet A. (2013) Renversement temporel de signaux radiofréquences. Colloque Jeunes Chercheurs Alain Bouyssy, Orsay, France. 14 février. 2012 Bonarota M., Le Gouët J.-L., Moiseev S. & Chanelière T. (2012) From photon echo to atomic frequency comb: a slow light picture. 11th International Conference on Hole Burning, Single Molecule and Related Spectroscopies: Science and Applications, Tübingen, Allemagne. 27-30 août. Pascual Winter M. F., Tongning R. C., T. Chanelière & Le Gouët J.-L. (2012 ) Spin coherence lifetime extension in Tm3+ :YAG through dynamical decoupling. 2e Workshop GDR - IQFA - Information Quantique, Fondements & Applications, Grenoble, France. 28-30 novembre Tongning R.-C., Pascual-Winter M.-F., Chanelière T. & Le Gouët J.-L. (2012) Spin Coherence Lifetime Extension in Tm3+:YAG through Dynamic Control 11th International Conference on Hole Burning, Single Molecule and Related Spectroscopies: Science and Applications, Tübingen, Allemagne. 27-30 août. 2011 Tongning R.-C., Pascual-Winter M.-F., Lauro R., Chanelière T. & Le Gouët J.-L. (2011) Slowing and stopping light in a rare earth ion doped crystal to build a quantum memory. 1er Workshop GDR - IQFA - Information Quantique, Fondements & Applications, Nice, France. 23-25 mars. Tongning R.-C., Bonarota M., Pascual-Winter M.-F., Damon V., Louchet-Chauvet Anne, Chanelière T. & Le Gouët J.-L. (2011) Rapid adiabatic passages for quantum storage in Tm3+:YAG. 1er Workshop GDR - IQFA Information Quantique, Fondements & Applications, Paris, France. 23-25 Novembre. 2010 Crépin C., Shafizadeh N., Chin W., Galaup J.-P., Mccaffrey J. G. & Arabei S. M. (2010) Stimulated emission of tetrapyrrolic molecules in van der Waals solids. PAMO, Colloque commun de la division de Physique Atomique et Moléculaire et Optique de la SFP et des Journées de Spectroscopie Moléculaire, Orsay, France. 29 juin - 2 juillet. Crépin C., Shafizadeh N., Chin W., Galaup J.-P., Mccaffrey J. G. & Arabei S. M. (2010) Stimulated emission of tetrapyrrolic molecules in van der Waals solids. RIAO-OPTILAS 2010, 10th Latin-American Meeting on Optics, Lasers and Applications, Lima, Pérou. 20-24 septembre. Crépin C., Shafizadeh N., Chin W., Galaup J. P., McCaffrey J. G. & Arabei S. M. (2010) Stimulated emission of tetrapyrrolic molecules in van der Waals solids. ISOMQIS International Symposium on Optical Manipulation of Quantum Information in Solids, en hommage à Ivan Lorgeré et à Olivier Guillot-Noël, Paris, France. 26-28 mai. Louchet-Chauvet A., Appel J., Renema J. J., Oblak D., N. Kjærgaard & Polzik E. S. (2010) Entanglementassisted atomic clock. European Conference on Atoms, Molecules and Photons, Salamanca, Espagne. 4-9 juillet. 2009 Louchet-Chauvet A., Appel J., Oblak D., Hoff U.B., N. Kjærgaard & Polzik E. S. (2009) Tomography of an atomic Fock state Danish Physical Society Nordic Meeting, Lyngby, Danemark. 16-18 juin. Appel J., Louchet-Chauvet, A, Hoff U.B., Oblak D., Kjærgaard N. & Polzik E. S. (2009) From spin squeezing to non-Gaussian atomic quantum states. Danish Physical Society Nordic Meeting, Lyngby, Danemark. 16-18 juin. 26 Rodriguez-Otazo M., Augier A., Galaup J.-P., Lamère J.-F. & Fery-Forgues S. (2009) Manipulating nano structured colloids and organic micro-crystals with optical tweezers. SPECTRA 2009 - 2ème Conférence internationale de spectroscopie, Lima, Pérou. 9-13 mars. 2008 Ghosh J., Goldfarb F., David M., J. Ruggiero, Chanelière T., Le Gouët J.-L., Gilles H., Bretenaker F. & Ghosh R. (2008) Electromagnetically induced transparency and slow light in a hot atomic vapour of 4He undergoing collisions. Photonics, Delhi, Inde. 13-17 décembre. Goldfarb F., Ghosh J., David M., J. Ruggiero, Chanelière T., Le Gouët J.-L., Gilles H., Ghosh R. & Bretenaker F. (2008) EIT et lumière lente dans une vapeur de 4He à température ambiante. PAMO 2008, Lille, France. 7-10 juillet. Lauro R., Ruggiero J., Louchet A., Alexander A., Chanelière T., Lorgeré I., Bretenaker F., Goldfarb F. & Le Gouët J.-L. (2008) Tm3+ doped YAG crydtals for quantum information storage. International Conference on Luminescence and Optical spectroscopy of condensed mater, Lyon, France. 7-11 juillet. Ruggiero J., Bretenaker F., Chanelière T., Goldfarb F., Lorgeré I. & Le Gouët J.-L. (2008) Inverser l'absorption. PAMO 2008, Lille, France. 7-10 juillet. Autres Publications (AP_SEM) : SEMINAIRES, COURS.. 2012 Le Gouët J.-L. (2012) Ions de terre rare en matrice cristalline pour le traitement analogique de signaux radiofréquence large bande. ESPCI, Paris, France. 29 mars. 2011 Pascual-Winter M.-F. (2011) Manipulation de cohérences atomiques par passages adiabatiques rapides pour la mémorisation quantique. Séminaire à l’Institut des Nanosciences de Paris, Université Paris 6, Paris, France. 17 janvier. Pascual-Winter M.-F. (2011) Manipulación de coherencias atómicas mediante pasajes adiabáticos rápidos para la memorización cuántica. Séminaire au laboratoire de Basses Temperatures du Centro Atómico Bariloche, San Carlos de Bariloche, Argentine. 5 septembre 2010 Chauvet A. (2010) Génération et tomographie d’un état atomique comprimé sur la transition d’horloge du césium. Systèmes de Référence Temps Espace. Observatoire de Paris, France. 12 octobre. Louchet-Chauvet A. (2010) Horloge atomique assistée par intrication. Séminaire du laboratoire Aimé Cotton, Orsay, France. 18 février. Galaup J. P. (2010) Cours : Introduction to super-high resolution microscopy and to optical tweezers, cours donné en espagnol : Introducción a la microscopia óptica a súper alta resolución y a las pinzas ópticas. NANOCIENCIAS, 3rd International Seminar on Nanosciences and Nano-technologies, La Habana, Cuba. 7-10 septembre. Le Gouët J.-L. (2010) Stocker un photon unique dans un cristal. Laboratoire Photonique et Nanostructures, Marcoussis, France. 6 avril. Le Gouët J.-L. (2010) Stocker un photon unique dans un cristal. Laboratoire de Spectrométrie Physique, Grenoble. 10 mars. 2009 27 Louchet-Chauvet A. (2009) Génération et tomographie d’un état atomique comprimé sur la transition d’horloge du césium. Laboratoire Charles Fabry de l’Institut d’Optique, Palaiseau, France. 9 octobre. 2008 Louchet A. (2008) Optical coherent driving of spin waves in Tm :YAG. Niels Bohr Institute, Copenhague, Danemark. 9 avril. Autres Publications : ORGANISATION DE CONGRES (AP_ORG) OU AUTRES MANIFESTATIONS 2013-2008 2010 Chanelière T., Le Gouët J.-L. & Goldner Ph. (2010) Organisateurs du symposium. International Symposium on Optical Manipulation of Quantum Information in Solids, Institut Henri Poincaré, Paris, France. 26 -28 mai. VALORISATION ET BREVETS (BREV) - 2013-2008 2012 Le Gouët J.-L. & Chanelière T. (2012) Photon Echo quantum memory and method. Application number: US13/454,388. OUVRAGES SCIENTIFIQUES (OS) - 2013-2008 2008 Champeau R.-J., Carpentier R. & Lorgeré I. (2008) Ondes lumineuses. Editions De Boeck. 28 POLE 2 - MATIERE FROIDE : INTERACTIONS, CORRELATIONS ET COMPLEXITE (MAFICC) GROUPE 4 – ETICC (En « bleu », les publications communes à plusieurs groupes ; En « gras bleu », les publications communes à plusieurs pôles) ARTICLES DANS DES REVUES INTERNATIONALES OU NATIONALES AVEC COMITE DE LECTURE (ACL) 2012 Brion E., Carlier F., Akulin V. M. & Molmer K. (2012) Quantum repeater with Rydberg-blocked atomic ensembles in fiber-coupled cavities. Physical Review A, 85 (4), n°042324. Carlier F., Brion E. & Akulin V.M. (2012) Fractal growth in the presence of a surface force field. European Physical Journal B, 85 (5), 152. 2011 Brion E., Carlier F., Harel G. & Akulin V.M. (2011) Nonholonomic quantum control 44 (2011) 154001. Journal of Physics B-Atomic Molecular and Optical Physics, 44 (15), n°154001. 2010 Akulin V.M., Carlier F., Brion E., Bensky G. & Kurizki G. (2010) Universal protection of unitary evolution from static noise: to which order of the perturbation theory does it make sense. Quantum Computers and Computing, 10 (1), 20-25. Bensky G., Brion E., Carlier F., Akulin V. M. & Kurizki G. (2010) Universal dynamical decoupling from slow noise with minimal control. Europhysic Letters, 89 (1), n°10011. Brion E., Carlier F., Akulin V.M. & Molmer K. (2010) Quantum Fourier Transform in an ensemble quantum computer. Quantum Computers and Computing, 10 ( 1), 26-31. Guerlin C., Brion E., Esslinger T. & Molmer K. (2010) Cavity quantum electrodynamics with a Rydberg-blocked atomic ensemble. Physical Review A, 82, n°053832. Leverrier A., Grosshans F. & Grangier P. (2010) Finite-size analysis of a continuous-variable quantum key distribution. Physical Review A, 81, n°062343. Rondin L., Dantelle G., Slablab A., Grosshans F., Treussart F., Bergonzo P., Perruchas S., Gacoin T., Chaigneau M., Chang H. C., Jacques V. & Roch J.-F. (2010) Surface-induced charge state conversion of nitrogen-vacancy defects in nanodiamonds. Physical Review B, 82 (11), n°115449. 2009 Mandilara A., Karpov E. & Cerf N. J. (2009) Extending Hudson's theorem to mixed quantum states. Physical Review A, 79 (6), n° 062302. 2008 Jacques V., Wu E., Grosshans F., Treussart F., Grangier P., Aspect A. & Roch J.-F. (2008) Delayed-choice test of quantum complementarity with single photons. Physical Review Letters, 100, n°220402. Jacques V., Murray J. D., Marquier F., Chauvat D., Grosshans F., Treussart F. & Roch J.-F. (2008) Enhancing single-molecule photostability by optical feedback from quantum jump detection (arXiv:0707.3200). Applied Physics Letters, 93, n°203307. 29 « Arxiv » / (article sans comité de lecture). Grosshans F. (2009) Robust and efficient sifting-less quantum key distribution protocols (arXiv:0907.2897). COMMUNICATIONS AVEC ACTE(ACT) 2011 Motapon O., Backodissa D., Tamo F. O. W., Tudorache D., Chakrabarti K., Mezei J. Z., Lique F., Bultel A., Tchang-Brillet L., Dulieu O., Tennyson J., Wolf A., Urbain X. & Schneider I. F. (2011) Electron-molecular cation reactive collisions: from channel mixing to competitive processes. Journal of Physics Conference Series, 300, n° 012018. CONFERENCES INVITEES (INV) 2010 Grosshans F. (2010) Robust and efficient sifting-less quantum key distribution protocols. XIII International Conference on Quantum Optics and Quantum Information (ICQOQI'2010), Kiev, Ukraine. 28 mai - 1er juin 2008 Grosshans F., Diêp Lai Ngoc, Treussart F. & Roch J.-F. (2008) Utilisation des centre colorés du diamant pour l'information quantique. Qubits pour le calcul : l'état des lieux, Observatoire des Micro et NanoTechnologies, Grenoble, France. 1er octobre COMMUNICATIONS (sans actes) (COM) 2012 Brion E., Akouline V., Carlier F., Esslinger T., Guerlin C., K. Mølmer, Pedersen L.H. & Saffman M. (2012) Quantum information with Rydberg blocked ensembles. Présentation orale donnée au 2ème workshop du GdR Information Quantique Fondements et Applications (IQFA), Grenoble, France. 30 novembre. 2011 Brion E. (2011) Cavity quantum electrodynamics with a Rydberg blocked atomic ensemble. CAMEL 7, Nessebar, Bulgarie. 4-8 juillet. Grazioso F. & Grosshans F. (2011) How to increase BB84 robustness through continuous variable methods. Conférence, Télécom ParisTech. 26-27 septembre. Grazioso F. & Grosshans F. (2011) Increasing the robustness of BB84 through continuous variable techniques. Premier Workshop du GDR-IQFA, Institut Henri Poincaré, Paris. 23-25 novembre 2009 Akouline V. (2009)Information quantique 2009, Moscou, Russie. 2-11 octobre. Aharonovich I., Chunyuan Z., Stacey A., Orwa J., Castelletto S., Simpson D.A., Greentree A. D., Grosshans F., Diêp Lai Ngoc, Treussart F., Roch J.-F. & Prawer S. (2009) Diamond-based singlephoton source applied to quantum key distribution. MRS Fall Meeting, Boston, Ma, USA. 30 novembre-4 décembre. Brion E., Pedersen L.H., Mølmer K. & Saffman M. (2009) Calcul quantique avec des ensembles atomiques. Présentation orale au colloque Bouyssy, Université Paris Sud, Orsay, France. 14 Février Brion E. (2009) Quantum computing with collective ensembles of multi-level systems. Micro- and nonoelectronics (ICMNE-2009), Moscou, Russie. 4 -10 octobre. 30 2008 Grosshans F., Jacques V., Roch J.-F., Guang Wu & Heping Zeng (2008) Entropy of a continuous variable quantum random number generator. Symposium for Young Researchers "Quantum manipulation of Photons and Atoms", Pékin, Shanghai, Chine. 14-22 octobre. Grosshans F., Jacques V. & Roch J.-F. (2008) Entropy of a continuous variable quantum random number generator. Third Russian-French laser-physics workshop for young scientists (FR-YS 08), Saint Petersbourg, Russie. 22-27 septembre. 2009 Jacques V., Wu E., Grosshans F., Treussart F., Grangier P., Aspect A. & Roch J.-F. (2009) Delayed-choice test of quantum complementarity with interfering single photons. Foundational principles in Quantum Information (Foun.QI), Grenoble, France. 15-17 juin. AFFICHES (AFF) 2010 Brion E. (2010) Universal dynamical decoupling from slow noise with minimal control, poster présenté à la conférence internationale. International Conference on Quantum Information and Computation, Stockholm, Suède. Octobre. Grosshans F. (2010) Robust and efficient sifting-less quantum key distribution protocols. QIP 2010, 13th workshop on quantum information processing, Zurich, Suisse. 14-22 janvier. 2008 Grosshans F., Jacques V., Roch J.-F., Guang Wu & Heping Zeng (2008) Entropy of a continuous variable quantum random number generator. Symposium for Young Researchers "Quantum manipulation of Photons and Atoms" QMPA'2008, Shanghai, Chine. 14-22 octobre. Grosshans F., Jacques V. & Roch J.-F. (2008) A continuous variable based quantum random number generator. SECOQC QKD Network Demonstration and Conference, Vienne, Autriche. 8-10 octobre. Autres Publications (AP_SEM) : SEMINAIRES, COURS.. 2012 Akouline V. (2012). Séminaire au laboratoire Poncelet, Moscou, Russie. Brion E. (2012) Cavity quantum electrodynamics with a Rydberg-blocked atomic ensemble Séminaire donné au laboratoire Kastler Brossel, groupe Fluctuations quantiques et relativité (dir. S. Reynaud), Paris, France. Janvier 2011 Akouline V. (2011). Séminaire à l' Institut Landau, Moscou, Russie. 1er décembre-11 décembre Grosshans F. (2011) Quantum key distribution with continuous variables, Univ. Palacky. International Centre for Information Uncertainty, Olomouc, RépubliqueTchèque. 5 octobre. Grosshans F. (2011) Reducing continuous variable QKD to a finite dimensional problem. Réunion intermédiaire du programme ANR-NSERC Frequency, Institute for Quantum Computing, Waterloo, Canada. 2010 Brion E. (2010) Quantum computing with collective ensembles of multi-level systems. Séminaire à l'Université Libre de Bruxelles - Center for Quantum Information and Communication, groupe du Pr. N. Cerf, Bruxelles, Belgique. avril. 31 Grosshans F. (2010) Nonlocality and communication complexity. Quantum distributed computing, Villa Finaly, Florence, Italie. 26-29 octobre 2009 Brion E. (2009) Methods of quantum control : applications to quantum computing and information protection. Séminaire au Département de Physique de l'Université de Pise, groupe du Pr. E. Arimondo, Pise, Italie. Novembre. Brion E. (2009) Quantum computing with collective ensembles of multi-level systems. Séminaire au Département de Physique de l'Université de Pise, groupe du Pr. E. Arimondo, Pise, Italie. Novembre. Grosshans F. (2009) Robust and efficient sifting-less quantum key distribution protocols. Séminaire à l'Institute for Quantum Computing (IQC), Waterloo, Canada. 10 décembre. 2008 Grosshans F., Jacques V. & Roch J.-F. (2008) Entropy of a continuous variable quantum random number generator. Centre for Quantum Technologies, National University of Singapore, Singapour, République de Singapour. 28 octobre. VALORISATION ET BREVETS (BREV) Brouri-Tualle R., Cerf N. J., Grangier P., Grosshans F., Assche G. Van & Wenger J. (2008) High-rate quantum key distribution relying on continuously phase- and amplitude modulated coherent light pulses. Délivré le 22 juillet 2008 (demande déposée le 7 juillet 2003). 32 POLE 2 - MATIERE FROIDE : INTERACTIONS, CORRELATIONS ET COMPLEXITE (MAFICC) GROUPE 5 –MFC (En « bleu », les publications communes à plusieurs groupes ; En « gras bleu », les publications communes à plusieurs pôles) ARTICLES DANS DES REVUES INTERNATIONALES OU NATIONALES AVEC COMITE DE LECTURE (ACL) 2013 Ayouz M., Dulieu O. & J. Robert (2013 ) Resonant states of H3- molecule and its isotopologues D2H- and H2D(arXiv:1304.2886). Journal of Physical Chemistry A, accepted. 2012 Viteau M., Huillery P., Bason M. G., Malossi N., Ciampini D., Morsch O., Arimondo E., Comparat D. & Pillet P. (2012) Cooperative Excitation and Many-Body Interactions in a Cold Rydberg Gas. Physical Review Letters, 109 (5), n°053002. van de Meerakker S. Y. T., Bethlem H. L., Vanhaecke N. & Meijer G. (2012) Manipulation and Control of Molecular Beams. Chemical Reviews, 112 (9), 4828-4878. Stanojevic J., Parigi V., Bimbard E., Ourjoumtsev A., Pillet P. & Grangier P. (2012) Generating non-Gaussian states using collisions between Rydberg polaritons. Physical Review A, 86 (2), n°021403. Medina A., Rahmat G., Jalbert G., Cireasa R., Zappa F., de Carvalho C. R., Faria N. V. D. & Robert J. (2012) Slow metastable H(2(2)S(1/2)) from dissociation of cold H-2 induced by electrons. European Physical Journal D, 66 (5), n°134. Manai I., Horchani R., Lignier H., Pillet P., Comparat D., Fioretti A. & Allegrini M. (2012) Rovibrational cooling of molecules by optical pumping; Paper selected for a viewpoint / Nicholas Bigelow, Deep molecular cooling, Physics 5, 121 (2012). Physical Review Letters, 109, n° 183001. Lorch N., Pepe F. V., Lignier H., Ciampini D., Mannella R., Morsch O., Arimondo E., Facchi P., Florio G., Pascazio S. & Wimberger S. (2012) Wave-function-renormalization effects in resonantly enhanced tunneling. Physical Review A, 85 (5), n°053602. Horchani R., Lignier H., Bouloufa-Maafa N., Fioretti A., Pillet P. & Comparat D. (2012) Triplet-singlet conversion by broadband optical pumping. Physical Review A, 85 (3), n° 30502. Gurian J. H., Cheinet P., Huillery P., Fioretti A., Zhao J., Gould P. L., Comparat D. & Pillet P. (2012) Observation of a Resonant Four-Body Interaction in Cold Cesium Rydberg Atoms. Physical Review Letters, 108 (2), n°023005. Doser M., Amsler C., Belov A., Bonomi G., Braunig P., Bremer J., Brusa R., Burkhart G., Cabaret L., Canali C., Castelli F., Chlouba K., Cialdi S., Comparat D., Consolati G., Di Noto L., Donzella A., Dudarev A., Eisel T., Ferragut R., Ferrari G., Fontana A., Genova P., Giammarchi M., Gligorova A., Gninenko S., Haider S., Hansen J. P., Hogan S., Jorgensen L., Kaltenbacher T., Kellerbauer A., Krasnicky D., Lagomarsino V., Mariazzi S., Matveev V., Merkt F., Moia F., Nebbia G., Nedelec P., Oberthaler M., Perini D., Petracek V., Prelz F., Prevedelli M., Regenfus C., Riccardi C., Rohne O., Rotondi A., Sacerdoti M., Sandaker H., Spacek M., Storey J., Testera G., Tokareva A., Trezzi D., Vaccarone R., Villa F., Zavatarelli Z., Zenoni A. & Collaboration Aegis (2012) Exploring the WEP with a pulsed cold beam of antihydrogen. Classical and Quantum Gravity, 29 (18), n°184009. 33 2011 Lignier H., Fioretti A., Horchani R., Drag C., Bouloufa N., Allegrini M., Dulieu O., Pruvost L., Pillet P. & Comparat D. (2011) Deeply bound cold caesium molecules formed after 0(g)(-) resonant coupling. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 13 (42), 18910-18920. Trimeche A., Bera M. N., Cromières J. P., Robert J. & Vanhaecke N. (2011) Trapping of a supersonic beam in a traveling magnetic wave. European Physical Journal D, 65 (1-2), 263-271. Sofikitis D., Stern G., Kime L., Dimova E., Fioretti A., Comparat D. & Pillet P. (2011) Loading a dipole trap from an atomic reservoir. European Physical Journal D, 61 (2), 437-442. Perrin H., Lemonde P., dos Santos F. P., Josse V., Tolra B. L., Chevy F. & Comparat D. (2011) Application of lasers to ultra-cold atoms and molecules. Comptes Rendus Physique, 12 (4), 417-432. Miroshnychenko Y., Browaeys A., Evellin C., Gaëtan A., Wilk T., Wolter J., Grangier P., Chotia A., Comparat D., Pillet P. & Viteau M. (2011) Entanglement of two ground state neutral atoms using Rydberg blockade. Optics and Spectroscopy, 111 (4), 540-546. Medina A., Rahmat G., de Carvalho C. R., Jalbert G., Zappa F., Nascimento R. F., Cireasa R., Vanhaecke N., Schneider I. F., Faria N. V. D. & Robert J. (2011) Collisional production of fast metastable hydrogen atoms from cold H(2): toward twin atoms. Journal of Physics B-Atomic Molecular and Optical Physics, 44 (21), n° 215203. Fioretti A., Pillet P. & Comparat D. (2011) Cold Molecules, Photoassociation, Optical Pumping and Laser Cooling: The Cesium Case, Dynamical Processes (Editors : Gennadi Ogurtsov and Danielle Dowek, Bentham Science Publishers Ltd). Atomic and Molecular Physics, 96-121. Comparat D. (2011) Comment on "Quantitative Condition is Necessary in Guaranteeing the Validity of the Adiabatic Approximation". Physical Review Letters, 106 (13), n°138902. 2010 Cabaret L. & Drag C. (2010) Highly scannable injection seeded nanosecond Ti:sapphire ring laser. European Physical Journal-Applied Physics, 51 (2). Sofikitis D., Fioretti A., Weber S., Horchani R., Pichler M., Li X., Allegrini M., Chatel B., Comparat D. & Pillet P. (2010) Vibrational cooling of cold molecules with optimized shaped pulses. Molecular Physics, 108 ( 6), 795-810. Saquet N., Cournol A., Beugnon J., Robert J., Pillet P. & Vanhaecke N. (2010) Landau-Zener Transitions in Frozen Pairs of Rydberg Atoms. Physical Review Letters, 104 (13), n° 133003. Miroshnychenko Y., Gaëtan A., Evellin C., Grangier P., Comparat D., Pillet P., Wilk T. & Browaeys A. (2010) Coherent excitation of a single atom to a Rydberg state. Physical Review A, 82 (1), 013405 Gurian J. H., Overstreet K. R., Maeda H. & Gallagher T. F. (2010) Connecting field ionization to photoionization via 17-and 36-GHz microwave fields. Physical Review A, 82 (4), n°043415. Gurian J. H., Maeda H. & Gallagher T. F. (2010) Kilohertz dye laser system for high resolution laser spectroscopy. Review of Scientific Instruments, 81 (7). Comparat D. & Pillet P. (2010) Dipole blockade in a cold Rydbergatomic sample. Journal of The Optical Society of America B-Optical Physics, 27 (6), A208-A232. 34 Browaeys A. & Pillet P. (2010) Rydberg molecules: The making and breaking of bonds. Nature Physics, 6, 941-942. Bouloufa N., Favilla E., Viteau M., Chotia A., Fioretti A., Gabbanini C., Allegrini M., Aymar M., Comparat D., Dulieu O. & Pillet P. (2010) Photoionization spectroscopy of excited states of cold caesium dimmers. Molecular Physics, 108 (18), 2355-2368. Ayouz M., Dulieu O., Guérout R., Robert J. & Kokoouline V. (2010) Potential energy and dipole moment surfaces of H- 3 molecule (arXiv:1002.1626). Journal of Chemical Physics, 132, n°194309. 2009 Cabaret L. (2009) A diode-pumped, frequency-doubled, tunable single-mode quasi-continuous-wave Yb:YAG laser emitting 70 W peak power at 515 nm. Applied Physics B-Lasers and Optics, 94 (1), 71-79. Comparat D. (2009) General conditions for quantum adiabatic evolution. Physical Review A, 80 (1), n° 012106. Fioretti A., Sofikitis D., Horchani R., Li X., Pichler M., Weber S., Allegrini M., Chatel B., Comparat D. & Pillet P. (2009) Cold cesium molecules: from formation to cooling. Journal of Modern Optics, 56 (18-19), 20892099. Gaëtan A., Miroshnychenko Y., Wilk T., Chotia A., Viteau M., Comparat D., Pillet P., Browaeys A. & Grangier P. (2009) Observation of collective excitation of two individual atoms in the Rydberg blockade regime. Cet article a fait l'objet d'un article dans "Physics Today " de février 2009. Nature Physics, 5 (2), 115-118. Mandilara A., Akulin V. M. & Pillet P. (2009) Population dynamics in cold gases resulting from the long-range dipole-dipole interaction. Journal of Physics B-Atomic Molecular and Optical Physics, 42 (21), n° 215301. Sofikitis D., Weber S., Fioretti A., Horchani R., Allegrini M., Chatel B., Comparat D. & Pillet P. (2009) Molecular vibrational cooling by optical pumping with shaped femtosecond pulses. New Journal of Physics, 11, n°055037. Sofikitis D., Horchani R., Li X. L., Pichler M., Allegrini M., Fioretti A., Comparat D. & Pillet P. (2009) Vibrational cooling of cesium molecules using noncoherent broadband light. Physical Review A, 80 (5), n° 051401. Sofikitis D., Fioretti A., Weber S., Viteau M., Chotia A., Horchani R., Allegrini M., Chatel B., Comparat D. & Pillet P. (2009) Broadband Vibrational Cooling of Cold Cesium Molecules : Theory and Experiments. Chinese Paper of Chemical physics, 22 (2), 149-156. Viteau M., Chotia A., Sofikitis D., Allegrini M., Bouloufa N., Dulieu O., Comparat D. & Pillet P. (2009) Broadband lasers to detect and cool the vibration of cold molecules. Faraday Discussions, 142, 257-270. Viteau M., Chotia A., Allegrini M., Bouloufa N., Dulieu O., Comparat D. & Pillet P. (2009) Efficient formation of deeply bound ultracold molecules probed by broadband detection. Physical Review A, 79 (2), n°021402. 2008 Castelli F., Boscolo I., Cialdi S., Giammarchi M. G. & Comparat D. (2008) Efficient positronium laser excitation for antihydrogen production in a magnetic field. Physical Review A, 78 (5), 052512. Chotia A., Viteau M., Vogt T., Comparat D. & Pillet P. (2008) Kinetic Monte Carlo modeling of dipole blockade in Rydberg excitation experiment. New Journal of Physics, 10, n°045031. 35 Gallagher T. F. & Pillet P. (2008) Dipole-Dipole Interactions of Rydberg Atoms. Advances in Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics (Editors: Ennio Arimondo, Paul Berman, Chun Lin), 56, 161-218. Viteau M., Chotia A., Comparat D., Tate D. A., Gallagher T. F. & Pillet P. (2008) Melting a frozen Rydberg gas with an attractive potential. Physical Review A, 78 (4), n°040704. Viteau M., Chotia A., Allegrini M., Bouloufa N., Dulieu O., Comparat D. & Pillet P. (2008) Optical pumping and vibrational cooling of molecules. A fait l’objet d’une “brève” dans les actualités scientifiques en mathématiques et physique du département MPPU . Science, 321 (5886), 232-234. COMMUNICATIONS AVEC ACTES DANS UN CONGRES INTERNATIONAL OU NATIONAL (ACT) 2013 AEgIS experiment commissioning at CERN D.Krasnický et al. (AEGIS Collaboration) AIP Conf. Proc. 1521 144 (2013). 10th International Workshop on Non-Neutral Plasmas : Greifswald, GERMANY 2011 Ferragut R., Belov A. S., Bonomi G., Boscolo I., Brusa R. S., Byakov V. M., Cabaret L., Calloni A., Canali C., Carraro C., Castelli F., Cialdi S., Comparat D., Consolati G., Dassa L., Djourelov N., Doser M., Drobychev G., Dudarev A., Dupasquier A., Ferrari G., Fischer A., Folegati P., Fontana A., Formaro L., Giammarchi M. G., Gninenko S. N., Heyne R., Hogan S. D., Jorgensen L. V., Kellerbauer A., Krasnicky D., Lagomarsino V., Manuzio G., Mariazzi S., Matveev V. A., Morhard C., Nebbia G., Nedelec P., Oberthaler M. K., Perini D., Petracek V., Prelz F., Prevedelli M., Al-Qaradawi I. Y., Quasso F., Riccardi C., Rohne O., Rotondi A., Sacerdoti M., Sandaker H., Sillou D., Stepanov S. V., Stroke H. H., Testera G., Trezzi D., Turbabin A. V., Vaccarone R., Villa F., Warring U., Zavatarelli S., Zenoni A. & Zvezhinskij D. S. (2011) Antihydrogen physics: gravitation and spectroscopy in AEgIS. International Conference on Precision Physics of Simple Atomic Systems. Revue canadienne de Physique, 89, (1), 17-24, École de Physique, les Houches, France, 2010. 30 mai- 4 Juin. 2010 Browaeys A., Gaëtan A., Wilk T., Evellin C., Wolters J., Miroshnychenko Y., Grangier P., Pillet P., Comparat D., Chotia A. & Viteau M. (2010) Entanglement of two individual neutral atoms using rydberg blockade (editors: H. Katori, H. Yoneda, K. Nakagawa, F. Shimizu). Laser Spectroscopy, 63-73. 2009 Sofikitis D., Fioretti A., Weber S., Viteau M., Chotia A., Horchani R., Allegrini M., Chatel B., Comparat D. & Pillet P. (2009) Broadband Vibrational Cooling of Cold Cesium Molecules : Theory and Experiments. 4th Sino- French Workshop on Molecular Spectroscopy, Dynamics and Quantum Control. Chinese Paper of Chemical physics, 22 (2), 149-156, Hefei, Chine. 23-24 octobre. 2008 Kellerbauer A., Amoretti M., Belov A. S., Bonomic G., Boscolo I., Brusa R. S., Buchner M., Byakov V. M., Cabaret L., Canali C., Carraro C., Castelli F., Cialdi S., de Combarieu M., Comparat D., Consolati G., Djourelov N., Doser M., Drobychev G., Dupasquier A., Ferrari G., Forget P., Formaro L., Gervasini A., Giammarchi M. G., Gninenko S. N., Gribakin G., Hogan S. D., Jacquey M., Lagomarsino V., Manuzio G., Mariazzi S., Matveev V. A., Meier J. O., Merkt F., Nedelec P., Oberthaler M. K., Parik P., Prevedelli M., Quasso F., Rotondi A., Sillou D., Stepanov S. V., Strokes H. H., Testera G., Tino G. M., Trenec G., Vairo A., Vigufe J., Walters H., Warring U., Zavatarelli S., Zvezhinskij D. S. & Proto-Collaboration Aegis (2008) Proposed antimatter gravity measurement with an antihydrogen beam. Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section B- Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, 14th International Workshop on Low-Energy Positron and Positronium Physics, 266, (3), 351-356, Reading, Angleterre, UK. 01-04 août. 36 Pillet P., Viteau M., Chotia A., Sofitikis D., Allegrini M., Bouloufa N., Dulieu O. & Comparat D. (2008) Formation of cold molecules or/and laser cooling of molecules Proceedings o the XXI ICAP: "Pushing the frontiers of atomic physics", Editors R. Côté, P.L. Gould, M. Rozman, W.W. Smith, World Scientific 2008, 38. Testera G., Belov A. S., Bonomi G., Boscolo I., Brambilla N., Brusa R. S., Byakov V. M., Cabaret L., Canali C., Carraro C., Castelli F., Cialdi S., de Combarieu M., Comparat D., Consolati G., Djourelov N., Doser M., Drobychev G., Dupasquier A., Fabris D., Ferragut R., Ferrari G., Fischer A., Fontana A., Forget P., Formaro L., Lunardon M., Gervasini A., Giammarchi M. G., Gninenko S. N., Gribakin G., Heyne R., Hogan S. D., Kellerbauer A., Krasnicky D., Lagomarsino V., Manuzio G., Mariazzi S., Matveev V. A., Merkt F., Moretto S., Morhard C., Nebbia G., Nedelec P., Oberthaler M. K., Pari P., Petracek V., Prevedelli M., Al-Qaradawi I. Y., Quassoi F., Rohne O., Pesente S., Rotondi A., Stapnes S., Sillou D., Stepanov S. V., Stroke H. H., Tino G., Vairo A., Viesti G., Walters H., Warring U., Zavatarelli S., Zenoni A., Zvezhinskij D. S. & Collaboration Aegis Proto (2008) Formation of a cold antihydrogen beam in AEGIS for gravity measurements. Conference on Cold Antimatter Plasmas and Application to Fundamental Physics. AIP Conference Proceedings, 1037, 5-15, Okinawa, Japon. 20-22 février. CONFERENCES INVITEES (INV) 2013 Comparat D. (2013) High flux monochromatic ion and electron beams based on laser-cooled atoms. Banff Meeting on Structural Dynamics Ultrafast Dynamics with Xrays and electrons, Banff, Alberta, Canada. 1720 février. 2012 Comparat D. (2012) Laser cooling of molecules. Japanese-French Frontiers of Science (JFFoS), Nice, France. 19-22 janvier. Comparat D. (2012) Toward a continuous Zeeman Deceleration of Molecule. International Workshop on Zeeman Deceleration 2012, Zürich, Suisse. 13-14 avril Comparat D. (2012 ) Monochromatic ion and electron beams by ionization of cold atoms. International Workshop on Ultracold Atoms and Molecules, Sun Moon Lake, Taiwan. Mai Pillet P. (2012) Ro-vibrational laser-cooling of molecules through optical pumping, 2012 Taiwan International Workshop on Ultracold Atoms and Molecules International workshop on ultracold atoms and molecules, Taipei, Taïwan. 18-20 mai. Pillet P. (2012) Ro-vibrational laser-cooling of molecules through optical pumping. Lphys'2012 (21th International laser physics workshop), Calgary, Canada. 23-28 juillet. Pillet P. (2012) Ro-vibrational laser-cooling of molecules through optical pumping, Control of the Quantum Dynamics of Atoms, Molecules and Ensembles by Light. CAMEL'8 Workshop, Nessebar, Bulgarie. 25-29 juin. Pillet P. (2012) Properties and dynamics of a cold sample of Rydberg atoms. COHERENCE School and YEA meeting: « Fundamentals of Rydberg Atoms and Molecules » Workshop "YEA" (Young Excited Atomix), Pise, Italie. 20 - 22 septembre. 2011 Comparat D. (2011) Monochromatic ion and electron beams by ionization of cold atoms. 23rd NNVSymposium plasma physics and radiation technology (Dutch Physical Society), Lunteren, Pays-Bas. 16 mars. Comparat D. (2011) Triplet or singlet molecular vibrational cooling by optical pumping with shaped pulse. Young European Physicists Meeting, Toulouse, France. 18-22 Juillet. 37 Comparat D. (2011) Physics with ultracold molecules. Quantum Manipulation of Atoms and Photons, Shanghai, Chine. 25 octobre. Pillet P. (2011) Recent results with cold Rydberg atoms: Dipole−blockade and few−body processes. International Workshop on "Quantum Manipulation of Atoms and Photons", QMAP 2011, Shanghaï, Chine 1622 octobre. Pillet P. (2011) Laser manipulation and cooling of internal degrees of freedom of molecules. ECOQAS11 International Workshop on "Engineering and control of quantum systems", MPIKS Dresde, Allemagne. 1014octobre. Pillet P. (2011) Many-body regime in a rydberg atomic sample:Dipole-blockade and few-body processes. CAMEL 7 - 7th Workshop on "Control of Quantum Dynamics of Atoms Molecules and Ensembles", Nessebar, Bulgarie. 3-9 juillet. Pillet P. (2011) Cold Rydberg atoms: Few−body processes and Dipole−blockade. International Workshop on Quantum Manipulation of Atoms and Photons (QMAP 2011), Taiyuan, Chine. 24 - 25 octobre. Pillet P., Cheinet P., Gurian J.H., Huillery P., Bruneau Y., Fioretti A. & Comparat D. (2011) Many body regime in a Rydberg atomic sample: dipole blockade and few body effects. LPHYS'11 - 20th International Laser Physics Workshop, Sarajevo, Bosnie-Herzégovine. 11-15 juillet. 2010 Browaeys A., Gaëtan A., Wilk T., Evellin C., Wolters J., Miroshnychenko Y., Grangier P., Pillet P. & Comparat D. (2010) Entanglement of two individual neutral atoms using rydberg blockade. 19th International Conference on Laser Spectroscopy (ICOLS09), Sankarpur, India. 18-21 janvier. Browaeys A., Gaëtan A., Wilk T., Evellin C., Wolters J., Miroshnychenko Y., Grangier P., Pillet P., Comparat D., Chotia A. & Viteau M. (2010) Entanglement of two individual neutral atoms using rydberg blockade. 19th International Conference on Laser Spectroscopy (ICOLS09), Hokkaido, Japan. 7-13 juin 2009. Comparat D. (2010) Is the quantum adiabatic theorem valid ? CAMEL6 - Control of Atoms, Molecules and Ensembles by Light, Nessebar, Bulgarie. Juillet. Comparat D. (2010) Applications of Cold Rydberg atoms. ICQIO’2010 XIII International Conference on. Quantum Optics and Quantum Information, Kiev, Ukraine. Juin. Comparat D., Fioretti A., Kime L., Gurian J., Bruneau Y. & Pillet P. (2010) Ultracold ion and electron beams based on cold atoms. ECCL - Electron Controlled Chemical Lithography, Sterdyn, Pologne. Août. Fioretti A., Lignier H., Horchani R., Comparat D. & Pillet P. (2010) Cold cesium molecules : towards complete control of translational, vibrational and rotational degrees of freedom through laser cooling. LPHYS’10 19th International laser physics workshop, Foz do Iguaçu, Brésil. 5-9 juillet. Pillet P. (2010) Laser cooling of molecules, prospects International Workshop on "Coherence in Ultracold Molecular Physics", Peter Wall Institute for Advanced Studies, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada. 20-23 mai. Pillet P. (2010) Molecular vibrational cooling through optical pumping using shaped laser, Physical, Theoretical and Computational Chemistry : Coherence and Decoherence in Molecular Processes. 93rd Canadian Chemistry Conference and Exhibition, Toronto, Canada. 29 mai - 2 juin. Pillet P. (2010) Control of the dipole-dipole interactions in a cold Rydberg atomic ensemble. FNP 2010 - IV International Conference - Frontiers of nonlinear physics, Nizhny Novgorod, Saint- Petersbourg, Russie. 1320 juillet. 38 Pillet P. (2010) Molecular vibrational cooling through optical pumping using shaped laser. 5th Asia Pacific Conference on Quantum Information Science, Taiyuan, Chine. 22-24 août. Pillet P. (2010) Rydberg excitation of cold atoms: From the formation of ultracold plasmas to the dipole blockade regime, Cold Rydberg Gases and Ultracold Plasmas. MPIPKS - ITAMP Tandem Workshop, Dresde, Allemagne. 6-17 septembre. Pillet P. (2010) Control of or/and via dipole-dipole interactions in a cold Rydberg gas: Application to accurate density of a cold Rydberg gas. International Workshop on Ultracold Rydberg Atoms, a Humboldt Kolleg within the Brazilian-German, Year of Science, Technology and Innovation 2010/2011, Recife, Brésil. 28 novembre - 1er décembre. 2009 Pillet P. (2009) Optical pumping and vibrational cooling of molecules. CAMEL 2009 - Control of the Quantum Dynamics of Atoms, Molecules and Ensembles by Light Workshop, Nessebar, Bulgarie. 23-28 juin. Pillet P. (2009) Controllable interactions between Rydberg atoms and ultracold plasmas. ICPEAC 2009 XXVI International Conference on Photonic, Electronic and Atomic Collisions, Kalamazoo, Mi, USA. 22-28 juillet. Pillet P. (2009) I - Rydberg atoms: introduction ; II - Long-range interactions between cold Rydberg atoms (Tutoriale conférence invitée). European Graduate College (EGC) Summer workshop, Berlin, Allemagne. 29 juin - 2 juillet. Pillet P. (2009) Control of dipole-dipole interactions in a frozen assembly of Rydberg atoms. Cold and ultracold plasma and Rydberg Physics II Workshop, Cambridge, UK. 21-23 septembre. Pillet P. (2009) Vibrational broadband laser cooling of Cs2 molecules. LPHYS'09 - 18th International laser physics Workshop, Barcelone, Espagne. 12-17 juillet. Pillet P. (2009) Broadband lasers to detect and cool the vibration of cold molecules. Faraday Discussion 142 : Cold and Ultracold Molecules Durham, U.K. 14-17 avril. Pillet P. (2009) Broadband lasers for detection and cooling of molecules (Conférence invitée pléniaire). PQE 2009 - 39th Winter Colloquium on the Physics of Quantum Electronic, Snow Bird, Utah, USA. 4-10 janvier. Pillet P. (2009) Molecular vibrational cooling through optical pumping using shaped laser HRMS09 - 21st Colloquium on high-resolution molecular spectroscopy international conference, Hotel dei Congressi, Castellammare di Stabia, Italy. 31 août-4 septembre. 2008 Comparat D., Viteau M., Chotia A., Allegrini M., Bouloufa N., Dulieu O. & Pillet P. (2008) Cold molecules formation and laser cooling of molecules. CAMEL4 - Control of Atoms, Molecules and Ensembles by Light, Nessebar, Bulgarie. Juin. (G05-G06) Comparat D., Viteau M., Chotia A., Allegrini M., Bouloufa N., Dulieu O. & Pillet P. (2008) Detection, formation and vibrational cooling of cold-molecules. QuDipMol meeting, Innsbruck, Autriche. Septembre. (G05-G06) Comparat D., Vitteau M., Chotia A., Allegrini M. & Pillet P. (2008 ) Femtosecond pulses and optical pumping of cesium cold molecules. Batsheva de Rothschild Seminar on Ultrafast-Ultracold Processes, Ein-Gedi, Israël. Février. 39 Pillet P. (2008) Frontier between cold Rydberg gases and ultracold plasmas: dipole and ion blockades in the excitation of Rydberg atoms. Gordon Research Conferences: Photoions, Photoionization & Photodetachment, Il Ciocco, Lucca (Barga), Italy. 27 janvier-1er février. Pillet P. (2008) Long-range interactions between cold Rydberg atoms: Dipole blockade, blackbody-radiation and dipole-dipole ionization. Workshop: Rydberg Excited Atoms, Sandbjerg Estate, Danemark. 14-16 mai. Pillet P. (2008) Ultracold ground-state cesium molecules : Optical pumping and vibrational cooling of molecules. Advances in Atomic and Molecular Physics 2008, Ratnieki, Lettonie. 16-18 juin. Pillet P. (2008) Formation of cold molecules or/and laser cooling of molecules. ICAP2008 - 21st International Conference on Atomic Physics, Storrs, Connecticut, USA. 27 juillet-1er août. Pillet P. (2008) Dynamics of ultracold molecules. MOLEC XVII, European Conference on Dynamics of Molecular Systems, St. Petersburg, Russie. 23-28 août. Pillet P. (2008) Cold molecules formation and laser cooling of molecules. 4ème Colloque franco-chinois, Hefei, Chine. 22-25 octobre. Viteau M., Chotia A., Allegrini M., Bouloufa N., Dulieu O., Comparat D. & Pillet P. (2008) Optical pumping and vibrational cooling of molecules. LPHYS’08 - 17th International Laser Physics Workshop, Trondheim, Norvège. 30 juin-4 juillet. COMMUNICATIONS (sans actes) (COM) 2013 2011 Comparat D. (2011) Around : Atomic transport in optical lattices (Henning Hagman Opponent), Umea, Suède. 21 janvier. Comparat D. (2011) Optical pumping of cold molecules to the vibrational ground state : Experimental results and prospects for laser cooling of molecules, Umea, Suède. 21 janvier. Comparat D. (2011) Atomes de Rydberg (4 corps) ; Molécules froides (pompage optique). Demi-Journée du Réseau Théoriciens de LUMAT, Orsay, France. 23 juin Comparat D. (2011) Physics with ultracold molecules. Quantum Manipulation of Atoms and Photons, Taiyuan, Chine. 25 octobre. Comparat D. (2011) Physics with ultracold molecules. Quantum Manipulation of Atoms and Photons, Taiyuan (Chine). 25 octobre. Gurian J. (2011). Workshop Réseau européen ITN Coherence, Heidelberg, Allemagne. Gurian J. (2011). DAMOP11 - 42nd Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Atomic Molecular and Optical Physics, Atlanta, USA. 13-17 juin. Horchani R. (2011) Manipulation of molecules with broadband laser: vibrational cooling and state conversion. Congrès général de la SFP, Bordeaux, France. 4-8 juillet. Vanhaecke N. (2011). IMAMPC - International Meeting on Atomic and Molecular Physics and Chemistry. 5-8 juillet. Vanhaecke N. (2011). ISMB - 24th International Symposium on Molecular Beams, Talence, France. 23-26 mai. 40 Vanhaecke N. (2011) Conférence "Cold and controlled Molecular Collisions", Munich, Allemagne. 1-5 février. 2010 Cabaret L., Bretenaker F., Comparat D., Drag C., Jucha A., Jungen Ch., Pillet P., Robert N., Vanhaecke N., Biraben F., Cladé P. , Guellati-Khelifa S., Julien K. & Nez F. (2010) The LymanAlpha Project : A quasi-continuous-wave laser at 121.6 nm for cooled hydrogen metrology and spectroscopy applications. Workshop "New experimental and theoretical developments in molecular spectroscopy atmospheric and astrophysical applications", SOLEIL, Saint-Aubin, Gif-sur-Yvette, France. 22-23 novembre. Fioretti A., Comparat D., Gurian J., Pillet P., Kime L., Rasser B. & Sudraud P. (2010) Monochromatic ion and electron beams by ionization of cold atoms. JNTE 10 - Journées Nationales sur les Technologies Emergentes en Micro-nanofabrication, Ecole Polytechnique, Palaiseau 24-26 novembre. 2009 Comparat D. (2009) Molecular cooling by optical pumping with shaped femtosecond pulses. 40th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, Charlottesville, Virginia, USA. 19-23 mai. Comparat D. (2009) AEGIS : measurement of the gravitational interaction of antihydrogen. New Opportunities in the Physics Landscape, CERN,Genève. 10-13 mai. Vanhaecke N. (2009). Faraday Discussion 142 : Cold and ultracold molecules, Durham, U.K. 14-17 avril. 2008 Comparat D., Viteau M., Chotia A., Vogt T., Allegrini M., Dulieu O., Bouloufa N. & Pillet P. (2008) Blocage dipolaire Rydberg et gaz de molécules ultra-froides sans vibration. Colloque de la division de physique atomique, moléculaire et optique de la Société française de physique. Journées de spectroscopie moléculaire, Villeneuve d'Ascq, France. Juillet. AFFICHES (AFF) 2012 Bruneau Y., Khalili G., Gurian J., Kime L., Fioretti A., Pillet P. & Comparat D. (2012) Ultracold ion and electron beams based on cold atoms. Japanese-French Frontiers of Science (JFFoS), Nice, France. 19-22 janvier. Comparat D. (2012) Ro-vibrational cooling of molecules. Towards Sisyphus cooling of molecules. ESF Conference in Cold and Ultracold Molecules, Universitätszentrum, Obergurgl, Autriche. 18-23 novembre. Manai I., HorchanI R., Hamamda M., Fioretti A., Allegrini M., Lignier H., Robert J., Pillet P. & Comparat D. (2012) Ro-vibrational cooling of molecules. Toward Sisyphus cooling of molecules. Frontiers of Cold Atoms and Related Topics, Honk-Kong. Mai. 2011 Cheinet P. (2011) Observation of resonant 4 body process with cold Rydberg atoms. EGAS43 - 43rd Congress of the European Group on Atomic Systems, Fribourg, Suisse. 28 juin-2 juillet. Trimeche A. (2011) Zeeman deceleration of Supersonic Beams with travelling magnetic waves. Conference internationale GDRI "Quantum Manipulation of Atoms and Photons" (QMAP'11), Shangaï, Chine 18-22 octobre. 2010 41 Ayouz M., Dulieu O., Raoult M., Robert J. & Kokoouline V. (2010) Bound states, resonances, and formation of the H3- anion. DAMOP10 - 41st Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Atomic Molecular and Optical Physics, Houston, Texas, USA. 25-29 mai. (G05-G06) Comparat D. (2010) Triplet or singlet molecular vibrational cooling by optical pumping with shaped pulses. KITP frontier of cold atoms, Santa Barbara, États unis. Octobre. Fioretti A., Bouloufa N., Gabbanini C., Dulieu O., Kokoouline V., Viteau M., Allegrini M., Lignier H., Horchani R., Comparat D. & Pillet P. (2010) Ionization spectroscopy of ultracold rubidium and cesium dimers : a tool for ultracold molecule formation schemes PAMO-JMS 2010 - Colloque commun de la division de Physique Atomique et Moléculaire et Optique de la SFP et des Journées de Spectroscopie Moléculaire, Université d'Orsay, Orsay, France. 29 juin-2 juillet. (G05-G06) 2009 Ayouz M., Guérout R., Kokoouline V., Dulieu O., Raoult M. & Robert J. (2009) Low energy dynamics of the H3- system: a prototype for cold collisions between molecules and molecular ions. Workshop on Theoretical and computational methods for molecular spectroscopy and collisions : application to astrophysical and atmospherical relevant systems, Grenade, Espagne. 7-10 mai. (G05-G06) Bouloufa N., Favilla E., Viteau M., Chotia A., Fioretti A., Gabbanini C., Allegrini M., Comparat D., Dulieu O. & Pillet P. (2009) Ionization spectroscopy of ultracold rubidium and cesium dimers. HRMS09 - 21st Colloquium on High-Resolution Molecular Spectroscopy, Castellammare di Stabia, Naples, Italie. 31 août - 4 septembre. (G05-G06) 2008 Comparat D., Viteau M., Chotia A., Allegrini M., Bouloufa N., Dulieu O. & Pillet P. (2008) Vibrational cooling of molecules. 2ème Workshop annuel de l'IFRAF, Institut Henri Poincaré, Paris, France. Mai. (G05-G06) Autres Publications (AP_SEM) : SEMINAIRES, COURS.. 2013 Comparat D. (2013) Dye Lasers for experiments with positronium AEGIS project meeting, CERN, Genève, Suisse. 5-6 Juin 2013 Comparat D. (2013) Ultra-Cold beams : atoms, molecules, ions and electrons Sofia University, 9 mai 2013 2013 Comparat D. (2012) Vers un refroidissement laser de molécules. Séminaire au Syrte, Paris, France. Mai. Comparat D. (2012) Vers un refroidissement laser de molécules. Séminaire à l'ONERA, Palaiseau, France. Juin. Comparat D. (2012) SONA : SOurce d'électrons ultra-froids pour NAnofonctionalisation. Journée scientifique LUMAT, Orsay, France. 19 juin. Comparat D. (2012) Laser experiments with positronium. AEgIS project Meeting, CERN, Genève, Suisse. 26-27 juin 2011 Gurian J. (2011). Séminaire à l'Université, Freiburg, Allemagne 7-9 décembre. 42 Gurian J. (2011). Séminaire à l'Université, Singapour. 20-25 novembre. 2010 Comparat D. (2010) Présentation du projet "Coldbeams" : FP7-PEOPLE-IAPP-2009 Kick-off : démarrage du projet FP7-PEOPLE-IAPP-2009. Séminaire, Fuveau, France. Octobre. Pillet P. (2010) Frontiers of cold Rydberg atoms. (eight lectures), University of Pisa, Italie. 11 juin. 2009 Comparat D. (2009) Laser cooling of molecules, Institute of Physics, Zagreb, Croatie. Mars. Comparat D. (2009) Formation and cooling of cold molecules. Séminaire à l' Institut de Physique, Sofia, Bulgarie. Juin. Fioretti A. (2009) Présentation de l’équipe « Atomes et molécules froides » du LAC et du projet GULFSTREAM - FontFrège. Séminaire au LPN dans l’équipe de J. Gierak, Marcoussis, France. 29 avril. Fioretti A. (2009) Cold cesium molecules : from formation to cooling. Séminaire à l’University of Technology de Eindhoven, dans l’équipe de E. Vredenbregt, Eindhoven, Pays-Bas. 17 juin. Fioretti A. (2009) Cold molecules and cold ions/electrons at LAC. Séminaire à l’Institute of Physics dans l’équipe du Dr. Goran Pichler, Zagreb, Croatie. 23 décembre. Pillet P. (2009) Interactions dipôle-dipôle, blocage dipolaire, excitation collective et superradiance d’atomes de Rydberg froids. Séminaire, Institut Non Linéaire, Nice, France. 6 juin. Pillet P. (2009) Long-range dipole-dipole interactions between cold atoms: From cold Rydberg atoms to ultra-cold plasmas. Colloquium Graduate School Galilei, Commemorative medal with the symbol of the “Cherubino” of the University of Pisa, University of Pisa, Italie. 18 novembre. Pillet P. (2009) Molecular vibrational cooling through optical pumping using shaped laser. Department of Molecular Physics , Fritz Haber Institute of the Max Planck Society, Berlin, Allemagne. 4 décembre. 2008 Comparat D. (2008) Cold molecules. NTERCAN and IFRAF PreDoc Schoo11I : refroidissement laser et condensation de Bose-Einstein, Les Houches, France. Octobre. Comparat D. (2008) Laser cooling of molecules. State key Laboratory of quantum optics and quantum optics devices, Institute of Opto Electronics, Shanwi University, Taiyuan, Chine. Octobre. Comparat D., Viteau M., Chotia A., Allegrini M., Bouloufa N., Dulieu O. & Pillet P. (2008) Refroidissement de la vibration des molécules. Séminaire, Laboratoire de physique des lasers, Villetaneuse, France. Octobre. Pillet P. (2008) Long-range interactions between cold Rydberg atoms : Dipole blockade, Penning ionization and quantum information. Séminaire, Institut de Physique, Zagreb, Croatie. 11 décembre. Pillet P. (2008) Cold molecules : formation, detection and vibrational cooling. Séminaire, Institut Rudger Bosanac, Zagreb, Croatie. 10 décembre. Autres Publications : ORGANISATION DE CONGRES (AP_ORG) OU AUTRES MANIFESTATIONS Comparat D. (2012) Organisateur, membre du comité scientifique. Coldbeams : ultra-COLD gas for Bright Electron And Monochromatic ion Source, Nîmes, France. 30 septembre - 3 octobre. 43 OUVRAGES DE VULGARISATION (OV) - 2013-2008 Comparat D., Chotia A., Viteau M., Vogt T. & Pillet P. (2008) Aux frontières des plasmas : les plasmas ultrafroids (vulgarisation 6) In Reflets de la physique, Vol. 3, pp. 10 44 GROUPE 6 – THEOMOL (En « bleu », les publications communes à plusieurs groupes ; En « gras bleu », les publications communes à plusieurs pôles) ARTICLES DANS DES REVUES INTERNATIONALES OU NATIONALES AVEC COMITE DE LECTURE (ACL) 2013 Ayouz M., Dulieu O. & J. Robert (2013 ) Resonant states of H3- molecule and its isotopologues D2H- and H2D(arXiv:1304.2886). Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 117, 9941. Bohn J. & Quéméner G. (2013) Dipolar Radicals in Crossed Electric and Magnetic Fields. Molecular Physics, 111, 1931 Chakrabarti K., Backodissa-Kiminou D. R., Pop N., Mezei J. Z., Motapon O., Lique F., Dulieu O., Wolf A. & Schneider I. F. (2013) Dissociative recombination of electrons with diatomic molecular cations above dissociation threshold: Application to H2+ and HD+. Physical Review A, 87 (2), n°022702. Hall F.H.J., Aymar M., Raoult M., Dulieu O. & Willitsch S. (2013) Light-Assisted Cold Chemical Reactions of Barium Ions with Rubidium Atoms. (arXiv:1301.0724). Molecular Physics, 111, 1683. Hall F.H.J., Eberle P., Hegi G., Raoult M., Aymar M., Dulieu O. & Willitsch S. (2013) Ion-neutral chemistry at ultralow energies: Dynamics of reactive collisions between laser-cooled Ca+ ions and Rb atoms in an ion-atom hybrid trap. (arXiv:1302.4682). Molecular Physics, 111, 2020. M. Lepers,* R. Vexiau, M. Aymar, N. Bouloufa-Maafa, and O. Dulieu (2013) Long-range interactions between polar alkali-metal diatoms in external electric fields, Phys. Rev. A 88, 032709 (2013) Menegatti C. R., Marangoni B. S., Bouloufa-Maafa N., Dulieu O. & Marcassa L. G. (2013) Trap loss in a rubidium crossed dipole trap by short-range photoassociation. Physical Review A, 87, n°053404. 2012 Aymar M. & Dulieu O. (2012) The electronic structure of the alkaline-earth-atom (Ca, Sr, Ba) hydride molecular ions. Journal of Physics B-Atomic Molecular and Optical Physics, 45 (21), n°215103. Ayouz M., Mikhailov I., Babikov D., Raoult M., Galtier S., Dulieu O. & Kokoouline V. (2012) Potential energy and dipole moment surfaces of HCO- for the search of H- in the interstellar medium. Journal of Chemical Physics, 136 (22), n°224310. Bouloufa-Maafa N., Aymar M., Dulieu O. & Gabbanini C. (2012) Formation of ultracold RbCs molecules by photoassociation. Laser Physics, 22 (10), 1502-1512. Lefebvre R., Jaouadi A. & Atabek O. (2012) Clusters of exceptional points for a laser control of selective vibrational transfer. Chemical Physics, 399, 111-116. Lepers M., Bussery-Honvault B. & Dulieu O. (2012) Long-range interactions in the ozone molecule: spectroscopic and dynamical points of view. Journal of Chemical Physics, 137 (23), n°234305. Londoño B. E., Derevianko A. , Mahecha J. E., Crubellier A. & Luc-Koenig E. (2012) Femtosecond pulses and dynamics of molecular photoexcitation: RbCs example. Physical Review A, 85 (n°033419). 2011 Atabek O., Lefebvre R., Lepers M., Jaouadi A., Dulieu O. & Kokoouline V. (2011) Proposal for a Laser Control of Vibrational Cooling in Na2 Using Resonance Coalescence. Physical Review Letters, 106 (17), n°173002. 45 Aymar M., Guérout R. & Dulieu O. (2011) Structure of the alkali-metal-atom plus strontium molecular ions: Towards photoassociation and formation of cold molecular ions. Journal of Chemical Physics, 135 (6), n°064305. Ayouz M., Lopes R., Raoult M., Dulieu O. & Kokoouline V. (2011) Formation of H3- by radiative association of H2 and H- in the interstellar medium. Physical Review A, 83 (5), n° 052712. Bai J. M., Ahmed E. H., Beser B., Guan Y., Kotochigova S., Lyyra A. M., Ashman S., Wolfe C. M., Huennekens J., Xie F., Li D., Li L., Tamanis M., Ferber R., Drozdova A., Pazyuk E., Stolyarov A. V., Danzl J. G., Nagerl H. C., Bouloufa N., Dulieu O., Amiot C., Salami H. & Bergeman T. (2011) Global analysis of data on the spinorbit-coupled A1 u and b3 u states of Cs2. Physical Review A, 83 (3), n° 032514. Bellos M. A., Rahmlow D., Carollo R., Banerjee J., Dulieu O., Gerdes A., Eyler E. E., Gould P. L. & Stwalley W. C. (2011) Formation of ultracold Rb(2) molecules in the v′′=0 level of the a3 +u state via blue-detuned photoassociation to the 13 g state. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 13 (42), 18880-18886. Bouloufa N., Pichler M., Aymar M. & Dulieu O. (2011) Triplet-singlet conversion in ultracold Cs2 and production of ground-state molecules. Physical Review A, 83 (2), n° 022503. Debatin M., Takekoshi T., Rameshan R., Reichsollner L., Ferlaino F., Grimm R., Vexiau R., Bouloufa N., Dulieu O. & Nagerl H. C. (2011) Molecular spectroscopy for ground-state transfer of ultracold RbCs molecules. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 13 (42), 18926-18935. Deiglmayr J., Repp M., Dulieu O., Wester R. & Weidemüller M. (2011) Population redistribution in optically trapped polar molecules. European Physical Journal D, 65 (1-2), 99-104. Deiglmayr J., Repp M., Wester R., Dulieu O. & Weidemüller M. (2011) Inelastic collisions of ultracold polar LiCs molecules with caesium atoms in an optical dipole trap. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 13 (42), 19101-19105. Dulieu O., Krems R., Weidemüller M. & Willitsch S. (2011) Physics and Chemistry of Cold Molecules. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 13 (42), 18703-18704. Gabbanini C. & Dulieu O. (2011) Formation of ultracold metastable RbCs molecules by short-range photoassociation. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 13 (42), 18905-18909. Gerdes A., Dulieu O., Knockel H. & Tiemann E. (2011) Stark effect measurements on the NaK molecule. European Physical Journal D, 65 (1-2), 105-111. Hall F. H. J., Aymar M., Bouloufa-Maafa N., Dulieu O. & Willitsch S. (2011) Light-Assisted Ion-Neutral Reactive Processes in the Cold Regime: Radiative Molecule Formation versus Charge Exchange. Physical Review Letters, 107 (24), n° 243202. Lefebvre R., Jaouadi A., Dulieu O. & Atabek O. (2011) Laser cooling of the vibrational motion of Na2 combining the effects of zero-width resonances and exceptional points. Physical Review A, 84 (4), 043428. Lepers M. & Dulieu O. (2011) Long-range interactions between ultracold atoms and molecules including atomic spin-orbit. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 13 (42), 19106-19113. Lepers M. & Dulieu O. (2011) Cold atom-molecule photoassociation: long-range interactions beyond the 1/R(n) expansion. European Physical Journal D, 65 (1-2), 113-123. Lepers M., Vexiau R., Bouloufa N., Dulieu O. & Kokoouline V. (2011) Photoassociation of a cold atom-molecule pair II : second order perturbation approach. Physical Review A, 83 (4), n° 042707. 46 Lepers M., Zehnlé V. & Garreau J. C. (2011) Kicked-rotor quantum resonances in position space: application to situations of experimental interest. European Physical Journal D, 63 (3), 449-456. Lignier H., Fioretti A., Horchani R., Drag C., Bouloufa N., Allegrini M., Dulieu O., Pruvost L., Pillet P. & Comparat D. (2011) Deeply bound cold caesium molecules formed after 0(g)(-) resonant coupling. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 13 (42), 18910-18920. Londoño B. E., Mahecha J. E., Luc-Koenig E. & Crubellier A. (2011) Lifetime of vibrational levels from Fourier grid calculations: RbCs example. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 13 (42), 18738-18754. Petrignani A., Altevogt S., Berg M. H., Bing D., Grieser M., Hoffmann J., Jordon-Thaden B., Krantz C., Mendes M. B., Novotny O., Novotny S., Orlov D. A., Repnow R., Sorg T., Stutzel J., Wolf A., Buhr H., Kreckel H., Kokoouline V. & Greene C. H. (2011) Resonant structure of low-energy H3+ dissociative recombination. Physical Review A, 83 (3), N°032711. Ridinger A., Chaudhuri S., Salez T., Fernandes D. R., Bouloufa N., Dulieu O., Salomon C. & Chevy F. (2011) Photoassociative creation of ultracold heteronuclear (6)Li(40)K* molecules. Epl, 96 (3), n° 33001. Zakharov M. Y., Bezuglov N. N., Klyucharev A. N., Matveev A. A., Beterov, II & Dulieu O. (2011) Specifics of the Stochastic Ionization of a Rydberg Collision Complex with Forster Resonance. Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 5 (4), 537-545. 2010 Auböck G., Aymar M., Dulieu O. & Ernst W. E. (2010) Re-Investigation of the Rb2 (2)3 Helium Nanodroplets. Journal of Chemical Physics, 132 (5), n°054304. g-a 3 + u Band on Ayouz M., Dulieu O., Guérout R., Robert J. & Kokoouline V. (2010) Potential energy and dipole moment surfaces of H- 3 molecule (arXiv:1002.1626). Journal of Chemical Physics, 132, n°194309. Beaufils Q., Crubellier A., Zanon T., Laburthe-Tolra B., Maréchal E., Vernac L. & Gorceix O. (2010) Radiofrequency association of molecules: an assisted Feshbach resonance. European Physical Journal D, 56 (1), 99-104. Bouloufa N., Favilla E., Viteau M., Chotia A., Fioretti A., Gabbanini C., Allegrini M., Aymar M., Comparat D., Dulieu O. & Pillet P. (2010) Photoionization spectroscopy of excited states of cold caesium dimmers. Molecular Physics, 108 (18), 2355-2368. Deiglmayr J., Grochola A., Repp M., Dulieu O., Wester R. & Weidemuler M. (2010) Permanent dipole moment of LiCs in the ground state. Physical Review A, 82 (3), N°032503. () Deiglmayr J., Pellegrini P., Grochola A., Repp M., Cote R., Dulieu O., Wester R. & Weidemüller M. (2010) Influence of a Feshbach resonance on the photoassociation of LiCs (Erratum for the article 2009 New J. Phys. 11, 055034). New Journal of Physics, 12, n°079802. () Glosík J., Plašil R., Kotrik T., Dohnal P., Varju J., Hejduk M., Korolov I., Roučka Š. & Kokoouline V. (2010) Binary and ternary recombination of H-3(+) and D-3(+) ions with electrons in low temperature plasma. Molecular Physics, 108 (17), 2253-2264. Guérout R., Aymar M. & Dulieu O. (2010) Ground state of the polar alkali-metal-atom-strontium molecules: Potential energy curve and permanent dipole moment. Physical Review A, 82 (4), n°042508. Kokoouline V., Faure A., Tennyson J. & Greene C. H. (2010) Calculation of rate constants for vibrational and rotational excitation of the H+(3) ion by electron impact. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 405 (2), 1195-1202. 47 Kotrik T., Dohnal P., Korolov I., Plašil R., Roučka Š., Glosík J., Greene C. H. & Kokoouline V. (2010) Temperature dependence of binary and ternary recombination of D-3(+) ions with electrons. Journal of Chemical Physics, 133 (3). Lepers M., Dulieu O. & Kokoouline V. (2010) Photoassociation of a cold-atom-molecule pair: Long-range quadrupole-quadrupole interactions. Physical Review A, 82 (4), n°042711. Lepers M., Zehnle V. & Garreau J. C. (2010) Suppression of decoherence-induced diffusion in the quantum kicked rotor. Physical Review A, 81 (6), n° 062132. Londoño B. E., Mahecha J. E., Luc-Koenig E. & Crubellier A. (2010) Shape resonances in ground-state diatomic molecules: General trends and the example of RbCs. Physical Review A, 82 (1), n°12510. Pasquiou B., Bismut G., Beaufils Q., Crubellier A., Maréchal E., Pedri P., Vernac L., Gorceix O. & LaburtheTolra B. (2010) Control of dipolar relaxation in external fields. Physical Review A, 81 (4), n° 042716. 2009 Aymar M., Deiglmayr J. & Dulieu O. (2009) Systematic trends in electronic properties of alkali hydrides (arXiv:0901.1005). Canadian Journal of Physics, 87 (5), 543-556. Aymar M., Guérout R., Sahlaoui M. & Dulieu O. (2009) Electronic structure of the magnesium hydride molecular ion. Special issue on Cold trapped ions (arXiv:0902.2769). Journal of Physics B-Atomic Molecular and Optical Physics, 42 (15), n° 154025. Bouloufa N., Crubellier A. & Dulieu O. (2009) Photoassociative molecular spectroscopy for atomic radiative lifetimes. Physica Scripta, T134, n° 014014. Danzl J. G., Mark M. J., Haller E., Gustavsson M., Bouloufa N., Dulieu O., Ritsch H., Hart R. & Nägerl H. C. (2009) Precision molecular spectroscopy for ground state transfer of molecular quantum gases (arXiv:0811.2374). Faraday Discussions, 142, 283-295. Deiglmayr J., Pellegrini P., Grochola A., Repp M., Cote R., Dulieu O., Wester R. & Weidemüller M. (2009) Influence of a Feshbach resonance on the photoassociation of LiCs (arXiv:0807.3301). New Journal of Physics, 11, n°055034. Deiglmayr J., Repp M., Grochola A., Mortlbauer K., Gluck C., Dulieu O., Lange J., Wester R. & Weidemüller M. (2009) Formation of ultracold dipolar molecules in the lowest vibrational levels by photoassociation (arXiv:0812.1002). Faraday Discussions, 142, 335-349. Douguet N., Kokoouline V. & Greene C.H. (2009) Theory of dissociative recombination of a linear triatomic ion with permanent electric dipole moment: Study of HCO+. Physical Review A, 80 (6), n°062712. Dulieu O. & Gabbanini C. (2009) The formation and interactions of cold and ultracold molecules: new challenges for interdisciplinary physics. Reports on Progress in Physics, 72 (8), n°086401. Glosík J., Korolov I., Plašil R., Kotrik T., Dohnal P., Novotný O., Varju J., Roučka Š., Greene C.H. & Kokoouline V. (2009) Binary and ternary recombination of D-3(+) ions with electrons in He-D-2 plasma. Physical Review A, 80 (4), n° 042706. Guérout R., Soldan P., Aymar M., Deiglmayr J. & Dulieu O. (2009) Core Repulsion Effects in Alkali Trimers (arXiv:0902.2845). International Journal of Quantum Chemistry, 109 (14), 3387-3398. Jamieson M. J., Dalgarno A., Aymar M. & Tharamel J. (2009) A study of exchange interactions in alkali molecular ion dimers with application to charge transfer in cold Cs. Journal of Physics B-Atomic Molecular and Optical Physics, 42 (9), n° 095203. 48 Londoño B. E., Mahecha J. E., Luc-Koenig E. & Crubellier A. (2009) Resonant coupling effects on the photoassociation of ultracold Rb and Cs atoms. Physical Review A, 80 (3), n° 032511. Mark M. J., Danzl J. G., Haller E., Gustavsson M., Bouloufa N., Dulieu O., Salami H., Bergeman T., Ritsch H., Hart R. & Nagerl H. C. (2009) Dark resonances for ground-state transfer of molecular quantum gases. Applied Physics B-Lasers and optics, 95 (2), 219-225. Mudrich M., Heister P., Hippler T., Giese C., Dulieu O. & Stienkemeier F. (2009) Spectroscopy of triplet states of Rb2 by femtosecond pump-probe photoionization of doped helium nanodroplets. Physical Review A, 80 (4), n° 042512. Osséni R., Dulieu O. & Raoult M. (2009) Optimization of generalized multichannel quantum defect reference functions for Feshbach resonance characterization. Journal of Physics B-Atomic Molecular and Optical Physics, 42 (18), n° 185202. Salami H., Bergeman T., Beser B., Bai J., Ahmed E. H., Kotochigova S., Lyyra A. M., Huennekens J., Lisdat C., Stolyarov A. V., Dulieu O., Crozet P. & Ross A. J. (2009) Spectroscopic observations, spin-orbit functions, and coupled-channel deperturbation analysis of data on the A 1 +u and b3 u states of Rb2. Physical Review A, 80 (2), n° 022515. Sugny D., Bomble L., Ribeyre T., Dulieu O. & Desouter-Lecomte M. (2009) Rovibrational controlled-NOT gates using optimized stimulated Raman adiabatic passage techniques and optimal control theory. Physical Review A, 80 (4), n° 042325. Viteau M., Chotia A., Sofikitis D., Allegrini M., Bouloufa N., Dulieu O., Comparat D. & Pillet P. (2009) Broadband lasers to detect and cool the vibration of cold molecules. Faraday Discussions, 142, 257-270. (G05-G06) Viteau M., Chotia A., Allegrini M., Bouloufa N., Dulieu O., Comparat D. & Pillet P. (2009) Efficient formation of deeply bound ultracold molecules probed by broadband detection. Physical Review A, 79 (2), n°021402. (G05-G06) 2008 Danzl J. G., Haller E., Gustavsson M., Mark M. J., Hart R., Bouloufa N., Dulieu O., Ritsch H. & Nägerl H. C. (2008) Quantum gas of deeply bound ground state molecules. Science, 321 (5892), 1062-1066. Deiglmayr J., Aymar M., Wester R., Weidemüller M. & Dulieu O. (2008) Calculations of static dipole polarizabilities of alkali dimers. Prospects for alignment of ultracold molecules (arXiv:0807.3301). Journal of Chemical Physics, 129, n°064309. Deiglmayr J., Grochola A., Repp M., Mörtlbauer K., Glück C., Lange J., Dulieu O., Wester R. & Weidemüller M. (2008) Formation of ultracold polar molecules in the rovibrational ground state 5. Physical Review Letters, 101 (13), n°133004. Derevianko A., Luc-Koenig E. & Masnou-Seeuws F. (2008) Application of B-splines in determining the eigenspectrum of diatomic molecules: robust numerical description of halo-state and Feshbach molecules. Canadian Journal of Physics, 87, 67-74. Viteau M., Chotia A., Allegrini M., Bouloufa N., Dulieu O., Comparat D. & Pillet P. (2008) Optical pumping and vibrational cooling of molecules. A fait l’objet d’une “brève” dans les actualités scientifiques en mathématiques et physique du département MPPU. Science, 321 (5886), 232-234. (G05-G06) 49 COMMUNICATIONS AVEC ACTES DANS UN CONGRES INTERNATIONAL OU NATIONAL (ACT) 2012 Motapon O., Backodissa D., Tamo F. O. W., Tudorache D., Chakrabarti K., Mezei J. Z., Lique F., Bultel A., Tchang-Brillet L., Dulieu O., Tennyson J., Wolf A., Urbain X. & Schneider I. F. (2012) Electron-molecular cation reactive collisions: from channel mixing to competitive processes. 8th International Conference on Dissociative Recombination: Theory, Experiments and Applications, 300, n°012018, Lake Tahoe, CA, USA. 16-20 août. 2011 Motapon O., Backodissa D., Tamo F. O. W., Tudorache D., Chakrabarti K., Mezei J. Z., Lique F., Bultel A., Tchang-Brillet L., Dulieu O., Tennyson J., Wolf A., Urbain X. & Schneider I. F. (2012) Electron-molecular cation reactive collisions: from channel mixing to competitive processes. 8th International Conference on Dissociative Recombination: Theory, Experiments and Applications, 300, n°012018, Lake Tahoe, CA, USA. 16-20 août. Vexiau R., Bouloufa N., Aymar M., Danzl J. G., Mark M. J., Nagerl H. C. & Dulieu O. (2011) Optimal trapping wavelengths of Cs(2) molecules in an optical lattice. European Physical Journal D, 65 (1-2), 243-250. 2010 Deiglmayr J., Repp M., Grochola A., Dulieu O., Wester R. & Weidemuller M. (2010) Dipolar effects and collisions in an ultracold gas of LiCs molecules. 22nd International Conference on Atomic Physics, Cairns, Australie. Journal of Physics Conference Series, 264, n°012014. Masnou-Seeuws F. (2010) A tribute to Alex's leadership and support : the examples of model potentials and cold molecules. Proceedings of the Dalgarno Celebratory Symposium - Contributions to Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics, Astrophysics, and Atmospheric Physics, 245-249, Radcliffe Yard, Cambridge, MA, USA. 10-12 septembre 2008. 2009 Bouloufa N., Crubellier A. & Dulieu O. (2009) Photoassociative molecular spectroscopy for atomic radiative lifetimes. 9th International Conference on Atomic Spectroscopy and Oscillator Strengths for Astrophysical and Laboratory Plasma, T134, 014014, Lund, Suède. 07-10 Août 2007. 2008 Koch C. P., Kosloff R., Luc-Koenig E., Masnou-Seeuws F. & Moszynski R. (2008) Ultracold & ultrafast : making and manipulating ultracold molecules with time-dependent laser fields. Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Laser Spectroscopy (ICOLS07), 336, Ed. Leo Hollberg, J. Bergquist and Mark Kasevich, World Scientific Singapore. Mark M. J., Danzl J. G., Haller E., Gustavsson M., Bouloufa N., Dulieu O., Salami H., Bergeman T., Ritsch H., Hart R. & Nagerl H. C. (2008) Dark resonances for ground-state transfer of molecular quantum gases. Spring Meeting of the Quantum Optics and Photonics Section of the German-Physical-Society, 219-225, Darmstadt, Allemagne. Mars. CONFERENCES INVITEES (INV) 2013 Dulieu O. (2013) Formation of ultracold molecular ions in hybrid traps. 2nd COST-IOTA Workshop on Cold Molecular Ions, Arosa, Suisse. 2-5 septembre. Dulieu O. (2013) Formation and interactions of cold and ultracold molecules. XXVIII ICPEAC International Conference on Photonic, Electronic and Atomic Collisions, Lanzhou, Chine. 24-30 juillet 50 Dulieu O. (2013) Cold molecular physics with magnetic fields and magnetic atoms : a review, and our contribution. Conférence “New magnetic field frontiers in atomic/molecular and solid-state physics", Les Houches, France. 6-10 mai. Dulieu O. (2013) Physico-chemistry in ultracold gases. ECAMP 11 - 11th European Conference on Atoms, Molecules and Photons, Aarhus, Danemark. 24-28 juin 2012 Dulieu O. (2012) Theory of photoassociation of cold atom-molecule pairs. Conference “COLUM2012: Cold molecules", Obergurgl, Autriche. 19-23 novembre. Dulieu O. (2012) Radiative association vs charge exchange rates in cold collisions between Rb and trapped Ca+, Ba+, Yb+ ions. European Conference on Trapped ions (ECTI 2012), Obergurgl, Autriche. 10-14 septembre. Dulieu O. (2012) Exploring the molecular structure of small neutral and charged molecules: Pathways for ultracold molecule formation. International workshop on cold atoms and molecules, SunMoon Lake, Taiwan. 18-20 mai. Dulieu O. (2012) Ultracold molecules: a playground for studying strong anharmonicity. Conference « Anharmonicity in molecules and medium-sized clusters », Marne-la-Vallée, France. 18-21 avril. 2011 Dulieu O. (2011) Alkali-metal/Alkaline-earth compounds : new species for ultracold molecular physics ? Workshop "Cold and Controlled Molecular collisions", Schloss Ringberg, Tegernsee, Allemagne. 2-5 février Dulieu O. (2011) Exploring the molecular structure of neutral and charged diatomics: Pathways for external and internal molecular cooling. International Workshop on Ultracold Molecules, Stellenbosch, Afrique du Sud. 7-11 novembre. 2010 Dulieu O. (2010) H3- : Un nouvel ion dans l’espace ? Workshop "Collisions moléculaires inélastiques", Hammamet, Tunisie. 18-20 mars. Dulieu O. (2010) Electronic structure of ionic and neutral alkali-strontium molecules. EuroQUAM Meeting 2010 : Cold Quantum Matter, Achievements and Prospects, Ischgl, Autriche. 12-16 septembre. Dulieu O. (2010) Formation of the simplest stable negative molecular ion H3- by radiative association of H2 and H-. Could H3- be observed in the interstellar medium? SMILES 2010 : Spectroscopy of Molecular Ions in the Laboratory and in Extraterrestrial Space, Kos, Grèce. 3-6 octobre. Dulieu O. (2010) Electronic structure of ionic and neutral alkali-strontium molecules. EuroQUAM Meeting 2010 : Cold Quantum Matter, Achievements and Prospects, Ischgl, Autriche. 12-16 septembre. 2009 Dulieu O. (2009) Hot prospects for cold molecules I : The path towards the absolute zero. 16th International Conference of the "Lebanese Association for the advancement of Science" (LAAS16), Beyrouth, Liban. 13-15 novembre. Dulieu O. (2009) What do you care what molecules are ? EuroQUAM Meeting on Cold and Ultracold Molecules Durham, U.K. 14-17 avril 51 Dulieu O. (2009) A flavour of our studies on few-atom (2, 3)-few effective electron (2, 3, 4) at LAC. Workshop "Theoretical and computational methods for molecular spectroscopy and collisions : application to astrophysical and atmospherical relevant systems", Grenade, Espagne. 7-10 mai. Dulieu O. (2009) Formation de molécules froides : vers un contrôle quantique total. COLOQ'11, MouansSartoux, France. 4-9 septembre. 2008 Comparat D., Viteau M., Chotia A., Allegrini M., Bouloufa N., Dulieu O. & Pillet P. (2008) Detection, formation and vibrational cooling of cold-molecules. QuDipMol meeting, Innsbruck, Autriche. Septembre. Comparat D., Viteau M., Chotia A., Allegrini M., Bouloufa N., Dulieu O. & Pillet P. (2008) Cold molecules formation and laser cooling of molecules. CAMEL4 - Control of Atoms, Molecules and Ensembles by Light, Nessebar, Bulgarie. Juin. Dulieu O., Guérout R., Aymar M. & Deiglmayr J. (2008) Electronic structure of alkali dimers and trimers. Prospects for alignment and orientation effect. Sixth Congress of the International Society for Theoretical Chemical Physics (ISTCP-VI), Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. 19-24 juillet. Dulieu O., Guérout R., Aymar M. & Deiglmayr J. (2008) Electronic structure of alkali dimers and trimers. Prospects for alignment and orientation effect. AAMP 2008, Advances in Atomic and Molecular Physics, Riga, Lettonie. 16-19 juin. Luc-Koenig E. & Masnou-Seeuws F. (2008) Prospects for the formation of stable ultracold molecules via photoassociation with chirped laser pulses. Batsheva de Rothschild Seminar on Ultrafast-Ultracold Processes, Ein Gedi, Israël. Février. Viteau M., Chotia A., Allegrini M., Bouloufa N., Dulieu O., Comparat D. & Pillet P. (2008) Optical pumping and vibrational cooling of molecules. LPHYS’08 - 17th International Laser Physics Workshop, Trondheim, Norvège. 30 juin-4 juillet. COMMUNICATIONS (sans actes) (COM) 2013 M. Lepers, B. Bussery-Honvault, O. Dulieu (2013), Long-range interactions: a O+O2 point of view of ozone dynamics, Workshop «Ozone», Reims, 2-4 October2013 Bouloufa-Maafa N., Lepers M., Vexiau R., Aymar M. & Dulieu O. (2013) Suppression of anisotropic interactions between ultracold polar molecules. 44th annual DAMOP meeting, Québec City, Canada. 3-7 juin. Comparat D., Viteau M., Chotia A., Vogt T., Allegrini M., Dulieu O., Bouloufa N. & Pillet P. (2008) Blocage dipolaire Rydberg et gaz de molécules ultra-froides sans vibration. Colloque de la division de physique atomique, moléculaire et optique de la Société française de physique. Journées de spectroscopie moléculaire, Villeneuve d'Ascq, France. Juillet. Perez-Rios J., Lepers M. & Dulieu O. (2013) Theory of long-range photoassociation of ultracold atoms with ultracold molecules. 44th annual DAMOP meeting, Québec City, Canada. 3-7 juin. Quéméner G. (2013) Physique moléculaire ultra-froide ultra-contrôlée. 21ème Colloque Alain Bouyssy, Université Paris-Sud, Orsay, France. 14 février. Quéméner G. & Bohn J. (2013) Dipolar scattering in a magnetic trap and in an electric field. KITP Workshop "Fundamental science and applications of ultra-cold polar molecules", Santa Barbara, Californie, USA. 11-28 mars. 52 Quéméner G., Lepers M., Wyart J.-F. & Dulieu O. (2013) Ultracold dynamics of magnetic dipolar molecules. 44th annual DAMOP meeting, Québec City, Canada. 3-7 juin. 2012 Dulieu O. (2012) Exploring the structure of small molecules: dynamical polarizabilities for optical trapping, and long‐range interactions between polar molecules. DAMOP12 - 43rd Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Atomic Molecular and Optical Physics, Los Angeles, CA, USA. 4-8 juin. Dulieu O. (2012) Long range interactions in cold atomic and molecular samples. DPG Spring Meeting of the Section AMOP, Stuttgart, Allemagne. 12-16 mars. Dulieu O. (2012) Light assisted ion neutral reactive processes in the cold regime: radiative molecule formation vs. charge exchange. DPG Spring Meeting of the Section AMOP, Stuttgart, Allemagne. 12-16 mars. Lepers M., Vexiau R., Aymar M., Bouloufa N. & Dulieu O. (2012) Suppression of anisotropic interactions between ultracold molecules. Conference “Stereodynamics 2012”, Paris, France. Octobre. Vexiau R., Lepers M., Aymar M., Dulieu O. & Bouloufa N. (2012) Interaction longue portée molécule-molécule PAMO-JSM 2012, Metz, France. Juillet. 2011 Bouloufa N. (2011) Optical trapping wavelengths of Cs2 and RbCs molecules in optical lattice. Colloque CDAMOP "Current Developments in Atomic, Molecular, Optical and Nano Physics", Delhi, Inde. 12-18 novembre. Dulieu O. (2011) Optimal trapping wavelengths for ultracold Cs2 and RbCs in an optical lattice DAMOP11 42nd Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Atomic Molecular and Optical Physics, Atlanta, USA 13-17 juin. Dulieu O. (2011) H3- : Could it exist in the interstellar medium? DAMOP11 - 42nd Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Atomic Molecular and Optical Physics, Atlanta, USA 13-17 juin. Dulieu O. (2011) Electric and magnetic long-range interactions between two Erbium atoms DAMOP11 - 42nd Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Atomic Molecular and Optical Physics, Atlanta, USA 13-17 juin. Honvault-Bussery B., Lepers M. & Dulieu O. (2011) Asymptotic behavior of O(3P) + O2(X3 g-) longe range potentials. Workshop "Spectroscopy and dynamics of ozone and related atmospheric species", Reims, France 3-5 octobre. Lepers M. (2011) Electric and magnetic interactions between two erbium atoms. IMAMPC - International Meeting on Atomic and Molecular Physics and Chemistry, Rennes, France. 5-8 juillet. 2010 Dulieu O. (2010) Potential energy surface and permanent dipole moment of H3-. DAMOP10 - 41st Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Atomic Molecular and Optical Physics, Houston, Texas, USA. 25-29 mai. Lepers M. (2010) Photo-association d’atomes et de dimères ultra-froids : influence des interactions à longue portée. Workshop "Contrôle quantique des systèmes à petit nombre de corps", Orsay, France. Décembre. 2009 Kokoouline V. (2009). 40th Annual meeting if the APS Divisionof Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, Marquette University, Milwaukee, WI, USA. 19-26 mai. Kokoouline V. (2009). Congrès de la SFP, Palaiseau, France. 6-10 juillet. 53 Kokoouline V. (2009). Workshop "European Space Agency Network, Session B : Hydrogen Systems", Le Havre, France. 12 juin. 2008 Aymar M., Deiglmayr J. & Dulieu O. (2008) Calculations of static dipole polarizabilities of alkali dimers. Prospects for alignment of ultracold molecules. EGAS40 - 40th annual Conference of the European Group for Atomic Systems, Graz, Autriche. 2-5 juillet. AFFICHES (AFF) 2013 Borsalino D., Londoño B., Dulieu O., Bouloufa N. & Luc-Koenig E. (2013) Prevision of an optical transfer scheme to rovibronic ground state of ultracold KRb molecules. 44th Annual DAMOP Meeting, Quebec City, Québec, Canada. 3-7 juin. Borsalino D., Londoño B., Dulieu O., Bouloufa N. & Luc-Koenig E. (2013) Prevision of an optical transfer scheme to rovibronic ground state of ultracold KRb molecules. Journées des Doctorants d'Atomes Froids (JDAF) 2013 organisées par le GdR "Atomes Froids", Peyresq, France. 2-5 juin. Borsalino D., Londoño B., Dulieu O., Bouloufa N. & Luc-Koenig E. (2013) Prevision of an optical transfer scheme to rovibronic ground state of ultracold KRb molecules. 11th European Conference on Atoms, Molecules and Photons (ECAMP) 2013, Aarhus, Danemark. 24-28 juin. Borsalino D., Londoño B., Vexiau R., Aymar M., Lepers M., Luc-Koenig E., Bouloufa N. & Dulieu O. (2013) Optical trapping of cold molecules and population transfer. XXVIII ICPEAC International Conference on Photonic, Electronic and Atomic Collisions, Lanzhou, Chine. 24-30 juillet Bouloufa-Maafa N., Londoño B., Borsalino D., Vexiau R., Mahecha J. E., Dulieu O. & Luc-Koenig E. (2013) Study of ground state optical transfer for ultracold alkali dimers. 44th annual DAMOP meeting, Québec City, Canada. 3-7 juin. Dulieu O., Hall F.H.J., Eberle P., Hegi G., Raoult M., Aymar M. & Willitsch S. (2013) Ion-neutral chemistry at ultralow energies: Dynamics of reactive collisions between laser-cooled Ca+ ions and Rb atoms in an ion-atom hybrid trap. 44th annual DAMOP meeting, Québec City, Canada. 3-7 juin. Hall F.H.J., Eberlé P., Hegi G., Raoult M., Aymar M., Bouloufa N., Dulieu O. & Willitsch S. (2013) Ion-Neutral Chemistry in the Cold Regime. XXVIII ICPEAC International Conference on Photonic, Electronic and Atomic Collisions, Lanzhou, Chine. 24-30 juillet Lepers M., Vexiau R., Aymar M., Bouloufa N. & Dulieu O. (2013) Mutual orientation of ultracold polar molecules. Conférence IMAMPC2013, Lille, France. Juillet. Perez-Rios J., Lepers M. & Dulieu O. (2013) Theory of long-range photoassociation of ultracold atoms and molecules. Conference ECAMP XI, Aarhus, Danemark. juillet. Quéméner G. & Bohn J. (2013) Dipole-dipole molecular scattering in electric and magnetic fields. DAMOP13 - 44th Annual Meeting of the American Physical Society, Quebec City, Canada. 3-7 juin. 2012 Lepers M., Bussery-Honvault B. & Dulieu O. (2012) Interactions à longue portée dans les systèmes triatomiques : application à l’ozone et à la photo-association atome-molécule. PAMO-JSM 2012, Metz, France. Juillet. Lepers M., Vexiau R., Aymar M., Bouloufa N. & Dulieu O. (2012) Suppression of anisotropic interactions between ultracold molecules. Conference “Cold molecules”, Obergurgl, Autriche. Novembre. 54 Lepers M., Vexiau R., Aymar M., Bouloufa N. & Dulieu O. (2012) Suppression of anisotropic interactions between ultracold molecules. Conference “Stereodynamics 2012”, Paris, France. Octobre. Vexiau R., Bouloufa N., Aymar M. & Dulieu O. (2012) Systematic analysis of long-range interactions between polar bialkali molecules. International Conference on Atomic Physics (ICAP), Palaiseau, France. Juillet. Vexiau R., Bouloufa N., Aymar M. & Dulieu O. (2012) Optical trapping wavelengths of bialkali molecules in an optical lattice. International Conference on Atomic Physics (ICAP), Palaiseau, France. Juillet. Vexiau R., Krieglsteiner O., Danzl J. G., Nägerl H-C., Bouloufa N., Aymar M., Dulieu O. & Crubellier A. (2012) Hyperfine Structure of RbCs excited molecules. International Conference on Atomic Physics (ICAP), Palaiseau, France. Juillet. Vexiau R., Lepers M., Aymar M., Dulieu O. & Bouloufa N. (2012) Characterizing the long-range interactions involving atoms and diatomic molecules. DPG Spring Meeting, Berlin, Allemagne. Mars. 2011 Bouloufa N. (2011) Optimal trapping wavelengths of Cs2 and RbCs molecules in an optical lattice. EGAS43 43rd Congress of the European Group on Atomic Systems, Fribourg, Suisse. 28 juin-2 juillet. Bouloufa N. (2011) Hyperfine structure of Cs2 and RbCs excited molecules. EGAS43 - 43rd Congress of the European Group on Atomic Systems, Fribourg, Suisse. 28 juin-2 juillet. Guérout R., Aymar M. & Dulieu O. (2011) Prospects for photoassociation of ultracold alkali-strontium compounds. DPG Spring Meeting, Dresde, Allemagne. 14-18 mars Lepers M., Vexiau R., Bouloufa N., Dulieu O. & Kokoouline V. (2011) Photoassociation of alkaline trimers theoretical study of long-range interactions. 75th Annual Meeting of the Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft (DPG) and DPG Spring Meeting, Dresde, Allemagne. Mars. Lepers M., Vexiau R., Bouloufa N., Kokoouline V. & Dulieu O. (2011) Theory of photoassociation of ultracold trimers : long-range interactions. DPG Spring Meeting, Dresden, Allemagne. 14-18 mars. Vexiau R., Krieglsteiner O., Danzl J. G., Nägerl H-C., Bouloufa N., Dulieu O. & Crubellier A. (2011 ) Hyperfine structure of excited states of Cs2. 20th Conference on Laser Spectroscopy (ICOLS), Hannovre, Allemagne. Juin. Vexiau R., Krieglsteiner O., Danzl J. G., Nägerl H-C., Bouloufa N., Dulieu O. & Crubellier A. (2011 ) Hyperfine structure of excited states of Cs2. International Meeting on Atomic and Molecular Physics and Chemistry (IMAMPC), Rennes, France. Juillet. 2010 Ayouz M., Dulieu O., Raoult M., Robert J. & Kokoouline V. (2010) Bound states, resonances, and formation of the H3- anion. DAMOP10 - 41st Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Atomic Molecular and Optical Physics, Houston, Texas, USA. 25-29 mai. Fioretti A., Bouloufa N., Gabbanini C. & Dulieu O. (2010) Ionization spectroscopy of ultracold rubidium dimers through the (1) 3Πg state. ECAMP10, European Conference on Atoms Molecules and Photons, Salamanca, Espagne. 4-9 juillet. Fioretti A., Bouloufa N., Gabbanini C., Dulieu O., Kokoouline V., Viteau M., Allegrini M., Lignier H., Horchani R., Comparat D. & Pillet P. (2010) Ionization spectroscopy of ultracold rubidium and cesium dimers : a tool for ultracold molecule formation schemes PAMO-JMS 2010 - Colloque commun de la division de Physique Atomique et Moléculaire et Optique de la SFP et des Journées de Spectroscopie Moléculaire, Université d'Orsay, Orsay, France. 29 juin-2 juillet. 55 Lepers M., Vexiau R., Bouloufa N., Dulieu O. & Kokoouline V. (2010) Photoassociation of alkaline trimers: theoretical study of long-range interactions. EUROQUAM sur “Cold Quantum Matter: Achievements and Prospects”, Ischgl, Autriche. Septembre. Lepers M., Vexiau R., Bouloufa N., Kokoouline V. & Dulieu O. (2010) Photo-association de trimères alcalins ultra-froids : étude théorique des interactions à longue portée. PAMO-JSM 2010 - Colloque commun de la division de Physique Atomique et Moléculaire et Optique de la SFP et des Journées de Spectroscopie Moléculaire, Orsay, France. 29 juin-2 juillet. Lepers M., Vexiau R., Kokoouline V., Bouloufa N. & Dulieu O. (2010) Theory of photoassociation of ultracold trimers. Conférence Ecamp X, Salamanque, Espagne. Juillet. Lepers M., Vexiau R., Kokoouline V., Bouloufa N. & Dulieu O. (2010) Theory of photoassociation of ultracold trimers. DAMOP10 - 41st Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Atomic Molecular and Optical Physics, Houston, USA. 25-29 mai. Vexiau R., Aymar M., Danzl J. G., Mark M. J., Nägerl H.-C., Bouloufa N. & Dulieu O. (2010) Dynamic dipole polarizabilities of alkali dimers. EUROQUAM sur “Cold Quantum Matter: Achievements and Prospects”, Ischgl, Autriche. Septembre. Vexiau R., Aymar M., Danzl J. G., Mark M. J., Nägerl H.-C., Bouloufa N. & Dulieu O. (2010) Dynamic dipole polarizabilities of alkali dimers. Workshop PAMO-JSM, Orsay, France. Juillet. Vexiau R., Aymar M., Danzl J. G., Mark M. J., Nägerl H.-C., Bouloufa N. & Dulieu O. (2010) Dynamic dipole polarizabilities of alkali dimers. 10th European Conference on Atoms Molecules and Photons (ECAMPS), Salamanca, Espagne. Juillet. 2009 Ayouz M., Guérout R., Kokoouline V., Dulieu O., Raoult M. & Robert J. (2009) Low energy dynamics of the H3- system: a prototype for cold collisions between molecules and molecular ions. Workshop on Theoretical and computational methods for molecular spectroscopy and collisions : application to astrophysical and atmospherical relevant systems, Grenade, Espagne. 7-10 mai. Bouloufa N., Favilla E., Viteau M., Chotia A., Fioretti A., Gabbanini C., Allegrini M., Comparat D., Dulieu O. & Pillet P. (2009) Ionization spectroscopy of ultracold rubidium and cesium dimers. HRMS09 - 21st Colloquium on High-Resolution Molecular Spectroscopy, Castellammare di Stabia, Naples, Italie. 31 août - 4 septembre. Guérout R. (2009) Long-range behavior using core polarization potentials: Example on alkali diatomic molecules. 3ème Ecole de Chimie quantique ECQR 2009 : La structure électronique, base de la modélisation moléculaire en chimie, physique et biologie", Rabat, Maroc. 3-6 juin Guérout R., M. Aymar & O. Dulieu (2009) Calculations of Cs3 potential energy surfaces. Faraday Discussion 142 : Cold and ultracold molecules, Durham, U.K. 14 avril. 2008 Aymar M., Deiglmayr J. & Dulieu O. (2008) Calculations of static dipole polarizabilities of alkali dimers and alkali hybrides. Prospects for alignment of ultracold molecules. PAMO 2008, Lille, France. 7-10 juillet. Beaufils Q., Chicireanu R., Zanon T., Crubellier A., LaburtheTolra B., Maréchal E., Vernac L., Keller J.C. & Gorceix O. (2008) Experiments with an optically produced Chromium BEC. EGAS40 - 40th annual Conference of the European Group for Atomic Systems, Graz, Autriche. 2-5 juillet. Comparat D., Viteau M., Chotia A., Allegrini M., Bouloufa N., Dulieu O. & Pillet P. (2008) Vibrational cooling of molecules. 2ème Workshop annuel de l'IFRAF, Institut Henri Poincaré, Paris, France. Mai. (G05-G06) 56 Dulieu O., Aymar M., Deiglmayr J., Wester R., Weidemüller M. & Gerdes A. (2008) Calculation of static polarizabilities, spin-orbit, and alignment of cold dipolar alkali diatomics. American Physical Society spring meeting 2008, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA. 10-11 mars. Laburthe-Tolra B., Beaufils Q., Zanon T., Maréchal E., Vernac L., Crubellier A., Keller J.C. & Gorceix O. (2008) A radio-frequency assisted d-wave Feshbach resonance in the strong field regime. ICAP, Storrs, Connecticut, USA. Août. Ross A., Crozet P., Salami H., Bergeman T., Dulieu O., Lisdat C., Beser B., Bai J., Lyyra A. Marjatta & Kotochigova S. (2008) Spin-orbit mixing in the A1Σ+u and b 3Π0u states of the Rubidium dimer. 63rd Meeting International Symposium on Molecular Spectroscopy, Columbus, Ohio, USA. 16-20 juin. Salami H., Bergeman T., Dulieu O., li Dan, Fengxie & Li Li (2008) Study of the A1Σ+u and b 3Π0u states in Cs2 : New data and global analysis. International Symposium on Molecular Spectroscopy, 63rd Meeting, Columbus, Ohio, USA. 16-20 juin. Autres Publications (AP_SEM) : SEMINAIRES, COURS.. 2013 Dulieu O. (2013) Long-range ultracold atom-dimer photoassociation. Colloque Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics (KITP), Santa Barbara, Californie, USA. 23 février - 17 mars. Perez-Rios J., Lepers M. & Dulieu O. (2013) Theory of long-range photoassociation of ultracold atoms and molecules. Colloque Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics (KITP), Santa Barbara, Californie, USA. 23 février - 17 mars. G. Quéméner, Ecole thématique SiQuanta (Simulations Quantique et Applications), Gif-sur-Yvette (France), 27-30 Mai 2013 2011 Dulieu O. (2011) La physico-chimie ultra-froide, progrès et perspectives. Séminaire au Laboratoire de Physique des Lasers, Université Paris 13, Villetaneuse. 28 janvier. Dulieu O. (2011) La physico-chimie ultra-froide, progrès et perspectives. Séminaire au Laboratoire Collisions Réactivité Agrégats, Université Paul Sabatier,Toulouse. 7 mars. Dulieu O. (2011) La physico-chimie ultra-froide, progrès et perspectives. Séminaire au Laboratoire Physique Moléculaire et Collisions, Université Paul Verlaine,Toulouse. 11 avril. Dulieu O. (2011) Exploring the molecular structure of neutral and charged diatomics: Pathways for external and internal molecular cooling. Séminaire au laboratoire de P. Schmidt (PTB Braunschweig), Hanovre, Allemagne. 19-22 octobre. Dulieu O. (2011) Cold Molecules and Molecular Physics : When molecular physics meets ultracold quantum gases Séminaire au laboratoire de Johannes Denschlag, Ulm, Allemagne 18-19 juillet. Lepers M. (2011) Photo-association d’atomes et de dimères ultra-froids : influence des interactions à longue portée. Séminaire de l’Institut Carnot de Bourgogne, Université de Bourgogne, Dijon, France. Février. Lepers M. (2011) Photo-association d’atomes et de dimères ultra-froids : influence des interactions à longue portée. Séminaire du laboratoire Phlam, Université Lille 1, France. Janvier. Lepers M. (2011) Photo-association d’atomes et de dimères ultra-froids : influence des interactions à longue portée. Séminaire du Groupe de Spectrométrie Moléculaire et Atmosphérique, Université de Reims Champagne-Ardennes, France. Mars. 57 Lepers M. (2011 ) Formation et contrôle de molécules ultra-froides. Séminaire au Laboratoire des Collisions, Agrégats et Réactivité, Université Toulouse 3, Toulouse, France. Avril. 2010 Dulieu O. (2010) Cold molecules and molecular physics : when molecular physics meets ultracold gases. Séminaire. Groupe de C. Koch, Berlin, Allemagne. 3 mai. Dulieu O. (2010) Hot prospects for cold molecules. Séminaire. 4ème journée scientifique de l'ED "Métamorphose", Bruxelles, Belgique. 29 janvier. Dulieu O. (2010) Cold molecules and molecular physics : what do we care about what molecules are? Séminaire. Groupe de J. Walraven, FOM Institute, Amsterdam, Pays-Bas. 2 mars. Dulieu O. (2010) Cold molecules and molecular physics : what do we care about what molecules are? Séminaire. Groupe de S. Willitsch, Département de Chimie, Université de Bâle, Suisse. 31 mars. Dulieu O. (2010) Cold molecules and molecular physics : what do we care about what molecules are? Séminaire. Groupe de H.C. Nägerl, Université d'Innsbruck, Autriche. 28 avril. Dulieu O. (2010) Cold molecules and molecular physics : when molecular physics meets ultracold gases. Séminaire. Groupe de M. Köhl, Université de Cambrige, Royaume Uni. 19 juillet. 2009 Dulieu O. (2009) Cold molecules and molecular physics : what do we care about what molecules are? . Séminaire. Groupe de T. Marian, Université de Düsseldorf, Allemagne. 25 Juin. Dulieu O. (2009) Cold molecules and molecular physics : what do we care about what molecules are? Séminaire. Groupe de M. Weidemüller, Université d'Heidelberg, Allemagne. 18 novembre. Dulieu O. (2009) Electronic structure of alkali dimers and trimers : prospects for alignment of ultracold molecules Séminaire au Fritz Haber Institut, Berlin, Allemagne. 27 février. Dulieu O. (2009) A flavour of our studies on few-atom (2, 3)-few effective electron (2, 3, 4) Molecules at LAC Séminaire à l'Université Collège de Londres - Groupe de T. Köhler, Londres, U.K. 3-6 juin. Dulieu O. (2009) Cold molecules and molecular physics : what do we care about what molecules are? Séminaire. Groupe de M. Drewsen, Département de Physique et d’astronomie, Université d’Aarhus, Danemark. 27 octobre. Dulieu O. (2009) Quelques perspectives brûlantes pour la formation de molécules froides:Vers un contrôle quantique total Séminaire. Section SFP Haute Normandie. , Université de Rouen, France. 5 novembre. 2008 Comparat D., Viteau M., Chotia A., Allegrini M., Bouloufa N., Dulieu O. & Pillet P. (2008) Refroidissement de la vibration des molécules. Séminaire, Laboratoire de physique des lasers, Villetaneuse, France. Octobre. (G05-G06) Dulieu O. (2008) Molécules froides:un domaine bouillonnant. Journées des Ecoles doctorales, Besançon, France. 15 mai. Dulieu O. (2008) Hot Prospects for Cold Molecules : Du glaçon aux atomes et molécules ultra-froids. Séminaire des étudiants de l'ENS, Lyon, France. 8 octobre. Autres Publications : ORGANISATION DE CONGRES (AP_ORG) OU AUTRES MANIFESTATIONS 58 Dulieu O. & DaCosta A. (2010) Organisateurs du Colloque de la division PAMO de la SFP et Journées de Spectroscopie Moléculaire. PAMO-JSM 2010, Orsay, France. 29 juin-2 juillet. Dulieu O., J. Robert & Schneider I. (2010) Organisateurs de la conférence internationale « DR2013, Dissociative recombination », Paris, France. 7-12 juillet. Kokoouline V. & Dulieu O. (2010) Organisateurs de la rencontre scientifique “Contrôle quantique des systèmes à petit nombre de corps” réalisée dans le cadre du programme PEPS-PTI du CNRS et de la “chaire junior” Triangle de la Physique de V. Kokoouline, Université Paris-Sud 11, Orsay, France. 13 décembre. Arxiv : (article sans comité de lecture). Lepers M., Vexiau R., Aymar M., Bouloufa-Maafa N. & Dulieu O. (2013 ) Long-range interactions between polar alkali-metal diatoms in external electric _elds (arxiv:1305.5769). Physical review A, soumis. 59 GROUPE 10 – TWIST (En « bleu », les publications communes à plusieurs groupes ; En « gras bleu », les publications communes à plusieurs pôles) ARTICLES DANS DES REVUES INTERNATIONALES OU NATIONALES AVEC COMITE DE LECTURE (ACL) 2011 Lignier H., Fioretti A., Horchani R., Drag C., Bouloufa N., Allegrini M., Dulieu O., Pruvost L., Pillet P. & Comparat D. (2011) Deeply bound cold caesium molecules formed after 0(g)(-) resonant coupling. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 13 (42), 18910-18920. 2010 Jaouadi A., Gaaloul N., Viaris de Lesegno B., Telmini M., Pruvost L. & Charron E. (2010) Bose-Einstein condensation in dark power-law laser traps. Physical Review A, 82, n°023613. Mestre M., Diry F., de Lesegno B. V. & Pruvost L. (2010) Cold atom guidance by a holographically-generated Laguerre-Gaussian laser mode. European Physical Journal D, 57 (1), 87-94. Pruvost L. & Jelassi H. (2010) Weakly bound (6s(1/2)+6p(1/2))0(g)(-) Cs-2 levels analysed using the vibrational quantum defect: detection of two deeply bound (6s(1/2)+6p(3/2))0(g)(-) levels. Journal of Physics B-Atomic Molecular and Optical Physics, 43 (12), n° 125301. 2009 Gaaloul N., Jaouadi A., Pruvost L., Telmini M. & Charron E. (2009) Controlled deflection of cold atomic clouds and of Bose-Einstein condensates. European Physical Journal D, 53 (3), 343-351. 2008 Jelassi H., de Lesegno B. V. & Pruvost L. (2008) Reexamination of the LeRoy-Bernstein formula for weakly bound molecules. Physical Review A, 77 (6), n°062515. Jelassi H., Viaris De Lesegno B., Pruvost L., Pichler M. & Stwalley W. C. (2008) Spin effects in (6s(1/2)+6p(1/2))0(u)(+) Cs-133(2) weakly bound molecules analyzed by using the Lu-Fano method coupled to the improved LeRoy-Bernstein formula. Physical Review A, 78 (2), n°022503. COMMUNICATIONS AVEC ACTES DANS UN CONGRES INTERNATIONAL OU NATIONAL (ACT) 2012 Pruvost L. (2012) Coulomb-Like Force Induced by Radiation Trapping in a Cold Atom Cloud. International Topical Conference on Plasma Science: Strongly Coupled Ultra-Cold and Quantum Plasmas. AIP Conference Proceedings, 1421, 80. CONFERENCES INVITEES (INV) 2012 Pruvost L. (2012 ) Coulomb-like force induced by radiation trapping in a cold atom cloud. Proceedings of 2011 ITCPS International topical conference on plasma science. International Topical Conference on Plasma Science - Strongly Coupled Ultra-Cold and Quantum Plasmas (ITCPS), Inst Super Tecnico, Lisbonne, Portugal. 12-14 septembre. 2011 Pruvost L. (2011) Cold atoms in Laguerre−Gaussian beams CAMEL7 - 7th Workshop on "Control of Quantum Dynamics of Atoms Molecules and Ensembles", Nessbar, Bulgarie. 4-8 juillet. Pruvost L. (2011) Vibrational quantum defect to analyse photo−association spectroscopy data. QMAP’ 2011International Workshop on Quantum Manipulation of Atoms and Photons, Tuyuan, Chine. 60 Pruvost L. (2011) Laguerre−Gaussian modes and cold atoms. QMAP’ 2011- International Workshop on Quantum Manipulation of Atoms and Photons, Shanghai, Chine. 16-22 octobre Pruvost L. (2011) Coulomb−like force induced by radiation trapping in a cold atom cloud. ITCPS International Topical Conference on Plasma Science : Strongly Coupled Ultra-cold and Quantum Plasmas, Lisbonne, Portugal. 12-14 septembre. 2010 Pruvost L. (2010) Vibrational quantum defect to analyse weakly-bound molecule spectra. Application to Cs2 to detect coupled states. CAMEL 6, Varna, Bulgarie. 28 juin-2 juillet Pruvost L. (2010) Dipolar guiding and splitting: advances using holographic laser shaping. Atom Laser Conference, Les Houches, France. 4-9 avril. COMMUNICATIONS (sans actes) (COM) 2013 Gutiérrez Citlali Cabrera (2013) Highly collimated source of cold Rb atoms from a 2-D magneto-optical trap. Journées de l’EDOM, Institut d'Optique, Palaiseau, France. 25-26 février. 2012 Carrat V. (2012) In-situ hologram correction in SLM setup. EOS topical meeting on diffractive optics, Delft, Hollande. 27 février. Gutiérrez Citlali Cabrera (2012) Modes de LG focalisés et applications aux atomes froids. 1ères Journées des Doctorants d'Atomes Froids Institut d'Optique, Palaiseau, France. 3-4 décembre. Pruvost L. & Jelassi H. (2012) Vibrational quantum defect coupled to improved LeRoy-Bernstein formula for a precise analysis of photoassociation spectroscopy HMRS Symposium on High Resolution Molecular Spectroscopy, Zelenogorsk, région St.Pétersbourg, Russie. 2-7 juillet. 2011 Pruvost L. (2011) Faisceaux de Laguerre−Gauss pour les atomes froids. Application à la condensation de Bose−Einstein LUMAT - 6ème Demi-Journée du Réseau, Orsay, France. 23 juin. 2010 Viaris de Lesegno B., Diry F., Hazera Ch. & Pruvost L. (2010) Laser shaping into deformed Laguerre-Gaussian beams - case of polygons and opened rings. EOS Topical meeting on diffractive optics, Koli, Finlande. 14-18 février. 2009 Carrat V., Viaris de Lesegno B., Pruvost L., Delboulbé A. & Loiseaux B. (2009) Programmable holograms and improvements for cold atom applications. EGC conférence, Berlin, Allemagne. 22 juin-2 juillet. 2008 Diry F., Mestre M., Viaris De Lesegno B. & Pruvost L. (2008) Manipulation of cold atoms using Spatial Light Modulators (SLM). YAO 2008, Florence, Italie. 25-29 mars. Diry F., Mestre M., Viaris De Lesegno B. & Pruvost L. (2008) Hollow beams for cold atom manipulation. EGC Conference, Gif-sur-Yvette, France. 30 juin-3 juillet. Pruvost L., Jelassi H. & Viaris De Lesegno B. (2008) Weakly bound molecules. Analysis by the Lu-Fano method coupled to the LeRoy-Bernstein model. DAMOP08 - 39th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Atomic Molecular and Optical Physics, State College, Pennsylvania, USA. 27-31 mai. 61 Pruvost L., Jelassi H. & Viaris De Lesegno B. (2008) Weakly bound molecules. Analysis by the Lu-Fano method coupled to the LeRoy-Bernstein model. 63rd International Symposium on Molecular Spectroscopy, Columbus, USA. 16-20 juin. Pruvost L., Jelassi H. & Viaris De Lesegno B. (2008) Weakly bound molecules. Analysis by the Lu-Fano method coupled to the LeRoy-Bernstein model. EGAS40 - 40th annual Conference of the European Group for Atomic Systems, Graz, Autriche. 2-5 juillet. AFFICHES (AFF) 2013 Carrat V., Gutiérrez Citlali Cabrera, Jacquey M., Tabosa J., Viaris de Lesegno B. & Pruvost L. (2013) Highly collimated source of cold Rb atoms from a 2-D magneto-optical trap. YAO, Birmingham, U.K. 8-12 avril. 2012 Jelassi H. & Pruvost L. (2012) Vibrational quantum defect coupled to improved LeRoy-Bernstein formula for a precise analysis of photoassociation spectroscopy. ICAP 2012, Palaiseau, France. 23-27 juillet. Mathevet R., Viaris de Lesegno B., Pruvost L. & Rikken G.L.J.A. (2012) Polarization of a focussed beam Magneto Orbital Dichroism ICAP 2012, Palaiseau, France. 23-27 juillet. Pruvost L. & Jelassi H. (2012) Vibrational quantum defect coupled to improved LeRoy-Bernstein formula for a precise analysis of photoassociation spectroscopy. EGAS44 - 44th annual Conference of the European Group for Atomic Systems, Göteborg, Suède. 9-13 juillet. 2011 Carrat V., Viaris de Lesegno B. & Pruvost L. (2011) Cold atoms in Laguerre−Gaussian laser beams. FRISNO-11 - 10th European/French Israeli Symposium on Nonlinear and Quantum Optics, Aussois, France. 28 mars - 1er avril Carrat V., Viaris de Lesegno B. & Pruvost L. (2011) Cold atoms in Laguerre−Gaussian laser beams. ICOLS 2011 - 20th International Conference on Laser Spectroscopy, Hameln, Allemagne. 30 mai - 3 juin. Carrat V., Viaris de Lesegno B. & Pruvost L. (2011) Cold atoms in Laguerre−Gaussian laser beams. EGAS43 43rd Congress of the European Group on Atomic Systems, Fribourg, Suisse. 29 juin - 2 juillet 2011 Jelassi H. & Pruvost L. (2011) Vibrational quantum defect for long range molecules spectroscopy. Detection of coupling in Rb2 and Cs2 series EGAS43 - 43rd Congress of the European Group on Atomic Systems, Fribourg, Suisse. 29 juin - 2 juillet 2011 Pruvost L. & Jelassi H. (2011) Vibrational quantum defect for long range molecules spectroscopy. Detection of coupling in Rb2 and Cs2 series. ICOLS 2011 - 20th International Conference on Laser Spectroscopy, Hameln, Allemagne. 30 mai - 3 juin. 2010 Carrat V., Viaris de Lesegno B., Pruvost L., Delboulbé A. & Loiseaux B. (2010) Monitoring and correction of SLM-generated holograms for cold atom applications. PAMO-JSM 2010 - Colloque commun de la division de Physique Atomique et Moléculaire et Optique de la SFP et des Journées de Spectroscopie Moléculaire, Orsay, France. 29 juin-2 juillet. Mestre M., Diry F., Carrat V., Hazera Ch., Viaris de Lesegno B. & Pruvost L. (2010) Cold atom guided in a SLM-generated Laguerre-Gaussian laser mode. CAMEL 6, Varna, Bulgarie. 28 juin-2 juillet. 62 Mestre M., Diry F., Viaris de Lesegno B. & Pruvost L. (2010) Cold atom guidance by a holographically generated Laguerre-gaussian laser mode. 10th European Conference on Atoms Molecules and Photons (ECAMP X), Salamanca, Espagne. 4-9 juillet. Pruvost L. & Jelassi H. (2010) Vibrational quantum defect for the analysis of weakly-bound molecules. Application to Cs2. 10th European Conference on Atoms Molecules and Photons (ECAMP X), Salamanca, Espagne. 4-9 juillet. Viaris de Lesegno B., Diry F., Mestre M. & Pruvost L. (2010) Cold atom guided in a SLM-generated LaguerreGaussian laser mode. PAMO-JSM 2010 - Colloque commun de la division de Physique Atomique et Moléculaire et Optique de la SFP et des Journées de Spectroscopie Moléculaire, Orsay, France. 29 juin-2 juillet. 2009 Diry F., Mestre M., Viaris de Lesegno B. & Pruvost L. (2009) Cold atoms in holographically shaped optical traps. ICPEAC 2009 - XXVI International Conference on Photonic, Electronic and Atomic Collisions, Kalamazoo, Michigan, USA. 22-28 juillet. Jelassi H., Viaris de Lesegno B. & Pruvost L. (2009) Vibrational quantum defect for the analysis of weaklybound molecules. Application to Rb2 and Cs2 Ou+ data. HRMS09 - 21st Colloquium on high-resolution molecular spectroscopy international conference, Stabia, Italie. 30 août-5septembre. Jelassi H., Viaris de Lesegno B. & Pruvost L. (2009) Vibrational quantum defect for the analysis of weaklybound molecules. Application to Rb2 and Cs2 Ou+ data. DAMOP09 - 40th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics Charlottesville, USA. 20-29 mai. Mestre M., Diry F., Viaris de Lesegno B. & Pruvost L. (2009) Holographically-shaped optical potentials for cold atom applications. Atomic Optics Conference, Bad Honnef, Allemagne. 27-29 juillet. Mestre M., Diry F., Viaris De Lesegno B. & Pruvost L. (2009) Modulateur spatial de lumière pour les atomes froids : guidage dans un mode de Laguerre-Gauss. COLOQ'11, Nice, France. 7-9 septembre. Mestre M., Diry F., Viaris De Lesegno B. & Pruvost L. (2009) Spatial light modulators for cold atom manipulation/ guiding into a Laguerre-Gaussian mode. EGAS41 - 41st annual Conference of the European Group for Atomic Systems, Gdansk, Pologne. 7-11 juillet. Mestre M., Diry F., Viaris De Lesegno B. & Pruvost L. (2009) Spatial light modulators for cold atom manipulation/ guiding into a Laguerre-Gaussian mode. DAMOP09 - 40th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics Charlottesville, USA. 20-29 mai. Mestre M., Diry F., Viaris De Lesegno B. & Pruvost L. (2009) Modulateur spatial de lumière pour les atomes froids : guidage dans un mode de Laguerre-Gauss. SFP, Palaiseau, France. 6-7 juillet. Pruvost L., Viaris de Lesegno B., Jelassi H., M. Pichler & W.C. Stwalley (2009) Vibrational quantum defect for the analysis of weakly-bound molecules. Application to Rb2 and Cs2 Ou+ data. EGAS41 - 41st annual Conference of the European Group for Atomic Systems, Gdansk, Pologne 7-11 juillet. 2008 Jelassi H., Viaris De Lesegno B. & Pruvost L. (2008) Reexamination of the LeRoy-Bernstein formula for weakly bound molecules. EGAS40 - 40th annual Conference of the European Group for Atomic Systems, Graz, Autriche. 2-5 juillet. Jelassi H., Viaris De Lesegno B. & Pruvost L. (2008) Molécules faiblement liées : Analyse en appliquant la méthode. Lu-Fano couplée au modèle du LeRoy-Bernstein. PAMO 2008, Lille, France. 7-10 juillet. 63 Mestre M., Diry F., Viaris De Lesegno B. & Pruvost L. (2008) Spatial light modulators for cold atom manipulation. EGAS40 - 40th annual Conference of the European Group for Atomic Systems, Graz, Autriche. 2-5 juillet. Pruvost L., Jelassi H. & Viaris De Lesegno B. (2008) Revisited LeRoy-Bernstein formula for weakly bound molecules. DAMOP08 - 39th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Atomic Molecular and Optical Physics, State College, USA. 27-31 mai. Pruvost L., Mestre M., Diry F. & Viaris De Lesegno B. (2008) Spatial light modulators for cold atom manipulation. DAMOP08 - 39th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Atomic Molecular and Optical Physics, State College, USA. 27-31 mai. Viaris De Lesegno B., Mestre M., Diry F. & Pruvost L. (2008) Modulateur spatial de phase et faisceaux creux pour l'optique atomique. PAMO 2008, Lille, France. 7-10 juillet. Autres Publications (AP_SEM) : SEMINAIRES, COURS.. Pruvost L. (2009) Spectroscopy of weakly bound molecules and analysis using the vibrational quantum defect. Séminaire, ETH de Zurich, Suisse. Novembre. 64 POLE 3 - PHOTONIQUE, MATERIAUX, INTERACES (PMI) GROUPE 3 - GLOP (En « bleu », les publications communes à plusieurs groupes ; En « gras bleu », les publications communes à plusieurs pôles) ARTICLES DANS DES REVUES INTERNATIONALES OU NATIONALES AVEC COMITE DE LECTURE (ACL) 2013 De S., Pal V., El Amili A., Pillet G., Baili G., Alouini M., Sagnes I., Ghosh R. & Bretenaker F. (2013) Intensity noise correlations in a two-frequency VECSEL. Optics Express, 21 (3), 2538-2550. Manzani D., Pabœuf D., Ribeiro S. J. L., Goldner P. & Bretenaker F. (2013) Orange emission in Pr3+-doped fluoroindate glasses. Optical Materials, 35 (3), 383-386. Xu B., Starecki F., Pabœuf D., Camy P., Doualan J. L., Cai Z. P., Braud A., Moncorge R., Goldner P. & Bretenaker F. (2013) Red and orange laser operation of Pr:KYF4 pumped by a Nd:YAG/LBO laser at 469.1nm and a InGaN laser diode at 444nm. Optics Express, 21 (5), 5567-5574. 2012 El Amili A., Gredat G., Alouini M., Sagnes I. & Bretenaker F. (2012) Experimental study of the delayed threshold phenomenon in a class-A VECSEL. European Physical Journal-Applied Physics, 58 (1), n°10501. El Amili A., Loas G., De Syamsundar, Schwartz S., Feugnet G., Pocholle J. P., Bretenaker F. & Alouini M. (2012) Experimental demonstration of a dual-frequency laser free from antiphase noise. Optics Letters, 37 (23), 4901-4903. Lauprêtre T., Kumar S., Berger P., Faoro R., Ghosh R., Bretenaker F. & Goldfarb F. (2012) Ultranarrow resonance due to coherent population oscillations in a Lambda-type atomic system. Physical Review A, 85 (5), n°051805. Lauprêtre T., Schwartz S., Ghosh R., Carusotto I., Goldfarb F. & Bretenaker F. (2012) Anomalous ring-down effects and breakdown of the decay rate concept in optical cavities with negative group delay. New Journal of Physics, 14. Pabœuf D., Mhibik O., Bretenaker F. & Drag C. (2012) Optimization of the resonant wave output coupling of a singly resonant optical parametric oscillator using an intracavity plate. Applied Physics B-Lasers and Optics, 108 (2), 289-293. 2011 Berger P., Bourderionnet J., Bretenaker F., Dolfi D. & Alouini M. (2011) Time delay generation at high frequency using SOA based slow and fast light. Optics Express, 19 (22), 21180-21188. El Amili A., Pal V., Goldfarb F., Ghosh R., Alouini M., Sagnes I. & Bretenaker F. (2011) Observation of noise phase locking in a single-frequency VECSEL. Optics Express, 19 (18), 17250-17259. Kumar S., Lauprêtre T. , Ghosh R., Bretenaker F. & Goldfarb F. (2011) Interacting double dark resonances in a hot atomic vapor of helium. Physical Review A, 84 (2), n° 023811. Lauprêtre T., Proux C., Ghosh R., Schwartz S., Goldfarb F. & Bretenaker F. (2011) Photon lifetime in a cavity containing a slow-light medium. Optics Letters, 36 (9), 1551-1553. Mhibik O., Pabœuf D., Drag C. & Bretenaker F. (2011) Sub-kHz-level relative stabilization of an intracavity doubled continuous wave optical parametric oscillator using Pound-Drever-Hall scheme. Optics Express, 19 (19), 18049-18057. 65 Pabœuf D., Mhibik O., Bretenaker F., Goldner P., Parisi D. & Tonelli M. (2011) Diode-pumped Pr:BaY(2)F(8) continuous-wave orange laser. Optics Letters, 36 (2), 280-282. 2010 Baldit E., Bencheikh K., Monnier P., Briaudeau S., Levenson J. A., Crozatier V., Lorgeré I., Bretenaker F., Le Gouët J. L., Guillot-Noël O. & Goldner P. (2010) Identification of Lambda-like systems in Er3+:Y2SiO5 and observation of electromagnetically induced transparency. Physical Review B, 81 (14), n° 144303. Berger P., Alouini M., Bourderionnet J., Bretenaker F. & Dolfi D. (2010) Dynamic saturation in semiconductor optical amplifiers : accurate model, role of carrier density, and slow light. Optics Express 18 (2), 685-693. Berger P., Bourderionnet J., Bretenaker F., Dolfi D., Duill S. O., Eisenstein G. & Alouini M. (2010) Intermodulation distortion in microwave phase shifters based on slow and fast light propagation in semiconductor optical amplifiers. Optics Letters, 35 (16), 2762-2764. Berger P., Bourderionnet J., de Valicourt G., Brenot R., Bretenaker F., Dolfi D. & Alouini M. (2010) Experimental demonstration of enhanced slow and fast light by forced coherent population oscillations in a semiconductor optical amplifier. Optics Letters, 35 (14), 2457-2459. Mhibik O., My T. H., Pabœuf D., Bretenaker F. & Drag C. (2010) Frequency stabilization at the kilohertz level of a continuous intracavity frequency-doubled singly resonant optical parametric oscillator. Optics Letters, 35 (14), 2364-2366. El Amili A. , Miranda B.-X., Goldfarb F., Baili G., Beaudoin G., Sagnes I., Bretenaker F. & Alouini M. (2010) Observation of slow light in the noise spectrum of a vertical external cavity surface emitting laser. Physical Review Letters 105, N° 223902. Ghosh J., Goldfarb F., Le Gouët J. L., Bretenaker F. & Ghosh R. (2010) Electromagnetically Induced Transparency and Slow Light in Room Temperature He-4. Laser Physics, 20 (5), 1234-1243. (G03-G09) Pal V., Trofimoff P., Miranda B.-X., Baili G., Alouini M., Morvan L., Dolfi D., Goldfarb F., Sagnes I., Ghosh R. & Bretenaker F. (2010) Measurement of the coupling constant in a two-frequency VECSEL. Optics Express, 18 (5), 5008-5014. 2009 Baili G., Alouini M., Malherbe T., Dolfi D., Sagnes I. & Bretenaker F. (2009) Direct observation of the classB to class-A transition in the dynamical behavior of a semiconductor laser. Europhysics Letters, 87 (4), n° 44005. Baili G., Morvan L., Alouini M., Dolfi D., Bretenaker F., Sagnes I. & Garnache A. (2009) Experimental demonstration of a tunable dual-frequency semiconductor laser free of relaxation oscillations. Optics Letters, 34 (21), 3421-3423. Berger P., Alouini M., Bourderionnet J., Bretenaker F. & Dolfi D. (2009) Slow light using semiconductor optical amplifiers : model and noise characteristics. Comptes Rendus Physique, 10 (10), 991-999. Berger P., Bourderionnet J., Alouini M., Bretenaker F. & Dolfi D. (2009) Theoretical study of the spuriousfree dynamic range of a tunable delay line based on slow light in SOA. Optics Express, 17 (22), 2058420597. 66 Ghosh J., Ghosh R., Goldfarb F., Le Gouët J.-L. & Bretenaker F. (2009) Analysis of electromagnetically induced transparency and slow light in a hot vapor of atoms undergoing collisions. Physical Review A, 80 (2), 023817. Goldfarb F., Lauprêtre T., Ruggiero J., Bretenaker F., Ghosh J. & Ghosh R. (2009) Electromagneticallyinduced transparency, slow light, and negative group velocities in a room temperature vapor of 4He*. Comptes Rendus Physique, 10 (10), 919-926. Lauro R., Ruggiero J., Louchet A., Alexander A., Chanelière T., Lorgeré I., Bretenaker F., Goldfarb F. & Le Gouët J.-L. (2009) Thulium doped crystals for quantum information storage. Journal of Luminescence, 129 (12), 1951-1954. Louchet A., Le Du Y., Brouri T., Bretenaker F., Chanelière T., Goldfarb F., Lorgeré I. & Le Gouët J.-L. (2009) Optical investigation of nuclear spin coherence in Tm:YAG (vol 10, p.1374, 2008correction). Solid State Sciences, 11 (5), 949-949. My T. H., Drag C. & Bretenaker F. (2008) Single-frequency and tunable operation of a continuous intracavity-frequency-doubled singly resonant optical parametric oscillator. Optics Letters, 33 (13), 1455-1457. My T. H., Robin O., Mhibik O., Drag C. & Bretenaker F. (2009) Stimulated Raman scattering in an optical parametric oscillator based on periodically poled MgO-doped stoichiometric LiTaO3. Optics Express, 17 (7), 5912-5918. Schwartz S., Feugnet G., Rebut M., Bretenaker F. & Pocholle J. P. (2009) Orientation of Nd3+ dipoles in yttrium aluminum garnet: Experiment and model. Physical Review A, 79 (6), n° 063814. 2008 Baili G., Alouini M., Malherbe T., Dolfi D., Huignard J. P., Merlet T., Chazelas J., Sagnes I. & Bretenaker F. (2008) Evidence of ultra low microwave additive phase noise for an optical RF link based on a class-A semiconductor laser. Optics Express, 16 (14), 10091-10097. Baili G., Bretenaker F., Morvan L., Dolfi D. & Sagnes I. (2008) Experimental investigation and analytical Modeling of excess intensity noise in semiconductor class-A lasers. Journal of Lightwave Technology, 26 (58), 952-961. Baili G., Lahitte J., Alouini M., Dolfi D., Huignard J. P. & Bretenaker F. (2008) Experimental investigation of noise reduction in an opto-microwave link based on highly-dispersive low-loss fiber. European Physical Journal-Applied Physics, 44 (1), 65-70. Crozatier V., Gorju G., Lavielle V., Louchet A., Bretenaker F., Chanelière T., Goldfarb F., Lorgeré I. & Le Gouët J.-L. (2008) Solid state atomic processors for light. Journal of the European Optical Society-Rapid Publications, 3, n°08025. Goldfarb F., Ghosh J., David M., Ruggiero J., Chanelière T., Le Gouët J.-L., Gilles H., Ghosh R. & Bretenaker F. (2008) Observation of ultra-narrow electromagnetically induced transparency and slow light using purely electronic spins in a hot atomic vapor. Europhysics Letters, 82 (5), n°54002. Louchet A., Le Du Y., Bretenaker F., Chanelière T., Goldfarb F., Lorgeré I., Le Gouët J.-L., Guillot-Noël O. & Goldner Ph. (2008) Optical excitation of nuclear spin coherence in a Tm3+: YAG crystal. Physical Review B, 77 (19), n°195110. Louchet A., Le Du Y., Brouri T., Bretenaker F., Chanelière T., Goldfarb E., Lorgeré I. & Le Gouët J.-L. (2008) Optical investigation of nuclear spin coherence in Tm:YAG. Solid State Sciences, 10 (10), 1374-1378. 67 (G03-G09) My T. H., Goldner Ph., Guillot-Noël O., Tonelli M. & Bretenaker F. (2008) Single-frequency operation of an orange avalanche upconversion laser for high-resolution laser spectroscopy. European Physical JournalApplied Physics, 42 (2), 121-124. Pillet G., Morvan L., Brunel M., Bretenaker F., Dolfi D., Vallet M., Huignard J. P. & Le Floch A. (2008) DualFrequency Laser at 1.5 mu m for Optical Distribution and Generation of High-Purity Microwave Signals. Journal of Lightwave Technology, 26 (13-16), 2764-2773. Arxiv : (article sans comité de lecture). Tétienne J. P., Hingant T., Rondin L., Cavailles A., Dantelle G., Gacoin T., Roch J.-F. & Jacques V. (2013) Spin relaxometry of single nitrogen-vacancy defects in diamond nanocrystals for magnetic noise sensing (arXiv:1304.1197). (article sans comité de lecture). Rondin L., Tétienne J. P., Rohart S., Thiaville A., Hingant T., SpinicellI P., Roch J.-F. & Jacques V. (2013) Stray-field imaging of magnetic vortices with a single diamond spin (soumis, 2013) - (arXiv:1302.7307). (article sans comité de lecture). COMMUNICATIONS AVEC ACTES DANS UN CONGRES INTERNATIONAL OU NATIONAL (ACT) 2011 Kumar S., Lauprêtre T., Proux C., Bretenaker F., Ghosh R. & Goldfarb F. (2011) Interacting double dark resonances in a tripod system of room-temperature (4)He. SPIE Proceedings - Photonics 2010 : Tenth International Conference on Fiber Optics and Photonics, 8173, n° 81730L, Proceedings of SPIE. 11-15 décembre. 2008 Baili G., Lahitte J., Alouini M., Dolfi D., Huignard J. P. & Bretenaker F. (2008) Experimental investigation of noise reduction in an opto-microwave link based on highly-dispersive low-loss fiber. 10th Meeting of the French-Microscopy-Society, 44 (1), 65-70, EDP Sciences SA, Grenoble, France. 05-08 juin 2007. Baili G., Malherbe T., Alouini M., Bretenaker F., Dolfi D. & Sagnes I. (2008) Influence of class-B to class-A transition on relative intensity noise in semiconductor lasers. CLEO - Conference on Lasers and ElectroOptics/Quantum Electronics and Laser Science Conference, 1-9, 2129-2130, San Jose, CA, USA. . Goldfarb F., Ghosh J., David M., Ruggiero J., Chanelière T., Le Gouët J.-L. , Gilles H., Ghosh R. & Bretenaker F. (2008) Electromagnetically Induced Transparency (EIT) and Slow Light in a 4He* Hot Atomic Vapor. Slow and Fast Light SL 2008. Conference paper, (papier SMA4), Boston, USA. Juillet. CONFERENCES INVITEES (INV) 2013 Schwartz S., Lauprêtre T., Goldfarb F., Bretenaker F., Ghosh R., Carusotto I., Feugnet G., Gutty F. & Pocholle J.-P. (2013) The solid-state ring laser gyro: current and future trends, Conférence invitée. Photonics West, Proc. SPIE 8636, Advances in Slow and Fast Light VI, 86360M, San Francisco, USA. 2012 Bretenaker F. (2012) Coherent optical effects and control of the velocity of light using metastable helium at room temperature, conférence plénière invitée. 3rd DAE-BRNS Symposium on Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, Calcutta, Inde. 68 2011 Baili G., Alouini M., Morvan L., Bretenaker F., Sagnes I. & Dolfi D. (2011) High finesse external cavity VCSELs: from very low noise lasers to dual frequency lasers, Conférence invitée. IEEE International Topical Meeting on Microwave Photonics MWP2011, Singapour. El Amili A., Pal V., Miranda B.-X., Goldfarb F., Ghosh R., Baili G., Sagnes I., Alouini M. & Bretenaker F. (2011) Slow light in the noise spectrum of a VECSEL, Conférence invitée. International Conference on Advanced Infocomm Technology ICAIT 2011, Wuhan, Chine. Ghosh R., Kumar S., Lauprêtre T., Bretenaker F. & Goldfarb F. (2011) Electromagnetically-induced transparency, slow light, and negative group velocities in room temperature 4He, Conférence invitée. XXVII International Conference on Photonic, Electronic and Atomic Collisions, Belfast, Irlande. 2010 Bretenaker F., Baili G., Alouini M., Morvan L., Dolfi D. & Sagnes I. (2010) Class-A semiconductor lasers for the transport and generation of optically carried RF analog signals for radar applications. IEEE International Topical Meeting on Microwave Photonics (MWP2010), (conference n° WE3-1), Montréal, Québec, Canada. 5-9 octobre. 2009 Bretenaker F. (2009) Le gyrolaser. Mesure, lasers et applications, Paris, France. 2 juin. Bretenaker F., Baili G., Alouini M., Morvan L. & Dolfi D. (2009) Low noise lasers for the generation and transport of analog radiofrequency signals. International Conference on Advanced Infocomm Technology ICAIT 2009, Xi’an, Chine. 7-9 juillet. Ghosh R., Ghosh J., Goldfarb F., Le Gouët J.-L. & Bretenaker F. (2009) Realistic theory of electromagnetically-induced transparency and slow light in a hot atomic vapor, Conférence invitée. Advances in Slow and Fast Light at Photonics West, Proc. of SPIE Vol. 7226, 72260J, San Jose, CA, USA. 2008 My T. H., Mhibik O., Drag C. & Bretenaker F. (2008) Visible optical parametric oscillators for application to quantum memories : an all solid-state alternative to cw dye lasers? Metamaterials and their applications, Hyderâbâd, Inde. 18-20 décembre. COMMUNICATIONS (sans actes) (COM) 2013 Syamsundar De, Pal V., Amili A. El, Baili G., Alouini M., Sagnes I., Ghosh R. & Bretenaker F. (2013) Noise Correlations in Dual Frequency VECSEL. FRISNO 12, Ein Gedi, Israël. 24 février - 1er mars. 2010 Cabaret L., Bretenaker F., Comparat D., Drag C., Jucha A., Jungen Ch., Pillet P., Robert N., Vanhaecke N., Biraben F., Cladé P. , Guellati-Khelifa S., Julien K. & Nez F. (2010) The LymanAlpha Project : A quasi-continuous-wave laser at 121.6 nm for cooled hydrogen metrology and spectroscopy applications. Workshop "New experimental and theoretical developments in molecular spectroscopy atmospheric and astrophysical applications", SOLEIL, Saint-Aubin, Gif-sur-Yvette, France. 22-23 novembre. 2011 Baili G., Alouini M., Morvan L., Bretenaker F., Sagnes I., Garnache A. & Dolfi D. (2011) High finesse external cavity VCSELs: from very low noise lasers to dual frequency lasers. SPIE Photonics West, San Francisco, Ca, USA. 22-27 janvier. Berger P., Bourderionnet J., Dolfi D., Bretenaker F. & Alouini M. (2011) Slow and fast light in semiconductor optical amplifier for microwave applications. SPIE Photonics West, San Francisco, Ca, USA. 22-27 janvier. 69 Berger P., Bourderionnet J., Dolfi D., Bretenaker F. & Alouini M. (2011) Nouvelles architectures de lignes à retard par lumière lente. Journée Club Optique et Microondes 2011, Rennes, France. 23 juin. Berger P., Bourderionnet J., Pu M., Yvind K., Bretenaker F., Dolfi D. & Alouini M. (2011) Frequency unlimited optical delay lines based on slow and fast light in SOAs. Slow and Fast Light, (paper SLTuA2), Toronto, Canada. 12-15 juin. Bretenaker F. (2011) Lasers à faible bruit pour le transport et la génération de signaux de radiofréquence. Conférence à l'ENSSAT, Lannion, France. 18-19 janvier. Bretenaker F. (2011) Interacting dark resonances in a tripod system in room temperature 4He*. Conférence "FRISNO", Aussois, France. 27 mars-1er avril. Bretenaker F., Lauprêtre T., Proux C., Schwartz S., Goldfarb F. & Ghosh R. (2011) Decay time in a cavity in slow or fast light regime. CLEO - Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, (papier JThB5), Baltimore, Maryland, USA. 1er mai - 6 mai. El Amili A., Miranda B.-X., Goldfarb F., Baili G., Beaudoin G., Sagnes I., Bretenaker F. & Alouini M. (2011) Direct observation of slow light in the noise spectrum of a laser. CLEO - Conference on Lasers and ElectroOptics, (papier JThB65), Baltimore, Maryland, USA. 1er mai - 6 mai. El Amili A., Miranda B.-X., Goldfarb F., Baili G., Beaudoin G., Sagnes I., Bretenaker F. & Alouini M. (2011) Direct observation of slow light in the noise spectrum of a laser. CLEO - Conference on Lasers and ElectroOptics, (papier CB9.4 THU ), Munich, Allemagne. 22-26 mai. El Amili A., Pal V., Miranda B.-X., Goldfarb F., Ghosh R., Baili G., Sagnes I., Alouini AM. & Bretenaker F. (2011) Slow light in the noise spectrum of a VECSEL. International Conference on Advanced Infocomm Technology ICAIT 2011, Wuhan, Chine. 11-14 juillet. El Amili A., Pal V., Miranda B.-X., Goldfarb F., Ghosh R., Baili G., Sagnes I., Alouini M. & Bretenaker F. (2011) Observation des mécanismes de lumière lente dans le spectre des lasers classe A faible bruit développés pour les liaisons optique-hyperfréquences. Journée Club Optique et Microondes 2011, Rennes, France. 23 juin. Kumar S., Lauprêtre T., Bretenaker F., Ghosh R. & Goldfarb F. (2011) Destructive Interference of Dark Resonances in a Room Temperature Tripod System. Slow and Fast Light, (paper JTuB4), Toronto, Canada. 12-15 juin. Lauprêtre T. (2011). Conférence "FRISNO", ( ), Aussois, France. 27 mars-1er avril. Lauprêtre T., Ghosh R., Schwartz S., Goldfarb F. & Bretenaker F. (2011) Decay time in a cavity in slow or fast light regime. Slow and Fast Light, (papier SLWA3), Toronto, Canada. Lauprêtre T., Proux C., Ghosh R., Schwartz S., Goldfarb F. & Bretenaker F. (2011) Decay time in a cavity in slow or fast light regime. European Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO Europe), (papier n° EA9.6 TUE), Munich, Allemagne. 22 mai - 26 mai. Molin S., Linget H., Lorgeré I., Gorju G., Ménager L., Lavielle V., Morvan L., Tonda-Goldstein S., Dolfi D., Le Gouët J.-L. , Bretenaker F. & Huignard J.-P. (2011) Analyseur RF large bande basé sur le spectral hole burning dans le Tm3+:YAG. Journée Club Optique et Microondes 2011, Rennes, France. 23 juin. Pabœuf D., Mhibik O., Bretenaker F., Goldner P., Parisi D. & Tonelli M. (2011) Continuous-wave Diode-pumped Pr3+:BaY2F8 Orange Laser. CLEO - Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, (papier CMB6), Baltimore, Maryland, USA. 1er mai - 6 mai. 70 Pabœuf D., Mhibik O., Bretenaker F., Goldner P., Parisi D. & Tonelli M. (2011) Single-Frequency Continuouswave Diode-pumped Pr3+:BaY2F8 Orange Laser. CLEO/Europe-EQEC - European Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, papier CA2.3 SUN, Munich, Allemagne. 22 mai - 26 mai. Pabœuf D., Mhibik O., Bretenaker F., Goldner P., Parisi D. & Tonelli M. (2011) Orange Emitting Diode-pumped Pr3+:BaY2F8 Laser. International Conference on Luminescence (ICL’ 11), papier ThFF2, Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA. 27 juin - 1er juillet. 2010 Berger P., Bourderionnet J., Dolfi D., Duill S. O, Eisenstein G., Bretenaker F. & Alouini M. (2010) Influence of optical filtering on nonlinearities in SOA based slow and fast light microwave phase shifter. IEEE International Topical Meeting on Microwave Photonics (MWP2010), (papier TH2-4), Montréal, Québec, Canada. 5-9 octobre Bretenaker F., Baili G., Alouini M., Morvan L., Dolfi D. & Sagnes I. (2010) Class-A semiconductor lasers for the transport and generation of optically carried RF analog signals IEEE 22nd International Semiconductor Kumar S., Proux C., Lauprêtre T., Bretenaker F., Ghosh R. & Goldfarb F. (2010) Interacting double dark resonances in a tripod system of room temperature 4He*. Photonics 2010 - International Conference on Fiber Optics and Photonics, Guwahati, Inde. 11-15 décembre. Pal V., Trofimoff P., Baili G., Alouini M., Sagnes I., Ghosh R. & Bretenaker F. (2010) Optimization of simultaneous oscillation of a two-frequency VECSEL by coupling constant measurement. Photonics 2010 International Conference on Fiber Optics and Photonics, Guwahati, Inde. 11-15 décembre. 2009 Baili G., Morvan L., Alouini M., Dolfi D., Sagnes I. & Bretenaker F. (2009) Two-polarization Two-frequency Operation in a Class-A Semiconductor Laser. Microwave Photonics 2009, (papier 99), Valencia, Espagne. 1416 octobre. Berger P., Alouini M., Bourderionnet J., Bretenaker F. & Dolfi D. (2009) Influence of Slow Light Effect in Semiconductor Amplifiers on the Dynamic Range of Microwave‐Photonics Links. Slow and Fast Light SL 2009, (papier SMB3), Honolulu, Hawaii. 17 juillet. Ghosh J., Ghosh R., Bretenaker F., Goldfarb F. & Gouët J.-L. Le (2009) ElectromagneticallyInduced Transparency and Slow Light in Room Temperature 4He*. LPHYS'09 - 18th International Laser Physics Workshop, Barcelona, Espagne. 13-17 juillet. Lauprêtre T., Ruggiero J., Ghosh R., Bretenaker F. & Goldfarb F. (2009) Observation of Electromagnetically-Induced Transparency and Slow Light in the Dark State-Bright State Basis. 10th European Conference on Atoms Molecules and Photons, Salamanca, Espagne. 4-10 juillet. Lorgeré I., Gorju G., Ménager L., Lavielle V., F. Bretenaker, Gouët J.-L Le, Molin S., Morvan L., Tonda-Goldstein S., Dolfi D. & Huignard J-P. (2009) Broadband RF Spectrum Analyzer based on Spectral Hole Burning. Microwave Photonics 2009, (papier 6), Valencia, Espagne. 14-16 octobre. My T. H., Mhibik O., Drag C. & Bretenaker F. (2009) Single frequency and tunable operation of a continuous intracavity frequency doubled singly resonant optical parametric oscillator. CLEO Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, (papier CWC2), Baltimore, Maryland, USA. 2-4 juin. My T. H., Mhibik O., Drag C. & Bretenaker F. (2009) Single Frequency and Tunable Operation of a Continuous Intracavity Frequency Doubled Singly Resonant Optical Parametric Oscillato. CLEO Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, (papier CD3.5), Munich, Allemagne. 14-19 juin. (G02-G03) 71 Schwartz S., Feugnet G., Bretenaker F. & Pocholle J.-P. (2009) Influence of Crystal Orientation on Coupling between Orthogonal Modes in a Nd :YAG Laser. CLEO - Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, (papier CTuFF2), Baltimore, USA. 2008 Baili G., Alouini M., Dolfi D., Sagnes I. & Bretenaker F. (2008) Two ways for reaching wide bandwidth shot noise limited operation with class-A semiconductor lasers. Europhoton, (papier TU), p.14, Paris, France. 31 août-5 septembre. Baili G., Alouini M., Dolfi D., Sagnes I. & Bretenaker F. (2008) Ultralow microwave additive phase noise for an optical RF link based on a class-A semiconductor laser. Microwave photonics 2008, (papier P4), Gold Coast, Australie. 1-3 octobre. Baili G., Malherbe T., Alouini M., Bretenaker F., Dolfi D. & Sagnes I. (2008) Influence of class-B to class -A transition on relative intensity noise in semiconductor lasers. CLEO - Conference on Lasers and ElectroOptics, (papier JThA13), San Jose, USA. Mai. Chanelière T., Bretenaker F., Goldfarb F., Goldner Ph., Guillot-Noël O., Le Gouët J.-L. , Lorgeré I. & Louchet A. (2008) Quantum storage investigation in Thulium based materials. Storage and manipulation of quantum information in optically addressed solids, Bozeman, Montana, USA. Janvier. Goldfarb F., Ghosh J., David M., Ruggiero J., Chanelière T., Le Gouët J.-L. , Gilles H., Ghosh R. & Bretenaker F. (2008) Electromagnetically Induced Transparency (EIT) and Slow Light in a 4He* Hot Atomic Vapor. Slow and Fast Light SL 2008, (papier SMA4), Boston, USA. Juillet. Lorgeré I., Bretenaker F., Chanelière T., Goldfarb F., Le Gouët J.-L. , Louchet A., Guillot-Noël O., Goldner Ph., Ledu Y. & Vincent J. (2008) Towards optically-controlled quantum NMR gates in rare-earth doped crystals. Storage and Manipulation of Quantum Information in Optically Addressed Solids, Bozeman, Montana, USA. Janvier. My T. H., Drag C. & Bretenaker F. (2008) Single frequency and tunable operation of a continuous intracavity-frequency-doubled singly resonant optical parametric oscillator. Europhoton, (papier FRoA.9), Paris, France. 31 août-5 septembre. My T. H., Drag C. & Bretenaker F. (2008) Single-frequency and tunable continuous intracavity frequency doubled optical parametric oscillator. Photonics, Delhi, Inde. 13-17 décembre. Pillet G., Morvan L., Brunel M., Bretenaker F., Dolfi D., Vallet M., Huignard J.-P. & Floch A. Le (2008) DualFrequency Laser at 1.5 µm for the Generation of High-Purity Microwave Signals (papier CMA5). Coherent Optical Technologies and Applications COTA 2008, Boston, USA. 13-16 juillet. AFFICHES (AFF) 2011 Mhibik O., Pabœuf D., Drag C. & Bretenaker F. (2011) The kHz Level Stabilization of an Intracavity Doubled Continuous Wave Optical Parametric Oscillator Using Pound-Drever-Hall Scheme. CLEO EUROPE - EQEC 2011, Munich, Allemagne. 22-26 mai. 2010 Berger P., Bourderionnet J., Dolfi D., de Valicourt G., Brenot R., Bretenaker F. & Alouini M. (2010) Novel Architectures for RF Phase Shifters and Optical Delay Lines Based on Slow and Fast Light in SOAs. IEEE International Topical Meeting on Microwave Photonics MWP2010, poster TH4-18, Montréal, Québec, Canada. 5-9 octobre. 72 Berger P., Bourderionnet J., Valicourt G. de, Brenot R., Bretenaker F., Alouini M. & Dolfi D. (2010) Experimental demonstration of enhanced slow and fast light by forced coherent population oscillations in a SOA. IEEE 22nd International Semiconductor Laser Conference, (poster P61), Kyoto, Japon. 26-30 septembre. Lauprêtre T., Proux C., Ghosh R., Schwartz S., Goldfarb F. & Bretenaker F. (2010) Decay time in a cavity in slow or fast light regime. Photonics 2010 - International Conference on Fiber Optics and Photonics, Guwahati, Inde. 11-15 décembre. Lauprêtre T., Ruggiero J., Ghosh R., Bretenaker F. & Goldfarb F. (2010) Observation of electromagneticallyinduced transparency and slow light in the dark state-bright state basis. 10th European Conference on Atoms, Molecules and Photons (ECAMP10), Salamanca, Espagne. 4-9 juillet. Mhibik O., My T. H., Pabœuf D., Bretenaker F. & Drag C. (2010) Continuous intracavity frequency doubled singly resonant optical parametric oscillator frequency stabilized at the kHz level. 4th EPSQEOD Europhoton Conference, Hambourg, Allemagne. 29 août-3 septembre. Mhibik O., My T. H., Pabœuf D., Bretenaker F. & Drag C. (2010) Oscillateur paramétrique optique double intracavité dans le visible et stabilisé au kHz. Colloque commun de la Division Physique Atomique, Moléculaire et Optique de la Société française de Physique et des Journées de Spectroscopie Moléculaire (PAMO-JSM), Orsay, France. 29 juin-2 juillet. 2009 Baili G., Alouini M., Morvan L., Dolfi D., Bretenaker F. & Sagnes I. (2009) Obtention de l'Oscillation Bifréquence Bipolarisation dans un Laser Semiconducteur de Classe A. Horizons de l’Optique 2009, Lille, France. Berger P., Alouini M., Bourderionnet J., Bretenaker F. & Dolfi D. (2009) Influence du ralentissement de la lumière sur la dynamique des liaisons optiques micro-ondes. Horizons de l’Optique, Lille, France. 6-9 juillet. Berger P., Alouini M., Bourderionnet J., Bretenaker F. & Dolfi D. (2009) Influence du ralentissement de la lumière sur la dynamique des liaisons optiques micro-ondes. Horizons de l’Optique, Lille, France. 6-9 juillet. Goldfarb F., Lauprêtre T., Ruggiero J., Bretenaker F., Ghosh R. & Ghosh J. (2009) EIT, lumière lente et vitesses de groupe négatives dans une cellule d'hélium métastable à température ambiante. Horizons de l’Optique 2009, Lille, France. 6-9 juillet. Goldfarb F., Lauprêtre T., Ruggiero J., Ghosh J., Ghosh R. & Bretenaker F. (2009) Electromagnetically Induced Transparency in Metastable Helium. Congrés Général de la Société Française de Physique 2009, Palaiseau, France. 6-10 juillet. Mhibik O., My T. H., Drag C. & Bretenaker F. (2009) Oscillateur paramétrique optique visible à grande longueur de cohérence. Journées Nationales des Cristaux pour l’Optique, Lyon, France. 2-4 décembre. Schwartz S., Feugnet G., Bretenaker F. & Pocholle J.-P. (2009) Etude Théorique et Expérimentale de l'Influence de l'Orientation du Milieu à Gain sur le Couplage entre Modes Orthogonaux dans un Laser Néodyme : YAG. Horizons de l’Optique 2009, Lille, France. 6-9 juillet. 2008 Ghosh J., Goldfarb F., David M., J. Ruggiero, Chanelière T., Le Gouët J.-L., Gilles H., Bretenaker F. & Ghosh R. (2008) Electromagnetically induced transparency and slow light in a hot atomic vapour of 4He undergoing collisions. Photonics, Delhi, Inde. 13-17 décembre. 73 Goldfarb F., Ghosh J., David M., J. Ruggiero, Chanelière T., Le Gouët J.-L., Gilles H., Ghosh R. & Bretenaker F. (2008) EIT et lumière lente dans une vapeur de 4He à température ambiante. PAMO 2008, Lille, France. 7-10 juillet. Lauro R., Ruggiero J., Louchet A., Alexander A., Chanelière T., Lorgeré I., Bretenaker F., Goldfarb F. & Le Gouët J.-L. (2008) Tm3+ doped YAG crydtals for quantum information storage. International Conference on Luminescence and Optical spectroscopy of condensed mater, Lyon, France. 7-11 juillet. My T. H., Drag C. & Bretenaker F. (2008) Sources paramétriques visibles pour la manipulation cohérente des ions de terres rares. PAMO 2008, Lille, France. 7-10 juillet. Ruggiero J., Bretenaker F., Chanelière T., Goldfarb F., Lorgeré I. & Le Gouët J.-L. (2008) Inverser l'absorption. PAMO 2008, Lille, France. 7-10 juillet. Autres Publications (AP_SEM) : SEMINAIRES, COURS.. Pabœuf D. (2011) Sources laser visibles stabilisées en fréquence. Séminaire au laboratoire Hubert Curien, Saint Etienne, France. 18 mars. OUVRAGES DE VULGARISATION (OV) - 2013-2008 Bretenaker F. & Treps N. (2010) Le Laser, Collection "Une introduction à ...". EDP Sciences. Berger P., Bourderionnet J., Dolfi D., Bretenaker F. & Alouini M. (2011) Slow and fast light in semiconductor optical amplifier for microwave applications. In Advances in Optical Amplifiers. InTech. 74 GROUPE 7 – BIOMED (En « bleu », les publications communes à plusieurs groupes ; En « gras bleu », les publications communes à plusieurs pôles) ARTICLES DANS DES REVUES INTERNATIONALES OU NATIONALES AVEC COMITE DE LECTURE (ACL) 2013 Legras R. & Benard Y. (2013) Measurement and prediction of subjective gradations of images in presence of monochromatic aberrations. Vision Research, accepté. Zegarra J. & Farcy R. (2013) GPS and IMU (Inertial Measurement Unit) as a navigation system for the visually impaired in cities. Journal of Assistive Technologies, 7 (1), 47 - 56. Zegarra J. & Farcy R. (2013) Grande Randonnée en solitaire pour les déficients visuels. STH, Science et Technologies pour le handicap, 5 (1), 81-100. 2012 Legras R., Lopez-Gil N. & Benard Y. (2012) Effect of coma and spherical aberration on the depth-of-focus measured using adaptive optics and computationally blurred images. Journal of Cataract and Refractive Surgery, 38 (3), 458-469. Villanueva J. & Farcy R. (2012) Optical Device Indicating a Safe Free Path to Blind People. IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, 61 (1), 170-177. 2011 Benard Y., Lopez-Gil N. & Legras R. (2011) Optimizing the subjective depth-of-focus with combinations of fourth- and sixth-order spherical aberration. Vision Research, 51 (23-24), 2471-2477. 2010 Al Chab L., Dupuis G., Balleyguier C., Mathieu M. C., Fontaine-Aupart M. P. & Farcy R. (2010) Towards an optical biopsy for the diagnosis of breast cancer in vivo by endogenous fluorescence spectroscopy. Journal of Biophotonics, 3 (5-6), 373-384. Benard Y., Lopez-Gil N. & Legras R. (2010) Subjective depth of field in presence of 4th-order and 6thorder Zernike spherical aberration using adaptive optics technology. Journal of Cataract & Refractive Surgery, 36, 2129-2138. Legras R., Rouger H. & Benard Y. (2010) Through-focus visual performance measurements and predictions with multifocal contact lenses. Vision Research, 50 (12), 1185-1193 Rouger H., Benard Y., Gatinel D. & Legras R. (2010) Visual tasks dependence of the neural compensation for the keratoconic eye's optical aberrations. Journal of Optometry, 3, 60-65. Rouger H., Benard Y. & Legras R. (2010) Effect of monochromatic induced aberrations on visual performance measured by adaptive optics technology. Journal of Refractive Surgery, 25 (9), 1-10. 2008 Legras R. & Rouger H. (2008) Just noticeable levels of aberration corrections. Journal of optometry, 1, 7177. Legras R. & Rouger H. (2008) Calculations and measurements of the visual benefit of correcting the higherorder aberrations using adaptive optics technology. Journal of Optometry, 1, 22-29. 75 López-Gil N., Fernández-Sánchez V., Legras R., Montés-Micó R., Lara F. & Nguyen-Khoa J.-L. (2008) Accommodation-related changes in monochromatic aberrations of the human eye as a function of age. Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science, 49 (4), 1736-1743. Vilanueva J., Damaschini R., Leroux R., Coudevylle C., Jucha A., Magdelaine C., Zogaghi A., Bouygues M. & Farcy R. (2008) Les Cannes Blanches Electroniques à interfaces sonores ou vibro-tactiles : aides à l’autonomie et à la sécurité du piéton aveugle. Revue STH Sciences et Technologies pour le Handicap 1960- 2081. Editions Lavoisier Hermès «Technologie tactile et ses applications pour les handicaps», 2009/05/26, vol. 2/2, 187-199. COMMUNICATIONS AVEC ACTES DANS UN CONGRES INTERNATIONAL OU NATIONAL (ACT) 2013 Lopez-Gil N., Bernal-Molina P., Legras R., Ferrer-Blasco T. & Montés-Micó R. (2013) Depth-of-focus of the accommodating eye. ARVO Meeting "Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science", 54, pp. E-Abstract, n° à venir, Seattle, Washington, USA. 5-9 mai. VanderMeer G., Pisella P.J. & Legras R. (2013) Binocular through-focus image quality with various combinations of modified monovision. ARVO Meeting "Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science", 54, pp. E-Abstract, n° à venir, Seattle, Washington, USA. 5-9 mai. 2012 Nochez Y., VanderMeer G., Benard Y., Pisella P.-J. & Legras R. (2012) Comparison of optical quality metrics to predict subjective quality of vision in multifocal contact lenses wearers. ARVO Meeting "Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science", 53, pp. E-Abstract 1393, Fort Lauderdale, Floride, USA. 6-10 mai. VanderMeer G., Nochez Y., Benard Y., Gicquel J.-J., Pisella P.J. & Legras R. (2012) Subjective Depth-ofFocus and subjective quality of vision with multifocal contact lenses. ARVO Meeting "Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science", (53), pp. E-Abstract 4710, Fort Lauderdale, Floride, USA. 6-10 mai. Zegarra J. & Farcy R. (2012) GPS and IMU (Inertial Measurement Unit) as a navigation system for the visually impaired. ICCHP 2012 - 13th International Conference on "Computers Helping People with Special Needs", Springer Berlin Heidelberg, pp. 29-32, Linz, Austriche. 11-13 juillet. Zegarra J. & Farcy R. (2012) Grande Randonnée en solitaire d’un non voyant sur les sentiers de St Jacques de Compostelle. XVIèmes Journées d’Etudes Francophones en Activités Physiques Adaptées, pp. 50-51, Orsay, France. 29-21 mars. 2011 Legras R. & Benard Y. (2011) Measurement and prediction of through-focus image quality assessment and depth-of-field in presence of various combinations of 4th and 6th order zernike spherical aberration. Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science, ARVO Meeting, 52, E-Abstract 2836, ARVO Meeting, Fort Lauderdale, Floride, USA. 1-5 mai. Villanueva J. & R.Farcy (2011) Optimisation des capteurs infrarouges d’obstacle pour les non-voyants. Jeunes Chercheurs, Jeunes Chercheuses, Institut Fédératif de Recherche sur les Aides Techniques pour personnes Handicapées (IFRATH); Technologie Handicap, Vieillissement, Indépendance, pp. 79 - 92, Paris, France. 23 juin. Zegarra J. & Farcy R. (2011) Système de Navigation pour non-voyants et mal voyants. Colloque Jeunes Chercheuses Jeunes Chercheurs (JCJC) Technologie, Handicap, Vieillissement, Indépendance, pp. 103-112, Paris, France. 23 juin. 2010 76 Benard Y. & Legras R. (2010) Optimization of subjective depth of focus with combinations of spherical aberration and secondary spherical aberration. Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science, 51, (5), EAbstract 3964, ARVO Meeting, Fort Lauderdale, Floride, USA. 2-6 mai. Legras R. & Benard Y. (2010) Comparison between simulated and measured subjective depth of focus in presence of various monochromatic aberrations. Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science, 51, (5), 3963, ARVO Meeting, Fort Lauderdale, Floride, USA. 2-6 mai. 2009 Benard Y., Rouger R. & Legras R. (2009) Tolerance to blur and image quality metrics. Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science, 50, (5), E-Abstract 1116, ARVO Meeting, Fort Lauderdale, Floride, USA. 37 mai. Kaswin G., Legras R., De Monchy I., Gendron G., Offret H. & Labetoulle M. (2009) Wavefront analysis in unilateral herpetic keratisis. Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science, 50, (5), E-Abstract 5126, ARVO Meeting, Fort Lauderdale, Floride, USA. 3-7 mai. Legras R., Rouger H. & Benard Y. (2009) Through-focus visual performance measurements and predictions with multifocal contact lenses. Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science, 50, (5), E-Abstract 1126, ARVO Meeting, Fort Lauderdale, Floride, USA. 3-7 mai. Rouger H., Benard Y., Gatinel D. & Legras R. (2009) Are keratoconic eyes adapted to their monochromatic aberrations ? Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science, 50, (5), E-Abstract 1575, ARVO Meeting, Fort Lauderdale, Floride, USA. 3-7 mai. 2008 Gicquel J. J., Khoa J.-L. Nguyen, Harms F., Lopez-Gil N., Legras R., Lebuisson D. & Le Gargasson J.-F. (2008) Effects of phenylephrine 5% on accommodative response and ocular wavefront aberrations variations. Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science, 49, (5), E-Abstract 4558, ARVO Meeting, Fort Lauderlale, Floride, USA. 27 avril-1er mai. Legras R. & Rouger H. (2008) Effects of phenylephrine 5% on accomodative response and ocular wavefront. Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science, 49, (5), E-Abstract 4558, ARVO Meeting, Fort Lauderdale, Floride, USA. 27 avril-1ermai. Legras R. & Rouger H. (2008) Just noticeable levels of aberration corrections. Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science, 49, (5), E-Abstract 993, ARVO Meeting, Fort Lauderlale, Floride, USA. 27 avril -1er mai. Rouger H. & Legras R. (2008) Ocular dominance and visual benefit of correction higher-order aberrations. Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science, 49, (5), E-Abstract 4200, ARVO Meeting, Fort Lauderdale, Floride, USA. 27 avril-1ermai. Villanueva J., Zogaghi A., Leroux R., Damaschini R. & Farcy R. (2008) Une aide électronique miniature pour les déplacements des déficients visuels en intérieur : Le «Tom Pouce Light». Handicap’2008, Institut Fédératif de Recherche sur les Aides Techniques pour personnes Handicapées, pp. 49 - 52. 10-12 juin CONFERENCES INVITEES (INV) Farcy R. (2009) Cannes blanches électroniques et rééducation à la mobilité des non-voyants. XXIIIème congrès Société d'Hygiène et de Médecine du Travail dans les Armées et Industries d'Armement (S.H.M.T.A.I.A.) : Age, travail, handicap ? Role des acteurs de prévention, Caserne De Lattre de Tassigny, Metz, France. 18-19 juin. COMMUNICATIONS (sans actes) (COM) 2012 77 Farcy R. & Zegarra J. (2012) GPS and IMU Inertial Measurement Unit as a Navigation System for the Visually Impaired. 13th International Conference on Computer Helping People with Special, Linz, Autriche. 11-13 juillet. Farcy R. & Zegarra J. (2012) Grande Randonnée en solitaire pour les déficients visuels. XVIème journées d’études francophones en activités physiques adaptées, Orsay, France. 29-31 mars. 2011 Farcy R. (2011) Collaboration Pontificia Universidad del Peru, Cours de traitement de l'image, Lima, Pérou. 21-30 octobre. Farcy R. (2011) Conférence et expérience de randonnée GPS pour non-voyant, Conques/Figeac, France. 1520 juillet. Farcy R. (2011) Mise en place trajets GPS pour déficients visuels, Strasbourg, France. 13-14 octobre. Farcy R. (2011) Suivis post-formation et lancement du nouveau "Tom-pouce", Toulouse, France. 24-25 mars. Farcy R. (2011) Suivis post-formations canne blanche électronique, mise au point des objectifs avec les partenaires locaux, Alès, France. 09-10 juin. Farcy R. (2011) Système de Navigation pour non-voyants et mal voyants. Colloque jeunes chercheurs, jeunes chercheuses IFRATH, Paris, France. 13 juin. Villanueva J. (2011) Besoin en télémétrie laser pour les non-voyants. Journées de la télémétrie laser, Nice, France. 20 - 21 octobre. 2010 BenaRd Y. & Legras R. (2010) Effet de l’aberration sphérique de 4ème et 6ème ordre sur la profondeur de champ subjective mesurée à l’aide d’une optique adaptative. Journée Recherche Industrie de l’Optique Adaptative, 25-27 octobre, Paris, France. Farcy R. (2010) Navigation des non-voyants par télémétrie laser et GPS. Journées sur la localisation à L’ECE-CAPTRONIC, Paris, France. 31 mars. J. Villanueva (2010) (2010) Proximétrie infrarouge et télémétrie laser pour le déficit visuel, la révolution des objets communicants & intelligents pour la santé et le handicap. TELECOM ParisTech, Institut des sciences et technologies, Paris, France. 19 octobre. 2009 Al Chab L., Dupuis G., Balleyguier C. & Farcy R. (2009) Diagnostic et imagerie optique en médecine. OPTDIAG 2009 - Septième colloque, ESPCI - Paris, France. 13-15 mai. Zegarra J. & Farcy R. (2009) Guidage des déficients visuels : GPS plus Inertiel. Journée Micro et Nanotechnologie pour l’Inertiel à l'ENSTAT, Paris, France. 18 décembre. AFFICHES (AFF) Farcy R. & Zegarra J. (2012) Smart Phone Navigation Application for the Visualy Impaired. EPS Physics for development, Bruxelles, Belgique 11-12 octobre Farcy R. & Zegarra J. (2012) Grande Randonnée en solitaire pour les déficients visuels. HANDICAP, Paris, France. 13-15 juin 78 Legras R., Sansot A.-P., Vandermeer G, Nochez Y. & Navarro R. (2012) Effects of contrast, cut-off spatial frequency and phase of the OTF on visual acuity and subjective image quality score. 6th EOS Topical Meeting on Visual and Physiological Optics, Dublin, Irlande. 20-22 août. Legras R., Vandermeer G. & Nochez Y. (2012) (2012) Effects of various combinations of multifocal optics on binocular subjective image quality score. 6th EOS Topical Meeting on Visual and Physiological Optics, Dublin, Irlande. 20-22 août. Autres Publications (AP_SEM) : SEMINAIRES, COURS.. Farcy R. & Zegarra J. (2012) Invidente en el camino de Santiago de Compostella con GPS, Universidad de Antioquia, Medellín, Colombie. 16 février VALORISATION ET BREVETS (BREV) Al Chab L., Dupuis G., Fontaine Aupart M.-P. & Farcy R. (2009) Sonde à aiguille fibrée tranchante pour le diagnostique optique en profondeur de tumeurs. Demande de Brevet FR N°0955033. 79 GROUPE 8 – NANO3 (En « bleu », les publications communes à plusieurs groupes ; En « gras bleu », les publications communes à plusieurs pôles) ARTICLES DANS DES REVUES INTERNATIONALES OU NATIONALES AVEC COMITE DE LECTURE (ACL) 2012 Wu Yu-Ning, Kebaili N., Cheng Hai-Ping, Cahuzac P., Masson A. & Bréchignac C. (2012) Enhancement of Ag cluster mobility on Ag surfaces by chloridation. Journal of Chemical Physics, 137 (18), 184705. 2009 Akulin V. M., Lozovik Y. E., Mazets I. E., Rudavets A. G. & Sarfati A. (2009) Tunneling electroconductance of atomic Bose-Einstein condensates. Physical Review A, 79 (6), n°063614. Kebaili N., Benrezzak S., Cahuzac P., Masson A. & Bréchignac C. (2009) Diffusion of silver nanoparticles on carbonaceous materials. Cluster mobility as a probe for surface characterization. European Physical Journal D, 52 (1-3), 115-118. Kemper A. F., Cheng H. P., Kebaili N., Benrezzak S., Schmidt M., Masson A. & Bréchignac C. (2009) Curvature effect on the interaction between folded graphitic surface and silver clusters. Physical Review B, 79 (19), n°193403. 2008 Schmidt M., Kebaili N., Lando A., Benrezzak S., Baraton L., Cahuzac P., Masson A. & Bréchignac C. (2008) Bent graphite surfaces as guides for cluster diffusion and anisotropic growth. Physical Review B, 77 (20), n°205420. COMMUNICATIONS AVEC ACTES DANS UN CONGRES INTERNATIONAL OU NATIONAL (ACT) Kebaili N., Benrezzak S., Cahuzac P., Masson A. & Bréchignac C. (2008) Diffusion of silver nanoparticles on carbonaceous materials. Cluster mobility as a probe for surface characterization. 14th International Symposium on Small Particles and Inorganic Clusters. European Physical Journal D, 52 (1-3), 115-118, Valladolid, Espagne. 15-19 septembre. COMMUNICATIONS (sans actes) (COM) Benrezzak S. (2009) titre : ?? ECOSS26 "European Conference On Surface Science", Parme, Italie. 29 août - 2 septembre. Benrezzak S. (2009) titre : ?? ACSI, Grenade, Espagne. 21 - 26 septembre. Benrezzak S. (2009) titre : ?? Symposium on size selected clusters "S3C", Brand, Autriche. 8 mars - 13 mars. Kebaili N. (2009) titre : ?? ACSI-10, Grenade, Espagne. 21-26 septembre. Kebaili N. (2009) titre : ?? ECOSS26 "European Conference on Surface Science", Grenade, Espagne. 21-26 septembre. Kebaili N. (2009) titre : ?? Fourth International Symposium "Atomic Cluster Collisions : structure and dynamics from the nuclear to the biological scale (ISACC 2009), Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA. 14-18 juillet. Kebaili N. (2011) titre : ?? Gordon Research Conference "Clusters, Nanocrystals et nanostructures", Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA. 23 juillet-2 août. 80 AFFICHES (AFF) Kebaili N., Benrezzak S., Cahuzac Ph., Schmidt M., Masson A. & Bréchignac C. (2008) Silver nanoparticles on carbonaceous materials : Clusters deposition as a probe of surface state. ISSPIC XIV - 14th International Symposium on small particles and inorganic clusters, Valladolid, Espagne. 15-19 septembre. (G08-G11) 81 GROUPE 11 - AGNANO (En « bleu », les publications communes à plusieurs groupes ; En « gras bleu », les publications communes à plusieurs pôles) ARTICLES DANS DES REVUES INTERNATIONALES OU NATIONALES AVEC COMITE DE LECTURE (ACL) 2012 Schmidt M. & von Issendorff B. (2012) Gas-phase calorimetry of protonated water clusters. The Journal of Chemical Physics, 136 (16), n°164307-9. Wu Yu-Ning, Schmidt M., Leygnier J., Cheng H. P., Masson A. & Bréchignac C. (2012) Adsorption of small molecules on silver clusters. Journal of Chemical Physics, 136 (2), n°024314. Wu Yu-Ning, Kebaili N., Cheng Hai-Ping, Cahuzac P., Masson A. & Bréchignac C. (2012) Enhancement of Ag cluster mobility on Ag surfaces by chloridation. Journal of Chemical Physics, 137 (18), 184705. 2011 Hock C., Schmidt M. & von Issendorff B. (2011) Low-temperature caloric behavior of a free sodium nanoparticle. Physical Review B, 84 (11), n°113401. 2009 Hock C., Bartels C., Straßburg S., Schmidt M., Haberland H., Issendorff B. von & Aguado A. (2009) Premelting and Postmelting in Clusters. Physical Review Letters, 102, n°043401. Hock C., Schmidt M., Kuhnen R., Bartels C., Ma L., Haberland H. & von Issendorff B. (2009) Calorimetric observation of the melting of free water nanoparticles at cryogenic temperatures. Physical Review Letters, 103 (7), n°073401. Kebaili N., Benrezzak S., Cahuzac P., Masson A. & Bréchignac C. (2009) Diffusion of silver nanoparticles on carbonaceous materials. Cluster mobility as a probe for surface characterization. European Physical Journal D, 52 (1-3), 115-118. Kemper A. F., Cheng H. P., Kebaili N., Benrezzak S., Schmidt M., Masson A. & Bréchignac C. (2009) Curvature effect on the interaction between folded graphitic surface and silver clusters. Physical Review B, 79 (19), n°193403. Reid Walter V., Bréchignac C. & Lee Yuan Tseh (2009) Earth System Research Priorities. Science, 325 (5938), 245-245. 2008 Bréchignac C. (2008) Special issue: On nanotechnology in France - Part I: C'Nano Nord-Ouest - Preface. International Journal of Nanotechnology, 5 (6-8), 569-570. Calvo F., Wales D. J., Doye J. P. K., Berry R. S., Labastie P. & Schmidt M. (2008) Comment on Critical analysis of negative heat capacities in nanoclusters by Michaelian K. and Santamaria-Holek I. Europhysic Letters, 82 (4), n°43003. Feiden P., Stehle J. & Leygnier J. (2008) Growth of gas phase nanoparticles with an accretion mechanism. European Physical Journal D, 50 (1), 53-60. Hock C., Strassburg S., Haberland H., Issendorff B. V., Aguado A. & Schmidt M. (2008) Melting-point depression by insoluble impurities: A finite size effect. Physical Review Letters, 101 (2), n°023401. 82 Schmidt M., Kebaili N., Lando A., Benrezzak S., Baraton L., Cahuzac P., Masson A. & Bréchignac C. (2008) Bent graphite surfaces as guides for cluster diffusion and anisotropic growth. Physical Review B, 77 (20), n°205420. COMMUNICATIONS AVEC ACTE 2008 Kebaili N., Benrezzak S., Cahuzac P., Masson A. & Bréchignac C. (2008) Diffusion of silver nanoparticles on carbonaceous materials. Cluster mobility as a probe for surface characterization. 14th International Symposium on Small Particles and Inorganic Clusters. European Physical Journal D, 52 (1-3), 115-118, Valladolid, Espagne. 15-19 septembre. CONFERENCES INVITEES (INV) 2013 Schmidt M., Hock C., Kuhnen R., Bartels C., Ma L., Haberland H. & v. Issendorff B. (2013) Calorimetry on free water clusters. 11th European Conference on Atoms, Molecules and Photons 2013 (ECAMP11), Lars H. Andersen, Arhus, Danemark. 24-28 juin. 2012 Schmidt M., Hock C., Kuhnen R., Bartels C., Ma L., Haberland H. & v. Issendorff B. (2012) Calorimetry on free clusters: Phase transitions in-between melting and glass transitions. ESF Energy Landscapes, David Wales Ed., Obergurgl, Autriche. 17 juillet. von Issendorff B., Piechaczek A., Kuhnen R. & Schmidt M. (2012) Structure and thermodynamics of pure and doped water clusters. Gordon Research Conference: Molecular & Ionic Clusters, Ventura, CA, USA. 29 janvier-3 février, 2012. 2011 Haberland H., Piechaczek A., Hock C., Schmidt M. & Issendorff B. V. (2011) Melting of clusters, more questions than answers. S3C Symposium on Size Selected Clusters 2011, Davos, Suisse. 2010 Schmidt M., Hock C., Kuhnen R., Bartels C., Ma L., Haberland H. & v. Issendorff B. (2010) Calorimetry on free water nanoparticles. ISSPIC-XV -15th International Symposium on Small Particles and Inorganic Clusters, Oaxaca City, Mexico. 19-24 septembre. 2009 Hock C., Schmidt M., Kuhnen R., Haberland H. & von Issendorff B. (2009) Nanoparticle calorimetry : phase transitions in water clusters. Clustertreffen 2009, Herzogenhorn, Allemagne. 4-9 octobre. Schmidt M. (2009) Introduction to session : "Free Clusters". GRC 2009 - Gordon Research Conference: Clusters, Nanocrystals & Nanostructures, Mount Holyoke College, MA, USA. 19-24 juillet. Schmidt M. (2009) Cluster melting : The multifaceted role of surfaces. Cluster Melting Colloquium, Gothenburg, Suède. 9-11 février. Schmidt M., Hock C., Kuhnen R., Haberland H. & Issendorff B. v. (2009) Nanoparticle calorimetry : the multifaceted role of surfaces on cluster melting. Clustertreffen 2009, Herzogenhorn, Allemagne. 4-9 octobre. 2008 Bréchignac C. (2008) Deposition migration and coalescence of silver nanoparticles on carbon surfaces. Comparison between bent graphite and carbon nanotubes from multi microscopy investigation. AMTC1 - 1st International Symposium on Advanced Microscopy and Theoretical Calculations, Nagoya Congress Center, Nagoya, Japon. 29-30 juin. 83 Schmidt M. (2008) Experiments on small gas phase ice clusters : the role of cage-structures (Atelier). Clathrates dans les environnements naturels, Rennes, France. 13-14 mars. Schmidt M. (2008) Freezing-point depression by insoluble impurities: A finite size effect. 14th International Symposium on Small Particles and Inorganic Clusters (ISSPIC), Valladolid, Espagne. 15-19 septembre. Schmidt M., Hock C., Straßburg S., Haberland H., I. Bernd v. & Aguado A. (2008) Impurity driven freezingpoint depression in gas-phase clusters. ISACC 2008 : The Third International Symposium Atomic Cluster Collisions : structure and dynamics from the nuclear to the MesoBioNano scale, St. Petersburg, Russie. 3-7 juin. AFFICHES (AFF) 2012 Piechaczek A., Kuhnen R., Schmidt M., Ma L. & von Issendorff B. (2012) Hints at Glass Transitions in Free Water Clusters. International Symposium on Small Particles and Inorganic Clusters, Leuven, Belgique. 8-13 juillet. Schmidt M., Piechaczek A., Kuhnen R., Ma L. & von Issendorff B. (2012) Clusters in-between melting and glass transitions. ESF: Energy Landscapes, Obergurgl, Autriche. 16-21 juillet. 2011 Piechaczek A., Hock C., Kuhnen R., Schmidt M. & Issendorff B. v. (2011) Melting of size-selected, free water clusters. S3C Symposium on Size Selected Clusters 2011, Davos, Suisse. 20-25 mars. Piechaczek A., Hock C., Kuhnen R., Schmidt M. & Issendorff B. v. (2011) Melting of size-selected, free water clusters. DPG- Frühjahrstagung, Dresden, Allemagne. 13-18 mars. 2009 Hock C., Schmidt M., Kuhnen R., Haberland H. & B. von Issendorff (2009) Calorimetric observation of the melting of free water clusters. S3C Symposium on Size Selected Clusters 2009, Brand, Autriche. 9-13 mars. Hock C., Schmidt M., Kuhnen R., Haberland H. & von Issendorff B. (2009) Calorimetric observation of the melting of free water clusters. GRC 2009 Gordon Research Conference: Clusters, Nanocrystals & Nanostructures, Mount Holyoke College, MA, USA. 19-24 juillet. Leygnier J. (2009) Free clusters : a probe for homogeneous nucleation mechanisms in the nanoscale domain. Symposium on size selected clusters "S3C 2009", Brand, Autriche. 8-13 mars. 2008 Hock C., Schmidt M., Kuhnen R., Haberland H. & von Issendorff B. (2008) Experimental caloric curves of size-selected water clusters. ISSPIC XIV - 14th International Symposium on small particles and inorganic clusters, Valladolid, Espagne. 15-19 septembre. Kebaili N., Benrezzak S., Cahuzac Ph., Schmidt M., Masson A. & Bréchignac C. (2008) Silver nanoparticles on carbonaceous materials : Clusters deposition as a probe of surface state. ISSPIC XIV - 14th International Symposium on small particles and inorganic clusters, Valladolid, Espagne. 15-19 septembre. (G08-G11) Autres Publications (AP_SEM) : SEMINAIRES, COURS.. Schmidt M. (2012) Caloric curves of water clusters: New techniques and results. Séminaire, Toulouse (LCAR). 17-18 mars. 84 Schmidt M. (2012) Thermodynamics of free water clusters. Séminaire, Göteborg (Suède). 23-25 février. von Issendorff B., Piechaczek A., Kuhnen R. & Schmidt M. (2012) Structure and thermodynamics of water cluster anions. Physikalisch-Chemisches Kolloquium, Universität Goettingen, Allemagne. 14 juin. Schmidt M., Aguado A., Hock C., Straßburg S., Haberland H. & von Issendorff B. (2008) Freezing-point depression by insoluble impurities : a finite size effect. ISSPIC XIV - 14th International Symposium on small particles and inorganic clusters, Vallodolid, Espagne. 15-19 septembre. 85 GROUPE 12 - BIOPHOT (En « bleu », les publications communes à plusieurs groupes ; En « gras bleu », les publications communes à plusieurs pôles) ARTICLES DANS DES REVUES INTERNATIONALES OU NATIONALES AVEC COMITE DE LECTURE (ACL) 2013 Boudou J. P., Tisler J., Reuter R., Thorel A., Curmi P. A., Jelezko F. & Wrachtrup J. (2013) Fluorescent nanodiamonds derived from HPHT with a size of less than 10 nm. Diamond and Related Materials, 37, 80-86 Dumeige Y., Chipaux M., Jacques V., Treussart F., Roch J.-F., Debuisschert T., Acosta V., Jarmola A., Jensen K., Kehayias P. & Budker D. (2013) Magnetometry with nitrogen-vacancy ensembles in diamond based on infrared absorption in a doubly resonant optical cavity. Physical Review B, 87, n°155202. Lai Ngoc Diep, Faklaris O., Zheng D., Jacques V., Chang H. C., Roch J.-F. & Treussart F. (2013) Quenching nitrogen-vacancy center photoluminescence with infrared pulsed laser. New Journal of Physics, 15, n°033030. J.-P. Boudou, M.-O. David, V. Joshi, H. Eidi, P.A. Curmi, Hyperbranched polyglycerol modified fluorescent nanodiamond for biomedical research, Diamond and Related Materials (2013) sous presse. J.-P. Boudou, J. Tisler, R. Reuter, A. Thorel, P.A. Curmi, F. Jelezko, J. Wrachtrup, Fluorescent nanodiamonds derived from HPHT with a size of less than 10 nm, Diamond and Related Materials 37 (2013) 80-86. A. Gucsik, H. Nishido, K. Ninagawa, U. Ott, A. Tsuchiyama, M. Kayama, I. Simonia, J.-P. Boudou, Cathodoluminescence Microscopy and Spectroscopy of Micro- and Nanodiamonds: An Implication for Laboratory Astrophysics, Microscopy and Microanalysis 18 (2012) 1285-1291. 2012 Alhaddad A., Durieu C., Dantelle G., Cam E. Le, Malvy C., Treussart F. & Bertrand J.-R. (2012) Influence of the internalization pathway on the efficacy of siRNA delivery by cationic fluorescent nanodiamonds in the Ewing Sarcoma Cell Model. PLoS ONE (Open Access), 7 (12), e52207. Gucsik A., Nishido H., Ninagawa K., Ott U., Tsuchiyama A., Kayama M., Simonia I. & Boudou J. P. (2012) Cathodoluminescence Microscopy and Spectroscopy of Micro- and Nanodiamonds: An Implication for Laboratory Astrophysics. Microscopy and Microanalysis, 18 (6), 1285-1291. 2011 Alhaddad A., Adam M.P., Botsoa J., Dantelle G., Perruchas S., Gacoin T., Mansuy C., Lavielle S., Malvy C., Treussart F. & Bertrand J.R. (2011) Nanodiamond as a Vector for siRNA Delivery to Ewing Sarcoma Cells. Small, 7 (21), 3087-3095. Botsoa J., Sauvage T., Adam M. P., Desgardin P., Leoni E., Courtois B., Treussart F. & Barthe M. F. (2011) Optimal conditions for NV(-) center formation in type-1b diamond studied using photoluminescence and positron annihilation spectroscopies. Physical Review B, 84 (12), n°125209. Dumeige Y., Alleaume R., Grangier P., Treussart F. & Roch J. F. (2011) Controling the single-diamond nitrogen-vacancy color center photoluminescence spectrum with a Fabry-Perot microcavity. New Journal of Physics, 13, n°025015. (G12-G13) Séjourné J., Plaçais P. Y., Aso Y., Siwanowicz I., Trannoy S., Thoma V., Tedjakumala S. R., Rubin G. M., Tchénio P., Ito K., Isabel G., Tanimoto H. & Préat T. (2011) Mushroom body efferent neurons responsible for aversive olfactory memory retrieval in Drosophila. Nature Neuroscience, 14 (7), 903-U129. 86 2010 Cuche A., Drezet A., Roch J. F., Treussart F. & Huant S. (2010) Grafting fluorescent nanodiamonds onto optical tips. Journal of Nanophotonics, 4, n°043506. Gervasi N., Tchénio P. & Préat T. (2010) Dopamine-Induced PKA dynamics is spatially regulatedin the drosophila olfactory learning and memory centre by dunce phosphodiesterase and rutabaga adenylyl cyclase. Neuron, 65, 516-529. Lai Ngoc Diep, ZhenG Dingwei, Treussart F. & Roch J.-F. (2010) Optical determination and magnetic manipulation of a single nitrogen-vacancy color center in diamond nanocrystal. Advances in Natural Sciences: Nanoscience and Nanotechnology 1(1), n°015014. Loumaigne M., Praho R., Nutarelli D., Werts M. H. V. & Débarre A. (2010) Fluorescence correlation spectroscopy reveals strong fluorescence quenching of FITC adducts on PEGylated gold nanoparticles in water and the presence of fluorescent aggregates of desorbed thiolate ligands. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 12 (36), 11004-11014. Loumaigne M., Richard A., Laverdant J., Nutarelli D. & Débarre A. (2010) Ligand-Induced Anisotropy of the Two-Photon Luminescence of Spherical Gold Particles in Solution Unraveled at the Single Particle Level. Nano Letters, 10 (8), 2817-2824. Rondin L., Dantelle G., Slablab A., Grosshans F., Treussart F., Bergonzo P., Perruchas S., Gacoin T., Chaigneau M., Chang H. C., Jacques V. & Roch J.-F. (2010) Surface-induced charge state conversion of nitrogen-vacancy defects in nanodiamonds. Physical Review B, 82 (11), n°115449. 2009 Acosta V. M., Bauch E., Ledbetter M. P., Santori C., Fu K. M. C., Barclay P. E., Beausoleil R. G., Linget H., Roch J. F., Treussart F., Chemerisov S., Gawlik W. & Budker D. (2009) Diamonds with a high density of nitrogenvacancy centers for magnetometry applications. Physical Review B, 80 (11), n°115202. (G12-G13) Aharonovich I., Zhou C., Stacey A., Orwa J., Castelletto S., Simpson D., Greentree A.D., Treussart F., Roch J.-F. & Prawer S. (2009) Enhanced single-photon emission in the near infrared from a diamond color center 5 (arXiv:0902.3051). Physical Review B, 79 (23), n°235316. Cuche A., Drezet A., Sonnefraud Y., Faklaris O., Treussart F., Roch J.-F. & Huant S. (2009) Near-field optical microscopy with a nanodiamond-based single photon tip (arXiv:0909.1457). Optics Express, 17 (22), 19969-19980. Faklaris O., Garrot D., Joshi V., Boudou J.-P., Sauvage T., Curmi P. & Treussart F. (2009) Comparison of the photoluminescence properties of semiconductor quantum dots and non-blinking diamond nanoparticles. Observation of the diffusion of diamond nanoparticles in living cells (arXiv:0904.2648). Journal of the European Optical Society - Rapid publications, 4, n°09035. Faklaris O., Joshi V., Irinopoulou T., Tauc P., Sennour M., Girard H., Gesset C., Arnault J.-C., Thorel A., Boudou J.-P., Curmi P. A. & Treussart F. (2009) Photoluminescent diamond nanoparticles for cell labeling: study of the uptake mechanism in mammalian cells. ACS Nano, 3 (12), 3955-3962. Lai Ngoc Diep, Zheng Dingwei, Jelezko F., F.Treussart & J.-F.Roch (2009) Influence of a static magnetic field on the photoluminescence of an ensemble of NV color centers in a diamond single-crystal. Applied Physics Letters, 95 (13), n°133101. 2008 87 Aharonovich I., Zhou C., Stacey A., Treussart F., Roch J.-F. & Prawer S. (2008) Formation of color centers in nanodiamonds by plasma assisted diffusion of impurities from the growth substrate. Applied Phyics Letters, 93, n°243112. Faklaris O., Garrot D., Joshi V., Druon F., Boudou J.-P., Sauvage Th., Georges P., Curmi P. & Treussart F. (2008) Detection of single photoluminescent diamond nanoparticles in cell and study of the internalization pathway. Small, 4, 2236-2239. Jacques V., Lai Ngoc Diep, Dréau A., Zheng D., Chauvat D., Treussart F., Grangier P. & Roch J.-F. (2008) Illustration of quantum complementarity using single photons interfering on a grating. New Journal of Physics, 10, n°123009. (G12-G13) Jacques V., Murray J. D., Marquier F., Chauvat D., Grosshans F., Treussart F. & Roch J.-F. (2008) Enhancing single-molecule photostability by optical feedback from quantum jump detection (arXiv:0707.3200). Applied Physics Letters, 93, n°203307. (G04-G12-G13) Jacques V., Wu E., Grosshans F., Treussart F., Grangier P., Aspect A. & Roch J.-F. (2008) Delayed-choice test of quantum complementarity with single photons. Physical Review Letters, 100, n°220402. Laverdant J., Buil S., Berini B. & Quelin X. (2008) Polarization dependent near-field speckle of random gold films. Physical Review B, 77 (16), 165406. Sonnefraud Y., Faklaris O., Cuche A., Boudou J.-P., Sauvage T., Roch J.-F., Treussart F. & Huant S. (2008) Diamond nanocrystals hosting single NV color centers sorted by photon-correlation near-field microscopy. OptIc Letters, 33, 611. Wu E., Rabeau J. R., Treussart F., Zeng H., Grangier P., Prawer S. & Roch J. -F. (2008) Nonclassical photon statistics in a single nickel-nitrogen diamond color center photoluminescence at room temperature. Journal of Modern Optics, 55, 2893 - 2901 COMMUNICATIONS AVEC ACTES DANS UN CONGRES INTERNATIONAL OU NATIONAL (ACT) 2012 Chang Cheng-Chun, Zhang Bailin, Li Che-Yu, Hsieh Chih-Chien, Duclos G., F.Treussart & Chang Huan-Cheng (2012) Exploring cytoplasmic dynamics in zebrafish yolk cells by single particle tracking of fluorescent nanodiamonds. SPIE proceedings, presented at Advances in Photonics of Quantum Computing, Memory, and Communication V Symposium, SPIE BiOS 2012 conference, SPIE « Photonic West », 8272, 827205-8, San Fransisco, USA. 9 février. Xuan Loc Le , Lepagnol-Bestel A.-M., Adam M.-P., Thomas A., Dantelle G., Chang C.-C., Mohan N., Chang H.C., Treussart F. & Simonneau M. (2012) Fluorescent diamond nanoparticle as a probe of intracellular traffic in primary neurons in culture SPIE proceedings presented at Colloidal Nanocrystals for Biomedical Applications VII Symposium, SPIE BiOS 2012 Conference, SPIE «Photonic West », 8232, 823203-6, San Francisco, USA. 3 février. 2011 AlHaddad A., Adam M. P., Botsoa J., Dantelle G., Perruchas S., Gacoin T., Mansuy C., Lavielle S., Malvy C., Treussart F. & Bertrand J. R. (2011) Fluorescent nanodiamonds as cargo for siRNA delivery to Ewing sarcoma cells. 8th EBSA European Biophysics Congress - European Biophysics Journal with Biophysics Letters, 40, (1), 233-233, Budapest, Hongrie. 23-27 août. 2010 88 Dantelle G., Slablab A., Rondin L., Laine F., Carrel F., Bergonzo P., Perruchas S., Gacoin T., Treussart F. & Roch J.-F. (2010) Efficient production of NV colour centres in nanodiamonds using high-energy electron irradiation. Special Issue based on the Proceedings of the Tenth International Meeting on Hole Burning, Single Molecule, and Related Spectroscopies: Science and Applications (HBSM 2009) - Issue dedicated to Ivan Lorgeré and Olivier Guillot-Noël - Journal of Luminescence, 130, (9), 1655-1658, Palm Cove, Australie. 22-27 juin 2009. Faklaris O., Botsoa J., Sauvage T., Roch J.-F. & Treussart F. (2010) Photoluminescent nanodiamonds: Comparison of the photoluminescence saturation properties of the NV color center and a cyanine dye at the single emitter level, and study of the color center concentration under different preparation conditions. 20th European Conference on Diamond, Diamond-Like Materials, Carbon Nanotubes and Nitrides - Diamond and Related Materials, 19, (7-9), 988-995, Athènes, Grèce. 6-10 septembre 2009. 2009 Cuche A., Sonnefraud Y., Faklaris O., Garrot D., Boudou J.-P., Sauvage T., Roch J.-F., Treussart F. & Huant S. (2009) Diamond nanoparticles as photoluminescent nanoprobes for biology and near-field optics. International Conference on Luminescence and Optical Spectroscopy of Condensed Matter (ICL'08) (arXiv:0809.2026). Journal of Luminescence, 129, 1475-1477, Lyon, France. 7-11 juillet. CONFERENCES INVITEES (INV) 2013 Treussart F. (2013) Fluorescent diamond nanocrystal as a probe of dendritic traffic in primary neurons in culture. International Conference on Diamond and Carbon Materials, Riva del Garda, Italie. 2-5 Septembre. 2012 Tchénio P. (2012) Genetics of learning and memory and brain imaging in drosophila. J. Monod Conference "Mechanisms of Intellectual Disability: from genes to treatment", Roscoff, France. 3-7 octobre. Treussart F. (2012) Fluorescent diamond nanoparticle, a stable marker for the functional study of dendritic spines of mouse cortical neurons in culture. Colloidal Nanocrystals for Biomedical Applications VII Symposium, SPIE BiOS 2012 Conference, SPIE «Photonic West », San Francisco, USA. 3 février. 2011 Treussart F. (2011) Fluorescent diamond nanoparticles as probes of the traffic in dendrites of primary neurons. International workshop on Quantum Manipulation of Atoms and Photons, QMAP 2011, Shanghai, Chine. 16-21 octobre. Treussart F. (2011) Nanoparticules de diamant fluorescentes : marqueurs photostables pour l’étude fonctionnelle des épines dendritiques de neurones corticaux de souris en culture. Colloque sur les Lasers et l’Optique Quantique, COLOQ’12, Marseille, France 4-7 juillet 2010 Treussart F. (2010) Photoluminescent diamond nanoparticles for biolabeling. 3rd nano-MRI research conference "Exploring the Frontiers of Magnetic Resonance Imaging", Domaine du Tremblay, France. 12-16 juillet. Treussart F. (2010) Photoluminescent diamond nanoparticles for bio applications. Surface modifications of diamond and related materials, E-MRS spring Meeting, Strasbourg, France. 7-9 mai. 2009 Treussart F. (2009) Photoluminescent diamond nanoparticles as innovative markers for biology. Investigation of their cell internalization pathways, Russian-French-German Laser Symposium 2009, Nizhny Novgorod, Russie. 17-22 mai. 89 Treussart F. (2009) Diamond photoluminescent nanoparticles as innovative markers to study intracellular processes. Hasselt Diamond Workshop 2009 SBDD XIV, Hasselt, Belgique. 2-4 mars. Treussart F. (2009) Symposium Defect centers in diamond for applications in quantum optics and onics. Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft Annual Meeting, Hamburg, Allemagne. 6 mars. Werts M., Navarro J., Praho R., Loumaigne M., Laverdant J., Nutarelli D., Richard A. & Débarre A. (2009) Particules d’or et d’argent fonctionnalisées: de l’extinction de la fluorescence vers la biodétection à haute sensibilité. Journées de Printemps 2009 du Groupement français de Photochimie, Photophysique et Photosciences, ENSIC, Nancy, France. 13-15 mai (G12-G14) 2008 Grosshans F., Diêp Lai Ngoc, Treussart F. & Roch J.-F. (2008) Utilisation des centre colorés du diamant pour l'information quantique. Qubits pour le calcul : l'état des lieux, Observatoire des Micro et NanoTechnologies, Grenoble, France. 1er octobre (G04-G12-G13) COMMUNICATIONS (sans actes) (COM) 2013 Ader M., Boudou J.-P. & Daniels E. (2013) N Isotope Geochemistry during Low Grade Metamorphism of Coal and Coal-Related Rocks: Case Study of the Anthracite Field of Pennsylvania. 2013 Goldschmidt Conference, Florence, Italie. 25-30 août. Osipov V. u, Vul’ A.Ya., von Bardeleben H.J. & Boudou J. P. (2013) Last 5 min findings: CW EPR spectra of fluorescent micron and submicron-sized diamonds. New Diamond and Nanocarbon (NDNC2013) conference, Singapore. 19-23 mai. Romanov N.M., Osipov V. Yu, Vul’ A.Ya., Boudou J. P., Hattori Y. & Takai K. (2013) Infrared absorption studies of chemically modified nanodiamonds of dynamic synthesis. ACNS'2013, 11th International Conference Advanced Carbon NanoStructures Saint-Petersburg, Russie. 1-5 juillet 2011 Scaplehorn N., Préat T. & Tchénio P. (2011 ) Two opposite roles for the RhoGTPase Rac during learning and consolidation. Colloque Biologie et Santé de l'ANR, Lyon, France. 5-7juillet 2010 Séjourné J., Isabel G., Trannoy S., Azarias G., Tchénio P. & Préat T. (2010) Gating long term memory. Neurofly 2010, Manchester, U.K. 1-5 septembre. Treussart F. (2010) « Nanodiamants : derniers développements et applications ». Conférence plénière au Séminaire Annuel de l’Observatoire des Micro et NanoTechnologies, Institut Pasteur, Paris, France. 2 février. Treussart F. (2010) Le centre coloré azote-lacune dans le diamant : un émetteur fluorescent remarquable pour l’information quantique et la bio-imagerie. Conférence plénière à la Journée scientifique de l’association France-Technion «Le Technion relève les enjeux de la révolution Nano», Maison de l’UNESCO, Paris, France. 14 décembre. 2009 Aharonovich I., Chunyuan Z., Stacey A., Orwa J., Castelletto S., Simpson D.A., Greentree A. D., Grosshans F., Diêp Lai Ngoc, Treussart F., Roch J.-F. & Prawer S. (2009) Diamond-based single-photon source applied to quantum key distribution. MRS Fall Meeting, Boston, Ma, USA. 30 novembre-4 décembre. Jacques V., Wu E., Grosshans F., Treussart F., Grangier P., Aspect A. & Roch J.-F. (2009) Delayed-choice test of quantum complementarity with interfering single photons. Foundational principles in Quantum Information (Foun.QI), Grenoble, France. 15-17 juin. 90 Scaplehorn N., Préat T. & Tchénio P. (2009) Visualising Rac activity in the Drosophila brain during memory formation. CRG-Leica Workshop " Imaging Approaches to Study Cytoskeleton Dynamics", Barcelone, Espagne. 10-13 novembre. 2008 Gervasi N., Tchénio P. & Préat T. (2008) Imagerie in vivo de la PKA et phases de mémoire chez la Drosophile. Colloque GDR NeuroMem, Aussois, France. Décembre. AFFICHES (AFF) 2011 Gervasi N., Musso P.Y., Tchénio P. & Préat T. (2011) PKA dynamics in a Drosophila learning center: detection and subcellular activation revealed by multiphoton imaging. Multiphoton imaging: the next 6 1023 femtoseconds, Janelia Farm, USA. 3-6 avril. Scaplehorn N., Tchénio P. & Préat T. (2011) RhoGTPase et mémoire à long terme. Colloque Biologie et Santé de l'ANR, Lyon, France. 5-7juillet. 2010 Plaçais P. Y., Séjourné J., Isabel G., Tchénio P. & Préat T. (2010) In vivo calcium imaging of neural circuits involved in olfactory memory in Drosophila. Neurofly 2010, Manchester, U.K. 1-5 septembre. Scaplehorn N., Tchénio P. & Préat T. (2010) Visualizing Rac activity in Drosophila brain during memory formation Neurofly 2010, Manchester, U.K. 1-5 septembre. Tchénio P., Gervasi N. & Préat T. (2010) In vivo imaging of PKA dynamics in wild-type and mutant Drosophila. Conférence J. Monod : "Imagerie des circuits neuronaux en conditions physiologiques et pathologiques", Roscoff, France. 30 juin-4 juillet. 2009 Loumaigne M., Laverdant J., Nutarelli D. & Débarre A. (2009) Investigation of the optical properties of individual functionalised gold probes by fluorescence correlation spectroscopy. Nanosystem Engineering and Biophotonics NEBO'09, Institut d’Alembert de Cachan, France. 30 mars-1er avril. Loumaigne M., Nutarelli D. & Débarre A. (2009) Etude de particules d’or fonctionnalisées individuelles, biocompatibles. COLOQ'11, Nice, France. 7-9 septembre. Nutarelli D., Loumaigne M. & Débarre A. (2009) Luminescence de nanoparticules d’or étudiée par spectroscopie de corrélation de fluorescence à deux photons. COLOQ'11, Nice, France. 7-9 septembre. Tchénio P., Leforestier A., Michot L., Levitz P., Guttmann P. & T. Préat (2009) X-ray tomography of Drosophila brains. SFMU 2009, Paris, France 22-26 juin 2008 Débarre A., Loumaigne M., Milhiet E., Nutarelli D., Richard A. & Tchénio P. (2008) Spectroscopie de corrélation de fluorescence de molécules uniques pour l'étude de la dynamique d'une sonde calcique. Colloque Bouyssy, Université Paris Sud, Orsay, France. Février. (G12-G14) Gervasi N., Tchénio P. & Préat T. (2008) Visualization of PKA regulation in drosophila mushroom bodies using multiphoton imaging. Colloque ENP/NerF, Paris, France. 26 mai Laverdant J., Loumaigne M., Nutarelli D., Richard A., Débarre A., Navarro J., Praho R., Nerambourg N., Blanchard-Desce M. & Werts M. H. V. (2008) Hydrophilic monolayer-protected gold nanoparticles and their 91 functionalisation with fluorescent chromophores. Mid-Term Conference ERA-Net Nanosci, Madrid, Espagne. Juin. Loumaigne M., Milhiet E., Nutarelli D., Richard A., Débarre A. & Tchénio P. (2008) Study of the dynamic of a calcium probe by fluorescence correlation spectroscopy at the single molecule level. 15th International Conference on Luminescence and Optical Spectroscopy of Condensed Matter (ICL'08), Lyon, France. Juillet. Scaplehorn N., Tchénio P., Gervasi N. & Préat T. (2008) Synaptic plasticity analysis during olfactory memory formation in drosophila using a genetically-encoded probe and two-photon microscopy. Conférences Jacques Monod, Roscoff, France. 21-25 juin. Autres Publications (AP_SEM) : SEMINAIRES, COURS.. Treussart F. (2011) Fluorescent diamond nanoparticles (fNDs): a tool for bioimaging and nanophotonics. Cours de l’école thématique CNRS «Nano-Objets aux InterfaceS», NOIS2011, Anglet, France. 16-20 mai. Treussart F. (2009) Applications des nanodiamants en bioimagerie. Cours de l’Ecole Thématique CNRS « Le diamant : sous quelle forme et pour quel type d'applications », Domaine du Mas Blanc, Alenya, France. 2429 mai. Treussart F. (2009) Nanoparticules de diamant photoluminescentes pour la bioimagerie. Cours de l’école thématique CNRS «La chimie dans le nanomonde : conception et fonction», Saint-Malo, France. 5-7 octobre. Autres Publications : ORGANISATION DE CONGRES (AP_ORG) OU AUTRES MANIFESTATIONS Tchénio P. (2012) Membre du comité de programme de la conférence internationale HBSM 2012. 11th International Conference on Hole Burning, Single Molecule and Related Spectroscopies: Science and Applications, Tübingen, Allemagne. 27-30 août. Treussart F. (2009) Membre du comité d’organisation, chargé du programme scientifique de l’école thématique CNRS : «Le diamant : sous quelle forme et pour quel type d'applications ?». L'école a rassemblé 150 participants, Perpignan, France. 24 au 29 mai Treussart F. (2009) Co-organisateur (avec Jean-Pierre Mauger (INSERM et Université Paris Sud)) du colloque «Nano-objets pour l’imagerie du vivant» qui a réuni environ 200 participants (doctorants et jeunes chercheurs principalement). Cette manifestation a reçu le soutien du PRES UniverSud Paris, de l’ENS Cachan, de l’Institut de Chimie, de la Faculté de Médecine de l’Université Paris Sud, ainsi que de plusieurs sociétés, ENS Cachan, France. 24 et 25 septembre. 92 GROUPE 13 - NANODIAM (En « bleu », les publications communes à plusieurs groupes ; En « gras bleu », les publications communes à plusieurs pôles) ARTICLES DANS DES REVUES INTERNATIONALES OU NATIONALES AVEC COMITE DE LECTURE (ACL) 2013 Dumeige Y., Chipaux M., Jacques V., Treussart F., Roch J.-F., Debuisschert T., Acosta V., Jarmola A., Jensen K., Kehayias P. & Budker D. (2013) Magnetometry with nitrogen-vacancy ensembles in diamond based on infrared absorption in a doubly resonant optical cavity. Physical Review B, 87, n°155202. Lai Ngoc Diep, Faklaris O., Zheng D., Jacques V., Chang H. C., Roch J.-F. & Treussart F. (2013) Quenching nitrogen-vacancy center photoluminescence with infrared pulsed laser. New Journal of Physics, 15, n°033030. Mayer L., Slablab A., Dantelle G., Jacques V., Lepagnol-Bestel A.-M., Perruchas S., Spinicelli P., Thomas A., Chauvat D., Simonneau M., Gacoin T. & Roch J.-F. (2013) Single KTP nanocrystals as second-harmonic generation biolabels in cortical neurons. Nanoscale (sous presse). Lesik M., Spinicelli P., Pezzagna S., Happel P., Jacques V., Salord O., Rasser B., Delobbe A., Sudraud P., Tallaire A., Meijer J. & Roch J.-F. (2013) Maskless and targeted creation of arrays of colour centres in diamond using focused ion beam technology. Physica Status Solidi A (sous presse). Dréau A., Spinicelli P., Maze J. R., Roch J.-F. & Jacques V. (2013) Single-shot readout of multiple nuclear spin qubits in diamond under ambient conditions. Physical Review Letters, 110, n°060502. 2012 Dréau A., Maze J. R., Lesik M., Roch J. F. & Jacques V. (2012) High-resolution spectroscopy of single NV defects coupled with nearby 13C nuclear spins in diamond. Physical Review B, 85 (13), n°134107. Kubo Y., Diniz I., Dewes A., Jacques V., Dréau A., Roch J. F., Auffeves A., Vion D., Estève D. & Bertet P. (2012) Storage and retrieval of a microwave field in a spin ensemble. Physical Review A, 85 (1), n°012333. Kubo Y., Diniz I., Grezes C., Umeda T., Isoya J., Sumiya H., Yamamoto T., Abe H., Onoda S., Ohshima T., Jacques V., Dréau A., Roch J.-F., Auffeves A., Vion D., Esteve D. & Bertet P. (2012) Electron spin resonance detected by a superconducting qubit. Physical Review B, 86 (6). Maze J. R., Dréau A., Waselowski V., Duarte H., Roch J. F. & Jacques V. (2012) Free induction decay of single spins in diamond. New Journal of Physics, 14, n°103041. Rondin L., Tétienne J. P., Spinicelli P., Dal Savio C., Karrai K., Dantelle G., Thiaville A., Rohart S., Roch J.-F. & Jacques V. (2012) Nanoscale magnetic field mapping with a single spin scanning probe magnetometer. Applied Physics Letters, 100 (15), n°153118. Slablab A., Le Xuan L., Zielinski M., de Wilde Y., Jacques V., Chauvat D. & Roch J.-F. (2012) Secondharmonic generation from coupled plasmon modes in a single dimer of gold nanospheres. Optics Express, 20 (1), 220-227. Tétienne J. P., Rondin L., Spinicelli P., Chipaux M., Debuisschert T., Roch J. F. & Jacques V. (2012) Magneticfield-dependent photodynamics of single NV defects in diamond: an application to qualitative all-optical magnetic imaging. New Journal of Physics, 14, n°103033. 2011 93 Arcizet O., Jacques V., Siria A., Poncharal P., Vincent P. & Seidelin S. (2011) A single Nitrogen-Vacancy defect coupled to a nanomechanical resonator. Nature Physics advanced online publication, 7, 879-883. Arcizet O., Jacques V., Siria A., Poncharal P., Vincent P. & Seidelin S. (2011) A single nitrogen-vacancy defect coupled to a nanomechanical oscillator. Nature Physics, 7 (11), 879-883. Dréau A., Lesik M., Rondin L., Spinicelli P., Arcizet O., Roch J.-F. & Jacques V. (2011) Avoiding power broadening in optically detected magnetic resonance of single NV defects for enhanced DC-magnetic field sensitivity (arXiv:1108.0178). PhysicaL Review B, 84 (19), n°195204. Dumeige Y., Alleaume R., Grangier P., Treussart F. & Roch J. F. (2011) Controling the single-diamond nitrogen-vacancy color center photoluminescence spectrum with a Fabry-Perot microcavity. New Journal of Physics, 13, n°025015. Kubo Y., Grezes C., Dewes A., Umeda T., Isoya J., Sumiya H., Morishita N., Abe H., Onoda S., Ohshima T., Jacques V., Dréau A., Roch J. F., Diniz I., Auffeves A., Vion D., Esteve D. & Bertet P. (2011) Hybrid Quantum Circuit with a Superconducting Qubit Coupled to a Spin Ensemble. Physical Review Letters, 107 (22), n°220501. Lohrmann A., Pezzagna S., Dobrinets I., Spinicelli P., Jacques V., Roch J. F., Meijer J. & Zaitsev A. M. (2011) Diamond based light-emitting diode for visible single-photon emission at room temperature. Applied Physics Letters, 99 (25), n°251106 Spinicelli P., Dréau A., Rondin L., Silva F., Achard J., Xavier S., Bansropun S., Debuisschert T., Pezzagna S., Meijer J., Jacques V. & Roch J. F. (2011) Engineered arrays of nitrogen-vacancy color centers in diamond based on implantation of CN(-) molecules through nanoapertures. New Journal of Physics, 13, n°025014. 2010 Cuche A., Drezet A., Roch J. F., Treussart F. & Huant S. (2010) Grafting fluorescent nanodiamonds onto optical tips. Journal of Nanophotonics, 4, n°043506. Kubo Y., Ong F. R., Bertet P., Vion D., Jacques V., Zheng D., Dréau A., Roch J. F., Auffeves A., Jelezko F., Wrachtrup J., Barthe M. F., Bergonzo P. & Esteve D. (2010) Strong Coupling of a Spin Ensemble to a Superconducting Resonator. Physical Review Letters, 105 (14), n°140502. Lai Ngoc Diep, ZhenG Dingwei, Treussart F. & Roch J.-F. (2010) Optical determination and magnetic manipulation of a single nitrogen-vacancy color center in diamond nanocrystal. Advances in Natural Sciences: Nanoscience and Nanotechnology 1(1), n°015014. Neumann P., Kolesov R., Naydenov B., Beck J., Rempp F., Steiner M., Jacques V., Balasubramanian G., Markham M. L., Twitchen D. J., Pezzagna S., Meijer J., Twamley J., Jelezko F. & Wrachtrup J. (2010) Quantum register based on coupled electron spins in a room-temperature solid. Nature Physics, 6, 249253. Rondin L., Dantelle G., Slablab A., Grosshans F., Treussart F., Bergonzo P., Perruchas S., Gacoin T., Chaigneau M., Chang H. C., Jacques V. & Roch J.-F. (2010) Surface-induced charge state conversion of nitrogen-vacancy defects in nanodiamonds. Physical Review B, 82 (11), n°115449. 2009 Acosta V. M., Bauch E., Ledbetter M. P., Santori C., Fu K. M. C., Barclay P. E., Beausoleil R. G., Linget H., Roch J. F., Treussart F., Chemerisov S., Gawlik W. & Budker D. (2009) Diamonds with a high density of nitrogenvacancy centers for magnetometry applications. Physical Review B, 80 (11), n°115202. 94 Aharonovich I., Zhou C., Stacey A., Orwa J., Castelletto S., Simpson D., Greentree A.D., Treussart F., Roch J.-F. & Prawer S. (2009) Enhanced single-photon emission in the near infrared from a diamond color center 5 (arXiv:0902.3051). Physical Review B, 79 (23), n°235316. Cuche A., Drezet A., Sonnefraud Y., Faklaris O., Treussart F., Roch J.-F. & Huant S. (2009) Near-field optical microscopy with a nanodiamond-based single photon tip (arXiv:0909.1457). Optics Express, 17 (22), 19969-19980. Jacques V., Hingant B., Allafort A., Pigeard M. & Roch J. F. (2009) Nonlinear spectroscopy of rubidium: an undergraduate experiment. European Journal of Physics, 30 (5), 921-934. Lai Ngoc Diep, Zheng Dingwei, Jelezko F., F.Treussart & J.-F.Roch (2009) Influence of a static magnetic field on the photoluminescence of an ensemble of NV color centers in a diamond single-crystal. Applied Physics Letters, 95 (13), n°133101. Wnuk P., Le Xuan L., Slablab A., Tard C., Perruchas S., Gacoin T., Roch J. F., Chauvat D. & Radzewicz C. (2009) Coherent nonlinear emission from a single KTP nanoparticle with broadband femtosecond pulses. Optics Express, 17 (6), 4652-4658. 2008 Aharonovich I., Zhou C., Stacey A., Treussart F., Roch J.-F. & Prawer S. (2008) Formation of color centers in nanodiamonds by plasma assisted diffusion of impurities from the growth substrate. Applied Phyics Letters, 93, n°243112. Jacques V., Wu E., Grosshans F., Treussart F., Grangier P., Aspect A. & Roch J.-F. (2008) Delayed-choice test of quantum complementarity with single photons. Physical Review Letters, 100, n°220402. Jacques V., Murray J. D., Marquier F., Chauvat D., Grosshans F., Treussart F. & Roch J.-F. (2008) Enhancing single-molecule photostability by optical feedback from quantum jump detection (arXiv:0707.3200). Applied Physics Letters, 93, n°203307. Jacques V., Lai Ngoc Diep, Dréau A., Zheng D., Chauvat D., Treussart F., Grangier P. & Roch J.-F. (2008) Illustration of quantum complementarity using single photons interfering on a grating. New Journal of Physics, 10, n°123009. Sonnefraud Y., Faklaris O., Cuche A., Boudou J.-P., Sauvage T., Roch J.-F., Treussart F. & Huant S. (2008) Diamond nanocrystals hosting single NV color centers sorted by photon-correlation near-field microscopy. OptIc Letters, 33, 611. Wu E., Rabeau J. R., Treussart F., Zeng H., Grangier P., Prawer S. & Roch J. -F. (2008) Nonclassical photon statistics in a single nickel-nitrogen diamond color center photoluminescence at room temperature. Journal of Modern Optics, 55, 2893 - 2901 (G12-G13) COMMUNICATIONS AVEC ACTE (ACT) 2010 Dantelle G., Slablab A., Rondin L., Laine F., Carrel F., Bergonzo P., Perruchas S., Gacoin T., Treussart F. & Roch J.-F. (2010) Efficient production of NV colour centres in nanodiamonds using high-energy electron irradiation. Special Issue based on the Proceedings of the Tenth International Meeting on Hole Burning, Single Molecule, and Related Spectroscopies: Science and Applications (HBSM 2009) - Issue dedicated to Ivan Lorgeré and Olivier Guillot-Noël - Journal of Luminescence, 130, (9), 1655-1658, Palm Cove, Australie. 22-27 juin 2009. 95 Faklaris O., Botsoa J., Sauvage T., Roch J.-F. & Treussart F. (2010) Photoluminescent nanodiamonds: Comparison of the photoluminescence saturation properties of the NV color center and a cyanine dye at the single emitter level, and study of the color center concentration under different preparation conditions. 20th European Conference on Diamond, Diamond-Like Materials, Carbon Nanotubes and Nitrides - Diamond and Related Materials, 19, (7-9), 988-995, Athènes, Grèce. 6-10 septembre 2009. 2009 Cuche A., Sonnefraud Y., Faklaris O., Garrot D., Boudou J.-P., Sauvage T., Roch J.-F., Treussart F. & Huant S. (2009) Diamond nanoparticles as photoluminescent nanoprobes for biology and near-field optics. International Conference on Luminescence and Optical Spectroscopy of Condensed Matter (ICL'08) (arXiv:0809.2026). Journal of Luminescence, 129, 1475-1477, Lyon, France. 7-11 juillet. CONFERENCES INVITEES (INV) 2013 Jacques V. (2013) Single spins in diamond for quantum information processing and high sensitivity magnetometry COLOQ’13, Villetaneuse , France. 8-11 juillet. Jacques V. (2013) Single spins in diamond for quantum information processing and high sensitivity magnetometry ECAMP11, Aarhus, Danemark. 24-28 juin Jacques V. (2013) Single-Shot Readout of Multiple Nuclear Spin Qubits in Diamond under Ambient Conditions. APS March meeting 2013, Baltimore, USA. 18-22 mars. 2012 Jacques V. (2012) Imaging magnetic vortices in ferromagnetic dots with a single spin. 4th Nano MRI international conference, Monte Verità, Ascona, Suisse 22-27 juillet. 2011 Jacques V. (2011) Towards scanning-probe magnetometry using NV defects in diamond. Workshop NanoObjets Synthétiques et Bio-Inspirés (NOSBI), Orsay, France. 20-21 janvier. Roch J.-F. (2011) Delayed-choice experiments in quantum physics Workshop on Foundations of Quantum Theory: measurement, the quantum-to-classical transition and the flow of time, Stellenbosch, Afrique du Sud. 26-28 octobre Roch J.-F. (2011) Coherent manipulation of qubits for quantum hardware: the example of spins in diamond. Workshop on Quantum Manipulation of Atoms and Photons, East China Normal University, Shanghai, Chine. 7 octobre. Roch J.-F. (2011) Building future information technologies with artificial atoms in diamond. The European Future Technologies Conference and Exhibition, Budapest, Hongrie. 4 mai. Roch J.-F. (2011) Coherent manipulation of qubits for quantum hardware: the example of spins in diamond. Présentation invitée à la journée d’inauguration du GDR Information Quantique, Fondements et Applications, Nice, France. 25 mars Roch J. F. (2011) Les défauts du diamant, outils pour les nanos. Présentation invitée aux 5ème journée d’études organisées par le club Systèmes Optroniques pour l'Observation et la Surveillance SFO/SEE, Palaiseau, France. 8 février. 2010 Jacques V. (2010) Defects in diamond: a new tool for nanotechnologies. 3rd Nano MRI international conference, Domaine de Tremblay, France. 12-16 juillet. 96 Jacques V. (2010) Low temperature studies of the excited-state structure of NV defects in diamond. Rank Prize Funds - Diamond photonics, Windermere, UK. 15-18 mars Jacques V. (2010) Centres colorés du diamant pour l’information quantique JMC10, Journées de la Matière Condensée, Troyes, France. 23-27 août. Roch J.-F. (2010) Defects in diamond: a new tool for nanotechnologies. Opt 2010 (colloque de la société taiwanaise d’optique, Tainan (Taiwan). 4 décembre. Roch J. F. (2010) Les défauts du diamant, outils pour les nanos. Présentation invitée aux Journées 3M, Lille, France. 8 février. 2008 Grosshans F., Diêp Lai Ngoc, Treussart F. & Roch J.-F. (2008) Utilisation des centre colorés du diamant pour l'information quantique. Qubits pour le calcul : l'état des lieux, Observatoire des Micro et NanoTechnologies, Grenoble, France. 1er octobre Roch J.-F. (2008) NV color centers in nanodiamonds for optical and magnetic microscopy. 5th European Workshop on Optical Fibre Sensors, Cracovie (Pologne). 20 mai Roch J.-F. (2008) NV color centers in nanodiamonds for optical and magnetic microscopy. Workshop on Diamond : Spintronics, Photonics and Bio-applications, Hong Kong (Chine). 28 avril. COMMUNICATIONS (sans actes) (COM) 2013 Dréau A. (2013) Single-shot readout of multiple nuclear spins in diamond under ambient conditions. Hasselt diamond workshop 2013 (SBDD XVIII), Hasselt, Belgique. 27 février - 1ermars. Lesik M. (2013) Improved properties of buried NV centers in diamond with nanometer positioning. Diamond Workshop 2013 (SBDD XVIII), Hasselt, Belgique. 27 février-1er mars. Tétienne J.P. (2013) Imagerie de champ de fuite de nanostructures magnétiques avec un magnétomètre à spin unique. 15ème Colloque Louis Néel, Tours, France. 19-22 mars. 2012 Dréau A. (2012) Single-shot readout of multiple nuclear spins in diamond under ambient conditions. 3ème colloque du GDR Information Quantique, Fondements et Applications (IQFA), Grenoble, France. 28-30 novembre. Lesik M. (2012) Improved properties of buried NV centers in diamond with nanometer positioning. MRS Fall Meeting & Exhibit, Boston, USA. 25-30 novembre. Rondin L. (2012) Imaging magnetic vortex with a single spin magnetometer. ICNT, Paris, France. 23-27 juillet. Rondin L. (2012) Nanoscale magnetic field mapping with a single spin scanning probe magnetometer. Nanolight, Benasque, Espagne. 11-17 mars. Tétienne J.P. (2012) Nanoscale magnetic field mapping with a scanning diamond spin. Hasselt diamond workshop SBDD XVII, Hasselt, Belgique. 14-16 mars. 2011 Dréau A. (2011) Towards quantum information protocols using single spins in diamond. 4ème colloque du GDR Diamant Autrans, France. 30 mai- 1er juin. 97 Rondin L. (2011) Surface-induced charge state conversion of nitrogen-vacancy defects in nanodiamonds SBDD XVI, Hasselt, Belgique. 20-23 février. Rondin L. (2011 ) NV defects in diamond for magnetometry applications. Young researchers biophotonics conference, Zürich, Suisse. 6-7 octobre 2010 Rondin L. (2010) Creation of NV− colour centres in nanodiamonds and study of surface effects. GDR Diamant, Toulouse, France. Juin 2009 Aharonovich I., Chunyuan Z., Stacey A., Orwa J., Castelletto S., Simpson D.A., Greentree A. D., Grosshans F., Diêp Lai Ngoc, Treussart F., Roch J.-F. & Prawer S. (2009) Diamond-based single-photon source applied to quantum key distribution. MRS Fall Meeting, Boston, Ma, USA. 30 novembre-4 décembre. Jacques V., Wu E., Grosshans F., Treussart F., Grangier P., Aspect A. & Roch J.-F. (2009) Delayed-choice test of quantum complementarity with interfering single photons. Foundational principles in Quantum Information (Foun.QI), Grenoble, France. 15-17 juin. 2008 Grosshans F., Jacques V., Roch J.-F., Guang Wu & Heping Zeng (2008) Entropy of a continuous variable quantum random number generator. Symposium for Young Researchers "Quantum manipulation of Photons and Atoms", Pékin, Shanghai, Chine. 14-22 octobre. Grosshans F., Jacques V. & Roch J.-F. (2008) Entropy of a continuous variable quantum random number generator. Third Russian-French laser-physics workshop for young scientists (FR-YS 08), Saint Petersbourg, Russie. 22-27 septembre. AFFICHES (AFF 2013 Dréau A. ( 2013) Single-shot readout of multiple nuclear spins in diamond under ambient conditions. Workshop on Diamond - Spintronics, Photonics, Bio-applications, Chinese University of HongKong, Chine. 2729 avril. Hingant T. (2013) Nouvelles techniques d’imagerie de nanostructures magnétiques par utilisation d’un microscope à spin unique. Colloque Louis Néel, Tours, France. 20 mars. Hingant T. (2013) Spin relaxometry of single NV centers in nanodiamonds for magnetic noise sensing. Workshop on Diamond - Spintronics, Photonics, Bio-applications, Chinese University of HongKong, Chine. 28 avril. Hingant T. ( 2013) Magnetic stray field imaging with a scanning diamond spin: application to magnetic vortices and domain walls. Workshop on Diamond - Spintronics, Photonics, Bio-applications, Chinese University of HongKong, Chine. 28 avril. 2012 Dréau A. (2012) Spectroscopy of single NV defects coupled with nearby 13C nuclear spins in diamond. 2ème Colloque du GDR Information Quantique, Fondements et Applications (IQFA), Paris, France. 23-25 novembre. Dréau A. ( 2012) Single-shot readout of multiple nuclear spins in diamond under ambient conditions. Gordon Conference on Quantum Science, Easton, USA. 12-17 août 98 Lesik M. (2012) Improved properties of buried NV centers in diamond with nanometer positioning. Summer school Nanosciences Ile-de-France 2012, Domaine du Tremblay, France. 24-29 juin. Lesik M. (2012) Improved properties of buried NV centers in diamond with nanometer positioning. International Conference on Nanoscience + Technology (ICN+T2012), Paris, France. 23-27 juillet. 2011 Rondin L. (2011) NV defect dynamics in large magnetic fields. Spin Master Voice workshop, Villiers-leMahieu, France. 14-16 décembre. Rondin L. (2011) Towards nanoscale scanning-probe magnetometry using a single NV defect in diamond. Zurich-Paris young scientists meeting, Paris, France. 19-21 septembre. Rondin L. ( 2011) Towards nanoscale scanning-probe magnetometry using a single NV defect in diamond. Heraus Diamond Workshop, Bad Honef, Allemagne. 4-7 avril. Rondin L. ( 2011) Engineered arrays of nitrogen-vacancy color centers in diamond based on implantation of CN− molecules through nanoapertures. SBDD XVI, Hasselt, Belgique 20-23 février. Tétienne J.P. (2011) Nanoscale magnetic field mapping with a scanning diamond spin. Spin Master Voice workshop, Villiers-le-Mahieu, France. 14-16 décembre. Tétienne J.P. (2011) Nanoscale magnetic field mapping with a scanning diamond spin. Workshop GDR Information Quantique, Paris, France. 23-25 novembre. Tétienne J.P. (2011) Imaging magnetic vortices in ferromagnetic dots with a single spin. 4th nanoMRI conference, Ascona, Suisse. 22-27 juillet. 2010 Rondin L. (2010) Charge state conversion of nitrogen-vacancy defects in single digit nanodiamonds. 3rd Nano MRI international conference, Domaine du Tremblay, France. 12-16 juillet 2008 Grosshans F., Jacques V., Roch J.-F., Guang Wu & Heping Zeng (2008) Entropy of a continuous variable quantum random number generator. Symposium for Young Researchers "Quantum manipulation of Photons and Atoms" QMPA'2008, Shanghai, Chine. 14-22 octobre. Grosshans F., Jacques V. & Roch J.-F. (2008) A continuous variable based quantum random number generator. SECOQC QKD Network Demonstration and Conference, Vienne, Autriche. 8-10 octobre. Autres Publications (AP_SEM) : SEMINAIRES, COURS.. 2012 Dréau A. ( 2012) Single-shot readout of single nuclear spins in diamond under ambient conditions. Séminaire commun des groupes Optique Quantique and Optique Atomique, Laboratoire Charles Fabry, Palaiseau, France. 6 juillet Jacques V. (2012) Recent experiments dealing with NV defects in diamond for QIP and nanoscale magnetometry applications. Séminaire à l’Université de Stuttgart, Allemagne. 28 février. Roch J.-F. (2012) Nanoscale imaging using optically-active nanoparticles. Séminaire dans le groupe de Jörg Wrachtrup, Université de Stuttgart Stuttgart, Allemagne. 7 novembre. Roch J.-F. (2012) Nanoscale imaging using color centers in nanodiamonds. Colloquium de la National Taiwan University et de l’Academia Sinica Taipei, Taiwan. 22 mai 99 Roch J.-F. (2012) Nanoscale imaging using optically-active nanoparticles. Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry, Göttingen, Allemagne 20 février. Roch J.-F. (2012) Wave-particle duality of light for a single photons: from Einstein to Wheeler’s delayed choice experiment. Colloquium de la Jagiellonian University, Cracovie, Pologne. 26 avril. Rondin L. (2012) Nanoscale magnetic field mapping with a single spin scanning probe magnetometer. Séminaire à l'institut Langevin, ESPCI, Paris, France. 25 janvier. Rondin L. (2012) Imaging magnetic vortices with a single NV centre in diamond. Séminaire à l'ICFO, Barcelone, Espagne. 24 août Rondin L. (2012) Imaging magnetic vortices with a single NV centre in diamond. Séminaire dans le groupe de Lukas Novotny, ETH Zürich, Suisse. 2 août Rondin L. (2012) Nanoscale magnetic field mapping with a single spin scanning probe magnetometer. Séminaire dans le groupe de Patrick Maletinsky, Université de Basel, Suisse. 7 juin. Tétienne J.P. (2012) Imaging magnetic vortices in ferromagnetic dots with a single spin. Séminaire dans le groupe de Jörg Wrachtrup, Université de Stuttgart, Allemagne. 23 novembre. 2011 Roch J.-F. (2011) Les défauts du diamant : de la couleur des gemmes à un outil pour les nanosciences. Séminaire dans le cadre de la "Diffusion de l'information scientifique", Café des Sciences de l’Ecole Centrale Paris. 15 septembre. Roch J.-F. (2011 ) Wave-particle duality of light with diamond-based single photons. Séminaire au laboratoire RUBION Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Allemagne. 18 novembre. Rondin L. (2011) Nanomagnetism imaging using a NV scanning probe microsope. Séminaire dans le groupe de Christian Degen, ETH, Zürich, Suisse. 7 octobre. 2010 Jacques V. (2010) Wave-particle duality for a single photon : From young double-slit to wheeler’s delayedchoice gedanken experiment. Séminaire à l’Université de Delft (Hollande), invité par R. Hanson, Delft, Hollande. 27 janvier Jacques V. (2010) Defects in diamond: a new tool for nanotechnologies. Séminaire au Laboratoire PMC de l’Ecole Polytechnique, Palaiseau, France. 11 mars. Jacques V. (2010) Recent work related to single defects in diamond. Séminaire à l’Université de Harvard, USA. 6 novembre Jacques V. ( 2010) Defects in diamond: a new tool for nanotechnologies. Séminaire au CEA Saclay, Saclay, France. 11 mars. Roch J.-F. (2010) Interférences à un photon, complémentarité et choix retardé de Wheeler. Conférence e2phy’10 pour les professeurs de physique du secondaire (Diffusion de l'information scientifique), Cachan, France. 25 août. Roch J.-F. (2010 ) Defects in diamond: a new tool for nanotechnologies. Séminaire au département de physique de National Chi Nan University, Nantou Tsien,Taiwan. 30 novembre. 2008 100 Grosshans F., Jacques V. & Roch J.-F. (2008) Entropy of a continuous variable quantum random number generator. Centre for Quantum Technologies, National University of Singapore, Singapour, République de Singapour. 28 octobre. OUVRAGES SCIENTIFIQUES (OS) Xuan L. Le, Chauvat D., Slablab A., Roch J.-F., Wnuk P. & Radzewicz C. (2010) KTiPO4 single nanocrystal for second harmonic generation microscopy, in Nanocrystals, edited by Yoshitake Masuda (Sciyo), p. 169-189. 101 GROUPE 14 - NANOPHOT (En « bleu », les publications communes à plusieurs groupes ; En « gras bleu », les publications communes à plusieurs pôles) ARTICLES DANS DES REVUES INTERNATIONALES OU NATIONALES AVEC COMITE DE LECTURE (ACL) 2013 Clavé G, Delport G, Roquelet C, Deleporte E, Lauret JS, Vialla F, Langlois B, Parret R, Roussignol Ph, Voisin C, Jousselme B, Jégou P, Gloter G, Stephan O, Filoramo A, Derycke V and Campidelli S (2013) Functionalization of Carbon Nanotubes through Polymerization in Micelles: a Bridge between the Covalent and Non-covalent Methods. Chem. Mat. In press Battie Y., Jamon D., Naciri A. E., Lauret J. S. & Loiseau A. (2013) Chirality distribution in single walled carbon nanotube films by spectroscopic ellipsometry. Applied Physics Letters, 102 (9). Legrand D., Roquelet C., Lanty G., Roussignol Ph., Lafosse X., Bouchoule S., Deleporte E., Voisin C. & Lauret J.S. (2013) Monolithic microcavity with carbon nanotubes as active material. Applied Physics Letters, 102, n°153102. Loumaigne M., Vasanthakumar P., Lombardi A., Richard A. & Débarre A. (2013) One-photon excited luminescence of single gold particles diffusing in solution under pulsed illumination (Part of the themed collection "Optical studies of single metal nanoparticles"). Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 15, 4154. Nguyen D.T., Voisin C., Roussignol Ph., Roquelet C., Lauret J.-S. & Cassabois G. (2013) Excitonic homogeneous broadening in single-wall carbon nanotubes. Chemical Physics, 413, 102. Roquelet C., Langlois B., Vialla F., Garrot D., Lauret J.-S. & Voisin C. (2013) Light harvesting with non covalent carbon nanotube / porphyrin compounds. Chemical Physics, 413, 45. Wei Y., Audebert P., Galmiche L., Lauret J. S. & Deleporte E. (2013) Synthesis, optical properties and photostability of novel fluorinated organic-inorganic hybrid (R-NH3)(2)PbX4 semiconductors. Journal of Physics D-Applied Physics, 46 (13). 2012 Battie Y., Jamon D., Lauret J.-S., En Naciri A., Broch L. & Loiseau A. (2012) Optical anisotropy of single walled carbon nanotubes investigated by spectroscopic ellipsometry. Carbon 50, 4673. Colombier L., Selles J., Rousseau E., Lauret J.-S., Vialla F., Voisin C. & Cassabois G. (2012) Detection of a biexciton in semiconducting carbon nanotubes using nonlinear optical spectroscopy. Physical Review Letters, 109, n°197402. Loumaigne M., Vasanthakumar P., Richard A. & Débarre A. (2012) Time-of-flight photon spectroscopy: a simple scheme to monitor simultaneously spectral and temporal fluctuations of emission on single nanoparticles. ACS Nano, 6 (12), 10512-10523. Magadur G., Bouanis F., Norman E., Guillot R., Lauret J.-S., Huc V., Cojocaru Costel-Sorin & Mallah Talal (2012) Electrical-field-induced structural change and charge transfer of lanthanide-salophen complexes assembled on carbon nanotube field effect transistor devices. Chemical Communications, 48, 9071-9073 Magadur G., Lauret J.-S., Charron G., Bouanis F., Norman E., Huc V., Cojocaru C. S., Gomez-Coca S., Ruiz E. & Mallah T. (2012) Charge Transfer and Tunable Ambipolar Effect Induced by Assembly of Cu(II) Binuclear Complexes on Carbon Nanotube Field Effect Transistor Devices. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 134 (18), 7896-7901. 102 Nguyen D. T., Voisin C., Roussignol P., Roquelet C., Lauret J. S. & Cassabois G. (2012) Excitonic nonlinearities in single-wall carbon nanotubes. Physica Status Solidi B-Basic Solid State Physics, 249 (5), 907-913. Roquelet C., Vialla F., Diederichs C., Roussignol Ph., Delalande C., Deleporte E., Lauret J.-S. & Voisin C. (2012) Local field effects in the energy transfer between a chromophore and a carbon nanotube : a single nano-compound investigation. ACS Nano, 6, 8796-8802. Voisin C., Berger S., Berciaud S., Yan H. G., Lauret J.-S., Cassabois G., Roussignol P., Hone J. & Heinz T. F. (2012) Excitonic signatures in the optical response of single-wall carbon nanotubes. Physica Status Solidi BBasic Solid State Physics, 249 (5), 900-906. Wei Y., Lauret J.-S., Galmiche L., Audebert P. & Deleporte E. (2012) Strong exciton-photon coupling in microcavities containing new fluorophenethylamine based perovskite compounds. Optics Express, 20 (9), n°10399. Zheng Han, Hai-Son Nguyen, Boitier F., Yi Wei, Abdel-Baki K., Lauret J.-S., Bloch J., Bouchoule S. & Deleporte E. (2012) High-Q planar organic-inorganic Perovskite-based microcavity. Optic Letters 37, 5061 2011 Battie Y., Ducloux O., Thobois P., Dorval N., Lauret J. S., Attal-Trétout B. & Loiseau A. (2011) Gas sensors based on thick films of semi-conducting single walled carbon nanotubes. Carbon, 49 (11), 3544-3552. Castro-Beltrán R., Desirena H., Ramos-Ortiz G., De la Rosa E., Lanty G., Lauret J. S., Romero-Servin S. & Schülzgen A. (2011) Third-order nonlinear optical response and photoluminescence characterization of tellurite glasses with different alkali metal oxides as network modifiers. Journal of Applied Physics, 110 (8), n°083110. Garrot D., Langlois B., Roquelet C., Michel T., Roussignol P., Delalande C., Deleporte E., Lauret J. S. & Voisin C. (2011) Time-resolved investigation of excitation energy transfer in carbon nanotube-porphyrin compounds. Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 115 (47), 23283-23292. Lanty G., Zhang S., Lauret J. S., Deleporte E., Audebert P., Bouchoule S., Lafosse X., Zuniga-Perez J., Semond F., Lagarde D., Médard F. & Leymarie J. (2011) Hybrid cavity polaritons in a ZnO-perovskite microcavity. Physical Review B, 84 (19), n°195449. in H., Lagoute J., Repain V., Chacon C., Girard Y., Lauret J.-S., Arenal R., Ducastelle F., Rousset S. & Loiseau A. (2011) Coupled study by TEM/EELS and STM/STS of electronic properties of C-and CN(x)-nanotubes. Comptes Rendus Physique, 12 (9-10), 909-920. Loumaigne M., Vasanthakumar P., Richard A. & Debarre A. (2011) Influence of polarization and wavelength on two-photon excited luminescence of single gold nanospheres. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 13 (24), 11597-11605. Nguyen D. T., Voisin C., Roussignol P., Roquelet C., Lauret J.-S. & Cassabois G. (2011) Elastic Exciton-Exciton Scattering in Photoexcited Carbon Nanotubes. Physical Review Letters, 107 (12), n°127401. Nguyen D. T., Voisin C., Roussignol P., Roquelet C., Lauret J.-S. & Cassabois G. (2011) Phonon-induced dephasing in single-wall carbon nanotubes. Physical Review B, 84 (11), n°115463. Zhang S. J., Audebert P., Wei Y., Lauret J.-S., Galmiche L. & Deleporte E. (2011) Synthesis and optical properties of novel organic-inorganic hybrid UV (R-NH(3))(2)PbCl(4) semiconductors. Journal of Materials Chemistry, 21 (2), 466-474. 2010 103 Gauthron K., Lauret J. S., Doyennette L., Lanty G., Al Choueiry A., Zhang S. J., Bréhier A., Largeau L., Mauguin O., Bloch J. & Deleporte E. (2010) Optical spectroscopy of two-dimensional layered (C(6)H(5)C(2)H(4)-NH(3))(2)-PbI(4) perovskite. Optics Express, 18 (6), 5912-5919. Lanty G., Lauret J.-S., Deleporte E., Bouchoule S. & Lafosse X. (2010) Strong-coupling regime at room temperature in one-dimensional microcavities containing ultraviolet-emitting pérovskites. Superlattices and Microstructures, 47, 10. Lin H., Lagoute J., Repain V., Chacon C., Girard Y., Lauret J.-S., Ducastelle F., Loiseau A. & Rousset S. (2010) Many-body effects in electronic bandgaps of carbon nanotubes measured by scanning tunnelling spectroscopy. Nature Materials, 9 (3), 235-238. Loumaigne M., Praho R., Nutarelli D., Werts M. H. V. & Débarre A. (2010) Fluorescence correlation spectroscopy reveals strong fluorescence quenching of FITC adducts on PEGylated gold nanoparticles in water and the presence of fluorescent aggregates of desorbed thiolate ligands. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 12 (36), 11004-11014. Loumaigne M., Richard A., Laverdant J., Nutarelli D. & Débarre A. (2010) Ligand-Induced Anisotropy of the Two-Photon Luminescence of Spherical Gold Particles in Solution Unraveled at the Single Particle Level. Nano Letters, 10 (8), 2817-2824. Navarro J.R.G., Plugge M., Loumaigne M., Sanchez Gonzalez A. , Mennucci B., Débarre A., Brouwer A.M. & Werts M.H.V. (2010) Probing the interactions between disulfide based ligands and gold nanoparticles using a functionalized fluorescent perylene-monoimide dye. Photochemical & Photobiological Sciences, 9, 10421054. Navarro J. R. G., Plugge M., Loumaigne M., Sanchez-Gonzalez A., Mennucci B., Debarre A., Brouwer A. M. & Werts M. H. V. (2010) Probing the interactions between disulfide-based ligands and gold nanoparticles using a functionalised fluorescent perylene-monoimide dye. Photochemical & Photobiological Sciences, 9 (7), 1042-1054. Posseckardt J., Battie Y., Fleurier R., Lauret J.-S., Loiseau A., Jost O. & Mertig M. (2010) Improved sorting of carbon nanotubes according to electronic type by density gradient ultracentrifugation. Physica Status Solidi B, 247, 2687. Roquelet C., Garrot D., Lauret J.-S., Voisin C., Alain-Rizzo V., Roussignol P., Delaire J. A. & Deleporte E. (2010) Quantum efficiency of energy transfer in noncovalent carbon nanotube/porphyrin compounds. Applied Physics Letters, 97 (14), n°141918. Roquelet C., Lauret J.-S., Alain-Rizzo V., Voisin C., Fleurier R., Delarue M., Garrot D., Loiseau A., Roussignol Ph. , Delaire J.A. & Deleporte E. (2010) Π-Stacking functionalization of carbon nanotubes through micelle swelling: synthesis of complexes for energy transfer. Chemical Physics and Physical Chemistry, 11, 1667. Zhang S. J., Audebert P., Wei Y., Al Choueiry A., Lanty G., Bréhier A., Galmiche L., Clavier G., Boissière C., Lauret J.-S. & Deleporte E. (2010) Preparations and Characterizations of Luminescent Two Dimensional Organic-inorganic Perovskite Semiconductors. Special Issue "Luminescent Materials". Materials, 3 (5), 3385-3406. 2009 Audebert P., Clavier G., Alain-Rizzo V., Deleporte E., Zhang S., Lauret J.-S., Lanty G. & Boissière C. (2009) Synthesis of New Perovskite Luminescent Nanoparticles in the Visible Range. Chemistry of Materials, 21, 210-214 104 Berger S., Iglesias F., Bonnet P., Voisin C., Cassabois G., Lauret J.-S., Delalande C. & Roussignol Ph. (2009) Optical properties of carbon nanotubes in a composite material: The role of dielectric screening and thermal expansion. Journal of Applied Physics, 105 (n°094323). Fleurier R., Lauret J.-S., Flahaut E. & Loiseau A. (2009) Sorting and transmission electron microscopy analysis of single or double wall carbon nanotubes. Physica Status Solidi B, 246, 2675-2678. Fleurier R., Lauret J.-S., Lopez U. & Loiseau A. (2009) Transmission electron microscopy and UV-vis-IR spectroscopy analysis of the diameter sorting of carbon nanotubes by gradient density ultracentrifugation. Advanced Functional Materials 19, 2219-2223. Lanty G., Lauret J.-S., Deleporte E., Bouchoule S. & Lafosse X. (2009) Uv polaritons at room temperature in a microcavity containing perovskites. Journal of Luminescence, 129, 1985-1988. Susi T., Nasibulin A.G., Ayala P., Ying Tian, Zhen Zhu, Hua Jiang, Roquelet C., Garrot D., Lauret J.-S. & Kauppinen Esko I. (2009) High quality SWCNT synthesis in the presence of NH3 using a vertical flow aerosol reactor. Physica Status Solidi B, 1-4. Zhang S., Lanty G., Lauret J.-S., Deleporte E., Audebert P. & Galmiche L. (2009) Synthesis and optical properties of novel organic-inorganic hybrid nanolayer structure semiconductors. Acta Materialia, 57, 3301-3309 2008 Débarre A., Kobylko M., Bonnot A. M., Richard A., Popov V. N., Henrard L. & Kociak M. (2008) Electronic and Mechanical Coupling of Carbon Nanotubes: A Tunable Resonant Raman Study of Systems with Known Structures. Physical Review Letters, 101 (19), n°197403. Jaffrennou P., Barjon J., Schmid T., Museur L., Kanaev A., Lauret J.-S., Zhi C.Y., Tang C., Bando Y., Golberg D., Attal-Trétout B., Ducastelle F. & Loiseau A. (2008) Near-band-edge recombinations in multiwalled boron nitride nanotubes: Cathodoluminescence and photoluminescence spectroscopy measurements. Physical Review B, 77, n°235422. Lanty G., Bréhier A., Parashkov R., Lauret J.-S. & Deleporte E. (2008) Strong exciton-photon coupling at room temperature in microcavities containing two-dimensional layered perovskite compounds New Journal of Physics, 10, n°065007. Lanty G., Lauret J.-S., Deleporte E., Bouchoule S. & Lafosse X. (2008) UV polaritonic emission from a perovskite-based microcavity. Applied Physics Letters, 93, n°081101. Magadur G., Lauret J.-S., Alain-Rizzo V., Voisin C., Roussignol Ph., Deleporte E. & Delaire J.-A. (2008) Excitation transfer in functionalized carbon nanotubes. Chemical Physics and Physical Chemistry, 9, 1250. Symonds C., Bonnand C., Plenet J.-C., Bréhier A., Parashkov R., Lauret J.-S., Deleporte E. & Bellessa J. (2008) Particularities of surface plasmon-exciton strong coupling with large Rabi splitting. New Journal of Physics, 10, n°065017. COMMUNICATIONS AVEC ACTES DANS UN CONGRES INTERNATIONAL OU NATIONAL (ACT) 2013 Werts M.H.V., Raimbault V., Loumaigne M., Griscom L., Français O., Navarro J.R.G., Débarre A. & Le Pioufle B. (2013) Optical microscopy and spectroscopy of analyte-sensitive functionalized gold and silver nanoparticles in microfl uidic systems. SPIE Proceedings : Colloidal Nanocrystals for Biomedical Applications VIII, 85950W, 8595, San Francisco, California, USA. 1-6 février. 105 2010 Lanty G., Lauret J. S., Deleporte E., Bouchoule S. & Lafosse X. (2010) Strong-coupling regime at room temperature in one-dimensional microcavities containing ultraviolet-emitting perovskites. PLMCN 2009 - Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Physics of Light-Matter Coupling in Nanostructures. Superlattices and Microstructures, 47, (1), 10-15, Lecce, Italie. . Loumaigne M. & Débarre A. (2010) Exploring the role of the surface states in the luminescence of gold spherical particles by single molecule spectroscopy - Plasmonics VI. SPIE Proceedings - Nanophotonics III 7712, 77121V, Proceedings of SPIE, Bruxelles, Belgique. avril. CONFERENCES INVITEES (INV) 2013 Loumaigne M., Stamboul M., Werts M. & Débarre A. (2013) Analyse de l'émission de particules hybrides et métalliques individuelles diffusant en solution, conférence plénière. Nanohybrides 10, Porquerolles, France. 13-16 mai Roquelet C., Vialla F., Clavé G., Langlois B., Delport G., Diederichs C., Roussignol Ph., Filoramo A., Deleporte E., Campidelli S., Voisin C. & Lauret J.-S. (2013) Energy transfer in molecules/nanotubes supramolecular assemblies. ECS223 meeting, Toronto, Canada. 12-17 mai. Vialla F., Chassagneux Y., Roquelet C., Diederichs C., Roussignol Ph, Lauret J.S. & Voisin C. (2013) Hallmarks of the Mechanical Coupling to the Substrate in the Photoluminescence Spectrum of Carbon Nanotubes. ECS223 meeting, Toronto, Canada. 12-17 mai. Werts M.H.V., Raimbault V., Loumaigne M., Griscom L., Français O., Navarro J.R.G., Débarre A. & Le Pioufle B. (2013) Optical microscopy and spectroscopy of analyte-sensitive functionalized gold and silver nanoparticles in microfl uidic systems. Photonics West 2013, San Francisco, Californie, USA. 1-6 février. 2012 Lanty G., Zhang S., Lauret J. S., Deleporte E., Audebert P., Bouchoule S., Lafosse X., Zuniga-Perez J., Semond F., Lagarde D., Médard F. & Leymarie J. (2012) Strong coupling regime in GaNPerovskiteAgranovich-like microcavities at room temperature. PLMCN12, Hangzhou, China. 19-23 juin. Roquelet C., Lauret J.-S., Voisin C., Langlois B., Vialla F., Roussignol Ph. & Deleporte E. (2012) Energy transfer in carbon nanotubes/organic chromophores assemblies. 221st meeting of The Electrochemical Society, Seattle, USA. 6-11 mai. Roquelet C., Vialla F., Langlois B., Delport G., Roussignol Ph., Deleporte E., Voisin C. & Lauret J.-S. (2012) Energy transfer in carbon nanotube / organic chromophore assemblies. International Graphene and Nanotubes annual meeting, Lyon, France. 23-27 janvier. Voisin C., Roquelet C., Vialla F., Langlois B., Lauret J.-S., Roussignol Ph. & Deleporte E. (2012) Light harvesting with porphyrin/carbon nanotube compounds. 221st meeting of The Electrochemical Society, Seattle, USA. 6-11 mai. 2011 Roquelet C., Lauret J.-S., Garrot D., Vialla F., Langlois B., Roussignol Ph., Deleporte E. & Voisin C. (2011) Energy transfer in carbon nanotube/Organic chromophore assemblies. Material Research Society Fall Meeting Boston, États-Unis. 28 novembre. Voisin C., Berciaud S., Lauret J.-S., Roquelet C., Cassabois G., Heinz T. & Roussignol Ph. (2011) Excitons in higher sub-bands of carbon nanotubes. 11th International Conference on Physics of Light-Matter Coupling in Nanostructures, Berlin, Allemagne. 4 avril. 106 Voisin C., Roquelet C., Garrot D., Langlois B., Vialla F., Lauret J.-S. & Roussignol Ph. (2011) Energy transfer in functionnalized carbon nanotube. 4th Workshop on Nanotube Optics and Nanospectroscopy (WONTON'11), Bordeaux, France 29 mai. 2010 Lauret J.-S. & Voisin C. (2010) Energy transfer in functionalized carbon nanotubes. Quantum transport and dynamics in materials and biosystems: From molecular mechanisms to mesoscopic functionality, Dublin, Irlande. 12-15 mai. Lin H., Lagoute J., Repain V., Ducastelle F. , Amara H., Henrard L., Lauret J.-S., Rousset S. & Loiseau A. (2010) Wave functions imaging and many-body effects in single-walled carbon nanotubes measured by STS. E-MRS (European Materials Research Society), Strasbourg, France. 1-8 juin. Loumaigne M. & Débarre A. (2010) Two-photon excited luminescence of spherical gold nanoparticles studied at the single particle level in aqueous samples. JMC12, Troyes, France. Août. Rousset S., Lin H., Lagoute J., Repain V., Chacon C., Girard Y., Lauret J.-S., Ducastelle F., Amara H., Loiseau A. & Henrard L. (2010) Wave functions imaging and many-body effects in single-walled carbon nanotubes measured by STS. International Conference on Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, Beijing, Chine. 23-27 août. 2009 Loiseau A., Jaffrennou P., Barjon J., Lauret J.-S., Attal-Trétout B. & Ducastelle F. (2009) Optical properties of individual boron nitride nanotubes. TNT09 New trends in Nanotechnology, Barcelone, Espagne. 7-11 septembre. Werts M., Navarro J., Praho R., Loumaigne M., Laverdant J., Nutarelli D., Richard A. & Débarre A. (2009) Particules d’or et d’argent fonctionnalisées: de l’extinction de la fluorescence vers la biodétection à haute sensibilité. Journées de Printemps 2009 du Groupement français de Photochimie, Photophysique et Photosciences, ENSIC, Nancy, France. 13-15 mai (G12-G14) 2008 Débarre A. (2008) Corrélation entre analyse morphologique et analyse des propriétés optiques sur un même objet individuel. Colloque nano-optique, JMC11, Strasbourg, France. Août. COMMUNICATIONS (sans actes) (COM) 2013 Even J., Pédesseau L., Jancu J.M., Robert C., Durand O., Cornet C., Benchamekh R., Voisin P., Deleporte E. & Katan C. (2013) Raccordements de bandes et profils de constantes diélectriques pour des hétérostructures 2D à semiconducteurs. GdR CoDFT, . Mai. Roquelet C., Vialla F., Diederichs C., Roussignol Ph., Delalande C., Deleporte E., Lauret J.S. & C. Voisin (2013) Local Field Effects in carbon nanotubes/chromophores compounds for energy transfer. WONTON’13, Santa Fé, USA. 16-20 juin. 2012 Roquelet C., Vialla F., Langlois B., Clave G., Roussignol Ph., Deleporte E., Filoramo A., Campidelli S., Voisin C. & Lauret J.-S. (2012) Energy transfer in non-covalent nanotubes/chromophores compounds. Chemontubes2012, Arcachon, France. 1-5 avril. Vasanthakumar P., Loumaigne M. & Débarre A. (2012) Etude de la propagation de plasmons dans des nanofils d’or. Réunion plénière du GDR Or nano. 19-21 mars. 107 Vasanthakumar P., Loumaigne M. & Débarre A. (2012) Surface-enhanced Raman scattering induced by plasmon propagation inside gold nanowires. 1st International Conference on Enhanced Spectroscopy (ICES), Ile de Porquerolles, France. 3-5 octobre. 2011 Débarre A., Loumaigne M. & Vasanthakumar P. (2011) Signature of the anisotropy of two-photon excited luminescence of nearly spherical gold particles diffusing in solution. ImagingNano, Bilbao, Espagne. 11-14 avril. Roquelet C., Lauret J.-S., Voisin C., Langlois B., Vialla F., Roussignol Ph. & Deleporte E. (2011) Energy transfer in carbon nanotubes / chromophores assemblies. OECS12, Paris, France. 12-16 septembre. 2010 Lin H., Lagoute J., Repain V., Ducastelle F., Amara H., Henrard L., Lauret J.-S., Rousset S. & Loiseau A. (2010) Wave functions and many body effects in carbon nanotubes measured by STM. IMC-17, Rio de Janeiro, Brésil. 19-24 septembre. Loumaigne M. & Débarre A. (2010) Exploring the role of the surface states in the luminescence of gold spherical particles by single molecule spectroscopy. Photonics Europe, Bruxelles, Belgique. Avril. Loumaigne M., Vasanthakumar P. & Débarre A. (2010) Two-photon excited photoluminescence of gold spherical particles dispersed in solution studied by single molecule spectroscopy. French/Japan Workshop on Nanophotonics, Paris, France. 4-5 novembre. Roquelet C., Lauret J.-S. & Deleporte E. (2010) Quantum efficiency of energy transfer in carbon nanotube/porphyrin compounds. Zurich/Paris Young scientists meeting in nanophotonics, Paris, France. Septembre. 2009 Lanty G., Lauret J.-S., Deleporte E., Bouchoule S. & Lafosse X. (2009) Uv polariton emission at room temperature in microcavities containing perovskites. PLMCN9 (9th International Conference on LightMatter Coupling in Nanostructures), Lecce, Italie. Avril. Roquelet C., Lauret J.-S., Voisin C., Roussignol Ph. & Deleporte E. (2009) Nanotubes-porphyrine suspensions optimisation for energy transfer. GDR International « Graphene and nanotubes », Barcelone, Espagne. Octobre. AFFICHES (AFF) 2010 Lauret J.-S. (2010) Π-stacking functionalization of carbon nanotubes through micelle swelling: Synthesis of complexes for energy transfer. ChemOnTubes2010, Arcachon, France. Lauret J.-S. (2010) Synthesis, formation mechanism and characterization of nitrogen-doped SWCNT thin films. NT10 - 11th International Conference on the Science and Application of Nanotubes, Montréal, Canada. 27 juin - 2 juillet. Lauret J.-S. (2010) Evaluation of the quality of a sorting of carbon nanotubes by density gradient ultracentrifugation. NT10 - 11th International Conference on the Science and Application of Nanotubes, Montréal, Canada. 27 juin - 2 juillet. Lauret J.-S. (2010) Energy transfer dynamics in functionnalized carbon nanotubes. NT10 - 11th International Conference on the Science and Application of Nanotubes, Montréal, Canada. 27 juin - 2 juillet. 108 Lauret J.-S. (2010) Pi-stacking functionalization of single wall carbon nanotubes: Synthesis of complexes for energy transfer. NT10 - 11th International Conference on the Science and Application of Nanotubes, Montréal, Canada. 27 juin - 2 juillet. Lauret J.-S. (2010) Wave functions and many-body effects in carbon nanotubes measured by STM. NT10 11th International Conference on the Science and Application of Nanotubes, Montréal, Canada. 27 juin - 2 juillet. 2009 Lauret J.-S. (2009) Energy transfer in functionalized carbon nanotubes. NT09 - Tenth International Conference on the Science and Application of Nanotubes, Pékin, Chine. Juillet. Lauret J.-S. (2009) Nanotubes-porphyrine suspensions optimisation for energy transfer. NT09 - Tenth International Conference on the Science and Application of Nanotubes Pékin, Chine. Juillet. Lauret J.-S. (2009) Strong coupling in organic-inorganic perovskite microcavities. OECS11 (International Conference on Optics of Excitons in Confined Systems), Madrid, Espagne. Septembre. Lauret J.-S. (2009) Energy transfer in functionalized carbon nanotubes. OECS11 (International Conference on Optics of Excitons in Confined Systems), Madrid, Espagne. Septembre. Loumaigne M., Laverdant J., Nutarelli D. & Débarre A. (2009) Investigation of the optical properties of individual functionalised gold probes by fluorescence correlation spectroscopy. Nanosystem Engineering and Biophotonics NEBO'09, Institut d’Alembert de Cachan, France. 30 mars-1er avril. Loumaigne M., Nutarelli D. & Débarre A. (2009) Etude de particules d’or fonctionnalisées individuelles, biocompatibles. COLOQ'11, Nice, France. 7-9 septembre. (G12-G14) Nutarelli D., Loumaigne M. & Débarre A. (2009) Luminescence de nanoparticules d’or étudiée par spectroscopie de corrélation de fluorescence à deux photons. COLOQ'11, Nice, France. 7-9 septembre. 2008 Débarre A., Loumaigne M., Milhiet E., Nutarelli D., Richard A. & Tchénio P. (2008) Spectroscopie de corrélation de fluorescence de molécules uniques pour l'étude de la dynamique d'une sonde calcique. Colloque Bouyssy, Université Paris Sud, Orsay, France. Février. Kobylko M., Kociak M., Bonnot A.-M., Richard A., Popov V. N., Henrard L. & Débarre A. (2008) Electron Diffraction and Tunable Resonant Raman Spectroscopy combined to reveal couplings between single wall nanotubes. Ninth International Conference on the Science and Application of Nanotube, Montpellier, France. Juillet. Laverdant J., Loumaigne M., Nutarelli D., Richard A., Débarre A., Navarro J., Praho R., Nerambourg N., Blanchard-Desce M. & Werts M. H. V. (2008) Hydrophilic monolayer-protected gold nanoparticles and their functionalisation with fluorescent chromophores. Mid-Term Conference ERA-Net Nanosci, Madrid, Espagne. Juin. Loumaigne M., Milhiet E., Nutarelli D., Richard A., Débarre A. & Tchénio P. (2008) Study of the dynamic of a calcium probe by fluorescence correlation spectroscopy at the single molecule level. 15th International Conference on Luminescence and Optical Spectroscopy of Condensed Matter (ICL'08), Lyon, France. Juillet. Autres Publications (AP_SEM) : SEMINAIRES, COURS.. 109 Débarre A. ( 2013) Rôle de l’interaction molécule - particule métallique dans les propriétés optiques d’une nanostructure métallique isolée,14 juin 2011. PPSM, ENS-Cachan, Cachan, France. Lauret J.S. (2013) Intervention en classe de terminale S. Spécialité physique, Lycée de Montigny-leBretonneux, France. Octobre. Autres Publications : ORGANISATION DE CONGRES (AP_ORG) OU AUTRES MANIFESTATIONS 2013 Débarre A. ( 2013) Membre du comité d’organisation de COLOQ’13 composante d’Optique - Université Paris 13, Paris, France. 8-11 juillet. 2012 Débarre A. (2012) Présidente du Club COLOQ de la Société Française d’Optique de 2008 à septembre 2012. 2011 Débarre A. (2011) Présidente de COLOQ’12 et membre du comité scientifique d’Optique-Marseille 2011 (COLOQ et Horizons de l’Optique et les Journées Nationales sur les cristaux photoniques et les Journées nationales sur l’optique guidée). COLOQ'12 12ème Colloque sur les lasers et l’optique quantique, Marseille, France. 4-7 juillet. Lauret J.S. (2011) Transfert d’énergie dans des assemblages nanotubes chromophores. Journée Nanoscience et Energie, Salon Mesure Expo, Montigny-le-Bretonneux, France. Octobre. Lauret J.S. (2011) Organisation du colloque annuel du GDR-I “Graphene and Nanotubes : Science and Applications” Dourdan, France. . 2009 Débarre A. (2009 ) Présidente de COLOQ’11 Nice (11ème Colloque sur les lasers et l’optique quantique). Complexe de Mouans-Sartoux, fRANCE. 7-9 septembre.