Problems of urban transport and sustainable urban mobility in Algeria


Problems of urban transport and sustainable urban mobility in Algeria
People's Democratic Republic of Algeria
Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research
University of Hadj Lakhdar - Batna
Under the auspices of Misters:
Minister of Higher Education
and Scientific Research
Minister of Transportations
Faculty of Economic Science, Commercial and management
Laboratory: Management – Transport – Logistics (LMTL)
Organise the International Conference:
Problems of urban transport and sustainable urban
mobility in Algeria: Challenges and solutions
Honorary presidents
Professor Tahar Benabid
Rector of the University
Professor Aïssa Merazga
Dean of the faculty
Conference and scientific committee chair
Prof. Farès Boubakour.
Organising Committee chair
Dr. El Khaïr Barkat.
14 -15 October, 2014, Batna - Algeria
1- Issues of the conference
The huge urbanization in the Algerian towns, especially favorated by the economic
development and its corollary the increase of the population’s standards of living, has a direct
impact on the explosion of the urban mobility, the number of travellers and transport of
goods. It must be mentioned that many Algerian towns know an urban sprawl and some
others are characterized by their metropolitan form. In fact, the decrease in suburbs’ land
prices has encouraged building and explosion of the towns with the tendency to form
metropolitan areas (as in Algiers). In this context, the private car has become the most used
means of transportation that responds to urban mobility problems, which lead to a fast
growing in the national fleet of vehicles. Today, the rate of motorization is one car for five
people (1 for 5), while it was one car for ten (1 for 10) people in 1996. Many observations
confirmed that car owners use their cars for most of their transportations. It is also true that
personal cars remain very competitive versus other means of transportation due to the low
price of fuel. In fact, on the one hand, the price of a liter of diesel is 13 Euro cents and
unleaded gasoline is 23 Euro cents. In the other hand there are socio-cultural and historical
reasons that make Algerians having a passion towards car. The urban transports of goods are
insured exclusively by the roads which contribute to congestion and other problems that are
related to pollution, road safety, deterioration the quality of city life, etc.). Here there are real
The economic issue: One of the major challenges is the ability to provide local and
regional economic development in the Algerian cities. This can be achieved by promoting
growth and employment, avoiding the explosion of traffic and congestion and minimizing the
negative social and environmental impacts. The other issue is succeeding to control the road
insecurity which remains very high in Algeria.
The social issue: it is about to give a particular attention to the inclusion of
disadvantaged people and those with reduced mobility in public transport networks through
special territorial coverage and subsidised transportation prices.
The environmental issue: ensuring the preservation of the environment while
guaranteeing the necessary mobility generated from the economic and social development.
Besides the global pollution, it is necessary to reduce the impact of environmental pollution
on health.
In front of these challenges, the Algerian authorities pursued an aggressive policy
based on the development and amelioration of high quality public transportations. In addition
to public companies of urban and suburban transportation that were created in all cities of the
country, besides Algiers’ subway, all large urban centers in Algeria have benefited from a
tramway project. Among these projects only few are in various stages of realization. It is true
that this latters are under construction, but the transportation market is still fragmented and
there is a proliferation of artisanal operators, direct consequence of the 1990s deregulation
(hundreds of operators per city); network and fare integration still require many years; urban
and suburban organizing transportation authorities are slow to emerge; difficulty of
controlling transportations planning processes and mobility management in articulation with
process of urbanization and land-use planning ; practices of sustainable mobility are not
forthcoming .(carpooling or cycling for example ).
What objectives have to be set in order to mitigate the major trend which risks to be
settled in terms of unsustainable urban mobility, direct consequence of the increasing use of
private cars? What solutions could be applied in short and medium term? What are the best
practices which can be utilized? In other words, what, ultimately, would be the main
guidelines for a sustainable urban mobility strategy in Algeria?
All the above questions and other related issues (urban logistics, deliveries in town,
role of intelligent transport systems in transport management and mobility management, etc...)
that the conference proposes to reply on, through the meeting of researchers, experts, and
other different actors in transport and mobility management at local and central departments
of different ministries.
2 - Topics of the conference: The list is only indicative.
1. Transportation Planning and management of the city.
2. Urban transportation in Algeria: the main encountered problems.
3. The development of the use of private cars in Algeria.
4. Management of urban transportation and mobility management: experiences and good
practices for sustainable urban mobility.
5. Urban transportation and governance.
6. Urban Logistics and delivery problems in the city.
7. Road safety in urban areas.
8. Intelligent Transportation systems: transportation management and mobility
3 - Proposed dates of the conference:
Abstract proposals should be sent no later than 30/05/2014 at midnight. The proposed
communication (summarised in one page as a maximum) must be sent to:
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
Important :
Each proposal must be accompanied by a short CV (maximum one page) of the main
speaker. The author should highlight his experience and / or his work in the field of
transportation and mobility management.
The summary can be presented in Arabic, French or English. Any proposal must be
accompanied by a summary in another language. After evaluation of the proposed
communication by the scientific committee, an email of notification about the
acceptance of communication will be sent no later than 25/06/2014.
The final text of the communication should be sent no later than 01/09/2014.
Power point presentation is required by the organizing committee no later than eight
days prior to the conference.
Conference languages : Arabic, French and English.
Conference fees: University of Batna will bear the costs of accommodation and food
for the main author of each accepted papers.
Date and place of the conference: The conference will be held at the Faculty of
Economics sciences, business and management sciences, the 14th and 15th October
Conference’s Scientific Committee :
Fadila Agli, Hadj Lakhdar University, Batna, Algeria
Khaled Abderahmane Assra, Mekka University, Saudi Arabia
Lylia Bahmed, Hadj Lakhdar University, Batna, Algeria
Tahar Baouni, Polytechnic School of Architecture and Urbanism, Algiers, Algeria
Ismaïl Benaïcha, ENATT- Batna
Farès Boubakour, Hadj Lakhdar University, Batna, Algeria
El Hachemi Boutalbi, CNPSR, Ministry of Transportations, Algeria
Boualam Ammar Chebira, Annaba University, Algeria
Tarek Chella, ENS, Algiers, Algeria,
Omar Chergui, Ministry of Transportations, Algeria
Jacques Colin, University of the Mediterranean, France
Djamel Djeïl, Hadj Lakhdar University, Batna, Algeria
Sanaa Elkhannak, Malaysian Technological University
Luc Gwjazdzinski, J. Fourrier of Grenoble University, France
Xavier Godard, IFSTTAR (INRETS), France
Leila Guettaf, Setif1 University, Setif, Algeria
Kheir Eddine Maatallah, Guelma University
Nouara Kaïd - Tlilane, A. Mira University, Béjaia, Algiers
Samia Lahoual, Hadj Lakhdar University, Batna, Algeria
Eric Louette, Intelligent Transports Mission, MEEDDM, France
Hachemi Mabrouk, Mekka University, Saudi Arabia
Barkou Mazouz, Hadj Lakhdar University, Batna, Algeria
Zakia Megri, Hadj Lakhdar University, Batna, Algeria
Aïssa Merazga, Hadj Lakhdar University, Batna, Algeria
Christophe Rizet, IFSTTAR (INRETS), France
Mohamed Saad, Bristol University, UK
Salem Salhi, Ministry of Transportations, Alger
Khelifa Slimi, Director of the Higher Institute of Transport and Logistics, Sousse (Tunisia)
Benjamin Steck, University of Le Havre, France
Antonino Tripodi, University la Sapienza, Rome, (Italy)
Members of the organising committee :
President of the organising committee : Dr. El khaïer Barkat
· Abdellatif Ounissi
· Loubna Rabab Mazouz
· Abderrezzak Toulmit
· Malika Ahmane
· Afaf Bennacer
· Mohamed Bouguelaa
· Ahmed Youssouf Amrane
· Nadia Douas.
· Chaker Belakhdar
· Ramdane Lounansa
· Fodil Boudjelal
· Salim Bouguenna
· Ghani Merabti
· Salim Bouhidel
· Hemama Benamouma
· Sihem Makhlouf
· Houssem Mouffok
· Yazid Chahli
· Imène Messamah.
· Zakaria Akkari
· Isra Haliouche
Contact :
For further information, please contact:
M. Houssem Mouffok : [email protected]
M. Ahmed Youssouf Amrane : [email protected]
Tel: +213 (0) 33 87 03 07
Fax: +213 (0) 33 86 06 20