Aurélie DEHLING Marketing Paris CV Biography: For 12 years, Aurélie Dehling has been working in brand strategy and communication, both in France and in Canada. As a Doctor in social anthropology and in ethnology of the EHESS, her thesis work focused on understanding appropriation mechanisms in the context of second-hand items consumption. Her academic research mainly studied the concepts of appropriation, ownership and collaborative consumption. Skills & Interests Expertise Brand Strategy, Advertising, Communication, Material Culture, Ethnography Citizenship: Canada, France Qualification Academically Qualified Academic Degrees Doctorat EHESS, Paris, 2013 Work Experience Strategic Planning Director, Publicis (January, 2010 - January, 2011), Montreal, Canada-Quebec. Strategic Planning Director, PALM+HAVAS (January, 2008 - January, 2010), Montreal, Canada-Quebec. Research & strategy director, Cossette (January, 2006 - January, 2008), Montreal, Canada. Accounts manager - research, Cossette, Montréal, Cossette (January, 2004 - January, 2006), Montreal, CanadaQuebec. Qualitative study manager, Qualitative Village (January, 2003 - January, 2004), Paris, France. Assistant product manager, Danone (January, 2002 - January, 2003), Paris, France. Web project manager ID Factory, ID Factory (January, 2000 - January, 2002), Paris, France. INTELLECTUAL CONTRIBUTIONS Articles in Journals Dehling, A. (2014). Couvrez cette mort que je ne saurais voir : du rapport singulier entre consommateurs vieillissants et objets d'occasion. Décisions Marketing (76). Chapters, Cases, Readings, Supplements Dehling, A. (2015). La consommation d'objets d'occasion au Québec, Ethnographie d'un apprentissage. In Editions Petra, Paris (Ed.), La seconde vie des objets. sous la direction d'Elisabeth Anstett et Nathalie Ortar. Dehling, A. (2014). Conjuguer avoir au pluriel : exploration anthropologique au pays de l'accumulation. In Valérie Guillard (Ed.), Boulimie d'objets, l'être et l'avoir dans nos sociétés. Edition de Boeck. Conference Presentations Dehling, A. & Sugier, L. (2015). De la polarisation des représentations de l'objet d'occasion chez le consommateur : entre objet-désir et objet-déchet. AFM Annual Conference, Marrakech, Morocco. Dehling, A. (2015, November). Dimanche au vide grenier : Périlleuse et inconfortable exploration au royaume de l'occasion. Journées Normandes de Recherche sur la Consommation, Angers, France. Dehling, A. (2015, June). De la démesure au royaume des restes : les surconsommateurs-accumulateurs d'objets d'occasion. 2ème Congrès international de l'Association Française d'Ethologie et d'Anthropologie, Toulouse, France. Rodhain, A., Dehling, A., & Silhouette-Dercourt, V. (2015, June). La réflexivité du chercheur en comportement du consommateur : une attitude responsable. 5ème Colloque du RIFREQ, 17 - 19 juin, Montpellier, France. Dehling, A. & Cléret, B. (2015, April). The antithesis of truth is untruth. When untruth is held to be true, we name it error. 8th Workshop on Interpretive Consumer Research, Edinburgh, United Kingdom. Durif, F., Rajaobelina, L., Boivin, C., & Dehling, A. (2014, August). How to explain infatuation with the online secondhand market? An analysis of motivations and perceived risks. 17tj Academy Marketing of Science World Marketing Congress, Lima, Peru. Dehling, A. (2014, June). Appropriating a good that has previously belonged to someone else: from the plurality of appropriation processes to second-hand-item consumption. Consumer Culture Theory Conference, Helsinki, Finland. Dehling, A., Durif, F., Rajaobelina, L., & Boivin, C. (2014, May). L'achat d'objets d'occasion en ligne : des motivations et des freins pas tout à fait comme les autres. AFM Annual Conference, Montpellier, France. Dehling, A. (2014, February). Conjuguer avoir au singulier et au pluriel : de la possession et de l'accumalation. A B C D ère de l'Objet, Paris, France. Dehling, A. & Giraud, M. (2014, February). I lend (almost) everything: putting ownership to the test of collaborative consumption. ARCIR Workshop, Insights on collaborative consumption, Lille, France. Dehling, A. (2013, November). La consommation d'occasion ou la mise en exergue du concept d'altérité. Journées Normandes de Recherche sur la Consommation, Caen, France. Dehling, A. (2013, September). What about ownership in the second-hand market environment. Workshop on Ownership and Decision Marketing, Vienna, Italy. Dehling, A. & Vernette, E. (2013, June). Making someone else's object one's own: The matter of secondhand item appropriation. EMAC, Istanbul, Turkey. Dehling, A. & Vernette, E. (2013, May). Au-delà des freins à l'achat d'occasion : un éclairage anthropologique sur le concept d'appropriation. AFM Annual Conference, La Rochelle, France. Dehling, A. (2013, April). Shedding more light can cast more shadows: reflections about matters of exhaustivity and partiality from a grounded theory basis. 7th Workshop on Interpretive Consumer Research, Bruxelles, Belgium. Dehling, A. (2012, November). Les concepts de possession et d'appropriation : une approche anthropologique du rapport aux achats d'occasion. Journées Normandes de Recherche sur la Consommation, Deauville, France. Balloffet, P., Dehling, A., & Stéliski, JJ. (2011, November). Le moment de l'Idée. Ecole d'automne en management de la créativité, Strasbourg/ Offenburg, France. Other Research 2015: Dehling, A., Dimanche au vide grenier : Périlleuse et inconfortable exploration au royaume de l'occasion - Journées Normandes de la Recherche en Consommation. [Learning & Pedagogical Scholarship] Professional Service Conference Workshop Congress Organization 2015: La morale des restes. Jeux de pouvoirs dans nos poubelles., EHESS, 4 juin, Paris, France (National).