Press Digest


Press Digest
May 31, 2011 I Issue No. 47
Press Digest
 English-Language Press 
Rwanda: Remittances to Hit U.S.$ 103.1 Million, Central Bank Says
The New Times; May 30, 2011
Rwandans working and living abroad are expected to send more money home as the
central bank projects remittances to increase by 4.9 percent from US$98.2m
(Rwf58.1b) to US$103.1m (Rwf61.2b) as the economy recovers.
Nigeria: Senate Wants Higher Cash Withdrawal Limit
Leadership; May 27, 2011
The Senate yesterday directed the Governor of Central Bank of Nigeria, Malam
Sanusi Lamido Sanusi, to increase the cash withdrawal limit from N150, 000 to N250,
000 and review the deadline for its commencement. It also asked the apex bank to
submit its quarterly reports on the progress of the new policy.
Kenya: KCB Eyes Uganda Mortgage Market as Demand Grows
Business Daily; May 27, 2011
KCB plans to enter the Ugandan mortgage market next month as it seeks to tap into
new financing opportunities in the real estate sector and diversify its property
business from the highly competitive Kenyan market.
Rwanda: BK to Accelerate Rural Financial Inclusion
The New Times; May 27, 2011
After the recent calls from the central bank and government for financial Institutions
to draft products to tap the unbanked rural poor, Bank of Kigali has followed suit
with three rural friendly products.
Kenya: Let Banks Sell Insurance, Jubilee Urges
Daily Nation; May 26, 2011
The Government should allow commercial banks to sell insurance products since
agents and brokers have failed to make an impact, Jubilee Insurance has said. Mr.
Weekly Press Digest
May 31, 2011 I Issue No. 47
Nizar Juma, Jubilee Holdings chairman, asked Finance minister Uhuru Kenyatta on
Thursday to legalise the sale of insurance products under what is known as
Zimbabwe: CBZ Bank Plans to List U.S.$ 50 Million Bonds in Mauritius
The Herald; May 26, 2011
CBZ Bank is finalising plans to list its US$50 million three-year Economic Recovery
Bond on the Mauritius market to allow foreign participation.
Nigeria: Minimum Cash Withdrawal to Affect Microfinance Banks
Champion; May 26, 2011
Indications are rife that the current move by the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) to
limit the amount of cash withdraw on a daily basis by individuals and corporate
bodies may at the long run have negative effects on the microfinance sub sector.
Kenya: Central Bank Seeks to Deepen Access to Financing
Daily Nation; May 25, 2011
Central Bank is implementing a system it says will increase access to finance for a
majority of Kenyans. This is aimed at lifting as many locals as possible from poverty,
the bank says.
Zimbabwe: Trust Bank Releases U.S.$ 4 Million for Farmers
The Herald; May 25, 2011
Small-scale farmers and rural agro-traders will receive a major financial boost after
the release of US$4 million Agriculture Trade Facility by Trust Bank. The facility, with
a three-month tenure, attracts an interest of 11 percent - which compares well with
the prevailing interest rates averaging 16 percent being offered in the market.
African Insurers Ponders on Microinsurance
Daily Independent; May 24, 2011
African insurance operators will be deliberating on how to carve a new horizon for
microinsurance in the continent on Thursday May 26 at Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe.
This capacity building workshop on microinsurance for insurance supervisory
authorities is being jointly organised by African Insurance Organisation (AIO) and
Access to Insurance Initiative.
Rwanda: Government Raises Rwf19.8b from Bonds
The New Times; May 24, 2011
The central bank raised Rwf19.75 billion in the last two years on behalf of
government through the auctioning of six Treasury bonds, according to sources at
the Capital Market Advisory Council (CMAC). The Minister of Finance, John
Rwangombwa, told Business Times yesterday that Government intends to issue
more bonds to support the operations of the recently launched Rwanda Stock
Exchange (RSE).
Weekly Press Digest
May 31, 2011 I Issue No. 47
Nigeria: Insurers Will Become Stronger After Divestment of Banks
Daily Independent; May 24, 2011
Commissioner for Insurance, Fola Daniel, has assured that a stronger insurance
industry will emerge after the divestment of banks from insurance institutions in line
with the directives of the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN).
 Revue de Presse Francophone 
Algérie: Le conseil de la monnaie et du crédit instaure deux nouvelles règles Opérations interbancaires et gestion du risque de liquidité encadrées
La Tribune; 28 mai 2011
Le Conseil de la monnaie et du crédit (CMC) a examiné et édicté, à l'issu d'une
session ordinaire qui s'est tenue le 24 mai dernier et présidé par le Directeur de la
banque d'Algérie, Mohamed Laksaci, deux nouveaux règlements et non des
moindres. Ces deux nouveaux textes ont pour objectif de renforcer la surveillance
des risques interbancaires et la gestion du risque de liquidité.
Algérie: Mutualité agricole - La Cnma lance l'assurance contre les pertes de
La Tribune; 25 mai 2011
Depuis plus d'une année, la Caisse Nationale de Mutualité Agricole (CNMA) a
introduit de nouveaux produits d'assurances destinés notamment aux filières
stratégiques. Dans ce contexte, elle vient d'annoncer le prochain lancement d'une
nouvelle assurance contre les pertes de rendement.
Sénégal: Kaolack - Appui aux acteurs des filières agricoles - Le Pafa dégage plus d'une
centaine de millions
Sud Quotidien; 25 mai 2011
Le Projet d'appui aux filières agricoles (Pafa) vient de mettre à la disposition de
certains acteurs des filières agricoles de la région de Kaolack une enveloppe de 105
millions de F Cfa. Cet appui entre, en effet, dans le cadre de la couverture de la
campagne hivernale d'accès aux ressources.
Vers une grille d’évaluation pour faciliter l’accès des PME sénégalais au crédit
Afrique Avenir; 24 mai 2011
L’Agence de développement et d'encadrement des Petites et Moyennes entreprises
(ADEPME) a annoncé l’élaboration par ses services d’une grille d’évaluation des PME
destinée notamment à présenter les entreprises de ce secteur éligibles aux
financements des institutions bancaires.
Weekly Press Digest
May 31, 2011 I Issue No. 47
Cameroun-Banque: Pour un fonds de garantie et d'accès au crédit des femmes
Afrique en ligne; 24 mai 2011
Elles sont estimées à près de 4,5 millions, les femmes du secteur informel du
Cameroun qui réclament un fonds de garantie pour soutenir leurs projets
économiques. Les établissements de microfinance se montrent désormais prêts à
soutenir cette initiative. L'engagement des pouvoirs publics reste attendu.
Algérie: La BADR lance un fonds de garantie des crédits agricoles
La Tribune; 24 mai 2011
Un fonds de garantie des crédits agricoles, qui va couvrir l'insolvabilité définitive des
investisseurs dans le domaine de l'agriculture, sera prochainement créé. Selon le
PDG de la Banque de l'agriculture et de développement rural BADR, M. Boualem
Djebbar, cité hier par l'APS, «le montant alloué à ce fonds est de 20 milliards (mds)
de DA avec une dotation initiale de 5 milliards de DA».
For more news on African financial sectors please click here.
Pour plus d’actualités sur la finance en Afrique veuillez cliquer ici.
Compiled by:
Alessandro Girola I Research Officer I [email protected] (English-language press)
Olivier Vidal
I Research Assistant I [email protected] (French-language press)