BCC Palm Sunday.pub - San Francisco Basque Cultural Center


BCC Palm Sunday.pub - San Francisco Basque Cultural Center
9:00 a.m. Mass at Notre Dames des Victoires
With the Elgarrekin Choir and Klika then on to the Basque
Cultural Center for some EGGceptional Easter activities….
11:00a.m. Visit from the Easter Bunny
12:00 p.m. Luncheon
$15.00 Adult Member
$20.00 Member’s Guest
$25.00 Non-Member
$ 6.00 Children under 12
2:30 p.m. Pantxoa eta Peio
Legendary Singing Duo
The Women’s Club has planned an
EGGciting surprise guest (with floppy
ears) for all the little ones 10 years old
and younger.......
(and a Raffle of beautiful Easter
Baskets for all !)
Reservations by March 23rd to:
Anita Arduain at 650-583-7018
Don’t forget to give Anita the number
and names of children 10 and under
that you’re bringing on Palm Sunday.
Luncheon Price without reservation
will be $25.