Farmers` Forum workshop report


Farmers` Forum workshop report
Farmers’ Forum participants
East and Southern Africa
Mr Renaldo Chingore João, President, Uniao Nacional de Camponeses (UNAC)
Maputo, Mozambique. Tel. +258-21-300599/306737
(c/o Sr Diamantino: Tel. +258-21-311828); Fax +258-21-306738;
[email protected]; [email protected]
Mr Leonard Nduati Kariuki, National Chairman, Kenya National Federation of
Agricultural Producers (KENFAP), Nairobi, Kenya. Tel. +254-20-4449342/7458;
Fax +254-20-4447459; [email protected]; [email protected]
Mr Philip Kiriro, President, East Africa Farmers Federation (EAFF), Nairobi, Kenya.
Tel. Office: +254-20-4451691; [email protected]; [email protected]
Address c/o KENFAP, Nairobi, Kenya. Tel. +254-20-608324/500036;
Fax +254-20-608325; [email protected]
Mr Sylvère Mudendeli, Responsable lobbying, bureau national, IMBARAGA, Rwanda.
Tel. +250-08-558027 (mobile); [email protected]; [email protected]
Mr Hajasoanirina Rakotomandimby, Secrétaire général, Firaisankinan’ny Tantsaha eto
Madagasikara ou Coalition Paysanne de Madagascar (FTM/CPM),
Atananarivo, Madagascar. Tel. +261-202232561; Fax +261-202265867;
Mobile: +261-331132561; [email protected]
Mr Stephen A. Ruvuga, National Coordinator, Mtandao wa Vikundi vya Wakulima
Tanzania (MVIWATA), Morogoro, Tanzania. Tel/Fax +255-(0)2614184;
Fax +255-(0)2614184; Mobile +255-(0)744 38 92 47; [email protected];
[email protected]
Mr Ajaykumar Manubhai Vashee, President, Southern African Confederation of
Agricultural Unions (SACAU); Pretoria, South Africa. Tel. +27-12-3226980;
Fax +27-12-3200557; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected];
[email protected]
West and Central Africa
Mr King-David Amoah, Farmers’ Organisations Network in Ghana (FONG)
Accra, Ghana. Tel. +233-21-315894; [email protected]; [email protected]
Mr Makanjuola Olaseinde Arigbede, National Coordinator; Union of Small & Medium
Scale Farmers of Nigeria (USMEFAN), Member of the Steering Committee of the
Farmers’ Forum. IBADAN; Oyo State, Nigeria. Tel. +234-2-8107367;
Fax +234-2-8107367; Tel/fax +234-2-8103720; Mobile +234-8034647797;
[email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected];
[email protected]
Mr Djibo Bagna, Secrétaire Général de la Coordination Nationale de la Plateforme
Paysanne du Niger (CNPFP/N); c/o Association pour la Redynamisation de l’Élevage
au Niger (AREN), Niamey, Niger. Tel. +227-732-352, +227-736622;
Fax +227-733-650; Mobile (dir) +227-934148, 227-573142; Fax +227-736621;
[email protected]; [email protected]; c/o AREN [email protected];
[email protected]; [email protected]
Mr Jacques Bonou, Secrétaire Général, Fédération des Unions de Producteurs du Bénin
(FUPRO), Chaiman of IFAP African Committee. Bohicon, Bénin. Tel. +229-510700;
Fax +229- 510946; [email protected]; Web Site:
Mr Ibrahima Coulibaly, Président, Coordination Nationale des Organisations
Paysannes du Mali (CNOP), Association des Organisations Professionnelles
Paysannes (AOPP). Bamako, Mali. Tel. +223-228-7415/272 34 88 (dir);
Tel. c/o AOPP +223-228-6781/223-6761126; Fax c/o AOPP:+223-224-6119;
[email protected]; [email protected]
Mr Gustave Medjeme Ewolé, Bureau Exécutif, Plateforme sous-régionale des
Organisations Paysannes d’Afrique Centrale (PROPAC); Concertation Nationale des
Organisations Paysannes (CNOP-CAM). Yaoundé, Cameroun. Tel. +237-2002696
or +237-7897103; Tel/Fax +237-2234190; Mobile +237-9825940;
[email protected]
Mr NDiogou Fall, Président , Réseaux des Organisations Paysannes et Producteurs
agricoles de l’Afrique de l’Ouest (ROPPA), Member of the Steering Committee
of the Farmers’ Forum; s/c FONGS, Thiès, Sénégal. Tel. +221-9511237;
Fax +221-9512059; [email protected]; [email protected];
[email protected]
Mr Samba Gueye, President, Conseil National de Concertation et de Coopération des
Ruraux (CNCR). Dakar, Sénégal. Tel +221-8255665/8244874; Fax +221-8274101/
8321102; Mobile +221-5695541; [email protected] (c/o CNCR Mme Sow)
M Francois Traoré, President, Confédération Paysanne du Faso (CPF). Bobo Dioulasso,
Burkina Faso. Tel. +226-5030184; Fax +226-20983168; Mobile +226-70200303;
[email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected];
[email protected]
Near East and North Africa
Mr Labidi Abdelmajid, Union Tunisienne de l’Agriculture et de la Pêche (UTAP).
Tunis, Tunisie. Tel. +216-71800800/98538040; Fax +216-71807041;
[email protected]; [email protected]
Mr Ismail Daiq, Palestinian Agriculture Relief Committee (PARC). Shu'fat, Jerusalem,
Palestine. Tel. +972-25833818; +972-0522868634; Fax +972-25831898
[email protected] (dir); [email protected]
Mr Vicente A. Fabe, Chairperson, PAKISAMA. Quezon City, Philippines.
Tel. +632-436-1689; Tel/Fax +632-436-347; Mobile 09178205025;
[email protected]; [email protected];
cc:[email protected]; [email protected];
Mr Sarath Fernando, Movement for National and Agricultural Reform (MONLAR).
Rajagiriya, Sri Lanka. Tel. +94-11-2865534/4407663; Fax +94-11-4407633;
[email protected]; [email protected]
Mr Nguyen Manh Hung, Viet Nam Farmers Union (VNFU). Hanoi, Viet Nam.
Tel. +844-845775; Fax +844-7334031; Mobile 0912817668;
[email protected]; cc:[email protected]
Mr Raul Q. Montemayor, National Manager, Federation of Free Farmers Cooperatives,
Inc. (FFFC): Chairman, IFAP Asian Committee. Quezon City, The Philippines.
Tel. +63-2-6471093; Fax +63-2-6471451; [email protected]
Ms Reema Nanavaty, Director, Economic and Rural Development, Self Employed
Women's Association (SEWA). Gujarat, India.
Tel. +91-79-26589729/26574341/26574880; Fax +91-79-26574678;
[email protected] (dir.); [email protected]. Or, Self Employed Women
Association (SEWA). Ahmedabad, India. Tel. +91-79-25506444/25511430/33;
Fax +91-79-25506446; [email protected]
Ms Estrella Penunia (Banzuela), Secretary General, Asian Farmers’ Association for
Sustainable Rural Development (AFA), c/o Asian Partnership for the Development
of Human Resources in Rural Asia (ASIADHRRA). Quezon City, The Philippines.
Tel. +63-2-4364706; Fax +63-2-4266739; [email protected];
Mr Somaeri, Federasi Serikat Petani Indonesia (FSPI), La Via Campesina – International
Operative Secretariat (LVC-IOS). Jakarta, Indonesia. Tel. +62-21-7991890;
Fax +62-21-7993426/7991890; [email protected]; [email protected];
Mr Keemrul Alam Suman, Press and Publication Secretary, Bangladesh Krishok
Federation (BKF). Dhaka, Bangladesh. Tel. +880-2-9559356; Fax +880-2-9559356;
Mobile +880-174010713; c/o Badrul Alam: [email protected]
Mr Tri Heru Wardoyo, Chairperson, Asian Farmers' Association for Sustainable Rural
Development (AFA). Quezon City, The Philippines. Tel. +63-2-4364706;
Fax +632-4266739; [email protected]; [email protected];
Mr Herman Kumara Wijethunge, National Fisheries Solidarity Movement (NAFSO)
General Secretary, World Forum of Fishermen Peoples (WFFP). Colombo, Sri Lanka.
Tel. +94-31-4870658; Fax +94-31-4872692; [email protected]
Central America
Mr Rogelio Alqusiras Burgos, Union Nacional De Organizaciones Regionales
Campesinas Autonomas, (UNORCA). Mexico, D.F. Tel. +52-55-57415065/
57400486; Fax +52-55-57415065; [email protected],
[email protected]; [email protected];
Contact: c/o Ms Maricruz Neto: [email protected]
Mr Gilberto Atz Sunuc, Coordinadora Nacional de Organizaciones Campesinas
(CNOC). Guatemala. [email protected], [email protected]
(Gilberto Atz); [email protected], [email protected] (Mauro Vay);
Ms Alicia Calles Casaca, Consejo Coordinador de Organizaciones Campesinas de
Honduras (COCOCH). Tegucigalpa MDC, Honduras. Tel/Fax +504-23-59915/24679;
[email protected]; [email protected];
[email protected]; [email protected]
Mr Alvaro Fiallos, Union Nacional des Agricultores e Ganaderos (UNAG) Nicaragua.
Tel. +268-7429-2661675; Fax +268-7429-2662135; Tel. Office +505-2687439;
Tel/Fax +505-2502044; Tel. Home +505-2543778/79; [email protected];
[email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected];
[email protected]; [email protected]
Mr Jorge Eduardo Gonzalez, Mesa Nacional Campesina de Costa Rica (MNC-CR).
San José, Costa Rica. Tel. +506-258-0390; Fax +506-258-0390; [email protected];; [email protected]
Mr Lovo Mantilla, Asociación Trabajadores del Campo (ATC) Nicaragua.
Tel/Fax +505-2784575; [email protected]; [email protected]
South America
Ms Nemesia Achacollo, Federación Nacional de Mujeres Campesinas de Bolivia
‘Bartolina Sisa’ (FNMCB), member, International Coordinating Committee,
La Via Campesina; member of the Steering Committee of the Farmers’ Forum.
La Paz, Bolivia. Tel. (dir) +591-2-71368531/77034367/70580790;
Tel/Fax 591-2-2311037; Secretaria Ejecutiva Nacional, N. Achacollo,
Tel. +591-71368531; Secretaria de Relaciones, B. Villca, Tel. +591-71884425;
[email protected]; cc: [email protected]; [email protected];
[email protected]
Mr Alberto Ercilio Broch, Executive Secretary, Coordinadora de productores familiares
del MERCOSUR (COPROFAM), Member of the Steering Committee of the Farmers’
Forum, c/o Confereraçao Nacional dos Trabalhadores na Agricoltura (CONTAG).
Brasilia, Brazil. Or CONTAG – Sedar de Diversoes SUL, Brazil;
Tel. +5561-2102-2288; +5561-8134-0389; Fax +5561-2102-2299;
[email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected];
Mr Ciro Correa, Movimento dos Trabalhadores Rurais Sem Terra (MST). Sao Paulo,
Brazil. Tel. +55-11-33613866; [email protected]; c/o Ms Dulcinéia Pavan,
MST/Secretaría de Relaciones Internacionales: [email protected]
Mr Vicente Facco, Secretary, Confederação Nacional Dos Trabalhadores Na Agricultura
(CONTAG). Brazil. Tel. +55-61-21022288; Fax +55-61-21022299; [email protected];
[email protected]; [email protected];
Mr Fernando Ariel Lopez Rodriguez, President, Comisión Nacional de Fomento Rural
(CNFR), Chairman of the IFAP Latin American comité. Montevideo, Uruguay.
Tel. +598-2-2003519/2040133; Fax +598-2-2089526; [email protected];
[email protected];
Mr Pedro Peretti, Federación Agraria Argentina (FAA). Rosario, Pcia. de Santa Fe,
Argentina. Tel. +341-512-2000, +541143435478; Fax +341-512-2001;
[email protected]; [email protected]
Mr Altemir Antonio Tortelli, General Coordinator, Federaçao dos Trabalhadores
Agricoltura Familiar (FETRAF-SUL). Chapecó SC, Brazil. Tel/Fax +55-49-33247768;
[email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]
OECD Countries
Mr Laurent Fischer, Jeunes Agriculteurs (JA). Paris, France. Tel. +331-42651751;
Fax +331-47426284; [email protected]; [email protected] (dir);
[email protected] (c/c assistant)
Mme Claude Girod, Responsable de la Commission ‘International’, Confédération
Paysanne. Frangy-en Bresse, France. Tel. +33-3-85747189;
[email protected]; [email protected]
Mr Paul Nicholson, Union de Ganaderos y Agricultores Vascos (EHNE/UGAV). Spain.
Fax +34-9-46252641; [email protected]; [email protected]
Ms Marie Christine Talbot, Directrice à la programmation et adjointe au directeur
général; Union des Producteurs Agricoles - Développement International
(UPA-DI), 555, Boul. Roland-Therrien, bureau 020, Longueuil (Québec),
Canada J4H 4E7. Tel. +1-450-679-0530; Fax +1-450-463-5202;
[email protected]; [email protected]
Mr Ignace Cousemment, Board Member, AgriCord, Leuven, Belgium.
Tel. +32-16286080; Fax +32-16286409; [email protected] (dir);
cc : [email protected]
Ms Laure Hamdi, Directrice, Agriculteurs Français - Développement International
(AFDI), Paris, France. Tel. +331-45622642; Fax +331-42895816;
[email protected]
Mr Franz van Hoof, Head of the Advisory Department, Agriterra, Arnhem, The
Netherlands. Tel. 26-4455445; Fax +26-4455978; [email protected]
International Federations/Networks
Mr Pedro Avendaño Garcès, Executive Director, World Forum of Fish Harvesters and
Fishworkers (WFF); Member of the Steering Committee of the Farmers’ Forum,
Ottawa, Ontario, CANADA. Tel. +1-613-2353474; Fax +1-613-2314313;
Mobile +1-613-8685213; c/o WWF [email protected] (direct)
Mr Zainal Arifin Fuat, La Via Campesina/ International Operative Secretariat
(LVC/IOS); Member of the Steering Committee of the Farmers’ Forum, Jakarta,
Indonesia. Tel. +62-21-7991890; Fax +62-21-7993426;
[email protected]
Ms Cristina Grandi, Liaison Office to FAO, Manager, International Federation of
Organic Agriculture Movements (IFOAM), Rome, Italy. Tel. +39-06-45437485;
[email protected]
Ms Mercy Karanja, Development Policy Coordinator, IFAP; Member of the Steering
Committee of the Farmers’ Forum, Paris, France. Tel. +33-1-45260553;
Fax +33-1-48747212; [email protected]
Mr Jack Wilkinson, President, International Federation of Agricultural Producers (IFAP);
Member of the Steering Committee of the Farmers’ Forum. Tel. +33-1-45260553;
Fax 33-1-48747212; Tel/Fax Canada: +17-05-6473623; [email protected]
Ms Béatriz Gasco-Verdier, Secretariat, International Planning Committee for Food
Sovereignty (IPC), Rome, Italy. Tel. +349-8466103; [email protected]
Mr Don Marquez, Asian NGO for Agrarian Reform and Rural Development (ANGOC).
Tel. +63-2-4337653; [email protected]; [email protected]
Mr Joseph Mbinji, Zambia Land Alliance. Tel. +260-1-222432; [email protected]
Mr Antonio Onorati, President, International Planning Committee for Food Sovereignty
(IPC), Rome, Italy. Tel. +349 8466103/8219456; [email protected]
Mr Marek Poznanski, Collectif Stratégies Alimentaires (CSA), Bruxelles, Belgique.
Tel. +32-02-4120660; Fax +32-02-4120666; [email protected]
Ms Marlene Ramirez, Secretary-General, Asian Partnership for the Development of
Human Resources in Rural Asia (AsiaDHRRA), c/o Asian Farmers' Association
for Sustainable Rural Development (AFA), Quezon City, The Philippines.
Tel. +632-436-4706, +632-426-6739; [email protected];
Mr Helmer Velasquez, Coordinación de ONG y Cooperativas (CONGCOOP),
Tel. +502-2.4320966; [email protected]; [email protected]
Mr Diego Colatei, Programme Officer, Resources and Strategic Partnerships Unit, FAO,
Rome, Italy. Tel. +39-06-57054370; [email protected]
Mr Paolo Groppo, Land Tenure Systems Analysis Officer, Land Tenure Service,
Rural Development Division, FAO, Rome, Italy. Tel. +39-06-57054741;
[email protected]
Ms Alberta Mascaretti, Food Security Officer, FAO, Rome, Italy. Tel. +39-06-57055362
[email protected]
Mr Thomas L. Price, Officer-In-Charge and Senior Programme Officer, Civil Society
Cooperation Resources and Strategic Partnerships Unit, FAO, Rome, Italy.
Tel. +39-06-57054775; Mobile +39-3406999731; Tel/Fax +39-06-57055175
[email protected]
Ms Annalisa Mauro, International Land Coalition, Secretariat at IFAD, Rome, Italy.
Tel. +39-06-54592110; [email protected];
Mr Bruce Moore, Coordinator, International Land Coalition. Tel. +39-06-54592206
[email protected]
Mr Sirait Martua, World Agroforestry Center (ICRAF). Tel. +62-251-625415
[email protected]; [email protected]
Mr Ibrahim Assane Mayaki, Directeur executif, Plateforme-Appui au Développement
Rural en Afrique de l'Ouest et du Centre, c/o UNOPS, Dakar-Fann, Sénégal.
Tel. +221-8693838; Fax +221-8693815; [email protected]
Mr Christophe Lesueur, Expert Marchés et compétitivité, La Plateforme-Appui au
Développement Rural en Afrique de l'Ouest et du Centre, c/o UNOPS, Regional
Office for West and Central Africa, Dakar-Fann, Sénégal. Tel. +221-8693648;
Fax +221-8693815; [email protected]
Mr Alvaro Ramos, Programma FIDA MERCOSUR, Unidad de Coordinación Regional,
Montevideo, Uruguay. Tel. +598-2-4136411/6381; [email protected];
Mr Miguel Gomez, Director, Unidad Regional de Asistencia Técnica (RUTA), Desarrollo
Rural Sostenibile de Centroamérica, San José; Costa Rica. Tel. +506-255-4011,
ext. 234; Fax +506-222-2100
Mr Espedito Rufino de Araújo, Project Director, Sustainable Development Project
for Agrarian Reform Settlements in the Semi-Arid North-East Project (Brazil), Recife,
Pernambuco, Brazil. Tel. +55-81-3301-1355; Fax +55 81-3301-7388;
[email protected]
Mr Pablo Glikman, Rome, Italy. Tel. +39-06-54602667; Mobile 333-7411121;
[email protected]
Mr Thierry Lassalle, GRET, Centre for Rural Community Empowerment, School
of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, Sovenga , Republic of South Africa.
Tel. +27-15-2684907; Fax +27-15-2683212; Mobile +27-72-1201428;
[email protected]
Ms Nora McKeon, Coordinator, Terra Nuova Centro per il Volontariato, Rome, Italy.
Tel. +39-06-78393089/78393196; Fax +39-06-78398813; Mobile 335-8388785;
[email protected], [email protected]
Mr Michel Merlet, IRAM, Paris, France. Tel. c/o IRAM +331-44086747;
Tel. c/o alter +331-43947296; Mobile 33-(0)673629559; [email protected];
[email protected]; [email protected]
Mr Brett Shapiro, Consultant, Rome, Italy, Tel. +39-06-7897005; Mobile 339-7580850;
[email protected]
Mr Ray Almeida, Senior International Policy Analyst, Bread for the World Institute,
Washington, DC, USA
Ms Sue Bertrand, Vice-President for Global Services, Heifer Project International,
Little Rock, USA
Ms Emily Byers, Senior Trade Policy Analyst, Bread for the World Institute,
Washington, DC, USA
Mr Thoric Cederstrom, Vice-President, Counterpart International, Washington, DC, USA
Mr Pasquale De Muro, Professor of Economia del territorio e di Economia dello
sviluppo umano and Coordinator, “Food Security and Human Development”
Master’s programme, Roma Tre University, Facoltà di Economia, Rome, Italy
Ms Janet Hall, Senior Policy Advisor, United Nations Foundation
Mr Cees Van Rij, Liaison Officer, AGRITERRA, Arnhem, The Netherlands
Mr Terry Wollen, Director of Animal Well-Being, Heifer International, Little Rock, USA
Fifty-seven IFAD Staff members and managers participated in the Farmers Forum
deliberations, including the directors of Policy Division, Western and Central Africa
Division, Eastern and Southern Africa Division, Asia and Pacific Division and Latin
America and Caribbean Division.
The Farmers Forum was inaugurated by the President of IFAD, Mr Lennart Bage, and
concluded by the Vice President, Mr Cyril Enweze.