Booking a room
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Shopping for presents and clothes
was the currency of France) is repeated regularly on BBC Learning Zone (BBC Two). Check out the details on and video the programmes to watch at your leisure.
Plus en détailFamily
Stage 2: Talking about the family Join Hakim M’Barek as he visits an old friend and meets his wife and family for the first time. Watch the slideshow and have a go at the activities. Talk French: T...
Plus en détailDirections
Learning hint Remembering French words and phrases gets easier if you incorporate them into your everyday life. So, when you’re out walking or driving by yourself, talk through your journey in Fren...
Plus en détailTravelling on public transport
Visit the TGV website and see the various routes by clicking on the French map Préparez votre voyage. Once you’ve chosen a departure town and a destination, click on Horaires et réserva...
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