Happy Birthday E.B. White July 11, 1899


Happy Birthday E.B. White July 11, 1899
Happy Birthday E.B. White
July 11, 1899
Description of Program:
We’re celebrating the
anniversary of E.B. White’s 110th birthday. Our party will
include stories, games, activities and crafts based on Charlotte’s Web.
Some Pig by E.B. White This picture book story of Charlotte’s Web relates the special relationship between a young
girl named Fern and Wilbur, the spring pig she raises and
Charlotte’s Web by E.B. White: Choose a chapter or favorite
passage to read.
Charlotte’s Web Play Have volunteers or staff read the play
available from the Scholastic site:
Songs & Group Game
Pass Wilbur Game (Charlotte’s Web Soundtrack) Play
songs from The Charlotte’s Web CD. Have the children sit in a circle and pass around a pig toy. When
you stop the music, the child holding the pig must sit in the center of the circle (the pig pen). The last child
receives a copy of the book Charlotte’s Web and the “pigs” receive a sticker or other small prize.
Egg Race Have children line up in two lines. The first child in the line is given a spoon with a plastic egg.
They walk quickly to the end of the race line, turn, and go back to the line and pass the spoon and egg to
the next person. The team that finishes first receives a prize.
Templeton’s Lair Fill a large box with shredded paper and a variety of objects that Templeton might
have put in his home. Mark one object with a special mark or sticker. Children take turns finding these
items in the box. The child who finds the marked object wins a prize.
Charlotte’s Web Lotto
Craft, Game & Activity Stations
The following activities and games can be set up as stations so that children can choose which one
to do and how long to stay at each station. A total of 6-8 craft, activity, and game stations works
Games & Activity Stations
Charlotte’s Web Uno Game Print out the Uno cards from the site below, cut and then laminate them:.
Play game like Uno is played. http://kidscrafts.suite101.com/article.cfm/charlotte_s_web_uno
Charlotte’s Web surprise: Wrap small prizes in ”spider web” from craft store (could also use yarn).
Children choose one and then unwind the web to discover their prize.
Charlotte’s Web Dominoes. Print the dominoes from site below. Cut out and laminate.http://
Pin the tail on Wilbur Make a large drawing or print out a picture of Wilbur. Have the children close
their eyes (or blindfold) and try to put the tail on Wilbur.
Web Maze http://www.harpercollinschildrens.com/harperchildrens/harperchildrensimages/Printable/
Word Search http://www.harpercollinschildrens.com/harperchildrens/harperchildrensimages/Printable/
Guessing Game http://www.harpercollinschildrens.com/harperchildrens/harperchildrensimages/Printable/
Dot to Dot http://www.abcteach.com/Dots/pigfives.htm
Craft Stations
Web Names
What you will need: paper, scissors, glue, and yarn, and paper
printed with a spider web. Have the children write their names
or a chosen word on the web with glue. Press the yarn to the
Charlotte Web Character Puppets
Cut out Charlotte’s web characters from coloring pages and have
the children color and cut them out. The characters can then be
attached to craft sticks or toilet paper rolls to create puppets.
Children can then use the puppets to tell their own version of the
story. Also see finger puppet patterns below:
Pig Finger Puppets
Spider Finger Puppet
Coloring Pages & games
Birthday cupcakes with plastic spiders for decoration. Cut up snacks that Wilbur gave to
Templeton: donuts, cheese, pieces of fruit, etc.
Sources of Party Good
Oriental Trading [farm animals, spiders, etc.] www.orientaltrading.com
More information or questions?
Contact Mary Marshall, Addison Public Library, marshall @addisonlibrary.org