CURRICULUM VITAE NAME CASOLI Vincent ADDRESS PLASTIC AND BURN DEPARTMENT Centre FX MICHELET, BORDEAUX CHU Place Amélie Raba Léon 33076 Bordeaux Cedex Email: [email protected] INSERM U876 Dermatology Unit, Pr. A. Taieb Gene Transfer in stem cells Genes Therapy Director Pr. Hubert de Verneuil Victor Segalen University, Bordeaux 2 146, rue Léo Saignat - 33076 - BORDEAUX CEDEX - France LABORATORY OF ANATOMY Victor Segalen University, Bordeaux 2 Medical School 146, rue Léo Saignat - 33076 - BORDEAUX CEDEX - France EDUCATION 1995: MD 2003: PHD Faculty of Medicine Bordeaux 2, F-33000 France Victor Segalen University, Bordeaux 2, F-33000 France POSTDOCTORAL TRAINING 1995-1996: Microsurgery Research Fellow (Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery) Prs. P. Weeks, R. Khouri, Barnes Hospital, and Washington University School of Medicine St-Louis, Missouri, USA. ACADEMIC APPOINTMENTS 1996-2000: Assistant Professor, Department of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, CHU Bordeaux, Faculty of Medicine Victor Segalen Bordeaux 2, F-33000 France. 2000-2004: Associate Professor, Department of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Burn Unit, CHU Bordeaux, Faculty of Medicine Bordeaux, F33000 France. 1 2004-present : Full Professor, Chief of Department of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Burn Unit, CHU Bordeaux, Faculty of Medicine Bordeaux, F33000 France. RESEARCH ACTIVITIES INSERM U 876: Gene Transfer in stem cells. New animal model for Long term study of human pigmented epidermal reconstructs. In vivo and in vitro study of dermal fibroblasts influence on human epidermal pigmentation. Genes Modulation for skin and adipocytes vascularization. MEDICAL ACTIVITIES PLASTIC AND BURN DEPARTMENT: Pellegrin Hospital, BORDEAUX CHU Plastic and reconstructive surgery in burns. Hand surgery. Plastic and reconstructive surgery for lower limbs trauma and cancer defects. Transsexuals surgery. Cosmetic surgery. TEACHING ACTIVITIES LABORATORY OF ANATOMY: Victor Segalen University, Bordeaux 2 Gross Anatomy for medical students and residents in surgery. Director of the Diploma of surgical anatomy of flaps since 1998. Director of the Diploma of surgical anatomy of the hand since 2000. SCIENTIFIC SOCIETIES Association des Anatomistes de Langue Française Société Française d'Etude et de Traitement des Brûlures Société Française de Chirurgie Plastique Reconstructrice et Esthétique collège de Chirurgie Plastique, Reconstructrice et Esthétique Société Française de Chirurgie de la Main. GRANTS Médaille de bronze de la Défense Nationale à titre exceptionnel avec agrafe « Service de Santé » (1993) Lauréat de la Bourse LAVOISIER du Ministère des Affaires Etrangères (1995) Lauréat de la Bourse de la Fondation de France (1995) Lauréat de la Bourse de la Société Française de Chirurgie de la Main (1995) Lauréat de la Bourse de la Fondation pour la Recherche Médicale (1999) Lauréat de la Bourse du Ministère de la Santé : STIC (2008) INTERNATIONAL JOURNALS P1 - Martin D., Bakhach J., Casoli V., Pélissier Ph., Ciria G., Khouri R.K., Baudet J. Reconstruction of the hand with forearm island flaps. Clinics in Plastic Surgery, 1997; 24: 33 - 49. P2 - Khouri R.K., Young V.L., Casoli V.M. 2 Long Term Results of Total Penile Reconstruction with a Prefabricated Lateral Arm Free Flap. J. Urology, 1998; 160: 383-8. P3 - Pélissier Ph., Casoli V., Bakhach J., Martin D., Baudet J. Reverse Dorsal digital and metacarpal flaps: a review of 27 cases. Plast Reconstr Surg, 1999; 103: 159-65. P4 - Pélissier Ph., Casoli V., Demiri E., Martin D., Baudet J. Soleus-fibula free transfer in lower limb reconstruction. Plast Reconstr Surg, 2000; 105: 567-73. P5 - Pelissier Ph., Genin-Etcheberry T., Casoli V., Pistre V., Martin D., Baudet J. Limits and indications of the dorsal transposition flap: Critical evaluation of 15 cases. J. Hand Surg, 2001; 26A: 277-82. P6 - Pélissier Ph., Casoli V., Le Bail B., Martin D., Baudet J. Internal use of n-butyl-2-cyanoacrylate (Indermil®) for wound closure: An experimental study. Plast Reconstr Surg, 2001; 108: 1661-6. P7 - Pélissier Ph., Pistre V., Casoli V., Lim A., Martin D., Baudet J. Dorso-ulnar osteocutaneous reverse flow flap of the thumb. J. Hand Surg, 2001; 26B: 207-11. P8 - Pélissier Ph., Pistre V., Casoli V., Martin D., Baudet J. Reconstruction of short lower leg stumps with the osteomusculocutaneous latissimus dorsi-rib flap. Plast Reconstr Surg, 2002; 109: 1013-7. P9 - Cario-Andre M., Casoli V., Pain C., Costet P., Taieb A. PP-25 Long term study of human pigmented epidermal reconstructs grafted on nude mice. Pigment Cell Res, 2003; 16: 601. P10 - Levy S.M., Taylor G.I, Baudet J., Guerin J., Casoli V., Pan W.R., Houseman N.D. Angiosomes of the brachial plexus: an anatomical study. Plast Reconstr Surg, 2003; 112: 1799-806. P11 - Casoli V., Verolino P., Pélissier Ph., Kostopoulos E., Caix Ph., Delmas V., Martin D., Baudet J. The retrograde neurocutaneous island flap of the dorsal branch of the ulnar nerve: anatomical basis and clinical application. Surg Radiol Anat, 2004; 26: 8-3. P12 - Casoli V., Cario-André M., Costet P., Pain C., Taïeb A. Comparison of long-term survival of pigmented epidermal reconstructs cultured in vitro vs. xenografted on nude mice. Pigment Cell Res, 2004; 17: 87-2. P13 - Casoli V., Verolino P., Castède JC., Pélissier Ph., Martin D., Baudet J. One-stage complete phalloplasty with forearm free flap after severe electrical burns. Plast Reconstr Surg, 2004; 113: 313-6. P14 - Casoli V., Kostopoulos E., Pélissier Ph., Caix Ph., Martin D., Baudet J. The middle collateral artery: anatomic basis for the "extreme" lateral arm flap. Surg Radiol Anat, 2004; 26: 172-7. 3 P15 - Casoli V., Dauphin N., Taki Ch., Pélissier Ph., Boudard Ph., Caix Ph., Delmas V. Anatomy and blood supply of the subgaleal fascia flap. Clinical Anatomy, 2004; 5: 392-9. P16 - de Seze MP., Rezzouk J., de Seze M., Uzel M., Lavignolle B., Durandeau A., Casoli V., Midy D. Anterior innervation of the proximal tibiofibular joint. Surg Radiol Anat, 2005; 27: 30-2. P17 - Verolino P., Casoli V., Kostopoulos E., Castede J.C., Pelissier P., Martin D., Baudet J. Second to third phalanx vascularized bone transfer. Plast Reconstr Surg, 2006 ; 117: 1-5. P18 - Kostopoulos E., Casoli V., Verolino P., Papadopoulos O. Arterial blood supply of the extensor apparatus of the long fingers. Plast Reconstr Surg, 2006 ; 117: 2310-8. discussion 2319. P19 - Cario-Andre M ., Pain C., Gauthier Y., Casoli V., Taieb A. In vivo and in vitro evidence of dermal fibroblasts influence on human epidermal pigmentation. Pigment Cell Res, 2006; 434-42. P20 - Pinsolle V, Tessier R, Casoli V, Martin D, Baudet J. The pedicled vascularised scapular bone flap for proximal humerus reconstruction and short humeral stump lengthening. J Plast Reconstr Aesthet Surg, 2007;60: 1019-24. P21 - Pelissier P, Santoul M, Pinsolle V, Casoli V, Behan F. The keystone design perforator island flap. Part I: anatomic study. J Plast Reconstr Aesthet Surg, 2007; 60: 883-7. P22 - Gabriele D, Colonna MR, Vincent C. A novel technique of thumb collateral ligament reconstruction in acute injuries. J Hand Surg, Eur Vol. 2007; 32 : 602-3. P23 - Verolino P, Casoli V, Masia D, Delia G, Isacu C, Castede JC. A skin substitute (Integra((R))) in a successful delayed reconstruction of a severe injured hand. Burns, 2008; 34: 284-7. P24 - Katrana F, Kostopoulos E, Delia G, Lunel GG, Casoli V. Reanimation of thumb extension after upper extremity degloving injury treated with Integra. J Hand Surg, Eur Vol. 2008; 33 :800-2. P25 - Pelissier P, Gardet H, Sawaya E, Pinsolle V, Casoli V. Anatomical study of the palmar intermetacarpal perforator flap. J Hand Surg, Eur Vol. 2009; 34 :224-6. NATIONAL JOURNALS P26 - Carrat X., Casoli V., Chabrol A., Rebufy M. Quel est votre diagnostic? Un mauvais cou. Le Concours Médical, 1994 ; 116 : 1369-70. 4 P27 - Baudet J., Pélissier Ph., Casoli V. Dix ans de lambeaux cutanés. Les lambeaux préfabriqués. Ann Chir Plast Esthét, 1995; 40 : 597-605. P28 - Pélissier Ph., Casoli V., Bakhach J., Martin D., Baudet J. Le lambeau brachial extrême. Chirurgie, 1996 ; 121 : 643-7. P29 - Legaillard P., Grangier Y., Casoli V., Martin D., Baudet J. Le Lambeau Boomerang: Véritable lambeau cross finger pédiculé en un temps. Ann Chir Plast Esthét, 1996; 41: 251-8. P30 - Martin D., Pélissier Ph., Casoli V., Baudet J. Reconstruction of the pharyngeal wall by free transfer of the greater omentum and stomach. Médecine Biologie Environnement, 1997; 25 : 135-37. P31 - Pélissier Ph., Casoli V., Martin D., Demiri E., Baudet J. Le lambeau sous-mental en îlot. Mode de prélèvement et variantes possibles dans la reconstruction faciale. Rev Laryngol Otol Rhinol, 1997; 118 : 39-42. P32 - Martin D., Pélissier Ph., Casoli V., Baudet J. Mise au point et revue à moyen terme de la technique d'allongement pédiculaire en YV à flux rétrograde. Revue de 7 années d'expérience. Ann Chir Plast Esthét, 1997; 42 : 581-586. P33 - Pélissier Ph., Elbaz M., Casoli V., Martin D., Baudet J. Place de la reconstruction digitale en urgence par la technique de "repositionlambeau". Ann Chir Plast Esthét, 1998; 43: 182-7. P34 - Martin D., Pélissier Ph., Riahi R., Casoli V., Baudet J. La plastie abdominale avec liposuccion intrapariétale dossiciée. Note technique. Ann Chir Plast Esthét, 1998 ; 43 : 64-8. P35 - Pélissier Ph., Riahi R., Casoli V., Martin D., Baudet J. Les anastomoses nerveuses termino-latérales. Rapport clinique préliminaire. Ann Chir Plast Esthét, 2001 ; 46 :129-33. P36 - Martin D., Pinsolle V., Casoli V., Kakas P., Pelissier P., Baudet J. Complex nasal reconstruction: past, present, and future techniques. Rev Stomatol Chir Maxillo fac, 2003; 104: 149-58. P37 - Grinfeder C., Pinsolle V., Pelissier P., Casoli V., Martin D., Baudet J. Reverse latissimus dorsi musculocutaneous flap: anatomic study of the secondary pedicles. Ann Chir Plast Esthet, 2005; 50: 270-4. P38 - Gardet H., Pinsolle V., Pelissier P., Casoli V., Martin D. Antebrachial flap based on distal perforators of the radial artery: anatomic study of 10 cases. Ann Chir Plast Esthet, 2006; 51: 47-52. P39 - Castus P., Delia G., Masia D., Casoli V., Chauveaux D., Martin D. 5 Filling of a lateral pre-malleolar soft tissue defect with the extensor digitorum brevis flap and the abductor digiti minimi flap. Ann Chir Plast Esthet, 2007 ; 52: 140-3. P40 - Guimberteau JC, Panconi B, Bakhach J, Casoli V. Why think about tendons allotransplantation in hand surgery in 1989? Ann Chir Plast Esthet, 2007; 52: 414-423. P41 - Casoli V, Rousvoal A, Zirak C, Bakhach J, Guimberteau JC. Composite digital allotransplants: surgical technique and different applications. Ann Chir Plast Esthet, 2007; 52: 459-466. P42 - Bakhach J, Casoli V, Guimberteau JC. The cryopreservation of composite tissues: principle, literature review and preliminary results of our own experiments. Ann Chir Plast Esthet, 2007; 52: 531-547. P43 - Delia G, Delfino S, Persichetti P, Stagno d'Alcontres F, Casoli V. Fibular pedicled proximal vascular island flap for distal femoral bone reconstruction. Anatomical study. Ann Chir Plast Esthet, 2007; 52: 103-7. P44 - Masia DR, Castus P, Delia G, Casoli V, Martine D. A case of iatrogenic scrotal elephantiasis: reconstruction of the scrotal purse and the cutaneous sleeve of the penis with local skin flaps. Ann Chir Plast Esthet, 2008; 53: 79-83. P45 - Chbani L, Lepreux S, Casoli V, Bioulac-Sage P. Venous cystic adventitial disease: a case report. Ann Pathol, 2008; 28 :498-500. P46 - Rousvoal A, Délia G, Casoli V, Martin D. Adipose tissue hypertrophy after Lipostructure in HIV patient with antiretroviral treatment. Case report and literature review. Ann Chir Plast Esthet, 2009; 54:384-7. BOOKS P47 - Khouri R.K., Casoli V. Prefabricated lateral arm flap for penile reconstruction. In Grabb’s Encyclopedia of Flaps. Vol III, Chapter 396, p 1557 - 1559. Second Edition. Ed by Berish Strauch, L. Vasconez, E. Hall-Findlay. Lippincott-Raven 1997. P48 - Khouri R.K., Casoli V. Reconstruction of the penis. In Grabb and Smith, Fifth Edition Chapter 92, p 1111 – 1119. Lippincott-Raven 1997. P49 - Khouri R.K., Casoli V. Lateral arm free flap phalloplasty. In Reconstructive and Plastic Surgery of the External Genitalia. Chapter 64, p 349 - 353. W.B. Saunders Company 1998. P50 - Castede J.C., Casoli V., Isacu C. 6 Electrical Burns. In Surgery in Wounds. p 404 - 418. Springer 2005. P51 - Boutan M., Casoli V. Mains et préhensions entre fonctions et anatomie. Sauramps Médical 2005. P52 - Beustes-stefanelli M., Amadei L., Genestet M., Casoli V., Le Nen D., Hu W. Une astuce pour déterger et faire bourgeonner les plaies: le PACA Trucs et astuces en chirurgie orthopédique. Tome 4, p 309-317. Sauramps Médical 2006. P53 - Beustes-stefanelli M., Voche P., Pelissier Ph. M., Casoli V., Martin D. Une astuce pour réparer les pertes de substance dorsales des doigts : Le lambeau « Flip-Flap ». Trucs et astuces en chirurgie orthopédique. Tome 4, p 339-346. Sauramps Médical 2006. P54 - Casoli V. Place des autres techniques en dehors des lambeaux et des greffes cutanées : Intégra.® Approche pratique de la couverture des pertes de substance cutanée de la main et des doigts. p 17-22. Springer 2007. 7