RESEARCH COLLOQUIUM PROGRAM Palmer Theatre, McIntyre Medical Building, 3655 Promenade Sir William Osler MAY 2, 2008 8h00 Registration / inscription (6th Floor Hall) 8h30 Welcoming Remarks / Bienvenue 8h45 Keynote Address / Présentation spéciale The Life and Times of a Graduate Student in the Rehabilitation Sciences: Then and Now - A Diary of One who Began as the Field Emerged Carol Richards, Ph.D., DU, pht. FCAHS Tier 1 Canada Research Chair in Rehabilitation Laval University Research Chair in Cerebral Palsy Professeure titulaire, Département de Réadaptation, Université Laval Directrice, Centre de recherche en réadaptation et en intégration sociale (CIRRIS) Meakins Theatre Locomotor Rehabilitation/ Réadaptation de la Marche Palmer Theatre Quality of Life Research / Recherche sur la Qualité de Vie 9h45 Elizabeth Sled, Queen’s University Home exercise program targeting hip abductors: Effect on gait and muscle strength in persons with knee osteoarthritis 9h45 Keiko Shikako-Thomas, McGill University Quality of life in adolescents with cerebral palsy 10h00 Nahid Norouzi, Université Québec à Montréal The effects of medio-lateral translation on the activity of lower limb muscles during pedaling movement 10h00 Annie Tessier, McGill University Understanding the determinants of health-related quality of life among obese people 10h15 Jessica Berard, McGill University 10h15 Marie-Christine Potvin, McGill University Changes in gaze behaviour and locomotor adaptation according to Recreational participation and health-related quality of life in children different optic flow patterns presented in a virtual environment with high functioning autism 10h30 Health Break / Pause santé (6th Floor Hall) Meakins Theatre Palmer Theatre Pain Research & Multidisciplinary Studies / Recherche sur la Douleur et Études Multidisciplinaires Stroke Research / Recherche sur les ACV 11h00 Anne-Marie Côté, Université de Sherbrooke Guides de pratique sur les maux de dos en physiothérapie: les obstacles et les leviers à leur utilisation 11h00 Myriam Tellier, Université de Montréal L’accident vasculaire-cérébral léger sans séquelle: mythe ou réalité? Recension des écrits 11h15 Karine Rivest, McGill University Thermal sensitivity but not pressure sensitivity is related to catastrophizing in whiplash associated disorders 11h15 Charmine Francis, McGill University Determining the discriminative validity of the McGill Ingestive Skills Assessment (MISA) 11h30 Marie-Claude Marchand, Université de Sherbrooke Effect of dyssynergic defecation on third- and fourth-degree tear during a first vaginal delivery 11h30 Sandeep Subramanian, McGill University Enhanced feedback and arm motor recovery in chronic stroke survivors 11h45 Evelyne Gentilcore-Saulnier, Queen’s University Pelvic floor muscle involvement in vulvar pain 11h45 Kara Patterson, University of Toronto Gait asymmetry in subacute and chronic stroke 12h00 Emmanuelle Careau, Université Laval Le foctionnement d’équipes de réadaptation en neurotraumatologie lors de visioconférences 12h00 Tatiana Ogourtsova, McGill University Superior colliculi involvement in stroke survivors with unilateral spatial neglect 12h15 Lunch / Déjeuner (6th Floor Hall) Geriatrics / Recherche en Gériatrie Mental Health / Recherche en Santé Mentale 13h30 Noémi Dahan, McGill University The association between transportation use and social participation in community-dwelling elderly 13h30 Minh-Thy Truong, McGill University Impact of mild cognitive impairment on driving safety - exploring the evidence 13h45 Susanne Mak, McGill University Cross-cultural adaptation and psychometric testing of the Community Healthy Activities Model Program for Seniors (CHAMPS) Questionnaire in French Canadians with COPD 13h45 Ulrike Zimolag, Queen’s University Does pet ownership enable community integration in serious mental illness? 14h00 Anita Menon, University of Toronto Understanding gaps in evidence-based practice for driver retraining: A national survey of older driver refresher programs 14h00 Alexandra Robert, McGill University Use of cognitive interventions by occupational therapists for clients with mild to moderate Alzheimer’s Disease 14h15 Manon Guay, Université de Sherbrooke Validation d’un algorithme utilisé par l’auxiliaire lors de la détermination du besoin d’équipements au bain avec les aînés vivant à domicile 14h15 Cheng-Jung Lin, Queen’s University Exploration of social integration of people with intellectual disabilities in the workplace 14h30 Megan Edgelow, Queen’s University Pilot testing an occupational engagement intervention with mental health consumers 14h45 Health Break / Pause santé (6th Floor Hall) 15h15 Awards Ceremony / Présentation des prix (Palmer Theatre) Presenting for: OEQ - F. Rollin, OPPQ – P. Castonguay, CSN - N. Korner-Bitensky, CRIR - E. Kehayia & R. Forget