Crystalwax TL_B - chemical


Crystalwax TL_B - chemical
Technical Data Sheet
Sensient Cosmetic Technologies
7 – 9, rue de l’industrie
F-95310 Saint Ouen L’Aumône
Tel. 33(0)1 34 48 57 00
Fax 33(0)1 34 64 44 40
Crystalwax TL
1. Product description / Description du produit
Wax made of linear alpha olefin and esters /
Cire constituée d’alpha olefin et d’esters gras.
2. Legislation / Réglementation
Ethylhexyl Hydroxystearate
Triethylhexyl Trimellitate
C30-45 Olefin
Hydroxystearic Acid
3. Supported chemical and physical data / Données physico-chimiques supportées
Appearance / Aspect
Color / Couleur
Odor / Odeur
Soap value / Indice de saponification
Drop point / Point de goutte
Wax / Cire
Translucent / Translucide
Characteristic / Caractéristique
280 max
65 - 75°C
4. Cosmetic properties / Propriétés cosmétiques
Provide a melting texture upon application on the skin in poured formulations(concrete, compact
lipgloss, foundation and skin care sticks) / Apporte un toucher fondant aux formules coulées (concrète, lipgloss, sticks
fonds de teint et de soins).
Allows formulation of clear solid lipgloss when used with Sensicrystal / Permet de formuler des lipgloss coulés
transparents en présence du Sensicrystal.
Deposit a protective and non stick film on the skin / Dépose un film protecteur non collant sur la peau.
To be used in anhydrous or W/O formulations / A utiliser dans une émulsion E/H ou les formulations anhydres.
5. Suggested uses / Utilisations conseillées
Poured clear lipgloss / Lipgloss coulés transparents
Poured make up / Maquillage coulé
Make up and skin care sticks / Maquillage et soin en stick
Skin care / Soin
Fragrance concrete / Concrètes
Creation : 09.05.2014
Revision : 25.11.2014
5 - 15 %
1 - 15 %
1 - 40 %
1 - 15 %
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Technical information and proposed formulations, including any production procedures are believed to be correct. However, this does
not constitute a guarantee of the accuracy of the information contained herein and confirming test in your own plant or laboratory is
recommended. While we believe materials supplied by our firm are legal in country use, we do not warrant or guarantee their legality
and highly recommend user confer with local health authorities before using. The components listed do not necessarily comprise the
complete formula. A composition statement is available upon request.