Lifting the curtain on the Joyce Hôtel


Lifting the curtain on the Joyce Hôtel
DEC 09/JAN 10
Surface approx. (cm²) : 167
75116 PARIS - 01 44 20 08 90
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Lifting the curtain on the Joyce Hôtel
Totally refurbished by talented architect Philippe Maidenberg, the former
Pavia Hôtel has taken advantage of its new look to adopt a new name. Part of the Astotel
group, the Joyce has transformed itself into a charming establishment ofFering forty-four
rooms and a suite decorated in a harmonious blend of sophistication and poetry. After
climbing a staircase entirely decorated in star-patterned paper, guests arrive in a room
with a breathtaking Eiffel-style glass roof where an organic breakfast awaits them. Located
at the centre of the theatre district, the Joyce has made a very successful entry onto the
hotel stage. Mindful of the environment, the hotel also produces enough electricity to
cover 50% of its needs. This establishment is bound to appeal to all lovers of gorgeous
surroundings (such as Designers Guild sofas, a George Nelson dock and ceiling lights
by Pois Potten), with its perfect marriage of comfort, warmth and well-being. In short,
a relaxed and welcoming design hotel, just how wc like them!
Joyce Hôtel. 29, rue Labruyère, 9*. Tel. Ol 55070001.
Eléments de recherche : JOYCE HOTEL : hôtel à Paris 9ème, toutes citations