Projet : Google Translate - homework-central


Projet : Google Translate - homework-central
Projet : Google Translate
Online translators can be a great tool for helping you in your French
assignments, but be careful! Don’t let them do all the work for you!
Follow the directions below and format your page EXACTLY as they are in the
example pages. If you’re not sure how to do it, ask the teacher for help.
1. Open a blank document in Microsoft Word and immediately do a “Save As”.
When the “Save As” box pops up, make sure that you’ll be saving the file in YOUR
folder. (You should see 091-your first initial, your last name at the top of the box).
Create a new folder labeled “French” by clicking on the “New Folder” button. Now
save your file as “Google Translate Project”.
2. Set up the top of your page like this (the date should be written in French):
Projet: Google Translate
[Ton nom]
[La date]
Repeat these steps for the next paragraph.
3. Skip two lines. Type a title: “ Paragraphe 1” and m ake it bold and und erlined .
Skip one line. Type the follow ing paragraph into Microsoft Word (it should not
be bold or und erlined ), m aking sure that you insert all of the accents (see accents
hand out).
Il avait l’air très embêté, papa, quand il est sorti de la maison. « Nicolas, il m’a dit, il
faut que je te parle. » Moi, je lui ai demandé si c’était pressé, parce que je devais
jouer avec la trompette. Dans la maison quelque chose s’est cassé, et ça, ça m’a
étonné, maman est adroite, elle. Papa m’a dit que c’était très pressé, qu’il fallait
qu’on parle d’homme à homme. « Parle fort, j’ai dit, comme ça je pourrai continuer à
jouer de la trompette et je t’entendrai quand même. » Je ne voulais pas perdre de
temps. [de l’ histoire: « La Trompette », par Goscinny & Sempé]
4. Go to the Google Translate w ebsite:
5. Copy the French paragraph into it and have it translate the p assage from
French to English.
6. Skip one line and p aste the resulting translation into Word .
7. Skip a line and then repeat steps 3 through 6 for the next paragraph, only this
tim e you w ill label it “ Paragraph e 2” .
Alors, moi je me suis mis à pleurer, parce que c’est vrai, quoi, à la fin, sans blague,
c’était pas juste, et c’était bien le panneau qui annonçait les rails de train, et au lieu
de me féliciter, on veut que j’aille au lit, et papa a dit à maman que ce n’était pas une
raison pour crier après le petit, et maman s’est mise pleurer en disant qu’elle en
avait assez, assez, assez, et qu’elle préférait ne pas se présenter à l’examen, et que de
toute façon elle n’était pas prête, et qu’elle devait prendre encore des tas de leçons,
et qu’elle n’en pouvait plus. [de l’ histoire: « M aman va à l’ école », par Goscinny &
Sempé ]
8. Read through the translation s, und erlining AN D highlighting the errors and
strange things that com e from an online translator.
9. Skip a line. Type a title: “ Online Translators” and m ake it bold and
und erlined .
10. Skip another line, then type a paragraph (at least 4 sentences long) explaining
w hy you think it w ould be obvious to your teacher if you used an online
translator for a hom ew ork assignm ent.
11. After your paragraph, skip one m ore line and type the follow ing:
I understand M me V an Sickle’ s policy on online translators. I agree that I will
not use an online translator for translating full sentences. I understand that
using an online translator to translate entire sentences is cheating and that it
does not help me to learn how to speak French.
12. At the end of that, please skip four lines and type your nam e and the d ate.
Please print out this assignm ent, sign above your nam e (w ith your REAL
signature – not w ith a signature font), and return it to Mm e Van Sickle. The
bottom of your page should look like this:
I understand Mme Van Sickle’s policy on online translators. I agree that I
will not use an online translator for translating full sentences. I understand
that using an online translator to translate entire sentences is cheating and
that it does not help me to learn how to speak French.
Ma Signature
[Ton nom]
[La date]
Concluding thoughts:
If you’ ve often used an online translator in the past, w hat are som e other tools
that you could use to help you w ith your French assignm ents? Discu ss som e
id eas w ith a partner and w rite them below or on another piece of paper.