

Ultrasound autologus intramyometrial serum injection as a breakthrough
treatment of adenomyosis: A step towards adenomyosis vaccine
Abstract ID : 1614
Soumis par : Ali Farid Ali Le 2016-03-12 01:58:39
Nom de la catégorie : SEUD CONGRESS
Typologie : Communication orale / Oral communication
Statut : validé
Autorisation de diffusion : Yes/Oui
Adenomyosis is considered as immunological disorder , since Farid autotransfusion theory had been born, so the aim of
this work is to use intramyometrial ultrasound guided autologus serum injection for treatment of Adenomyosis.
Patient and methods
15 cases diagnosed as Adenomyosis were enrolled in the study autologus serum was injected intramyometrially through
ultrasound guided the amount of serum injected was based on Farid equation .myometrial smooth muscle cells were
taken before and after 2 months of treatment . incubation of myometrial smooth muscle cells with serum for invitro study
.endometrial biopsy was studied for HOXA 10 and HOXA 11 mRNA expression and stem cell. serum studied for miR200
and vascular endothelial growth factor , urine for Nuclear magnetic resonance metabolomic profile . myometrial smooth
cell was studied for oxytocin receptor , esrogen receptors ,isoform estrogen receptor, AKT , ERK1\2 , mTOR ,Aromatase
expression ,mitochondrial membrane potential , telomere length , connexin 16 and aquaporin 9
statistically significant decrease of all myometrial smooth cell , serum and urine parameters previously mentioned both in
vivo and vitro after 2 months of serum treatment p<0.05 statistically significant increase in the endometrial parameters
previously mentioned p <0.05
Ultrasound autologus intramyometrial serum injection as a breakthrough treatment of adenomyosis pave the way to
adenomyosis vaccine
------------------------------------Mots clefs : Adenomyosis ,autologus serum ,urine metabolomic ,miR200, aquaporin9 , connexin 16.
Auteurs :
Références : , , ,
Ali Farid Ali farid Mohamed ali 1, Laila Laila ali farid mohamed ali 1,
1. Obstetrics and Gynecology, Ain shams university, Cairo, EGYPT
Auteurs (raw format)
Ali farid Mohamed ali Ali Farid - email : [email protected] Etablissement : Ain shams university Service :
Obstetrics and Gynecology Ville : Cairo Pays : EGYPT Présentateur : Oui
Laila ali farid mohamed ali Laila - email : [email protected] Etablissement : Ain shams university Service :
Obstetrics and Gynecology Ville : Cairo Pays : EGYPT Présentateur : Non