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001-100 XP8_RIDP vierge par 100 qxp 18/02/11 16:48 Page7 REVUE INTERNATIONALE DE DROIT PÉNAL INTERNATIONAL REVIEW OF PENAL LAW REVISTA INTERNACIONAL DE DERECHO PENAL 81e année - nouvelle série 3ème et 4ème trimestres 2010 SOMMAIRE / CONTENTS / INDICE I TRAITE DES PERSONNES / HUMAN TRAFFICKING TRATA DE PERSONAS Xème Cours de Spécialisation en Droit Pénal International Tenth Specialization Course in International Criminal Law X Curso de Especialización en Derecho Penal Internacional Istituto Superiore Internazionale di Scienze Criminali (ISISC) Siracusa (Italia) 23 mai / may / mayo– 2 juin / june / junio 2010 Addressing International Human Trafficking in Women and Children for Commercial Sexual Exploitation in the 21st Century, M. Cherif Bassiouni, Daniel Rothenberg, Ethel Higonnet, Cynthia Farenga, Augustus Sol Invictus ______ 417 Overcoming the Challenges to Accurately Measuring the Phenomenon of Human Trafficking, Alexis A. Aronowitz. ___________________________________ 493 Systemizing Local and Regional Cooperation Efforts to Combat Sex Slavery, Johnny McGaha _______________________________________________ 513 The Role of the Victim in Administrative and Judicial Proceedings, Antonietta Confalonieri ___________________________________________________ 529 Women as Victims and Survivors in the Context of Transnational Human Trafficking for Commercial Sex Exploitation, Edna Erez _________________ 551 Fighting Against Human Trafficking for Commercial Sexual Exploitation: The Actions in Western Europe, Silvia Scarpa ____________________________ 563 The U.S. Human Trafficking Reporting System: Utility and Limitations, Duren Banks ________________________________________________________ 589 001-100 XP8_RIDP vierge par 100 qxp 18/02/11 16:48 Page8 414 International Review of Penal Law (Vol. 81) The Problem of Demand in Combating Sex Trafficking, Linda Smith, Samantha Healy Vardaman _______________________________________________ 607 II Chroniques / Chronicles / Crónicas UN Chronicle 2010, Stefano Betti __________________________________ 627 Chronique de jurisprudence de la Cour européenne des droits de l’Homme en matière pénale. Les quatre saisons de la Cour : printemps-été 2010 1er avril 2010 – 30 septembre 2010, François Fourment, Élodie Derlon, Catherine Ménabé, Laurent Mortet, Yannick Prat, Benjamin Rauch et Xavier Rauch __________ 633 Chronique bibliographique, Ana I. Pérez Machio_______________________ 673 Consignes de publication ________________________________________ 687 Publications Rules ______________________________________________ 689 Normas de publicación___________________________________________ 691