Lesson 4 la Planete ch


Lesson 4 la Planete ch
Les Planètes Phoniques
Lesson 4 : the ‘ch’ sound
Links to the KS3 Framework (2009 version) :
Understanding and responding to the spoken word
Identify gist and some detail in face-to-face exchanges, spoken passages,
stories and songs.
Presenting and narrating
ii. Speak clearly, audibly and with accurate pronunciation.
Letters and Sounds
Apply knowledge of common letter strings, sound patterns,
accents and other characters.
Identifying patterns in the target language
Identify patterns of pronunciation.
Reading aloud
Read aloud texts with increasing fluency, accuracy and expression,
showing awareness of meaning.
Teaching sequence
Starter activity
Ask pupils how the ‘ch’ sound is usually pronounced in English and ask for
some examples (e.g. children, chocolate, church). Explain that in French it is
pronounced ‘sh’ and ask pupils if they can think of any words in English
where ‘ch’ is pronounced ‘sh’ like in French.
Pupils may say words such as champagne, machine, chalet, chandelier
(with a bit of help). Explain that the reason they are pronounced ‘sh’ is
because these were all French words originally and they have been
‘borrowed’ by the English language.
Ask the pupils if they can think of any French words that have the ‘ch’ sound in.
Try to draw out words such as cheval, chat, chien, chinois, bouche.
Write the words on the board and underline the ‘ch’ part of the word.
Resource: Planète ‘ch’ Powerpoint slide 1
Les Planètes Phoniques
Teaching sequence
Listen to the correct
pronunciation of
some words with
the ‘ch’ sound in
Show slide 2 and explain that today we are going to visit ‘la Planète ch’. Show slide 3
and look at some words with the ‘ch’ sound in, and listen to the correct pronunciation.
Listening activity
Ask the pupils to listen to the following rhyme. They should put their finger to their
lips (as though telling someone to be quiet) whenever they hear the ‘ch’ sound,
and if possible, count how many times they hear it.
Resource: Planète ‘ch’ Powerpoint slides 2 and 3
Le chat, l'autruche et la vache
C'était le chat de Natacha
qui n'aimait pas, qui n'aimait pas
C'était le chat de Natacha
qui n'aimait pas la chasse au rat!
C'était l'autruche du père Charles
qui n'avait plus, qui n'avait plus,
C'était l'autruche du père Charles
qui n'avait plus aucune plume!
C'était la vache du père Matthieu
qui faisait "MEUH", qui faisait "MEUH",
C'était la vache du père Matthieu
qui faisait "MEUH" à qui mieux mieux!
(The cat, the ostrich and the cow
It was Natasha’s cat
who didn’t like, didn’t like
It was Natasha’s cat
who didn’t like chasing the rat!
It was father Charles’ ostrich
who no longer had, who no longer had
It was father Charles’ ostrich
who no longer had any feathers!
It was father Matthew’s cow
which mooed, which mooed,
It was father Matthew’s cow
which mooed better and better!)
Ask the pupils how many times they heard the ‘ch’ sound.
Now show the next slide with the written words as well as the sound and ask the
pupils to check if they were correct (the correct answer is 14).
Resource: Planète ‘ch’ Powerpoint slides 4 and 5
Les Planètes Phoniques
Teaching sequence
Speaking practice
Pupils look at the two tongue twisters, choose one and practise saying it in pairs.
Un chasseur sachant chasser sait chasser sans son chien de chasse.
(A hunter knowing how to hunt knows how to hunt without his dog)
Cinq chiens chassent six chats.
(Five dogs chase six cats)
Some volunteers can say this in front of the class. This would be a good
opportunity to record pupils speaking or video them, and play the recordings
back for self and peer assessment (two stars and a wish).
Resource: Planète ‘ch’ Powerpoint slide 6
Sight unseen words:
Ask pupils to read out the following new words, using their knowledge of how
‘ch’ is pronounced:
la douche, la machine, cher, la chemise, Vichy, la Chine
Then show the next slide with the correct pronunciation, so that pupils can hear
if they were correct. If appropriate, ask pupils to repeat the words.
Resource: Planète ‘ch’ Powerpoint slides 7 and 8