Veille semaine du 20 juillet 2009 1. GOUVERNANCE ET


Veille semaine du 20 juillet 2009 1. GOUVERNANCE ET
Veille semaine du 20 juillet 2009
International – Minorités linguistiques
24 juillet 2009 : Galicie : A platform called We Want Galician Language is born to defend this
language - This platform is made up in principle of 40 social organizations and is aimed at
promoting a popular legislation initiative that ensures the language rights of the Galician people
and at calling for a demonstration in the autumn.
20 juillet 2009 : Corse : Dozens of Corsican intellectuals sign 'manifesto for the right to the future
of Corsica' - The manifesto deals with issues referring to identity, economy, environment and
politics · This initiative has been promoted by participants of the annual symposium organized by
the University of Corsica, entitled 'Cultural and political identities: the citizenship before
Ontario – Francophonie
23 juillet 2009 : Un forum qui tente de mieux accueillir les différences - Afin de dresser un
portrait efficace des minorités ethnoculturelles en matière de logement et d’itinérance, la
Coalition pour Prévenir l’Itinérance chez les Francophones d’Ottawa (CPIFO) organise son 4e
forum, le 21 octobre prochain, au Centre communautaire Richelieu-Vanier.
18 juillet 2009 : Le sida est le thème choisi en juin pour le Salon-jeunesse de l’ACFO - Par le
biais de son programme d’Accueil et d’établissement, l’ACFO, régionale de London-Sarnia
invite les jeunes de 15 à 24 ans à participer au Salon-jeunesse. Cette rencontre mensuelle est
l’occasion de faire différentes activités, de partager des expériences et d’agrandir son réseau de
Canada – Francophonie
21-22 août 2009 : 4e Sommet des Femmes en Acadie, Shippagan, Nouveau-Brunswick.
23 juillet 2009 : Première édition de Place aux Jeunes Terre-Neuve-et-Labrador - Revenir en
région pour y développer son potentiel et accroître l'économie locale.
Ontario – Francophonie
20 juillet 2009 : Deux bâtisseurs d’excellence - Le Conseil des écoles publiques de l’Est de
l’Ontario (CEPEO) a honoré, le 17 juin dernier, cinq membres du personnel dans le cadre de sa
première édition des Prix Bâtisseurs d’excellence du programme de reconnaissance des
Canada – Francophonie
24 juillet 2009 : Théâtre Ste. Catherine uproar a reminder of language divide
23 juillet 2009 : Amber apologizes for profane email - Eric Amber says he's sorry. That nasty
email the owner of Théâtre Ste. Catherine sent to Les Sages Fous, a francophone theatre group in
Trois Rivières, was an impulsive reaction born of burnout. As were his threats to close the
22 juillet 2009 : Sharon Butala: 'What makes a Westerner? Our stubborn refusal to recognize the
French fact."
21 juillet 2009 : Deeply offended - As an anglo-Quebec theatre artist, I was deeply offended by
Théatre Ste. Catherine founder Eric Amber's derogatory comments toward francophone artists
and his view that "francophone Quebec society in general" is racist and intolerant toward
"minorities and non-francophone cultures."
18 juillet 2009 : Comedy fest exchange turns nasty - A small English-language Montreal theatre
that's a venue for the Just for Laughs Festival is the centre of a linguistic brouhaha after its
founder insulted a Trois Rivières theatre troupe that asked to receive emails in French only.
Ontario – Francophonie
23 juillet 2009 : L'affichage bilingue fait encore débat - Plusieurs membres de la population de
Russell ont décidé de lancer, en début de semaine, une pétition contre l’affichage bilingue. La
disposition suscite depuis plusieurs mois la controverse. Adoptée il y a un peu plus d’un an, elle
donnera notamment lieu à un procès, intenté à la municipalité par le militant anglophone Howard
Galganov, le 22 mars 2010. Celui-ci pourrait être suivi par d’autres procédures judiciaires, raison
pour laquelle les militants appellent à arrêter les frais.
22 juillet 2009 : Une Nord-Ontarienne s’impose à Paris - La députée provinciale de Nickel Belt,
France Gélinas, a défendu l’égalité entre les sexes lors de la dernière réunion de l’Assemblée
parlementaire de la franco-phonie (APF), qui s’est déroulée à Paris les 5 et 6 juillet derniers.
International - Minorités linguistiques
24 juillet 2009 : Galicie : The Secretariat of Language Policy and the University of Santiago sign
an agreement to promote research on the Galician language - The General Secretary of Language
Policy, Anxo Lorenzo, and the Vice-chancellor of the University of Santiago de Compostela,
Senén Barro, have signed a collaboration agreement between the two organizations aimed at
promoting the scientific research on the Galician language through the Galician Language
24 juillet 2009 : Pays basque : The Basque Department of Education rejects now to give lessons
in Basque in the A model - The Basque Department of Education has rejected to give lessons only
in Basque to pupils studying in the A model. The Basque Minister of Education, Isabel Celaá,
announced this idea at the end of June, in order to allow pupils that study all subjects in Spanish
to have a good command of the Basque language.
24 juillet 2009 : Europe : Ombudsman urges air passenger language provision - EU Ombudsman
P. Nikiforos Diamandouros yesterday (23 July) called on the European Commission to do more to
help national supervisory bodies to reduce language barriers for European air passengers
experiencing problems.
24 juillet 2009 : Tajikistan : Tajikistan Moves to Ban Russian Language - Tajikistan is preparing
to ban the use of Russian by state agencies and in official documents to boost the role of the local
language, in what analysts see as either a move to win new financial support from Moscow or to
demonstrate political independence.
23 juillet 2009 : Valence : Valencian Cultural Action announces an appeal against the withdrawal
of Valencian language as a requirement in Ontinyent - Valencian Cultural Action has announced
an appeal against the withdrawal of the Valencian language as a requirement to become a civil
servant in Ontinyent City Council, that the mayor Lina Insa announced in March.
23 juillet 2009 : Galicie : The Ombudsman suggests to the Galician Ministry of Health that
information on health should be given in Galician and Spanish - The Galician Ombudsman,
Benigno López, has sent a «suggestion» to the Galician Ministry of Health, urging «to study the
advisability to carry out all information campaigns developed by the public Administration aimed
at providing information to citizens and in order to reach the maximum number of people in both
official languages in Galicia».
23 juillet 2009 : Pays basque : The Basque Government suspends a rule making Basque the main
language used in schools - The Official Gazette of the Basque Country includes an order from the
Department of Education of the Basque Government that suspends the section of the law passed
by the previous Government that made Basque the main communication language in schools.
23 juillet 2009 : Tibet : Curb on Tibetan language in exams exposes China's marginalization
policy in Tibet - A recent case of forcible prevention of candidates from using Tibetan language
as a medium in examinations in Tibet has clearly exposed the Chinese government's policy of
enforcing the use of Chinese language in order to marginalize the traditional language of Tibetans
and the denial of equal rights to nationalities in Tibet, sources in Tibet said.
22 juillet 2009 : Corse : The unionist majority in Corsica prevents the official status of the
Corsican language - The Corsican language will not be declared official in Corsica, at least for
the moment. 28 out of 51 members of the Assembly of the island rejected a motion tabled by
Corsica Nazione Indipendente (CNI) to put Corsican language on the same level as French in
22 juillet 2009 : Galicie : The Galician Writers Association will demand in a communiqué a
higher presence of the Galician language - The Galician Writers Association has just prepared a
communiqué "in view of the breach of the restitution process" of the Galician language "driven
by the current Galician Government". It will be read on July 24 before the statue of Rosalía de
Castro, in the avenue in Santiago de Compostela.
22 juillet 2009 : Espagne : The nationalist groups ask to use all the Spanish official languages in
the Chamber of Deputies at the beginning of the speeches - The nationalist groups in the
Chamber of Deputies ask to say some sentences in Catalan, Galician and Basque at the beginning
of each speech, as a "symbol" to recognize that there are other official languages in Spain besides
22 juillet 2009 : Europe : Opposition mounts to Slovakia's language law - The Slovak Parliament
passed a controversial amendment of the Slovak Language Law on Tuesday, 30 June, as reported
on Eurolang. The law restricts the use of languages other than Slovak in public communication
and introduces fines amounting up to 5,000 euros. Opposition to the new law has been mounting
across Europe with MEPs, member states and the OSCE all voicing their concerns over a law
which will inflict punishment for "incorrect language use".
21 juillet 2009 : Hongrie : The Hungarian Parliament asks Slovakia to repeal language law - The
caucus groups in Hungary's Parliament signed a joint statement, calling on neighbouring Slovakia
to repeal a new law on language use. Calling the law biased against ethnic Hungarians and other
minorities, Hungary's entire parliamentary spectrum agreed that the law violated the basic treaty
existing between the two countries as well as other international accords, and ran counter to
European Union endeavors to promote cultural diversity.
21 juillet 2009 : Galicie : The General Secretary of Language Policy praises the quality and
diversity of Galician studies at the present moment - The General Secretary of Language Policy,
Anxo Lorenzo, took part in the closing ceremony of the IX International Conference of the
International Association of Galician Studies, held on July 13-17 in Santiago, Vigo and A Coruña.
During the event, carried out in the assembly hall of the rector's office in the University of A
Coruña, Anxo Lorenzo praised the quality and diversity of Galician studies at the present
21 juillet 2009 : Valence : The Valencian Ministry of Education invests almost three million euros
to promote the Valencian language - The Valencian Minister of Education, Alejandro Font de
Mora, has highlighted that his department will invest 2,969,000 euros this year to carry out
several actions to promote the use of the Valencian language, both in institutions and in the
"everyday" social life of the Valencian Community.
21 juillet 2009 : Catalogne : A new political party aims at representing Gypsies from Perpinyà The Northern-Catalan city has a population of 15,000 Gypsies who live mainly in the quarter of
Sant Jaume · Union and Rally of the Gypsy Population will be led by Germain Soles, president of
the Gypsy Association of France and former city councillor of Perpinyà.
20 juillet 2009 : Europe : A Basque Member of Parliament tries to demand the official status of
Basque language in her speech at the European Parliament - Izasku Bilbao started in Basque her
first speech before the European Parliament. The European Member of Parliament of the Basque
Nationalist Party wanted to demand in this way the official status of the Basque language in the
European Parliament.
20 juillet 2009 : Russie : Memorial's Closure Leaves Chechens With Nowhere To Turn - In
January 2002, Zelimkhan Yezhiyev's son left his village in Chechnya on a trip to the neighboring
republic of Ingushetia. He was never seen again. So Yezhiyev did what many Chechens do in that
situation -- he traveled to the republican capital, Grozny, and knocked on the door of Memorial,
Russia's leading human rights group.
19 juillet 2009 : Pérou : Peru's Cold War against Indigenous People - The recent conflict in the
Peruvian Amazon is only the most violent symptom of an ongoing cold war being waged by
President Alan García and his ruling Aprista party against indigenous groups. Besides a racist
propaganda campaign and violent repression, the government has tried highly suspect legal
mechanisms to disarticulate indigenous power.
17 juillet 2009 : Israël : Adalah Demands Cancellation of Transport Minister's Decision to
Hebraicize the Road Signs and Exclude the Arabic Names of Towns and Villages in Israel - On
15 July 2009, Adalah sent an urgent letter to the Attorney General, Menachem Mazuz, demanding
the cancellation of the Transport Minister's new decision to Hebraicize all the road signs in Israel.
As reported in the media, the Transport Minister's decision entails the replacement of all the road
signs in the state with new signs that show the Hebrew names of places in Arabic letters,
regardless of the common and historical Arabic name of the place. For example, "Jerusalem"
would become "Yerushalaim" in Hebrew, English and Arabic, and "Al-Quds" (the name for
Jerusalem in Arabic) would cease to exist on the road signs.
8 juillet 2009 : Iraq and the Kurds: Trouble Along the Trigger Line.
Aucun article répertorié cette semaine.
Canada – Francophonie
16 juillet 2009 : L'Université Sainte-Anne et le Collège communautaire du Nouveau-Brunswick
procèdent à la signature de sept protocoles d'entente.
International – Minorités linguistiques
20 juillet 2009 : Colombie : More than 60 native languages survived the conquest in Colombia Spanish is the official language of Colombia, but about sixty native languages not abolished by
the Spanish presence still survive, according to what several important figures linked to the study
of the Colombian language and history highlighted in Madrid.
20 juillet 2009 : Galicie : Lessons in Galician language are fewer than a third of the total in
Galician universities - The Galician language does not enjoy good health in higher education. The
three Galician universities do recognize it as their own language and commit themselves to
promote it, but the little data available present a not very encouraging outlook.
17 juillet 2009 : Report says illiteracy especially affects minorities - 'Minority children suffer
disproportionately from unequal access to quality education', says Minority Rights Group and
UNICEF’s report · The document recommends recruiting more teachers in indigenous languages.