NOM PRENOM SECTION GROUPE COTE Abdoue otmane poly polyone 13,5 Abou-Messaoud Marwane poly La sexion d\'assaut 14,0 Alexandratos Chloé agro_B1 CTHULHU Airlines 15,0 Viking Airlines 15,5 Allé Florence poly Alpen Elise antonito, plombier 16,5 ALZETTA Jonathan poly les G.I. Joe 12,5 Amezouak Mohamed adil Archi1 15,5 Anrys Ophélie poly Monkey World Airlines 17,0 Antoine Simon poly Les Arlonnais 17,0 Antunes Antonio agro_B1 World Company 15,5 Bouhbouh 13,0 Authom pierre poly Baacklini cristophe frederic poly polyone 13,5 Babar Jawad poly La sexion d\'assaut 14,0 PAGODe 15,5 Baele Vadim Bakkali Abdesselam actu Actuaire 14,5 agro airlines 16,0 Balogh Lili Barbeaux Martin poly Dream Team 14,5 15,0 Barthelemy Christine agro_B1 CTHULHU Airlines Bassiliat Donnet Charlotte agro_B1 Green Apple 12,5 IGEAT-1 13,0 BAUDOIN Denis enviro Belkadi Zakariae poly La sexion d\'assaut 14,0 polyone 13,5 Benayad amin poly Bensliman nabil poly polyone 13,5 Béraud Martina agro_B1 CTHULHU Airlines 15,0 V.P.P. 16,0 Bernard Xavier poly Bettonville Alexis poly PAGODe 15,5 Bidegaray Anne-Isabelle poly V.P.P. 16,0 Bikard Pierre-Emmanuel Viking Airlines 15,5 Detournay 15,0 Bodart Henri poly Bodson Olivier Engineer Airlines 14,0 Boudjaine soufian enviro Environnement 1 15,5 BOUDOUKHANE Mehdi poly les G.I. Joe 12,5 Viking Airlines 15,5 Bouillon David poly Bourgeois Amélie poly Dream Team 14,5 Bourguignon Nicolas agro_B1 Nirvana 15,0 Bruyr Nicolas agro_B1 agro airlines 16,0 Bunkwezi Malutadidi Timothe actu Actuaire 14,5 Caeymaex Pierre poly Viking Airlines 15,5 CANTARELLA Shady agro_B1 les G.I. Joe 12,5 Carnier Laurent poly Liberty Children 17,0 Cartuyvels Antoine poly The wolfs 16,5 Cauwert Celine poly LesGlandus 16,0 Chaiban Celia agro_B1 Sky Line 14,0 Chalon Audric poly La sexion d\'assaut 14,0 antonito, plombier 16,5 Chammah Assem poly Chapeaux Thomas CTHULHU Airlines 15,0 Charitidis Ilias Bio ingenieur les G.I. Joe 12,5 Charles Laurent agro_B1 World Company 15,5 Chelman William Ventilo la compagnie qui tourne 14,0 bien Cherain Maxime poly Les Arlonnais 17,0 Chevry Maxime agro_B1 Sky Line 14,0 NOM PRENOM SECTION Cielen Klara poly Cluytens Benjamin Colinet Gérald poly Comte Frédéric poly Corda Valerio poly Crabbe Quentin agro_B1 Crestin Nicolas poly Croon Martin poly Daghrir Cyril poly Dahmouche Hichem agro_B1 Dandoy Gwendoline agro_B1 Datlibagi Farnoud poly De Cannière Louise poly De Crombrughen Tristan poly de Formanoir de la Cazerie Charlotte poly De Lobel Steven poly DE POTTER Kristell enviro De Schrevel Alexi agro_B1 De Spiegeleire David enviro Dechamps Romain poly Decuyper Geoffrey agro_B1 Gaetan-nagimagro_B1 Degroot Dejonckheere antoine poly DELACROIX JULES poly Delangen Nicolas enviro Delestinne charlotte poly Delporte Maxime poly Denayer Amandine agro_B1 Deremince Bruno agro_B1 Derie Arnaud poly Derie celine poly Dernoncourt Denis agro_B1 Destexhe Quentin agro_B1 Determe Jean-Françoispoly Detournay Martin poly Devondel Henri enviro Devooght robin poly Dion Mélanie agro_B1 Dionkre Guillaume agro_B1 Doan Nguyen Anh Khoa poly Dohet-Eraly Jérome poly Duchatel Florian agro_B1 Dufour Nathalie agro_B1 Dufour Xavier poly Duruisseau Aline agro_B1 EL BACHIRI Mehdi poly El habib Ahmed poly Essiaf Rachid agro_B1 Estievenart Barbara agro_B1 Evrard Laetitia enviro Fernandez Diego GROUPE COTE Monkey World Airlines 17,0 Dreamteam BIS 14,5 PAGODe 15,5 Brusselair 15,0 wall-e team 14,0 agro airlines 16,0 Sky Line 14,0 Dreamsairlines 15,5 Detournay 15,0 Nirvana 15,0 Engineer Airlines 13,0 LesGlandus 16,0 Dream Team 14,5 Engineer Airlines 14,0 V.P.P. 16,0 Engineer Airlines 14,0 IGEAT-1 13,0 Sky Line 14,0 FB 17,5 Lehman Airlines 17,0 Nirvana 15,0 Engineer Airlines 14,0 antonito, plombier 16,5 Monday Night RAW 14,5 Dreamteam BIS 14,5 Bouhbouh 13,0 V.P.P. 16,0 CTHULHU Airlines 15,0 World Company 15,5 Ba1\'s team & more 18,5 Bouhbouh 13,0 Imperial eagle 15,0 agro airlines 16,0 Lehman Airlines 17,0 Detournay 15,0 FB 17,5 FB 17,5 Dreamsairlines 15,5 Ventilo la compagnie qui tourne 14,0 bien PatchWork 15,0 Monkey World Airlines 17,0 Green Apple 12,5 Green Apple 12,5 The wolfs 16,5 Ventilo la compagnie qui tourne 14,0 bien les G.I. Joe 12,5 PatchWork 15,0 Imperial eagle 15,0 Growing Air 14,5 Dreamteam BIS 14,5 PatchWork 15,0 NOM Feron Feudjio-Mano Filippin Fleurisca Fonteyne FORMATO Foulon Frans Furnemont Gabrielle Garreyn Gobillon Goetghebuer Gosselin Gravet Guerrero Carranza Gutmacher Hadinaj Hayez Hellin Hemmeryckx Hendrickx HENDRICKX Henriquet Herrald Hlal Hoffmann Hogne Hollander Huart HUBERT Hubert Huynh Iliopoulos Ingber Ingendleek Iraguha Iweins Jabbour Jacobs Jacobs Jacquet Jaupart Jenart Josz Kaisin Kasanda kehab Kislanski Kislanski Klimis PRENOM Olivier Magelan Livio Dimitri Maxime DIEGO Camille Sylvain Raphael Laurent Nicolas Christophe Lise hélène Maxime claudia Michaël bujar Jules Maxime Damien Elise Pierre Thomas Adam Mounir Emmanuelle Olivier Nicolas Céline Florence Christophe Thao Christelle Harold Cindy Jean-Paul Ladislas Michael Arnaud Laurent Aurore Fanny Antoine Pierre Florian Mbanga karim Adrien Mathilde Nicolas SECTION agro_B1 actu poly agro_B1 poly poly poly agro_B1 poly poly poly agro_B1 poly poly actu poly poly poly agro_B1 poly poly enviro poly enviro poly poly poly agro_B1 enviro poly poly poly agro_B1 poly poly agro_B1 enviro agro_B1 agro_B1 poly poly poly poly poly poly poly GROUPE COTE Nirvana 15,0 Actuaire 14,5 wall-e team 14,0 agro airlines 16,0 Engineer Airlines 14,0 Monday Night RAW 14,5 Dream Team 14,5 Brusselair 15,0 wall-e team 14,0 Bouhbouh 13,0 Liberty Children 17,0 Monkey World Airlines 17,0 Sky Line 14,0 antonito, plombier 16,5 Les Arlonnais 17,0 Actuaire 14,5 Lehman Airlines 17,0 polyone 13,5 Viking Airlines 15,5 Dreamsairlines 15,5 LesGlandus 16,0 Liberty Children 17,0 IGEAT-1 13,0 Bouhbouh 13,0 PAGODe 15,5 Dreamteam BIS 14,5 Liberty Children 17,0 PAGODe 15,5 PatchWork 15,0 Brusselair 15,0 IGEAT-1 13,0 Lehman Airlines 17,0 wall-e team 14,0 Monkey World Airlines 17,0 Ventilo la compagnie qui tourne 14,0 bien Ventilo la compagnie qui tourne 14,0 bien The wolfs 16,5 Liberty Children 17,0 polypol 17,0 Filtra Air 14,5 Dreamteam BIS 14,5 Dreamsairlines 15,5 Green Apple 12,5 PatchWork 15,0 Detournay 15,0 Dreamsairlines 15,5 Engineer Airlines 14,0 polyone 13,5 Lehman Airlines 17,0 LesGlandus 16,0 Dream Team 14,5 NOM laigneaux Lakhal Laloux Lambrette Lambricht Lebbe Lefebvre Lefebvre Lefèvre Leleu Lemaizi Lemzamzam Lerchs Salazar Lesiw Lewuillon Liegeois Lietar Looverie Luyten Martinot Martins Pinto Maskens Massant Masse MASY Mayeur Menache michaud Michel Michel Michel Monet Mormal Morrison Mudura Mugisha Nader Naert Nahon Nehme Nenov Ngabo Nghiem Nguyen Nimal Ninove Nlandu Nour nuttin Orban Ourtioualous PRENOM SECTION GROUPE COTE pierre enviro Environnement 1 15,5 Marwa agro_B1 CTHULHU Airlines 15,0 Bertrand agro_B1 agro airlines 16,0 Lehman Airlines 17,0 Nicolas poly Oriane agro_B1 Brusselair 15,0 Sébastien poly Detournay 15,0 Pierre poly The wolfs 16,5 Pierre poly The wolfs 16,5 Caroline poly Archi1 15,5 David poly PAGODe 15,5 14,5 Madani agro_B1 Growing Air Meriemme agro_B1 Imperial eagle 15,0 Ana agro_B1 Growing Air 14,5 15,5 Yvan agro_B1 Dreamsairlines Marine agro_B1 Filtra Air 14,5 wall-e team 14,0 David poly Simon poly antonito, plombier 16,5 Dream Team 14,5 Maxime poly Julien agro_B1 Ventilo la compagnie qui tourne 14,0 bien PAGODe 15,5 Pierre poly Marco poly polypol 17,0 V.P.P. 16,0 Hortense poly Anicee Engineer Airlines 13,0 Géraldine enviro FB 17,5 EMMANUELLEpoly Monday Night RAW 14,5 Bernard poly Ba1\'s team & more 18,5 Talya agro_B1 Growing Air 14,5 aurélien poly IGEAT-1 13,0 14,0 bien Colin agro_B1 Ventilo la compagnie qui tourne Loic Bio ingenieur les G.I. Joe 12,5 Loïc agro_B1 Growing Air 14,5 Mathieu agro_B1 World Company 15,5 Environnement 1 15,5 Matthieu poly Sebastien poly Ba1\'s team & more 18,5 Mircea poly CTHULHU Airlines 15,0 Alain poly polypol 17,0 Lucie agro_B1 Dreamsairlines 15,5 Nathan agro_B1 agro airlines 16,0 Vincent poly Archi1 15,5 Cyanne agro_B1 Green Apple 12,5 Teodor agro_B1 Imperial eagle 15,0 César Les Arlonnais 17,0 Bich Ngan poly Ba1\'s team & more 18,5 Duy poly wall-e team 14,0 LesGlandus 16,0 Hadrien poly Caroline agro_B1 Filtra Air 14,5 Lady enviro FB 17,5 Oussama poly La sexion d\'assaut 14,0 thibault poly antonito, plombier 16,5 Sabrina poly V.P.P. 16,0 Meriam agro_B1 Imperial eagle 15,0 NOM PRENOM Pholien lionel Picalausa Gauthier PICCIRILLI MAXIME Pierard Dorian Piron Lise PONCELET MARC Poon Sally Przetakiewicz Bruno Radelet Vincent Rafi Malik Rasson Nicolas Renard Simon Reyniers Camille Rizk Nadim Robert Alexandre Rochefort Lauranne Roelants Benjamin Rosen Adrien Rosenfeld Jean Sainanee Marc SAUDOYER-LAINELJimmy Schuurmans Yves Sokay Gregory Solbreux Thomas Sommeillier Raoul Soutoulova jiva Spinelli Corentin Stenbock Olga STOUFFS LOIC TAYMANS Laurent Topal Bora Touré Anicet Tramontana Antonino Truong Dinh-Khang Van Hees Loic Van Huffelen Pascal van meulecom marie Van Nieuwenhoven Quentin Vanderwauven Bastien Vandromme Nathan Vanhaudenhuyse Alinoë Verbeke Stephanie Verbrugge Alexia Verleye Thomas Vigne Jonathan Vinck Ridwan Wacquiers Benjamin Warnimont Philippe Weiler Nicolas Wéry François willaime jocelyn SECTION agro_B1 poly poly poly agro_B1 poly poly poly poly agro_B1 enviro poly poly agro_B1 poly poly poly poly enviro agro_B1 poly agro_B1 poly enviro agro_B1 agro_B1 poly poly poly poly poly poly enviro poly poly agro_B1 poly poly agro_B1 poly agro_B1 poly poly agro_B1 poly GROUPE COTE Sky Line 14,0 Ba1\'s team & more 18,5 Monday Night RAW 14,5 Archi1 15,5 Filtra Air 14,5 Monday Night RAW 14,5 Archi1 15,5 wall-e team 14,0 Detournay 15,0 La sexion d\'assaut 14,0 Viking Airlines 15,5 World Company 15,5 FB 17,5 polypol 17,0 Liberty Children 17,0 Brusselair 15,0 polypol 17,0 Les Arlonnais 17,0 Detournay 15,0 polypol 17,0 IGEAT-1 13,0 Nirvana 15,0 PatchWork 15,0 Imperial eagle 15,0 Les Arlonnais 17,0 Environnement 1 15,5 World Company 15,5 Green Apple 12,5 Monday Night RAW 14,5 les G.I. Joe 12,5 Monday Night RAW 14,5 antonito, plombier 16,5 Monkey World Airlines 17,0 Archi1 15,5 Liberty Children 17,0 Archi1 15,5 Environnement 1 15,5 The wolfs 16,5 Actuaire 14,5 Ba1\'s team & more 18,5 Filtra Air 14,5 LesGlandus 16,0 Viking Airlines 15,5 Ventilo la compagnie qui tourne 14,0 bien Les Arlonnais 17,0 Environnement 1 15,5 Filtra Air 14,5 Actuaire 14,5 wall-e team 14,0 Brusselair 15,0 antonito, plombier 16,5 NOM Wouters younsi Zamrani Zitoune Zitouni Zveny PRENOM Quentin Said Nabil Sid Ali Wissem dimitri SECTION poly actu poly agro_B1 enviro poly GROUPE Growing Air Actuaire polypol Nirvana Dreamteam BIS Bouhbouh COTE 14,5 14,5 17,0 15,0 14,5 13,0
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