archiprêtre jean breck bibliographie


archiprêtre jean breck bibliographie
-- The Power of the Word
New York: St. Vladimir's Seminary Press (1986). French translation: La Puissance
de la Parole, Paris: Editions du Cerf (1996); Romanian translation: Puterea Cuvântului în Biserica
dreptmaritoare, Bucharest: Editura Institutului Biblic (1999).
-- The Spirit of Truth, vol. I: "The Origins of Johannine Pneumatology"
New York: St. Vladimir's Seminary Press (1991).
-- The Shape of Biblical Language. Chiasmus in the Scriptures and Beyond
New York: St. Vladimir's Seminary Press (1994). Russian translation to be published 2006; Romanian
translation: Cum citim Sfânta Scriptura? Despre structura limbajului biblic, Alba Iulia: ed. Reîntregirea (2005).
-- The Sacred Gift of Life. Orthodox Christianity and Bioethics
New York: St. Vladimir's Seminary Press (1998). Romanian translation: Darul Sacru al Vietii
Cluj, Romania: Patmos (2001). Bulgarian translation: Svescheniyat dar na zhivota, (Pokrov-Foundation,
“Omophor,” 2002). Russian translation (Palomnik’, Moscow, 2004). French translation in progress.
-- Scripture in Tradition. The Bible and its Interpretation in the Orthodox Church
New York: St. Vladimir's Seminary Press (2001). Romanian translation: Sfânta Scriptura în Traditia
Bisericii, Cluj-Nopoca: Patmos (2003).
-- God With Us. Critical Issues in Christian Life and Faith
New York: St. Vladimir’s Seminary Press (2003). Romanian translation: Unde este Dumnezeu când avem nevoie
de El? Cluj-Napoca, Patmos (2005).
-- Stages on Life’s Way. Orthodox Thinking on Bioethics (with Lyn Breck)
New York: St. Vladimir’s Seminary Press (2005).
-- Longing for God. Orthodox Reflections on Bible, Ethics and Liturgy
New York: St. Vladimir’s Seminary Press (2006). Romanian translation in progress.
-- The Legacy of St. Vladimir, New York: St. Vladimir's Seminary Press (1990).
Translated and Edited:
-- Serve the Lord With Gladness, New York: St. Vladimir's Seminary Press (1990).
-- The Theology of Illness, New York: St. Vladimir’s Seminary Press (2002) (with Michael Breck).
-- "Theoria and Orthodox Hermeneutics," St. Vladimir's Theological Quarterly [SVTQ],
20/4 (1976), 1-25.
-- "Icons of the Paschal Mystery," Orthodox Alaska, VII/2 (1978), 1-28.
-- "The True Image," volume of theological and spiritual verse, private printing (1979).
-- "Icônes du mystère pascal," Contacts, no. 109, Paris (1980), 52-67.
-- "Exégèse et Interprétation," Contacts, no. 118, Paris (1982), 126-147.
-- "The Troparion 'Monogenês': an Orthodox Confession of Faith," SVTQ 26/4 (1982), 203-228.
-- "L'image de Dieu, fondement de la diaconie chrétienne," Service Orthodoxe de Presse [S.O.P.]
Supplément no. 73-B, Paris (1982).
-- "Confessions de foi et la célébration liturgique," Unité Chrétienne, no. 69, Lyon (1983), 61-81.
-- "Exegesis and Interpretation," SVTQ, 27/2 (1983), 75-92.
-- "Formules liturgiques trinitaires du Nouveau Testament," in Trinité et Liturgie, Conférences
Saint Serge, Rome: Edizioni Liturgiche (1983), 37-50.
-- "Parole et Sacrement," Parole et Pain, no. 62, Paris (1983), 77-89.
-- "La Bible dans l'Eglise: écoute de la Parole de Dieu et prière," S.O.P. no. 87, Paris (1984), 18-20.
-- "Biblical Chiasmus: Exploring Structure for Meaning," Biblical Theology Bulletin,
XVII/2 (1987), 70-74.
-- "The Relevance of Nicene Christology," SVTQ, 31/1 (1987), 41-64.
-- "Bio-medical Technology: of the Kingdom or of the Cosmos?" SVTQ, 32/1 (1988), 5-26.
-- "The 'Problem' of Chalcedonian Christology," SVTQ,33/2 (1989), 147-157.
-- "Selective Nontreatment of the Terminally Ill," SVTQ 33/3 (1989), 261-272.
-- "L'Orthodoxie et la Bible aujourd'hui," S.O.P. Supplément no. 143A (Dec. 1989).
-- "Orthodoxy and the Bible Today," in The Legacy of St. Vladimir, New York: St. Vladimir's
Seminary Press (1990), 141-157.
-- "The Lord is the Spirit: an Essay in Christological Pneumatology," The Ecumenical Review,
42/2, (1990), 114-121.
-- "Les Malades au stade terminal de la maladie," Contacts, no. 149, Paris (1990), 16-30.
-- "L'interprétation orthodoxe de l'Ecriture Sainte," S.O.P., no. 146, Paris (1990), 30-34.
-- "Genetic Engineering: Setting the Limits," in Health and Faith, ed. John Chirban; New York:
University Press of America (1991), 51-55.
-- "The Function of PAS in I John 2:20," SVTQ 35/2-3 (1991), 187-206.
-- Introductions and Notes to 3-4 Maccabees, The New Oxford Annotated Bible with Apocrypha,
New York: Oxford University Press (1991), Apocrypha pp. 285-299, 341-361.
-- "John 21: Appendix, Epilogue or Conclusion?" SVTQ 36/1-2 (1992), 27-49.
-- "Child Abuse," Alive in Christ, 8/1, Diocese of Eastern PA (1992), 17-19.
-- "Divine Initiative: Salvation in Orthodox Theology," in Salvation in Christ, J. Meyendorff
and R. Tobias, eds., Minneapolis: Augusburg (1992), 105-120.
-- "The New Testament Concept of Election," in Salvation in Christ, ibid. 151-158.
-- "Mary in the New Testament," Pro Ecclesia 2/4 (1993), 460-472.
-- "To Ease the Dying Process," in Ethical Dilemmas. Crises in Faith and Modern Medicine,
ed. John Chirban, NY: University Press of America (1994), 49-58.
-- "The Face of the Spirit," Pro Ecclesia 3/2 (1994), 165-178.
-- "Interpréter, en l'Esprit, la Parole de Dieu. Quelques fondements de l'herméneutique
orthodoxe," S.O.P. no. 191, Paris (1994), 30-37.
-- "Prayer of the Heart: Sacrament of the Presence of God," SVTQ 39/1 (1995), 25-45.
-- "Mary: Mother of Believers, Mother of God," Pro Ecclesia 4/1 (1995), 105-111.
-- "Procreation and the Beginning of Life," SVTQ 39/3 (1995), 215-232.
-- "Euthanasia and the Quality of Life Debate," Christian Bioethics 1/3 (1995), 322-337.
-- "Parish Ethics and the Teaching of Jesus," Saint Nersess Theological Review
1/2 (1996), 223-231.
-- "Presenting Orthodoxy to Protestants," Orthodox Presence in Great Britain, 1995 Conference of the
Diocese of Sourozh, Headington, England (1996), 49-60.
-- “La ‘Vision spirituelle’ dans l’herméneutique orthodoxe,” S.O.P. no. 209, Paris (1996), 32-37.
-- "Technologies biomédicales du Royaume ou du Cosmos?" Contacts , no. 175, Paris (1996), 205-225.
-- "Orthodox Principles of Biblical Interpretation," SVTQ 40/1-2 (1996), 77-93.
-- "'The Two Hands of God.' Christ and the Spirit in Orthodox Theology," SVTQ 40/4
(1996), 231-246.
-- "Survol du Lieu Bioethique," Revue de Louvain no. 81 (Sept. 1997), 13-17; also Supplément
au S.O.P. no. 222 (Nov. 1997), 1-8; Contacts no. 183, Paris (1998), 256-267; Bioéthique
Orthodoxe [revue de l'Association Orthodoxe d'Études Bio-éthiques], Paris: Ed. Libris (1998),
-- "Écriture Sainte, Source de Vie," S.O.P. no. 225 (Feb. 1998), 19-22.
-- "Prier les Écritures. à la recherche d'une lectio divina orthodoxe," Nouvelles de Saint-Serge, Institut
de Théologie Orthodoxe, Paris, France, no. 22 (1998), 4-10.
-- "Bioethical Dilemmas and Orthodoxy," Sourozh. A Journal of Orthodox Life and Thought,
(publication of the Russian Patriarchal Diocese of Western Europe), no. 71 (1998), 1-12.
Reprinted in SVTQ 42/2 (1998), 171-187.
-- "Biohqika dilhmmata kai Orqodoxia," in SYNAXH vol. 68 (Oct-Nov, 1998), 3-20.
-- "Dilemele Bioetice si Ortodoxia," in Revista Telogica, new series VIII (80)/1 (Sibiu, Romania; Jan-Mar
1998), 3-13.
-- "'Full Communion' Among Protestant Churches. An Orthodox Critique," Lutheran Forum.Una Sancta,
32/3, (Fall 1998), 8-14.
-- "Violence, Power and Authority: Scriptural Resources," Theological Perspectives on Violence and
Nonviolence, World Council of Churches, Geneva, Switzerland (1998), 21-49.
-- "Despre Ortodoxie," Transilvania. Revista de cultura, new series XXVIII (CIV) (4/1998), 14-28.
-- "Archanges et Puissances célestes," Contacts no. 185, Paris 1999, 4-8.
-- "Le mystère de Dieu chez saint Silouane l'Athonite," in Buisson Ardent. Cahiers Staint-Silouan
l'Athonite 5, Pully, Switzerland (1999), 60-72; excerpts inS.O.P. no. 233, (Dec. 1998), 25-28.
-- "St. Silouan and the Mystery of God," Sourozh. A Journal of Orthodox Life and Thought, no 78
(Dec., 1999), 1-19.
-- "Chiasmus As a Key to Biblical Interpretation," SVTQ, vol. 43/3-4 (1999), 249-267.
-- "Les fondements théologiques de l'éthique chrétienne," S.O.P. no. 247 (April 2000), 29-33.
-- "Un enfant nous est né. L'éthique orthodoxe et l'enfant qui vient au monde," S.O.P. no. 249
(June 2000), 26-32.
-- "Comment lire l'Ancien Testament?", S.O.P. Supplément no. 250 (July-Aug., 2000).
-- "En quête d'une lectio divina orthodoxe," S.O.P. Supplément no. 254 (Jan. 2001).
-- "Lire la Bible à l'école des pères," S.O.P. Supplément no. 256 (March 2001).
-- "To Erwthma thV ArxhV thV ZwhV kai h Teknogonia," in Indikto" vol. 14,
(June 2001), 123-144.
-- "Medically Assisted Procreation," The Handmaiden vol. 5, no. 3 (2001), 5-9.
-- "Human Cloning: Myths and Realities," SVTQ, vol. 45/3 (2001), 285-299.
-- “La Manipulation de la personne humaine,” S.O.P. no. 267, Paris (2002), 28-30.
-- “Bioethical Challenges in the New Millennium,” SVTQ vol. 46/4 (2002), 315-329; SVTQ vol. 48/4 (2004),
-- “Justifiable War: Lesser Good or Lesser Evil?”, SVTQ 47/1 (2003), 97-109.
-- “Corps Vivant, Corps Mort, Corps Glorifié,” S.O.P. Supplément nr. 280 (July-Aug, 2003).
-- “The Sacredness of Newborn Life,” Alive in Christ XVIII no. 2, (2002), 30-36; SVTQ 47/2 (2003), 211-227.
-- “Unser Leib: Lebendig-tot-verherrlicht,” Glaube in der 2. Welt, vol. 37 (11/2003), 29-31.
-- “Chiasmus in Johannine Tradition,” Sacra Scriptura nr. 2 (Dec. 2004), 145-161.
-- “In the Image of God: the Perils of Embryonic Stem Cell Research,” Again, vol. 26/3 (Fall 2004), 16-19
-- “Bioethical Challenges in a Post-Modern World,” Forerunner (Journal of the Orthodox Fellowship of St John
the Baptist, Oxford/London), vol. no. 44 (Winter 2004-2005), 19-34.
-- “Le Mariage en tant qu’alliance,” S.O.P. Supplément no. 293 (Dec. 2004).
-- “Chiasmus in the Gospel of John,” Sacra Scripta. Review of the Center for Biblical Studies nr. 2 (Babes-Bolyai
University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, 2004), 72-90. Also in ∆ιακονια, Λειτουργια, Χαρισµα
(Festschrift for G.A. Galitis, En Plo editions, Levadeia, 2006, 145-158).
-- “Défis bioéthiques dans un monde post-moderne,” S.O.P. Supplément no. 300 (July-Aug 2005).
-- “The Spirit-Paraclete in Johannine Tradition,” Le Feu sur la terre. Mélanges offerts au Père Boris Bobrinskoy
pour son 80e anniversaire (Analecta Sergiana 3, Paris: Presses Saint-Serge, 2005), 9-19.
-- “L’Héritage de l’herméneutique orthodoxe,” S.O.P. Supplement no. 306 (Mar 2006).
1985-1996: Editor, St. Vladimir's Theological Quarterly.
1976-1978: Editor, Orthodox Alaska
1977-1978: Chaplain, St Herman’s Theological Seminary, Kodiak, Alaska.
1978-1984: Priest, Paroisse de la Ste Trinité, Paris, France.
1980-1984: Dean of Students, St Sergius Theological Institute, Paris, France.
1984 to present: member Orthodox Theological Society of America.
1996 to present: Chair, Medical-Ethics Commission, O.C.A.
1997 to 2004: Spiritual director, Mary-Martha Orthodox Monastery, Wagener, SC.
1998 to present: President, Association Orthodoxe d'Etudes Bio-éthiques (France);
1999-2001: Columnist for “” and “”
1999-2003: Priest-in-charge, Holy Ascension Orthodox Mission, Mt Pleasant, SC.
2002 to present: Columnist and editor of O.C.A. Web page, “Life in Christ”
2003 to present: Member SCOBA commission on social and moral issues.
Visiting lectureships:
Oct. 1999, The Institute for Orthodox Christian Studies, Cambridge, England. (Biblical Hermeneutics).
May 2000, Facultatea de Teologie, Universitatea "Andrei Saguna," Sibiu, Romania. (Scripture and Bioethics).
Feb.-March 2001, Facultatea de Teologie, Cluj, Romania (Bioethics).
Oct 2004 and Mar 2005, Facultatea de Teologie Ortodoxa, Universitatea “1 Decembrie 1918” Alba Iulia, Romania,
(Patristic Exegesis).
One or two weeks each year: lectures on Bioethics and Patristic Exegesis given in various Romanian theological faculties
(Sibiu, Alba Iulia, Cluj-Napoca, Oradea, Timisoara, Craiova, Bucharest).