Coloset Ostomy Two Piece Bags (Closed or Drainable with Clip
Coloset Ostomy Two Piece Bags (Closed or Drainable with Clip
Coloset Ostomy Two Piece Bags (Closed or Drainable with Clip) and Flanges 63mm 51mm 39mm 27mm STOP STOP 21mm 33mm 45mm 57mm General Coloset is suitable fTor colostomy and ileostomy stomas. Please follow the instructions for use carefully to ensure that the bag is securely attached. Use same sized Coloset flanges & bags, not compatible with non-Coloset products Skin Care Before applying the ostomy bag ensure that the skin is clean using warm water and soap as necessary. Rinse and dry the area carefully. Do not use any creams, ointments or any greasy solutions as they might interfere with the disc adhesion. The Coloset ostomy bag is water resistant for bathing and showering. To fit the bag to the flange place the rim of the pouch outside the outer rim of the flange end from the bottom of the bag and apply light pressure upwards around the circumference until they meet at the top. Ensure the bag is securely in place and is positioned for maximum comfort. Please retain for future reference ﻳﺮﺟﻰ ﺍﻻﺣﺘﻔﺎﻅ ﺑﻪ ﻛﻤﺮﺟﻊ ﻓﻲ ﺍﻟﻤﺴﺘﻘﺒﻞ 3 4 Top m 51m Measuring Guide 63mm m 39m 27 39 m m Measuring Guide m 63m m m 2 1 63mm 51mm 51mm 39mm 63mm 27mm 51mm 39mm 39mm STOP STOP 21mm m 21m 33mm m 33m 45mm m 57mm 45m m 45mm 57m VP5300-71 45mm 57mm Cut guide to size of the stoma. 5 Peel back the paper tab, removing the flange from its backing paper. Check that the size of the hole fits snugly without being too tight. 6 Place the flange onto the skin over the stoma, smooth down gently. 57mm Match up measuring guide with the Flange measurements. 7 Offer up the pouch towards the flange and apply gentle pressure Carefully cut the shape out from the back of the flange. 8 Now with light pressure slowly rotate the pouch until a tight seal is achieved Use same sized Coloset flanges & bags, not compatible with non-Coloset products Informations Générales Coloset peut être utilisé pour tous les types de stomie. Lire attentivement le mode d’emploi afin de s’assurer que la poche à stomie est correctement fixée. Soins de la peau Avant de fixer la poche de stomie, laver la peau avec de l’eau chaude et éventuellement du savon. Rincer à l’eau claire et sécher soigneusement. Ne pas utiliser de crème, pommade ou de solution grasse pouvant empêcher le disque d’adhérer à la peau. La poche à stomie Coloset résiste à l’eau et peut être utilisée sous la douche ou dans le bain. Pour assurer une bonne étanchéité, emboîter la poche sur l’anneau protecteur cutané par une simple pression du bas vers le haut. Pour un confort maximal s’assurer que la poche est bien en place, l’anneau protecteur devant être parfaitement emboîté dans l’anneau de la poche. 210 Flexicare Medical Ltd. Cynon Valley Business Park Mountain Ash, Mid Glamorgan CF45 4ER, UK. +44 (0)1443 474647 +44 (0)1443 474222 [email protected] Flexicare China Flexicare Medical China Limited No. B-15, Xicheng Industrial Zone 1, Hengli Town, Dongguan City Guangdong Province China 523460 [email protected] Flexicare USA Flexicare Inc 15281 Barranca Pkwy, Unit D Irvine, CA 92618 800-985 3314 (Toll Free) 949-450 9999 949-450 9992 [email protected] Flexicare Middle East Flexicare Middle East Amman Um Uthina Shatt Al Arab Street Nakho Business Center 2nd Floor - Office No.5 +(962) 6554 8944 +(962) 6554 8945 [email protected] Flexicare India Flexicare Medical India Pvt.Ltd North Phase, Developed Plot No.10A, T.V.K. Industrial Estate, Ekkattuthangal, Chennai-600 097 +91 44 4554 0220 [email protected] Registered Number 2428573 VAT Registered Number: GB 520 4204 07 VP5300-70A ISS 05/12