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our Flyer for more information
THE SECRET TO ENGAGING YOUR FRENCH STUDENTS INSTANTLY ! with FRENCH KITS, VIDEOS, BOOKS and PACKAGES Culture • Everyday Situations • Sports • Action Sports • Teen Issues • Family Life • Activities • Travel • Online Resources and More! COMMUNICATIVE APPROCHE ACTIONNELLE EUROPEAN FRAMEWORK FOR STUDENTS: K - 12 BOOK SMAR TS NEW DYNAMIC FRENCH RESOURCES CONVERSATIONAL See, Listen, Do SPEAK! Get savings and free bonus materials with your order BOOKSMARTS 129 Highgate Pointe - Claire, Qc H9R 2X5 For free video excerpts: www.booksmarts.biz Get savings and free bonus materials with your order FRENCH KITS, VIDEOS, BOOKS and PACK AGES See, Listen, Do... Speak ! DOZENS OF COMPLETE KITS SUCH AS: Cultural Kit: Le Carnaval de Québec Bienvenue au Carnaval ! Guy Kélada LE CARNAVAL DE QUÉBEC ! Grades 2 through 12. Each kit contains one DVD video and 10 copies of the book. The video and the book feature: An interview with Bonhomme Carnaval • All the key attractions of the Quebec Carnaval • The “Carnaval” parade • The ice palace • The Snow sculptures competition • The canoe races on the icy waters of the St. Lawrence river • The history of the quebec carnaval • Vintage video footage and photos of the first carnaval The video and the book go hand in hand. The video plays on PCs, Macs and on DVD players. Our videos offer several chapters for a total of between 35-60 minutes. The books are 28 pages full colour, with beautiful photographs. The books have a variety of texts and genres including descriptive texts, narrations, dialogues, and more! Kit: Le Hockey LE HOCKEY ! Grades 2 through 12. Each kit contains one DVD video and 10 copies of the book. The video and the book features: Description, equipment, interviews, rules, history Montreal Canadiens Hall of fame visit and more, all in simple French with authentic speakers! The video and the book go hand in hand. The video plays on PCs, Macs and on DVD players. Our videos offer several chapters for a total of between 35-60 minutes. The books are 28 pages full colour, beautiful photographs. The books have a variety of texts and genres including descriptive texts, narrations, dialogues, and more! AMAZING VIDEOS SUCH AS: DVD “Et que ça saute !” (sports) Action sports: Grades 2 through 12. • L’école nationale de cirque, • Le saut en parachute intérieur, • Le saut à cheval. Action packed videos for students of French! These videos are guaranteed to wake up your French class with interesting, cool action sports. • Discover the story of a young girl who took a rental horse and won local, then regional then provincial competitions! • Breathtaking, fun and educational. A must see for all French students. STUNNING FULL-COLOUR BOOKS SUCH AS: Bienvenue à L’ÉRABLIÈRE! Bienvenue au SNACK BAR ! Booksmarts www.booksmarts.biz Booksmarts www.booksmarts.biz & Ballons Vagues Booksmarts www.booksmarts.biz COMPLETE KITS INCLUDE: 10 BOOKS, 1 DVD & ONLINE ACTIVITIES Each DVD features: Several leveled video chapters. Parachute en tube: Our courageous young crew take a leap of faith in a 30 meter high air tube used to train the Canadian parachute team. Jump in the adventure and come for the ride. In simple French, of course. L’école de cirque: L’école nationale de cirque is a world-class circus school from which the Cirque du Soleil gets many of its performers. We meet teachers, students and see them in training, up close! Et que ça saute ! L’équitation: Discover the amazing story of a young girl who took a rental horse and won local, then regional, then provincial competitions ! Meet the girl, and the horse ! The owner of this world-class stable teaches us all about horses. Extreme sports. 3 videos on 1exciting DVD! In simple French. EVERYDAY SITUATIONS KITS Students watch and model native speakers in relevant everyday situations. Each kit contains 1 video DVD, 10 corresponding books and online activities Le Hockey: Grades 2 through 12. Young players describe the sport, equipment, rules. A visit to the Montreal Canadiens Hall of Fame! Bienvenue au SNACK BAR ! Ballons et Vagues (sports): Grades 2 through 12. Le soccer, le basket, le surf intérieur. Students discuss their favourite sport and we even get a live demonstration of indoor water surfing! Et que ça saute! (Sports): Grades 2 through 12. Action sports: L’école nationale de cirque, le saut en parachute intérieur, le saut à cheval. Action packed videos for students of French! Booksmarts www.booksmarts.biz Bienvenue au Snack Bar: Grades 2 through 12. Ordering food at the snack bar. Les Animaux: Grades 2 through 12. From regular pets to Jungle beasts. It’s all here! Prévention des drogues: Grades 7-12 Key strategies against substance abuse. Bienvenue à L’ÉRABLIÈRE! Booksmarts www.booksmarts.biz Bienvenue au Carnaval ! Guy Kélada CULTURAL KITS “PACK OF 4” Get these 4 kits together and save! Culture pack includes: 4 cultural DVDs, 40 books (10 per title), Downloadable Activities. Titles include: Le Carnaval de Québec, L’histoire et la culture de Montreal, La cabane à sucres and La St-Jean-Baptiste. CULTURAL KITS Bienvenue au Carnaval ! Guy Kélada Each kit contains 1 video DVD, 10 corresponding books and online activities Érablière (cabane à sucre): Grades 2 through 12. A visit to all the attractions of a large sugar shack. Carnaval:Grades 2 through 12. An interview with Bonhomme Carnaval • All the key attractions of the Quebec Carnaval. St-Jean-Baptiste: Grades 2 through 12. The people, places and history. It’s like being there! l’Histoire & Culture de Montréal: Grades 2 through 12. The birthplace of Canada. A visit to important places, a visit to the archeological Musée Pointe-à-Callières and more! Savings and Bonus material! COMPLETE KITS INCLUDE: 10 BOOKS, 1 DVD & ONLINE ACTIVITIES Each Book features: * 3 levels of difficulty identified for each text * Full colour, stunning photography * Dialogues, narratives, stories and more * Each individual book complements its companion DVD Books available in KITS, PACKS or INDIVIDUALLY: Le Hockey • Ballons et Vagues • Et que ça saute! • Bienvenue au Snack Bar • Les Animaux • Prévention des drogues • Érablière • Carnaval • St-Jean-Baptiste • l’Histoire & Culture de Montréal and more! ONLINE RESOURCES Join our online program. As a member, you get INSTANT ACCESS to fresh, new relevant videos, Apex French TV, The News in leveled French, Texts, and other content that you can watch online with your class. Show your students what they are interested in NOW! Booksmarts Online resources R e l e v a n t • C o n v e n i e n t • C u r r e n t • L e v e l e d • A ff o r d a b l e • A l w a y s Av a i l a b l e For more information: www.booksmarts.biz Testimonials J. Lattanzio, French teacher in Dundas, Ontario says, "I really liked the layout of this new book with the three different levels of reading difficulty colour-coded , the interesting historical facts found within, the various dialogues that could be easily acted out by students to practice their oral skills, and all of the colourful pictures.” Nicole, a French teacher in Barrie, Ontario says: "The videos are great for my students because they are current and pertain to subjects they are interested in." PREVIEW THE KITS, VIDEOS AND BOOKS NOW www.booksmarts.biz Savings and Bonus material!
Documents pareils
Quebec “CARNAVAL” KIT in levelled French: www.booksmarts.biz
All the key attractions of the Quebec Carnaval
The “Carnaval” parade
The ice palace
The Snow sculptures competition
The canoe races on the icy waters of the St. Lawrence river
aa The history of the...