Lesson Title: Lights Out


Lesson Title: Lights Out
Lesson Title: Lights Out
Grade Level: 1 (French)
Students will:
1. Predict and measure the energy life of a flashlight
powered by batteries.
2. Predict and measure the energy life of a glowstick.
Background Information:
We use lights to illuminate our classrooms. Lights being left on
unnecessarily are a large contributor to wasted energy in schools. One
way to conserve energy in school is to turn lights off when no one is in
the room. We have the power to control how much energy we use by
manually switching them on or off.
In this experiment the flashlight has the ability to be turned off
when not in use, but the glowstick remains on even when not in use,
thereby wasting energy.
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Blackline Masters Included: BLM 1, BLM 2, BLM 3, BLM 4, BLM 5, BLM 6, BLM 7, BLM 8, BLM 9
Big Ecological Ideas:
Controlling the devices we use allows us to conserve energy.
a) Controlling the energy we use is very important because it allows us to use it only when we
need it.
b) We control lights and other electrical devices manually with switches to turn them on and
off. If we did not use a switch to control the electrical energy it would be wasted. Just as
we can stop the flow of water running through a hose by closing the nozzle, we can stop the
flow of electrical energy to our lights with a switch, or to our computer monitor with the
“on/off’ button.
c) There are many ways to conserve energy. When it is bright outside, enough light may enter
our homes or buildings so that we can turn off lights inside to conserve energy. Before
leaving school, we shut computer monitors off or put them to sleep.
d) When we save energy, we help create a healthier environment for people, plants and animals.
We also save fuel (resources) and money.
Ontario Curriculum Expectations:
Science and Technology: Energy and Control: Energy in Our Lives
-investigate some common devices and systems that use energy
and ways in which these can be controlled manually
-describe different uses for energy at home, at school, and in
the community and suggest ways in which energy can be
-identify devices that are controlled manually (e.g. a cassette
recorder, lights)
-identify devices they use that consume energy (e.g. lights,
computer) and list things they can do to reduce energy
consumption (e.g. turn lights out or turn computers off)
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Blackline Masters Included: BLM 1, BLM 2, BLM 3, BLM 4, BLM 5, BLM 6, BLM 7, BLM 8, BLM 9
-select one of the most common forms of energy used every
day and predict the effect on their lives if it were no longer
-communicate the procedures and results of investigations and
explorations for specific purposes, using demonstrations,
drawings, and oral and written descriptions
(Additional expectations that link are Is46, Is51, Is52, Is55,
Is 57, Ie13, Ie15, Ie16, Ie17, Ie18, Ie41, Ie42, Ie49, Ie51,
Ie55, Iz14, Iz15, Iz17, Iz18, Iz19, Im95 as can be found
numbered on the Teachers’ Essentials CD under
Program>Elementary Curriculum Expectations)
Prior Learning:
The sun is the principal source of energy used on the surface of the
earth. Students should have discussed that we rely on the constant
flow of energy from the sun to live.
Students should have discussed ways in which energy is used in daily
Students should be able to identify some everyday uses of energy.
Assessment Opportunities:
The teacher observes and notes the students’ ability to:
-predict how long each device will last,
-record observations,
-follow directions,
-illustrate observations accurately,
-present information to class,
-work with a group
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Blackline Masters Included: BLM 1, BLM 2, BLM 3, BLM 4, BLM 5, BLM 6, BLM 7, BLM 8, BLM 9
Assessment Strategies:
-anecdotal records
-class presentation
Time Frame:
2 to 3 days, depending on the quality of the glowstick used
Materials Needed:
Glowstick – available from the kit centre or dollar store
Battery operated flashlight (available in Science Everywhere
Supply Kit Grade 1)
Day One:
1. Place the flashlight in a secure place, in view of the students but
also undisturbed for 2 to 3 days.
Place the glowstick next to the flashlight.
Turn on the flashlight and activate the glowstick.
As a class, record the date and time the experiment was started.
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Blackline Masters Included: BLM 1, BLM 2, BLM 3, BLM 4, BLM 5, BLM 6, BLM 7, BLM 8, BLM 9
2. Have students make predictions as to how long (in hours) the
flashlight will work.
Record predictions on BLM 1 (this BLM could be chart paper size
to display class results).
Students then predict how long the glowstick will glow (in hours)
and record their predictions on BLM 1.
3. In personal Science Observation Journals (BLM 2 and 3),
students illustrate today’s observations and write a brief
explanation of what they saw. (e.g., the brilliance of the beam of
the flashlight or how the glowstick ‘glows’)
The teacher should assign a student or a group of students to
turn off the flashlight whenever no one will be in the room (i.e.,
when class is in the gym, at recess, and at the end of the day),
and to turn it back on when they re-enter the room, thereby
conserving its energy.
4. Allow students to check the experiment at four different times
on each day. Students then record the day (day 1, 2 or 3) and
the time that the experiment was checked. Students will fill in
one section of the recording sheet BLM 1 if the flashlight is still
working and one if the glowstick is glowing.
5. After each observation, students may be allowed to complete a
page in the Observation Journal, or this could be completed at
the end of the day.
6. Continue until the glowstick no longer glows. Teachers may want
to continue to observe the flashlight until the end of day 3.
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Blackline Masters Included: BLM 1, BLM 2, BLM 3, BLM 4, BLM 5, BLM 6, BLM 7, BLM 8, BLM 9
BLM 1 – Lights Out
Mon expérience a commencé:
Je prédis que:
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Blackline Masters Included: BLM 1, BLM 2, BLM 3, BLM 4, BLM 5, BLM 6, BLM 7, BLM 8, BLM 9
BLM 2 – Personal Science Journal Title Page
Mes observations
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Blackline Masters Included: BLM 1, BLM 2, BLM 3, BLM 4, BLM 5, BLM 6, BLM 7, BLM 8, BLM 9
BLM 3 – Science Observation Journal Page
Mes observations
Page de journal
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Blackline Masters Included: BLM 1, BLM 2, BLM 3, BLM 4, BLM 5, BLM 6, BLM 7, BLM 8, BLM 9
BLM 4 – Student Criteria
Les critères pour les observations
Dans mon journal je vais essayer de:
utiliser le vocabulaire scientifique
2. donner des exemples en utilisant des mots et
des dessins
3. dire tout ce que j’ai appris selon ce que j’ai
4. donner de l’information et des détails
5. utiliser les lettres majuscules et la propre
ponctuation dans mes phrases
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Blackline Masters Included: BLM 1, BLM 2, BLM 3, BLM 4, BLM 5, BLM 6, BLM 7, BLM 8, BLM 9
Making the Connections:
Home Extensions: “Lights On – Lights Off!”
Materials Needed:
1. One glowstick per student
2. Copies of BLM 3 and 6
Time Frame: One night
At home, at night the students use a glow stick in their rooms instead of the
electric lights.
Do we use more energy at home than we really need?
Can we go about our regular routines using less light?
Students discuss and make predictions as a group.
The students report back in the morning about their energy consumption reducing
experience. (BLM 3 could be used)
Students may notice other devices that are left on around the home when they
may not be needed, and report on these as well. (additional BLM 6 could be used)
An oral presentation of their findings could be included here using ideas from
“A Good Oral Presentation” (BLM 7). In this context have each student make a list
of how energy could be conserved in their home.
Have students compare their lists and discuss if they predicted accurately, and
possible questions and/or ideas for energy conservation.
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Blackline Masters Included: BLM 1, BLM 2, BLM 3, BLM 4, BLM 5, BLM 6, BLM 7, BLM 8, BLM 9
LSF-LST: Classroom Activities
Teachers Across Canada teaching climate change in the classroom,
Resources for teachers
Elementary Curriculum Unit Project, Resource Material, Phase One,
Implementation Support Document, Sample units for single and combined grade
classes using the Ontario Curriculum Planner, Developed in partnership with:
Council of Ontario Directors of Education (CODE), Institute for Catholic Education
(ICE), Public and Catholic Schools Boards
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Blackline Masters Included: BLM 1, BLM 2, BLM 3, BLM 4, BLM 5, BLM 6, BLM 7, BLM 8, BLM 9
BLM 5 – Teacher Recording Sheet
Nom d’élève
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Blackline Masters Included: BLM 1, BLM 2, BLM 3, BLM 4, BLM 5, BLM 6, BLM 7, BLM 8, BLM 9
BLM 6 – Home Extension Recording Sheet
Les appareils dans la maison
Cherchez chez vous les appareils qui sont allumés
inutilement pour aucune raison.
Complétez le tableau.
Utiliser pour
Le besoin
La solution
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Blackline Masters Included: BLM 1, BLM 2, BLM 3, BLM 4, BLM 5, BLM 6, BLM 7, BLM 8, BLM 9
BLM 7 – Good Oral Presentation
Les critères pour une bonne
présentation orale
• Planifiez ce que vous allez dire
• Pratiquez avant de présenter à
la classe
• Utilisez une voix forte et claire
• Utilisez de l’expression
• Regardez les spectateurs
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Blackline Masters Included: BLM 1, BLM 2, BLM 3, BLM 4, BLM 5, BLM 6, BLM 7, BLM 8, BLM 9
BLM 8 – Checking My Group Skills
Je vérifie que je travaille bien en
Je partage mes idées avec mon
partenaire et mes membres du
J’ai écouté quand les autres
J’ai attendu mon tour et j’ai
partagé mes matériaux.
J’ai aidé mon partenaire et mon
groupe à finir notre travail.
La prochaine fois je vais:
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Blackline Masters Included: BLM 1, BLM 2, BLM 3, BLM 4, BLM 5, BLM 6, BLM 7, BLM 8, BLM 9
BLM 9 – Anecdotal Record Sheet
Anecdotal Record Sheet
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Blackline Masters Included: BLM 1, BLM 2, BLM 3, BLM 4, BLM 5, BLM 6, BLM 7, BLM 8, BLM 9