Program Description - Centre pour enfant Timiskaming Child Care
Program Description - Centre pour enfant Timiskaming Child Care
Englehart Program Description / Descriptions des programmes August 2015 août Monday (Closed in pm) Lundi (fermé durant l’après midi) *Please check calendar for activities and details* *S.v.p. vérifier le calendrier pour les activités et détails.* Tuesday / mardi *Playgroup* 10-11:30 th Will be held at the park Tuesday August 11 and at Charlton Beach on Tuesday August 25th, weather permitting. (Held at the OEYC if raining on those days) Free play, art, snack and group time. Wednesday / mercredi *Story Time at the Englehart Library* 10:30-11:30 Join us at the Englehart Public Library for a story, art and a nutritious snack. *Drop In* 1-4 Experience our wonderful playroom and resource centre with access to toys, games and craft material. *Jeux Libres* 13 h-16 h Venez jouer dans notre belle salle de jeux. Thursday / jeudi *Stroller Fit Workout with Crystal & Pascale* 10-11 Enjoy a Brisk workout outside with the group. *Poussette-Fit marche avec Cristal et Pascale * 10-11 Profitez d'une marche à l'extérieur avec le groupe *Drop In* 1-4 Experience our wonderful playroom and resource centre with access to toys, games and craft material. *Jeux Libres* 13 h-16 h Venez jouer dans notre belle salle de jeux avec accès aux jouets, des jeux, et du matériel pour faire du bricolage. *Please check calendar for activities and details* *S.v.p. vérifier le calendrier pour les activités et détails.* Friday *Learning Breakfast* 10-11 (every second Friday) Start your day with a healthy breakfast and learn about different topics. vendredi *Déjeuner * 10 h-11 h (à tous les deuxième vendredis) Commencez votre journée avec un déjeuner nutritif et venez discuter de différents sujets avec nous! *Please check calendar for activities and details* *S.v.p. vérifier le calendrier pour les activités et détails.* Community Program Locations Programmes dans la communauté: EARLTON Closed for the summer ELK LAKE th Thursday, August 13 11:00-1:00 *Family Fun Day* Join us for an Elk Lake Fun Day @ the Eco Centre on th August 13 from 11:00am-1:00pm. Directions are as follows: 1000 Ontario Street. Coming into Elk Lake, after the bridge turn left, at Fourth Street turn left and go all the way to the end. Fourth Street turns into Ontario Street. Registration is required. Workshops & Special Programs: Ateliers et programmes spéciaux: Thursday, August 6th 10-12 Jeudi, le 6 août 10 h-12 h *Charlton Beach* Join us at the beach for some fun in the sun. Bring a snack, sunscreen and a hat. Registration is required. th Saturday August 8 10-12 *Obstacle Course @ the Park* Join us at the little park for a fun obstacles course with all your friends!! Monday, August 10th 10-11 *Story Walk & Picnic @ Kap-Kig-Iwan Join us at Kap-Kig-Iwan for a Story Walk Picnic (We will provide a light lunch).Registration is required!! th th th th Wednesday, August 5 , 12 , 19 & 26 10:30-11:30 *Story Time at the Englehart Library* Join us at the Englehart Public Library for a story, art and a nutritious snack. nd Saturday August 22 10-11:30 *Soccer @ Centennial Park* Meet us at Centennial Park for a fun game of soccer!! Saturday / samedi *Please check calendar for activities and details* *S.v.p. vérifier le calendrier pour les activités et détails.* th Thursday, August 27 10-11 *Scriven Farm Visit* Visit the farm animals at Scriven’s Farm in Earlton 46774 Hwy 562 Kerns.