Edouard Vuillard


Edouard Vuillard
Edouard Vuillard
Le Salon des Natanson, rue Saint-Florentin, 1897/98
Oil on paper, on panel, 45.5 x 51.5 cm
Signed upper left: E. Vuillard
Salomon/Cogeval, no. VI-39
Paul Gallimard, Paris (1898) (1) ▪ Georges Wildenstein, Paris (2) ▪ Emil Bührle, Zurich (1 July 1952
until [d.] 28 November 1956) (3) ▪ Given by the heirs of Emil Bührle to the Foundation E.G. Bührle
Collection, Zurich, no. 114 (1960).
(1) Salomon/Cogeval, no. VI-39.
(2) AStEGB, Entry Book I, 2 July 1952.
(3) Acquired from the above, Entry Book as above, n. (2), with mention "gekauft am 1. 7. 1952"; AStEGB, Letter
from Dr. Walter Drack [curator of the Bührle collection] to Société Anonyme de Beaux-Arts, Vaduz [Galerie
Wildenstein], 25 July 1952, requesting information about two paintings by Vuillard acquired by Bührle,
including "Scène d'intérieur", and Letter from Daniel Wildenstein, Paris, to Dr. Walter Drack, 2 September
1952, announcing a fact sheet in regard to the two paintings from the artist's nephew, Mr. Salomon (never
received or now lost).
Europäische Meister 1790–1910, Kunstmuseum Winterthur 1955, no. 207. ▪ Vuillard, Gemälde,
Pastelle, Aquarelle, Druckgraphik, Kunsthaus Zurich 1964, no. 140 (not in cat.). ▪ Édouard Vuillard,
La porte entrebâillée, Musée de L'Annonciade, St-Tropez; Musée cantonal des Beaux-Arts, Lausanne
2000–01, no. 20 (Lausanne only). ▪ Richard Wagner, Visions d'artistes, D'Auguste Renoir à Anselm
Kiefer, Musée Rath, Geneva 2005–06, no. 75. ▪ Édouard Vuillard, Staatliche Kunsthalle, Karlsruhe
2008–09, no. 42. ▪ Unheimlich, Innenräume von Edvard Munch bis Max Beckmann; Uncanny,
Interiors from Edvard Munch to Max Beckmann, Kunstmuseum Bonn 2016–17, p. 55.
The Intimate Interiors of Edouard Vuillard, (exh. cat.) Museum of Fine Arts, Houston etc. 1989–90, p.
117, fig. 88. ▪ Guy Cogeval, Vuillard, Le temps détourné, Paris 1993, p. 62 (ill.). ▪ Antoine Salomon,
Guy Cogeval, Vuillard, Le regard innombrable, Catalogue critique des peintures et pastels, Paris &
Milan 2003, vol. 1, no. VI-39 (ill.). ▪ Felix Krämer, Das unheimliche Heim, Zur Interieurmalerei um
1900, Cologne etc. 2007, pp. 100–105, 111, 119–122, fig. 53 & III. ▪ Marie-Amélie zu Salm-Salm,
"Der Stoff und die Malerei, Wechselspiel von freier und angewandter Kunst um 1900 – eine
europäische Bewegung", in Kunst und Textil, Stoff als Material und Idee in der Moderne von Klimt bis
heute, (exh. cat.), Kunstmuseum Wolfsburg etc. 2013, pp. 298–299, fig. 2.
Catalogues of the Bührle collection: 1966 & 1971, no. 114; 1973/86, no. 104; 1994/95, pp. 49–50;
2004/05, no. 164. ▪ Exhibitions of the Bührle collection: Zurich 1958, no. 265; Berlin 1958, no. 62;
Munich 1958–59, no. 171; Edinburgh 1961, no. 67; London 1961, no. 67; Zurich 2010, no. 114.
Catalogues, exhibitions and articles cited in full see http://www.buehrle.ch/pdf/egbcat.pdf.
AStEGB = Archive of the Foundation E.G. Bührle Collection, Zurich
Status as per January 2017
www.buehrle.ch / [email protected]
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