Questionaire on video : How to remember Vocabulary.


Questionaire on video : How to remember Vocabulary.
Questionaire on video : How to remember Vocabulary. Recopier le tableau (qui apparait derrière la personne qui parle sur la vidéo) sur le cahier et traduire le tout en français. 1 -­‐ La personne qui parle a étudié trois langues étrangères. Lesquelles ? § I remember learning French when I was a child, I learnt the colours first and then we went on to verbs, and I was lost. I cannot speak French ! § I lived in Japan for four beautiful years. I actually tried to learn Japanese. It was exciting and fun … § When I started to learn Spanish … I am still doing that … 2 -­‐ Elle parle de deux types d'apprenants ( = learners) différents. Lesquels ? § I am a visual learner, which means I must see things to remember them. I have to write the new words down. § Maybe you are an audio learner. That means you learn from hearing. If you are an audio learner, you are lucky because you will be very good at languages. 3 -­‐ Elle a fait des posters de Voc pour apprendre. Elle les mettait où ? One way that I learnt “Kanji”, Chinese script, I had a poster in my toilet of the different Chinese or Japanese characters. So every time I went to the toilet I would look at the poster … I am subconsciously learning … 4 -­‐ Pourquoi rajoute-­‐t-­‐elle un " 10 " en rouge à côté de "Repeat, repeat, repeat ... ? You cannot learn a hundred words a day. I would limit myself to no more than ten new words a day … So, in one week, you are going to have seventy new words in your brain … But if you do not repeat them, you will lose those words. 5 -­‐ Enfin, pourquoi rajoute-­‐t-­‐elle "I want a donkey. I don't want a donkey" en rouge ? I am making a sentence, so I am improving my grammar and I am also repeating repeating repeating the new vocabulary words. 6 -­‐ Autre(s) détail(s) de la vidéo que tu as compris et dont tu veux me faire un résumé : Bimbo : in Japanese language : broke = to have no money In English language : a stupid girl = a girl who is not very intelligent !