The 3 Workshop on Chest Wall Deformities
The 3 Workshop on Chest Wall Deformities
The 3rd Workshop on Chest Wall Deformities It’s our great pleasure to invite you to participate in the 3rd Workshop on Chest Wall Deformities. The event will take place in Saint Etienne, France, on 01 – 02 October 2015. The workshop is organized by the cooperation of both department of Pediatric Surgery and General Thoracic Surgery, at the University Hospital of Saint Etienne France. We will have the pleasure to welcome International experts as ours guests of honor who revolutionized the treatment on chest wall deformities, by minimal invasive techniques. An intensive two-day course with active participation from Donald NUSS (USA), Robert KELLY (Virginia, USA), Marcelo MARTINEZ FERRO (Argentina), Mustafa YUKSEL (Turkey), Dr Hyung Joo PARK (Korea), Hans PILEGAARD (Denmark), Jose RIBAS CAMPOS (Brazil), Carlos BARDAJI (Spain) and FM HAECKER (Switzerland) and Marcel DAHAN from France. Our guests and our team will perform “Live Surgeries” in Hybrid pectus, associations of Pectus Excavatum (PE) and Carinatum (PC) and Currarino Silverman syndrom. A section of Case Presentation will be available. If you are interesting in presenting cases, please contact us. We remind you that the number of participants is limited, therefore please confirm your presence before September 1st. We look forward to your participation and to your contribution to this meeting. Welcome to St Etienne, Dr Manuel LOPEZ and Pr VARLET Service de Chirurgie Pédiatrique Pr Olivier TIFFET Service de Chirurgie Générale et Thoracique CHU- Hôpital NORD Saint Etienne-France Saint Etienne, le 18 Juin 2015 Lettre d’invitation Nous avons l'honneur d'organiser le troisième Workshop des Déformations de la Paroi Thoracique à Saint-Etienne et nous espérons vous voir nombreux parmi nous les 1er et 2 Octobre prochains. Ces 20 dernières années ont vu apparaitre de nouvelles techniques opératoires et nonopératoires des déformations thoraciques. Ainsi, la technique mini-invasive du « Pectus Barr » décrite par le Dr Donald Nuss, a elle-même bénéficié de nombreuses évolutions. Cette année, nous aurons le plaisir de compter sur des experts internationaux (Donald NUSS (USA), Robert KELLY (Virginia, USA), Marcelo MARTINEZ FERRO (Argentine), Mustafa YUKSEL (Turquie), Dr Hyung Joo PARK (Corée), Hans PILEGAARD (Danemark), Jose RIBAS CAMPOS (Brésil), Carlos BARDAJI (Espagne), FM HAECKER (Suisse), JM WIHLM (France) et Marcel DAHAN de Toulouse) qui partagerons avec nous leurs expériences et innovations. Des patients porteurs de formes hybrides, de pectus arcuatum et d’autres cas plus classiques seront opérés par nos invités accompagnés de nos équipes. Dans le programme, une section de présentation de cas cliniques aux experts est proposée. Si vous êtes intéressé(e) pour présenter l’un de vos patients lors du workshop, n’hésitez pas à nous contacter. Le nombre de places est limité, merci de confirmer votre participation avant le 1er Septembre 2015. Bienvenue à Saint-Étienne et bien cordialement à tous. Dr Manuel LOPEZ Service de Chirurgie Pédiatrique Pr Olivier TIFFET Service de Chirurgie Générale et Thoracique CHU- Hôpital NORD Saint Etienne-France Program Chairs Dr. Manuel LOPEZ Pediatric Surgery Pr. François VARLET Pediatric Surgery Saint Etienne, France Pr. Olivier TIFFET Thoracic Surgery 3rd Workshop on Chest Wall Deformities October 01-02, 2015 Saint Etienne, France Pr. Marcel DAHAN President of Workshop Toulouse, France Guests REGISTRATION Before September 01 300 € Surgeons 200 € Residents After September 01 350 € Surgeons Marcel DAHAN President Toulouse, France Donald NUSS Norfolk-Virginia, USA Patricio VARELA Santiago de Chile- Chile Jean Marie WIHLM Paris - France Robert KELLY Norfolk, USA Guillaume JONDEAU Paris, France Carlos BARDAJI Barcelona, Spain Marcelo MARTINEZ FERRO Buenos aires, Argentina Mustafa YUKSEL Istanbul-Turkey Franck Martin HAECKER Basel-Switzerland Hyung Joo PARK Seoul, Korea Hans PiLEGAARD Denmark JM RIBAS Brazil Ruddy RICHARD Clermont Fd, France Preliminary program Thursday 01 October Friday 02 October “PECTUS EXCAVATUM” 09:00 WELCOME Pr M Dahan, Pr F Zeni 09:15-13:30 LIVE Surgery: by H Pilegaard, HJ Park, R Kelly, O Tiffet, M Lopez. 13:30-14:30 LUNCH BREAK 14:30-18:00 CONFERENCE “PECTUS CARINATUM” 8: 30-13:30 LIVE SURGERY: by M Yuskel, P Varela, JM Ribas, O Tiffet, M Lopez. 13:30-14:15 LUNCH BREAK 14:15-17:45 CONFERENCE Marphan Syndrom Pectus and cardiac surgery Non operative treatment Minimal invasive and litterature Hybrid Form Case discussion CWIG Technical Innovation: New technics, Nuss modifications Non operative treatment Asymetric PExc Physiology (mechanic of the thoracic cage, cardiac exploration) PExc in aged patient How to do it 18:00 TOUR “Design City” 19:00 GALA DINNER 17:45 CLOSING & REMARKS REGISTRATION Last Name__________________ First Name ____________________________________ Addresse ____________________________________________________________ Hospital___________________________________________________________ Phone number_________ email_____________________________________________ REGISTRATION [email protected] [email protected] Before September 1 300 € Surgeons 200 € Residents After September 1 350 € Surgeons Places are limited. Reply imperatively before September 1. After this date, we can not guarantee your registration Form to send to the address below or by email with your payment in euros. Or international transfer to "GERCS“ (LA BANQUE POSTALE IBAN : FR60 2004 1010 0704 3352 1S03 831-BIC : PSSTFRPPLYO) Pr Olivier TIFFET Dr. Manuel LOPEZ Service de Chirurgie Thoracique et/ou Chirurgie Pédiatrique CHU - Hôpital NORD - Saint Etienne 42055 Saint Etienne Cedex 2 Phone : (+33) 0477828337/ 0477828847 Fax : 047728465