Programme complet - CIERL


Programme complet - CIERL
Jeudi 23 mai
16h00 Accueil 17h00 SESSION INAUGURALE -­‐ Baudouin DECHARNEUX, Académie Royale de Belgique, ULB/CIERL, "L'exotisme des premiers Mormons: Burton au pays des Sauvages" -­‐ Christian EUVRARD, Post-­‐doctorant, Groupe Sociétés, Religions, Laïcités (Paris), "Révélation, Ecritures et canon mormon: Rupture ou continuité?" 19h00 Visite de l’Académie 19h30 Réception & cocktail Vendredi 24 mai
DE L'EXOTISME EN RELIGION, PDT. SEANCE: BAUDOUIN DECHARNEUX 9h00 -­‐ Anne MORELLI, Directrice du CIERL, Université Libre de Bruxelles, "Les Mormons au sein de la politique belge de stigmatisation des 'sectes' " -­‐ Cécile VANDERPELEN, Professeur, Université Libre de Bruxelles, CIERL, "Images d’Amérique. Représentations des mormons chez les élites catholiques belges (1920-­‐1945)" 10h00 -­‐ Chrystal VANEL, Doctorant, Groupe Sociétés, Religions, Laïcités (Paris), "Regards exotiques de l'Occident sur le mormonisme et l'islam: des autres comparables" 10H30 PAUSE L'EXOTISME DANS LE MORMONISME? PDT. SEANCE: CHRISTIAN EUVRARD 11h00 -­‐ Brian D. BIRCH, Director of the Religious Studies Program, UVU, "A Peculiar People: Mormonism at the Margins of Christian Theology" 11h30 -­‐ Wilfried DECOO, Professeur émérite Université d'Anvers et BYU, "Mes cinquante ans au cœur du mormonisme: Où est l'exotisme?" 12h00 -­‐ Fred WOODS, Professor of Church History and Doctrine, BYU, "Is Truth stranger than Fiction?" 12h30 PAUSE DEJEUNER AU MUSEE DES INSTRUMENTS DE MUSIQUE UNE CONCEPTION PARTICULIERE DE LA REVELATION, PDT. SEANCE: CECILE VANDERPELEN 14h00 -­‐ James E. FAULCONER, Richard L. Evans Chair of Religious Understanding, BYU, "Revelation and History as the Key to Latter-­‐day Saint Cohesion" 14h30 -­‐ Joachim HERNANDEZ-­‐DISPAUX, Professeur, Université Catholique de Louvain, "’Il s'en alla même prêcher aux esprits en prison’. Catholiques et Mormons autour de 1 Pierre 3, 18-­‐20" 15h00 -­‐ Dana M. PIKE, Professor of Ancient Scriptures, Brigham Young University, "The case of the Song of Solomon in Mormon Scriptures" 15h30 PAUSE LE MORMONISME EN TENSION: RAPPORTS AUX AUTRES EGLISES ET A LA SOCIETE, PDT. SEANCE: JAMES FAULCONER 16h00 -­‐ Shon D. HOPKIN, Assistant Professor of Ancient Scriptures, BYU, "Universal Apostasy or Universal Respect?: The Dichotomous Tension of LDS Interfaith Understanding" 16h30 -­‐ David Rolph SEELY, Professor of Ancient Scriptures, Brigham Young University, "Mormon Sacred Space as a 'Focusing Lens'" 17h00 -­‐ Walter E. A. VAN BEEK, Chair Anthropology of Religion, Tilburg University, NL, 9h30 "The Sacred and the Secret in Mormonism: Ruminations of an Anthropologist" Samedi 25 mai
MARIAGE, FAMILLE, POLYGAMIE, PDT. SEANCE: DAVID ROLPH SEELY 9H00 -­‐ George RYSKAMP, Associate Professor of History, Brigham Young University, "Meliton Gonzalez Trejo: Perspectives of a Former Catholic on Nineteenth-­‐century Mormon Temple Rites" 9h30 -­‐ Rachel COPE, Assistant Professor of Church History, BYU, "Defending Mormonism: Edith Turpin's Views on Polygamy" 10h00 -­‐ Mike GOODMAN, Associate Professor of Church History, BYU, "Mormon Marriage: A "Curious Combination of Typicality and Peculiarity" 10h30 -­‐ Ralph C. HANCOCK, Professor of Political Philosophy, Brigham Young University, "A Familiar Eternity" 11h00 -­‐ PAUSE "Mainstreaming Mormonism: Educational Changes in the West and the Making of Modern Mormonism" 14h30 -­‐ Jorge VARELA, Directeur Instituts de Religion, Espagne nord, "Vie mormone: un parcours initiatique?" 15h00 PAUSE MORMONISME ET POLITIQUE, PDT. SEANCE: JORGE VARELA 15h30 -­‐ Mary Jane WOODGER, Professor of Church History, BYU, "Abraham Lincoln's Interaction with the Mormons" 16h00 -­‐ J. B. HAWS, Assistant Professor of Church History, BYU, "G. Romney as Mormon, M. Romney as Mormonism: A 1980s 'Institution-­‐Versus-­‐
Individual' Disconnect in American Public Opinion" 16h30 PAUSE 16h45 CONCLUSION, Fabien NOBILIO (CIERL) & Christian EUVRARD (GSRL) LE TEMPLE MORMON: EXOTIQUE OU ESOTERIQUE? PDT. SEANCE: WILFRIED DECOO 11H30 -­‐ Gerald HANSEN, Jr., Professor of Political Science, BYU-­‐Idaho, "Is the Temple Ritual exotic?" 12h00 -­‐ Fabien NOBILIO, Collaborateur CIERL, ULB, "Mormon Baptism of the Dead: An Exotic Ritual?" 12h30 -­‐ Alonzo L. GASKILL, Associate Professor, BYU, "Mormon Ritual Undergarments and the Sacrosanct Life" 13h00 PAUSE DEJEUNER PRATIQUE MORMONE ET MODERNITE, PDT. SEANCE: FABIEN NOBILIO 14h00 -­‐ Scott C. ESPLIN, Associate Professor of Church History, BYU,