56 bonnes pratiques de prévention


56 bonnes pratiques de prévention
56 bonnes pratiques de prévention (octobre 2010)
Les 56 bonnes pratiques suivantes ont été retenues par le groupe de travail. A l’origine,
105 pratiques européennes ont été identifiées par les partenaires. Les 56 sélectionnées
ont été choisies en fonction des attentes des différents partenaires.
Sur ces 56 bonnes pratiques, les recherches de données vont être poursuivies pour
permettre de mieux cerner les clés de réussite, les facteurs limitants… permettant de les
transposer dans d’autres territoires avec d’autres spécificités. Certaines de ces pratiques
seront éventuellement regroupées en une seule fiche mettant en avant une pratique et
mentionnant par exemple des variantes constatées dans d’autres situations.
Reducing packaging
Marche 4: Fair Hotel (reducing packaging waste), Italy
IBGE 12: Eco-taxation on disposable plastic bags, disposable kitchen utensils, food wrap &
aluminium foil, Belgium
Ilfov 3: Ecotax on non-biodegradable plastic bags, Romania
Roquetas 1: Campaign for responsible consumption of plastic bags, Spain
Other leads: Ban on disposal crockery, Germany
Other leads: National quota for reusable packaging for deposit scheme, Germany
Promoting bulk & reusable containers
Marche 6: Self service detergents in large retail, Italy
Marche 9: Fontemagna City (modern public water fountain), Italy
IBGE 4: Anti-advertising sticker (stop-pub) with legal backing, Belgium
IBGE 9: Dematerialisation in offices, Belgium
ORDIF 8: Travelling books, France
Food wastage
Malta 3: Love Food Hate Waste campaign at national level, UK
ACR+ 4: Love Food Hate Waste Campaign in Kent, UK
Karlskrona 2: Food weighing in schools, Sweden
Malta 6: Menu Dose Certa, Portugal
IBGE 7: Promotion of decentralised composting, Belgium
Karlskrona 1: Home composting in Karlskrona (fees), Sweden
Marche 1: Home Composting, Italy
Sofia 4: Household composting in homes (and kindergardens & schools), Bulgaria
Tampere 3: Education on back-yard composting, Finland
Bulky & other: furniture, clothing, equipment, batteries, nappies
Second-hand sale
Tampere 4: Second-hand market on the Internet, Finland
Repair and reuse
ACR+ 10: RUSZ (Repair guides and repair centers), Austria
ACR+ 13: Ecomoebel – Reuse of furniture, Germany
Karlskrona 3: Alelyckan Re-use center, Sweden
Marche 2: Reuse center: L'Alligatore, Italy
ORDIF 2: A guide for reparing, selling and reusing goods, France
Sofia 5: Separate collection of textiles for reuse and recycling, Bulgaria
Other leads: Take back stations for reusable/recyclable WEEE, Romania
Karlskrona 9: "Library" for clothes (Lånegarderoben), Sweden
Malta 2: The Real Nappy Campaign, UK
Marche 11: "Bambini leggeri (Kids Light)" Washable nappies in the nursery and incentives for
families, Italy
Several waste fractions & sustainable consumption
Information and incentives for the general public (and staff)
IBGE 1: Community workers "Eco-guides", Belgium
IBGE 13: NU-Spaarpas - The sustainable incentive card scheme, Netherlands
Karlskrona 4: Use more - waste less, Denmark
Karlskrona 7: Sustainable families, Sweden
ORDIF 4: Promoting eco consumption in supermarket, France
ORDIF 6: Monitoring the evolution of eco-consumption possibilities in France, France
ORDIF 7: Control group for waste prevention, France
Roquetas 5: Municipal Waste minimisation campaign in Santpedor, Spain
Tampere 2: Calendar with hints of waste prevention, Finland
Tampere 6: Ecofellows Ltd, waste prevention services, Finland
Tampere 7: Nuukuusviikko, Using less - Living more Week, Finland
Malta 10: Environmental Education for the unemployed, Malta
Malta 11: Care Creates Change in People's Lives and the Environment, Malta
Ilfov 2: Waste Management Program in Piatra-Neamt, Romania
Initiatives for children
ACR+ 9: Let's do it with Ferda (school project), Estonia
IBGE 8: Accompanied waste prevention projects in schools, Belgium
Tampere 1: Puppet theatre project ("Gabriella the Dump on Diet), Finland
Tampere 5: Reel Time Film Festival, Finland
Initiatives for the public and private sector
IBGE 10: Promoting Green public procurement - Waste prevention for the public sector, Belgium
Sofia 2: Good waste prevention communication practices in Sofia municipality, Bulgaria
Sofia 1: Differentiating of a tax “household waste” for the juridical persons, Bulgaria
Marche 7: Ecolabel Legambiente Tourism (hotels), Italy
ORDIF 9: -10 % in a hotel, France
ORDIF 5: Waste prevention campaign toward shopkeepers and artisans, France
Other leads: GreenEvent webplatform and awards, Belgium