Table des matières


Table des matières
N°01 | décembre 2004 - janvier 2005
Bimonthly newsletter dedicated to innovative entrepreneurship in Luxembourg
N°01 | décembre 2004 - janvier 2005
Background information
Technoport, as a high-tech business incubator, provides companies with access to resources that entrepreneurs and small
companies typically lack. Our objective is to provide the best conditions to achieve growth & success.
As an organisation within the CRP Henri Tudor, Technoport has developed services and infrastructure to accelerate the
growth of promising, high potential projects and companies in Luxembourg. Technoport has a current network of 26
Technoport’s objective is to provide the best conditions in Luxembourg to achieve growth and success.
Technoport News is split into five sections:
Company Profile
In every issue we will be profiling one of the exciting companies in our network.
Company News
A condensed version of highlights from the 26 companies within our Réseau d’Innovation
Technoport Highlights A brief overview of what has happened at Technoport over the last two months.
Incubator Status
How big is Technoport? How many projects, companies and people are involved?
Customer Reference
How good are we? Have a look at what our customers have to say
Technoport is always looking for quality projects and businesses managed by determined, proactive entrepreneurs.
For more information, visit our website at
Table des matières
Company Profile: CYBERCULTUS ..................................................................................................................................... 2
Company News................................................................................................................................................................. 2
SecureWave: Finalist of Best Security Solution for Financial Services............................................................................. 2
J-Way: Publication multimédia du catalogue de formation de l’INAP ............................................................................. 3
LuxScan Technologies: Set up of the first international subsidiary in the US ................................................................. 3
E-Xtream engineering: Release of DIGIMAT version 1.5.1. ............................................................................................. 3
E-Xtream engineering at the JEC Composites Show ....................................................................................................... 4
Two job opportunities at E-Xtream engineering ............................................................................................................ 4
SPIECE SA: Création d’un nouveau département pour la gestion de l’énergie électrique.................................................. 4
Technoport Highlights ..................................................................................................................................................... 5
Technoport welcomes OneTree Technologies SA ............................................................................................................ 1
Technoport’s highlights 2004 ....................................................................................................................................... 5
Incubator Status: Facts & Figures of Technoport as at 31 st December 2004.................................................................. 6
Location ...................................................................................................................................................................... 6
Technoport Innovation Network Development............................................................................................................... 6
Employment................................................................................................................................................................. 6
Development of expertise............................................................................................................................................. 6
Synergies ..................................................................................................................................................................... 6
Customer Reference......................................................................................................................................................... 6
Technoport News | N°01 | décembre 2004 - janvier 2005
Company Profile : CYBERCULTUS
Cybercultus was created in 1999 and has been accepted at
Technoport in June 2002. The company’s main mission is to
provide new interactive solutions with media convergence
(PC based Internet, Interactive TV, 3G Mobile telephony,
Global positioning).
The e-Business Solutions for the Art industry (eBSA©) Expo Suite of Cybercultus is a software capable of generating 3D
virtual exhibitions for museums, galleries, tourism centres, etc. The software is designed to allow organizations,
associations, and institutions, to promote natural and cultural heritage on-line using advanced immersive technologies.
Simple user interfaces for non-specialists allow authorized staff to specify the look and feel and the content of a 3D expo
and to have it published on different media such as CD/DVD, WEB or iTV.
The eBSA© RAMO libraries of Cybercultus provide a range of intelligent multimedia objects capable of advanced
interactivity. Such objects are capable of behaving autonomously and of reacting according to their surrounding context.
Such objects allow virtual worlds to behave closer to reality and to make the man/machine interaction much more
The latest interactive TV show application being developed by Cybercultus opens new possibilities to viewers by
converting the TV set to a virtual extension of their home living space. The DVB-MHP (Digital Video Broadcast
Multimedia Home Platform) open standard is used to produce these iTV applications.
By combining advanced immersion and interactivity solutions, Cybercultus is capable of providing its customers with
highly intuitive and user-friendly content applications.
Core Applications
RAMO ™ concept (Reactive & Adaptive Multimedia Objects)
eBSA© iTV suite for immersive TV applications
eBSA© suite for immersive culture and tourism applications
Target Markets
Culture & tourism industry, museums & galleries, tour operators, leisure centres, media &
broadcasting industry, TV channels, broadcasters, publishers
Last accomplishment
In October 2004 the first version of the eBSA© immersive TV quiz show has been tested
successfully using live satellite-broadcast.
Contact: Cybercultus SA, 66, rue de Luxembourg, L-4221 Esch-sur-Alzette, phone: +352 26 54 56 – 1,
fax: +352 26 54 56 – 24,, [email protected]
Company News
SecureWave: Finalist of Best Security Solution for Financial Services
The Sanctuary solutions of SecureWave have been nominated among the five finalists in the highly competitive arena of
the US Excellence Awards – Best Security Solutions for the Financial Services Industry. Results by SC Magazine will be
disclosed during the RSA Conference in February 2005 ( where SecureWave will also
be exhibiting. SecureWave will also be presenting its new products for the Citrix Meta-frame environment at the CeBIT 05
from March 10 – March 16 (Hall 7 A11).
For further details visit:
Technoport News | N°01 | décembre 2004 - janvier 2005
Janvier 2005
J-Way: Publication multimédia du catalogue de formation de l’INAP
J-Way est fier d'annoncer sa participation au catalogue de formation de l'Institut National d'Administration Publique
(INAP). La contribution de J-Way a consisté à extraire, via le produit J-Publisher, des données de SAP et à les publier
sous la forme d’un catalogue papier de qualité éditoriale, d’un catalogue diffusable PDF (table d'index dynamique, moteur
de recherche) et d’un site Web organisé conforme à la charte de l'Etat. Le processus de diffusion est complètement
automatisé et ce de l'extraction des données à la mise à disposition sur les trois media.
J-Publisher a permis de produire un catalogue papier d'une qualité équivalente aux processus classiques de pré-presse.
Déjà reconnu pour ses capacités à industrialiser le processus de publication d'ouvrages en ligne; J-Publisher n'a
maintenant plus rien à envier aux outils de composition manuelle en terme de qualité graphique que ce soit pour le
papier ou pour les supports numériques.
Pour ce projet l'utilisation de J-Publisher a permis de réaliser les travaux en moins de six semaines, en sachant que le
processus industrialisé de publication sera activable par le client lui-même à chaque évolution du catalogue.
Contact: J-Way SA, 66, rue de Luxembourg, L-4221 Esch-sur-Alzette, tél. : +352 54 22 23, fax +352 26 53 16 17,
Jean-Marc Boueyrie, sales manager, [email protected],
December 2004
LuxScan Technologies: Set up of the first international subsidiary in the US
LuxScan Technologies announces the opening of its first US subsidiary LuxScan Technologies Inc, Trourtman, North
Carolina, USA. This decision follows the very positive business development that LuxScan Technologies has made in the
recent years on the North American market. This positive business development had also a great impact in Luxembourg
where LuxScan Technologies grew its staff up to 25 employees (+3 in the US subsidiary) by the end of 2004.
For further information on the products or developments of LuxScan Technologies, contact: [email protected]
December 2004
e-Xtream engineering: Release of DIGIMAT version 1.5.1.
The version 1.5.1. of DIGIMAT has been released in December 2004. This new version enables the modelling of Rubber
Matrix Composites (RMC) subject to large deformations. It is the first of several releases that will be dedicated to the
advanced modelling of RMC in Automotive and Aerospace applications.
In addition to RMC, DIGIMAT continues to focus on the advanced and integrated modelling of Polymer Matrix Composite
materials and structures through the development of a series of new micromechanical modelling capabilities and an
interface to MOLDFLOW, the leading software in the injection molding of thermoplastic materials.
Please refer to for the complete list of DIGIMAT 1.5 capabilities.
Technoport News | N°01 | décembre 2004 - janvier 2005
April 2005
e-Xtream engineering at the JEC Composites Show
e-Xstream engineering team will participate at the JEC Composites show 2005 to reinforce its positionning as an
innovative high-tech software and service company that is 100% focused on the micromechanical modeling of
composites materials.
At this occasion, e-Xstream will release the version 1.6 of its DIGIMAT suite of micromechanical modeling software that
helps raw material producers, transformers and end-users engineers to design higher quality and more innovative
materials and products faster and cheaper.
Visit e-Xstream engineering at the SME Discovery Village, Hall 1, Booth J90/K73.8 Porte de Versailles, Paris.
January 2005
Job opportunities at e-Xtream engineering
e-Xtream engineering has recently opened two positions, one as marketing and administrative manager and se second as
software and application engineer.
More details about these job opportunities on
SPIECE SA: Création d’un nouveau département pour la gestion de l’énergie électrique
Spiece SA annonce la création d’un département « Mesures Energie » dont l’objectif sera d’offrir un soutien professionnel
et adapté à ses clients soucieux de respecter certains quotas d’économies d’énergies imposées notamment par le
protocole de Kyoto.
A travers les services de collecte, de stockage et d’analyse des informations relatives à la consommation électrique de ce
nouveau département, il sera possible dans le futur pour les clients de SPIECE SA de contrôler les consommations, de
répartir les coûts sur les unités de production, de corriger des phénomènes gênant sur le réseau et d’éviter des amandes
pour dépassement de consommation.
Pour atteindre ces objectifs Spiece a développé et commercialise l’UPT209 (Universal Power Transducer), produit qui
optimise la surveillance de chaque partie d’installation – de l’arrivée à l’utilisation – et ce en haute et basse tension.
Ce produit se distingue par rapport aux solutions concurrentes avant tout par des fonctionnalités plus élaborées et à plus
forte valeur ajoutée pour le client, et ce pour un prix plus faible.
Pour de plus amples informations n’hésitez pas à contacter Spiece S.A.; 30, rue Jos KIEFFER; L-4176 Esch-surAlzette;
Technoport News | N°01 | décembre 2004 - janvier 2005
Technoport Highlights
1st January 2005
Technoport welcomes OneTree Technologies SA
Technoport would like to welcome OneTree Technologies SA as
new start-up at the incubator. OneTree Technologies is a
former external member of the Technoport Innovation Network
(previously RDML SA). The company decided to apply for
Technoport at the end of 2004 and has officially been
by the Board of Directors of the CRP Henri Tudor on December
7th. OneTree Technologies helps companies and organizations
to improve information management capabilities, enhance
productivity, and support modern corporate governance
strategies using state-of-the art information technology.
Its software products aim at reducing the complexity when dealing with heterogeneous systems and enable smooth
information flow among business experts and reporting hierarchies. OneTree Technologies product and services help
master complexity and reduce total cost of ownership of IT environments for large corporations, public organizations
and SMEs.
For further information visit:
December 2004
Technoport’s highlights 2004
2004 was a rich year for the Technoport in terms of activities and new services offered to the companies member of the
Technoport Innovation Network. A complete range of workshops has been developed and implemented throughout the
year going from Business Development to Branding via Idea Development and Marketing Communications. Thirty-one
entrepreneurs from nineteen companies took part at these workshops. These workshops are the result of a close
collaboration with the entrepreneurs. They allowed to define a new, more personalised, follow-up strategy for the
Technoport. This strategy is nowadays declined in the three programmes of Technoport: the pre-commercial, start-up and
high-growth programmes. In addition to these workshops, there has also been in 2004 the development of new services,
this in strong collaboration with other departments and services of the CRP Henri Tudor, namely the Technology Watch
Centre (CVT) and the Information and Documentation Service (SID).
The incubator status section on page 6 of this issue of Technoport News gives a more detailed overview of the
development of the companies. Two indicators stands out : the number of positions created in 2004 (52) and the
accumulated turnover (14.5 M Euro). These two figures clearly show that the economic potential of such companies is
worthwhile to consider in the general innovation policy of Luxembourg.
2004 has also been the year of an important reward for the Technoport who has been awarded the ‘EC-BIC’ licence from
the European Commission.
Contact: [email protected];
Technoport News | N°01 | décembre 2004 - janvier 2005
Incubator Status : Facts & Figures of Technoport as at 31st December 2004
Available space for high-tech companies
Occupation rate
Planned exists by the end of 2005
Actual average tenancy period
Growth in terms of new contacts
Companies accepted in 2004
File stopped in 2004
Number of companies accepted by the board of directors since 1998
Success rate
1.600 m2
64 %
35 %
59,47 %
Technoport Innovation Network Development
Number of companies within the Technoport Innovation Network
Hosted companies
Success stories
External companies
2004 Cumulated Turnover (data for 20 out of 26 companies)
14,5 M EURO
• Total positions within the Technoport Innovation Network
• Positions created during 2004
Development of expertise
• University internship positions created
• PhD theses
• Co-operation with CRP Henri Tudor (R&D projects or other)
• Inter-company synergies created
• Informal clusters
Open Source Cluster , IT security cluster
Customer Reference
Pour Luxscan Technologies, le Technoport a été et reste un partenaire stratégique pour son développement.
J’ai été impressionné par la facilité et la flexibilité de démarrage qui nous a été offerte à nos débuts. Cet accueil nous a
permis de nous focaliser sur les choses essentielles pour le développement de notre société, à savoir le développement de
notre produit et la recherche de clients.
Raphael Vogrig | CEO LuxScan Technologies |
Publication : 6 times per annum, end of odd months | Editing Closure : the 25th of odd months | © Public Research Centre Henri Tudor
Distribution : electronic subscription, pdf file and archives on, subscription on
Contributions : non-formatted, maximum length per information unit : 1000 caracters | Contact : [email protected]
Subscription for Tudor News (newsletter dedicated to Research and Innovation), Tudorama (monthly agenda of
the Centre), Newsletter SPIRAL (thematic newsletter on information technologies) and EcosanLux (thematic
newsletter on water management):