listing matériel Centre de ressources
listing matériel Centre de ressources
LISTING du matériel du centre de ressources Fichiers d' activités Albums de jeunesse Documents à vocation culturelle Supports didactiques Autres supports (flash-cards, cassettes; vidéo cassettes; cédéroms ...) Jet Primary teachers'resource book 1,2, 3 Here comes everyone Festivals and special days 333 idées pour l'Anglais Mon 1er Portfolio Muzzy in Gondoland: 1,2,3,4,5 Clever tortoise Le monde Anglosaxon A cheese and tomato spider L'apprentissage actif de l'anglais à l'école Join in 1,2 Lucy'sbox Sam's travels Atout Clic Flash-cardes Anglais(CP,CE1,CE English 2,CM1,CM2 ) Mon premier Portfolio Please Mrs Miller Kids in Britain(+livre d'activités) Fun and Games in English Flash-cards Pingu Gingerbread man The Grand Old Duke of York and other favourite nursery play(vidéo cassette) Hello kids! CM1CM2 The very hungry caterpillar This is the register I'm British but ... Jazz chants for children Winnie the witch What's the time ? This is Britain ( DVD + livre ) Grammar games and activities Wallace and Gromit in a Grand day out Just like Dracula and his family S'initier à l'Anglais (classeur) Primary vocabulary Join in 1et 2 box Ketchup on your cornflakes? Festivals Projects with young Muzzy in learners Gondoland Little Red ridinghood Meg and Mog Megs'eggs Mr Mac Gee Pat the cat Princess dress Pudding face Something else Ten in the bed Real books in the primary classroom Pingu loves English The New Story Meg and Mog and Telling handbook other stories for primary teachers My cat likes to hide in boxes Join in (livres du maître 1et 2 ) Primary activity box Princess smarty pants Join in pupils'book 6 Spot stories 1et 2 Fichiers d' activités Albums de jeunesse Documents à vocation culturelle Supports didactiques Autres supports (flash-cards, cassettes; vidéo cassettes; cédéroms ...) Spot goes to school Pingu loves English(livre du maître +élève) Tell it again Spot'sbirthday party Games and activities for younger learners The enormous turnip(classic tales) The elephant and the bad baby Storytelling with children The storytelling handbook for primary teachers(cassette) The Enormous Turnip Puzzle time for starters (photocopiable) Winnie the witch(cassette) The time it took Tom Cookie Jar(authentic rhymes and songs) A la recherche de Sam The very hungry caterpillar Cookie jar (teaching Première découverte activities) (5-8 ans) Wake up Charlie Dragon Children's Jazz Anglais pour chants,oold and new enfants de 4à7ans Wallace and Gromit in a grand day out Anglais cycle 3 (CE2-CM1-CM2) Wait and see Cookie jar (40 rhymes and songs) Where's Spot ? Festivals(cassette) As big as a pig Winnie the witch (édition for learners of English) Fun and games (cassette) Humpty Dumpty and other nursery rhymes
Documents pareils
Songs and Nursery Rhymes
Songs and Nursery Rhymes
Chansons et comptines
Word / expression