
European Territorial Cooperation
MED Programme 2007-2013
MED Programme targeted calls / Appels ciblés Programme MED
Innovation for renewable energy and energy efficiency solutions in Mediterranean regions and cities
Priority axis 1 (objectives 1.1 and 1.2) and priority axis 2 (objective 2.2)  February, 10th – April, 12th 2012
Innovation pour les énergies renouvelables et efficience énergétique dans les régions méditerranéennes 
Axes prioritaires 1 (objectifs 1.1 et 1.2) et 2 (objectif 2.2)  10 février – 12 avril 2012
Strengthening Mediterranean port activities and EU accessibility with simpler norms and a better use of
information technologies  Priority axis 3 (objective 3.1)  February 27th – April, 27th 2012
Renforcer l’activité des ports méditerranéens et l’accessibilité UE en simplifiant les normes et en
développant l’usage des technologies de l’information  Axe prioritaire 3 (objectif 3.1)  27 février – 27 avril 2012
Project idea title  Titre de l’idée de projet
FERMI Fostering Electric and Renewable Mobility through Innovation
Theme or keywords (for orientation see Terms of References)  Thème ou mots clés (pour
orientation, veuillez-consulter le cahier des charges)
Innovation methodology, SMEs in energy sector, Energy Efficiency & exploitation of RES, Sustainable energy
management, Zero Emission Vehicles, Smart cities, Transnational cooperation on innovative technologies
Programme objective  Objectif du Programme
Objective 1.1  Objectif 1.1
Objective 1.2  Objectif 1.2
Objective 2.2  Objectif 2.2
Objective 3.1  Objectif 3.1
Project idea in short (max 300 words)  Idée en bref (300 mots max.)
This project aims at contributing to the development of a more innovative and sustainable economy, focusing on
the green mobility opportunities to increase the SMEs capacity . The result is a green growth driven by an
innovative approach toward the electric mobility focusing on innovative technologies, reducing the use of
resources and the environmental impact.
The project will address following problems and challenges: promotion of innovative technologies in the mobility,
energy and ICT sectors strengthening the CO2 reduction in compliance with the EU growth strategy “Europe
2020”. Breaking the transport system's dependence on oil without sacrificing its efficiency and compromising
Please note: By submitting this form you agree with the publication of your contact data, e.g. during information events or on
the programme website. Veuillez noter: avec la mise à disposition de ce formulaire, vous acceptez la publication de toutes
vos données (ex : pendant des événements, sur le site web, etc.).
mobility, through a strategic cooperation between economic actors and public authorities. Improving the SMEs’
capacity in the energy sector with focus on renewable energies, mobility supply chain, and ICT.
Expected results
Project results:
- a developed and tested new approach (system) combining the e-mobility (mix of different vehicles like e-bikes,
e-cars, e-buses etc.), technological products/solutions and renewable energy elements
- pilot actions testing the e-mobility elements (products and infrastructure) in the framework of SMEs business
- matching the mobility theme with renewable energy production through the zero emission vehicles and renewble
energies plants
- a system based on ICT solutions supporting a new mobility concept
- prototype of new electric vehicles realized by SMEs
-transferable standardized framework consisting of recommendations, infrastructure and criteria for green mobility
-developed and tested as a demonstration action, new models for the development in urban and rural areas
aiming at creation of a greener approach thus developing new product and services.
Please name the work package you would like to develop  Veuillez indiquer le ‘workpackage’
que vous voulez développer
WP 0 - Preparatory activities
WP 1 - Project management
WP 2 - Communication and dissemination
WP 3 - Analysis and elaboration of the action plan
WP 4 - Tools supporting the renewable energies production and energy savings
WP 5 - Pilot actions for the sustainable electric mobility
WP 6 - Digital systems for a sustainable mobility
Main beneficiaries/target groups  Bénéficiaires/ groupes ciblés principaux
SMEs and their associations, Local Administrations, Chambers of Commerce
Approximate budget  Budget approximatif
1,5 - 2 M €
Looking for this type of partners  Types de partenaires recherchés
Local Administrations, SMEs and their associations, Chambers of Commerce, Regional Innovation and
competitiveness centres, Specialized bodies (energy agencies, Energy Service operators …)
My contact data  Mes coordonnées
Mr Filippo Fiori +390444168487 [email protected]
Mr Vladi Riva +390444168316 [email protected]
Please note: By submitting this form you agree with the publication of your contact data, e.g. during information events or on
the programme website. Veuillez noter: avec la mise à disposition de ce formulaire, vous acceptez la publication de toutes
vos données (ex : pendant des événements, sur le site web, etc.).