Spaces and Exchanges TERMINALES 2014


Spaces and Exchanges TERMINALES 2014
Spaces and Exchanges
Here is how you could organize your presentation for the first topic we have studied as well as for the next, simply changing the
documents and their exploitation.
POUR CHAQUE DOCUMENT CHOISI : ne pas oublier de dire comment il est relié à la notion / à la problématique que vous
avez choisie.
Présenter la notion
Spaces and exchanges
Let me begin by defining what I mean by the notion of
The notion I am going to deal with is …
The subject of my oral presentation will be …
I am going to speak about …
My topic is …
→ Cf your own definitions and the book's p. 246
→ We have tried to answer the question (+ problématique choisie). Voir exemples ci-dessous.
• To what extent can we say that money influences the way people are ?
• Is having being (cf la fiche de présentation des documents à étudier, en début d'année)
• How does a global community change the way countries and people deal with each other ?
Introduire les documents et les exemples
I would like to illustrate this notion using the document we have studied in class, entitled …
I will present this notion by showing the relationship between … and …
I feel this notion is best illustrated by the following passage from the document we have studied in class …
Donner des exemples pour illustrer votre propos
Let's take the case of the mural we studied.
A good example of how in our modern world is / would / might be …
For instance, …
The mural by Banksy. (ajouter commentaire de la peinture murale → cahier)
→ this document is an indictment / denunciation of the widening gap between developing countries and industrialised
The video we saw about Scotland's referendum. TES1 (commentary)
→ This document is related to the notion studied, indeed, if Scotland had massively voted « yes » at the referendum on
the 18th of September, then there would have been countless consequences on the United Kingdom and Europe. It might
have created chaos, it might have recreated a different pattern in the North of Europe...
Say why you have chosen this document, why you found it interesting / entertaining …
The excerpt from a novel entitled Funny Boy by Shyam Selvaduraï. (commentary)
→ This text highlighted the phenomenon of reverse brain drain (give the definition)
which seems rather new in our globalised world.
The poem by Benjamin Zephaniah, a contemporary poet and performance artist (commentary)
→ a rather scathing criticism of a world in which developing countries are becoming underdogs. (document à venir)
The article from the quality paper The Telegraph
→ focusing on the horrific event that traumatised Bangladesh in 2013 and showing that the deep inequalities between
countries are bound to go on.
Ordonner ses idées
To begin with
First of all,
Then / next
Préciser et / ou compléter ses idées / reformuler
In other words, what I would like to say is...
To put it differently, …
Besides, (d'ailleurs) Additionally / In addition
Pour résumer vos idées et conclure de façon personnelle
To sum up the main ideas of my presentation, I will say that...
On the whole, it could be said that, …
To conclude, I would say that …
Possible questions for interaction :
1. How can you relate the title of the poem by B. Zephaniah to the notion « Spaces and Exchanges ? »
2. What is globalisation ? What is the best example of globalisation for you ?