
Professeur Claude MARTIN – Pôle 4 – Anesthésie-Urgences-Réanimations
ADRESSE : CHU Nord – Chemin des Bourrelly – 13915 Marseille cedex 20
TELEPHONE : 04 91 96 86 50
[email protected]
Unité de Recherche sur les Maladies Infectieuses Tropicales et Emergentes, Centre National de la
Recherche Scientifique – Unité Mixte de Recherche 6236 – Institut Fédératif de Recherche 48 –
Université de la Méditerranée, Marseille, France (URMITE)
Unité de Recherche EA3783, éthique et philosophie de la médecine et de la biologie. Espace
Ethique Méditerranéen, Université de la Méditerranée, Marseille, France.
DISCIPLINES D’APPARTENANCES : Anesthésie-réanimation, réanimation médicale, urgences
SPECIALITÉS : Anesthésie-Réanimation, réanimation médicale, urgences
Enseignants-Chercheurs (PU-PH, MCU-PH, CCA, AHU) :
Personnel Hospitalier (PH, Attaché) :
Personnel Technique :
3 attachés de recherche clinique
Personnel Administratif :
Etudiants :
Marc Leone
Fabrice Michel
Laurent Papazian
Antoine Roch
Sami Hraiech
Pôle hospitalier. Anesthésie-Urgences-Réa
Mise à jour : janvier 2015
INTITULÉ : Service des urgences
RESPONSABLE : Docteur Philippe Jean
INTITULÉ : Réanimation détresse respiratoire infection sévère (DRIS)
RESPONSABLE : Professeur Laurent Papazian
DISCIPLINE : Réanimation
INTITULÉ : Service d’Anesthésie et de Réanimation
RESPONSABLE : Professeur Claude Martin
DISCIPLINE : Anesthésie-Réanimation
Hraiech Sami – Evaluation des stratégies thérapeutiques dans des modèles murins de pneumonie.
16 décembre 2014.
Michel Fabrice – Approche éthique de la hernie diaphragmatique congénitale. 12 novembre 2014.
Jean-Michel Constantin, Live, PHRC, Clermont-Ferrand, 2013
Bernard Levy, OPTIMA CCC, PHRC, Nancy, 2013
Marc Leone, Microparticles in Septic Shock, PHRC régional, 2013.
Dimopoulos G, Koulenti D, Blot S, Sakr Y, Anzueto A, Spies C, et al. Critically ill elderly adults with
infection: analysis of the extended prevalence of infection in intensive care study. J Am Geriatr Soc
Martin C, Leone M. Réanimations : travailler (beaucoup) plus pour gagner plus, mais toujours pas
assez. Ann Fr Anesth Reanim 2013;32:729-31.
Mathieu C, Meresse Z, Vigne C, Melot A, Léone M. Procédure mini-invasive ne signifie pas sans
complications... Ann Fr Anesth Reanim 2013;32:820-1.
Velly L, Leone M. Le BIS bilatéral : un moyen simple de détecter l'ischémie cérébrale? Oui, mais
chez le patient conscient. Ann Fr Anesth Reanim 2013;32:641-3.
Meresse Z, Meyssignac B, Textoris J, Haddam M, Martin C, Leone M. Découverte fortuite de la
persistance d'une veine cave supérieure gauche. Ann Fr Anesth Reanim 2013;32:817-8.
Horwitz M, Chaumoître K, Grimaldi C, Retornaz K, Nicaise C, Thomachot L, et al. Spontaneous
regression of multiple Rasmussen aneurysms in a child with Lemierre syndrome and pulmonary
abscesses. Pediatr Infect Dis J 2013;32:1301-2.
Annane D, Siami S, Jaber S, Martin C, Elatrous S, Declère AD, et al. Effects of fluid resuscitation
with colloids vs crystalloids on mortality in critically ill patients presenting with hypovolemic shock:
the CRISTAL randomized trial. JAMA 2013;310:1809-17.
Pôle hospitalier. Anesthésie-Urgences-Réa
Mise à jour : janvier 2015
Hraiech S, Alingrin J, Dizier S, Brunet J, Forel JM, La Scola B, et al. Time to intubation is associated
with outcome in patients with community-acquired pneumonia. PLoS One 2013;8:e74937.
Doublet J, Vialet R, Nicaise C, Loundou A, Martin C, Michel F. Achieving parenteral nutrition goals in
the critically ill newborns: standardized better than individualized formulations? Minerva Pediatr
Godet G, Girard C, Guidet B, Ichai C, Lehot JJ, Leone M, et al. Hydroxyéthylamidons et rein: savoir
raison garder. Ann Fr Anesth Reanim 2013;32:535-8.
Martin C, Jacob M, Vicaut E, Guidet B, Van Aken H, Kurz A. In reply. Anesthesiology 2013;119:7367.
Asfar P, Claessens YE, Duranteau J, Kipnis E, Leone M, Lévy B, et al. Residual rates of mortality in
patients with severe sepsis: a fatality or a new challenge? Ann Intensive Care 2013;3:27.
Kuteifan K, Mertes PM, Bretonnière C, Eon B, Dupic L, Capellier G, et al. Enquête nationale sur la
pratique des "Revues de morbi-mortalité" en réanimation. Ann Fr Anesth Reanim 2013;32:602-6.
Leone M, Malavieille F, Papazian L, Meyssignac B, Cassir N, Textoris J, et al. Routine use of
Staphylococcus aureus rapid diagnostic test in patients with suspected ventilator-associated
pneumonia. Crit Care 2013;17:R170.
Futier E, Constantin JM, Paugam-Burtz C, Pascal J, Eurin M, Neuschwander A, et al. A trial of
intraoperative low-tidal-volume ventilation in abdominal surgery. N Engl J Med 2013;369:428-37.
Panait N, Michel F, D'Ercole C, Merrot T. Esophageal atresia, small omphalocele and ileal prolapse
through a patent omphalomesenteric duct: a methamizole embryopathy? J Pediatr Surg
Roch A, Hraiech S, Dizier S, Papazian L. Pharmacological interventions in acute respiratory distress
syndrome. Ann Intensive Care 2013;3:20.
Michel F, Baumstarck K, Gosselin A, Le Coz P, Merrot T, Hassid S, et al. Health-related quality of
life and its determinants in children with a congenital diaphragmatic hernia. Orphanet J Rare Dis
Beaussier M, Dufeu N. Urgences chirurgicales en ambulatoire : en route vers une nouvelle étape !
Ann Fr Anesth Reanim 2013;32:383-4.
Zieleskiewicz L, Pierrou C, Ragonnet B, Tourret M, Chau C, Craighero F, et al. Pré-éclampsie sévère
et hémorragie post-partum: apport de l'échographie « corps entier » Can J Anaesth 2013;60:796802.
Gutton C, Bellefleur JP, Puppo S, Brunet J, Antonini F, Leone M, et al. Lidocaine versus ropivacaine
for perineal infiltration post-episiotomy. Int J Gynaecol Obstet 2013;122:33-6.
Tosello B, Le Coz P, Payot A, Gire C, Einaudi MA. Projets de naissance en soins palliatifs : un
domaine de la périnatalité à construire. Gynecol Obstet Fertil 2013;41:251-4.
Arnoult E, Wiramus S, Textoris J, Craighero F, Ragonnet B, Hammad E, et al. Occult pulmonary
embolism in intensive care unit patients undergoing chest computed tomography scan: incidence
and effect on outcomes. J Cardiothorac Vasc Anesth 2013;27:474-8.
Tauzin L, Sigur N, Joubert C, Parra J, Hassid S, Moulies ME. Echocardiography allows more accurate
placement of peripherally inserted central catheters in low birthweight infants. Acta Paediatr
Pôle hospitalier. Anesthésie-Urgences-Réa
Mise à jour : janvier 2015
Annane D, Timsit JF, Megarbane B, Martin C, Misset B, Mourvillier B, et al. Recombinant human
activated protein C for adults with septic shock: a randomized controlled trial. Am J Respir Crit
Care Med 2013;187:1091-7.
Kervégant M, de Haro L, Patat AM, Pons C, Thomachot L, Minodier P. Phalloides syndrome
poisoning after ingestion of lepiota mushrooms. Wilderness Environ Med 2013;24:170-2.
Baravalle M, Michel F, Tosello B, Chaumoître K, Hassid S, Thomachot L, et al. Intérêt de la
kétamine dans l'asthme aigu grave : réponse. Ann Fr Anesth Reanim 2013;32:209-10.
Bousbia S, Papazian L, Saux P, Forel JM, Auffray JP, Martin C, et al. Serologic prevalence of
amoeba-associated microorganisms in intensive care unit pneumonia patients. PLoS One
Leone M, Ragonnet B, Moutardier V. À double tranchant. Ann Fr Anesth Reanim 2013;32:80-1
De Jong A, Molinari N, Terzi N, Mongardon N, Arnal JM, Guitton C, et al. Early identification of
patients at risk for difficult intubation in the intensive care unit: development and validation of the
MACOCHA score in a multicenter cohort study. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 2013;187:832-9.
Martin C, Jacob M, Vicaut E, Guidet B, Van Aken H, Kurz A. Effect of waxy maize-derived
hydroxyethyl starch 130/0.4 on renal function in surgical patients. Anesthesiology 2013;118:38794.
Brun C, Zieleskiewicz L, Textoris J, Muller L, Bellefleur JP, Antonini F, et al. Prediction of fluid
responsiveness in severe preeclamptic patients with oliguria. Intensive Care Med 2013;39:593600.
Zieleskiewicz L, Lagier D, Contargyris C, Bourgoin A, Gavage L, Martin C, et al. Lung ultrasoundguided management of acute breathlessness during pregnancy. Anaesthesia 2013;68:97-101.
Tissier C, Bonithon-Kopp C, Freysz M, French Intensive care Recorded in Severe Trauma (FIRST)
study group. Statement of severe trauma management in France; teachings of the FIRST study.
Ann Fr Anesth Reanim 2013;32:465-71.
Martin-Loeches I, Deja M, Koulenti D, Dimopoulos G, Marsh B, Torres A, et al. Potentially resistant
microorganisms in intubated patients with hospital-acquired pneumonia: the interaction of ecology,
shock and risk factors. Intensive Care Med 2013;39:672-81
Rello J, Molano D, Villabon M, Reina R, Rita-Quispe R, Previgliano I, et al. Differences in hospitaland ventilator-associated pneumonia due to Staphylococcus aureus (methicillin-susceptible and
methicillin-resistant) between Europe and Latin America: a comparison of the EUVAP and LATINVAP
study cohorts. Med Intensiva 2013;37:241-7
Meybohm P, Van Aken H, De Gaspari A, De Hert S, Della Rocca G, Girbes AR, Gombotz H, Guidet B,
Hasibeder W, Hollmann MW, Ince C, Jacob M ; Kranke P ; Kozek-Langenecker S, Lier SA, Martin C,
Siegemund M, Wunder C, Zacharowski K. Re-evaluating currently available data and suggestions
for planning controlled studies regarding the use of hydroxyethyl starch in critically ill patients – a
multidisciplinary statement. Crit Care. 2013 Jul 26;17(4):R166
Le Floch AS, Cassir N, Hraiech S, Guervilly C, Papazian L, Rolain JM. Haemophilus
parahaemolyticus septic shock after aspiration pneumonia, France. Emerg Infect Dis. 2013 Oct; 19
Hugon P, Lagier JC, Robert C, Lepolard C, Papazian L, Musso D, Vialettes B, Raoult D. Molecular
studies neglect apparently gram-negative populations in the human gut microbiota. J Clin
Microbiol. 2013, Oct; 51(10):3286-93.
Pôle hospitalier. Anesthésie-Urgences-Réa
Mise à jour : janvier 2015
Hraiech S, Roch A, Lepidi H, Atieh T, Audoly G, Rolain JM, Raoult D, Brunel JM, Papazian L,
Bregeon F. Impaired virulence and fitness of a colistin-resistant clinical isolate of Acinetobacter
baumannii in a rat model of pneumonia. Antimicrob Agents Chemother, 2013, Oct; 57(10):5120-1.
Atieh T, Audoly G, Hraiech S, Lepidi H, Roch A, Rolain JM, Raoult D, Papazian L, Brejeon F.
Evaluation of the diagnostic value of luorescent in situ hybridization in a rat model of bacterial
pneumonia. Diagn Microbiol Infect Dis. 2013, Aug; 76(4):425-31.
Guervilly C, Roch A, Papazian L. High-frequency oscillation for ARDS. N. Engl J Med. 2013 Jun
Matta J, Baratin M, Chiche L, Forel JM, Cognet C, Thomas G, Farnarier C, Piperoglou C, Papazian L,
Chaussabel D, Ugolini S, Vély F, Vivier E. Induction of B7-H6, a ligand for the natural killer cellactivating receptor NKp30, in inflammatory conditions. Blood. 2013 Jul 18;122(3):394-404.
Azoulay E, Kouatchet A, Jaber S, Meziani F, Papazian L, Brochard L, Demoule A. Non-invasive
ventilation for end-of-life oncology patients. Lancet Oncol. 2013 May; 14(6):e200-1.
Alhazzani W, Alshahrani M, Jaeschke R, Forel JM, Papazian L, Sevransky J, Meade ML.
Neuromuscular blocking agents in acute respiratory distress syndrome: a systematic review and
meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. Crit Care. 2013 Mar 11;17(2):R43.
Papazian L, Hraiech S. Spontaneous breathing in acute respiratory distress syndrome: friend and
foe? Crit Care Med. 2013 Feb;41(2):685.
Dubourg G, Lagier JC, Armougom F, Robert C, Audoly G, Papazian L, Raoult D. High-level
colonization of the human gut by Verrucomicrobia following broad-spectrum antibiotic treatment.
Int J Antimicrob Agents. 2013, Feb; 41(2):149-55.
Benelotti P, Guervilly C, Grandval P, Benyamine A, Ene N, Serratrice J, Petit P, Laugier R, Papazian
L, Weiller PJ. Ischemic cholangitis in intensive care unit: favorable outcome with ursodesoxycholic
acid and fenofibrate. Rev Med Interne. 2013 Feb; 34(2):110-3.
Azoulay E; Kouatchet A, Jaber S, Lambert J, Meziani F, Schmidt M, Schnelle D, Mortaza S, Conseil
M, Tchenio X, Herbecq P, Andrivet P, Guerot E, Lafabrie A, Perbet S, Camous L, JanssenLangenstein R, Collet F, Messika J, Legriel S, Fabre X, Guisset O, Touati S, Kilani S, alves M, Mercat
A, Similowski T, Papazian L, Meert AP, Chevret S; Schlemmer B, Brochard L, Demoule A.
Noninvasive mechanical ventilation in patients having declined tracheal intubation. Intensive Care
med. 2013 Feb; 39(2):292-301.
Pôle hospitalier. Anesthésie-Urgences-Réa
Mise à jour : janvier 2015