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Mise en page 1
david wampach
association achles
SACRE creation 2011 for 2 performers
• march 17, 2012 at 7:30 pm • festival artdanthé • vanves
• april 25, 26 & 27, 2012 at 8:30 pm • centre national de la danse • pantin
"Taking the mind and not literally, David Wampach
creates a Rite, reduced to a duo, probably more
powerful and close to the original that most apostles of
the spring. In their simple costumes that recall the
painter, decorator and author of the argument of The
Rite of origin, Nicolas Roerich, they slide down the
steep and smooth sides of the decor, almost as twins.
Avoiding the usual musical passion, only two muted
notes (at the beginning and end) lead to the thundering
collapse of Stravinsky. Hectic rush and sacrificial
exhaustion are left to the performers’ breath. It is both
grand and impressive, almost addictive and disturbing,
because what could be more communicative and more
viscerally incorporated than panting ? What could be
more frightening than an “out of breath” when the air
held from first to last breath? Tamar Shelef and David
Wampach, the two protagonists of this duet are simply
... amazing! "
Agnes Izrine • Danser Magazine, September 2011
choreography David Wampach • sound Mikko Hynninen • costumes Rachel Garcia • dance and play Tamar Shelef and David Wampach.
with the artistic collaboration from • Johanna Korthals Altes, Christian Ubl and Enora Rivière
production • Association Achles
coproduction • Festival Montpellier Danse, Centre national de la danse - Pantin, Centre chorégraphique national de
Franche-Comté à Belfort
with support from • la Fondation d'entreprise Hermès, Tanzquartier à Vienne et l’adc à Genève dans le cadre de Moduldance, et la Ménagerie de Verre dans le cadre des Studiolabs
avec l’aide du • Centre Chorégraphique National Montpellier Languedoc-Roussillon.
Accueil-studio • CNDC, Centre national de Danse contemporaine d'Angers.
© sophie laly
may always be insufficient? And what is more tenuous
and more frantic that the passage from life to death
david wampach
association achles
CASSETTE creation for 8 performers
• march 6, 2012 at 8:45 pm • centre des bords de marne, le perreux • biennale cdc du val-de-marne
From a classical ballet, extracting what makes its identity: the figure of the couple or the pas de deux, the fantastic tale, folk dances, the musical score both romantic
and exotic.
"Nutcracker" as a choreographic and literary reference
interacting and frictionning with ballroom dances to
question its codes through emphasis or reduction.
choreography David Wampach • dramaturgy assistant Enora Rivière • sound and lights Mikko Hynninen • costumes Rachel Garcia
dance Aina Alegre, Aniol Busquets, Pep Garrigues, Kaya Kolodziejczyk, Angèle Micaux, Ramona Nagabczynska, Gianfranco Poddighe,
Christian Ubl.
production • Association Achles
coproduction • Rencontres Chorégraphiques Internationales de Seine-Saint-Denis, le Cratère - Scène Nationale d'Alès, CCN de Montpellier /
Languedoc-Roussillon, CCN de Caen/Basse-Normandie, Micadanses/Paris, Uzès danse-CDC de l'Uzège, du Gard et du Languedoc-Roussillon.
with support of • Arcadi, Adami, association Beaumarchais - SACD.
residencies • Ménagerie de Verre under Studiolab, Centre national de la danse for studio loan. Special thanks to Théâtre de Gennevilliers.
• march 17, 2012 at 7:30 pm • festival artdanthé • vanves
• march 30, 2012 at 8:30 pm • pessac en scène with le cuvier, cdc d’aquitaine • pessac
BATTERIE is a meeting, a duet between a drummer
and a dancer.
BATTERIE is an instrument - or rather, a kit of instruments - of music, or of cooking.
BATTERIE is a series of movements, mostly jumps -- in
which the legs and feet beat in the air.
BATTERIE is what we recharge, or what goes flat.
BATTERIE is the origin of these words BÂbord and
TRIbord, which are the French equivalents of port and
starboard on a boat; Bâbord equals left and TRIbord
equals right.
dance David Wampach • drum Jérôme Renault
© richard wampach
To move, entertain, leisure, marvel.
Reconnecting with the spectacular, magic, magic, fantasy.
Focusing on the show and all about the representation
amplified, exaggeration.
david wampach
association achles
In August 2008, Jean-Marc Adolphe, Editor in Chief of
the magazine Mouvement, invited me to work with the
group SKITE/Sweet & Tender Collaborations, PORTO
2008. It is a group of 46 artists working together over a 5
week period in the same city in order to create new
I initiated with them a project I called BATTEMENT, questioning the quality of an abstract movement, the grand
battement, the high-kicking, emblematic movement of
classical ballet. I immediately thought of the famous
French cancan, and also of specific movements used in
the ritual of the “changing of the guard,” in particular the
Pakistani version of that ritual.
choreography David Wampach • interpretation Valeria Giuga, Aniol Busquets, Clémence Galliard or Aina Alegre
production Association Achles • coproduction Micadanses, Centre chorégraphique national de Montpellier / Languedoc-Roussillon, école supérieure d'arts et médias de Caen.
This performance is supported by “la Charte de Diffusion Interrégionale” - ONDA, OARA, ODIA Normandie and Réseau en scène
Languedoc-Roussillon and gets the financial support of ONDA and Réseau en scène Languedoc-Roussillon.
© richard wampach
• march 17, 2012 at 7:30 pm • festival artdanthé • vanves
• march 30, 2012 at 8:30 pm • pessac en scène with le cuvier, cdc d’aquitaine • pessac