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Zone 6 Q R PRIEST POND Q R CABLE HEAD EAST Q R GOOSE RIVER GREENWICH ST MARGARETS R Q R Q Q R Q Q R R 357 313 357 FIVE HOUSES MARIE MIDGELL R Q RQ 312 Q R Q R R Q RQ Q R R Q R Q FOREST HILL 327 328 ZONE 5 339 313 STRATHCONA DUNDAS BRIDGETOWN MARTINVALE Q R Q R Q R 329 355 5 Q R 356 Q R 341 304 Q R ROLLO BAY SOURIS WEST Q R EAST POINT 16A ELMIRA Q R Q R 16 16 KINGSBORO LITTLE HARBOUR RED POINT Q R 305 Q R 335 CHEPSTOW 330 314 HOWE BAY 310 POPLAR POINT Q R 310 4 Q R Q R ANNANDALE LITTLE POND R Q R Q ST GEORGES 321 Q R CARDIGAN NORTH 311 CARDIGAN 344 334 DEGROS MARSH Q R LAUNCHING 342 ROSENEATH GEORGETOWN ROYALTY Q R Q R 343 319 BRUDENELL Q R Q R Q R CARDROSS Q R 303 Q R 16 NORTH LAKE EGLINGTON Q R PRIMROSE 321 FORTUNE BRIDGE LAKEVILLE 332 333 333 CORRAVILLE DINGWELLS MILLS Q R 358 SOURIS ROLLO BAY WEST EAST BALTIC Q R Q R 309 ALBION CROSS 339 BEAR RIVER SOUTH SOURIS LINE ROAD 303 304 358 R Q R Q 2 Q R 338 MILBURN BANGOR ST CHARLES FARMINGTON SOUTHAMPTON CHURCH ROAD NEW ZEALAND ZONE 6 Q R 331 337 307 308 SELKIRK 305 306 Q R R Q R Q Q R 301 Q R Q R 357 ST PETERS 302 ROCK BARRA MONTICELLO 336 210 MONTAGUE Q R 17 LOWER MONTAGUE GEORGETOWN ZONE 6 COMMISSION SCOLAIRE DE LANGUE FRANCAISE S Zone 6 Commence à l'intersection du golfe du Saint-Laurent et de la baie de St. Peters, longe la baie vers le sud-est jusqu'auchemin Cemetery, descend au sud jusqu'au chemin St. Peters (route 2). Se prolonge à l'ouest jusqu'au chemin Church(route 331), descend au sud jusqu'au chemin Bennett, se poursuit au sud-est jusqu'au chemin Cardigan (route 313),descend au sud jusqu'au chemin Alleys Mill (route 4). Se prolonge au sud jusqu'à la rivière Cardigan, longe la rivièrevers l'est jusqu'à la baie de Cardigan et se poursuit à l'est jusqu'au détroit de Northumberland. Longe le détroit vers lenord-est jusqu'au golfe du Saint-Laurent à East Point, puis longe le golfe vers l'ouest en direction de la baie de St. Petersjusqu'au point d'origine de la zone. Zone No. 6 Commencing at the intersection of the Gulf of St. Lawrence and St. Peters Bay; thence southeastwardly along the St. Peters Bay to the Cemetery Road; thence southwardly along the Cemetery Road to the St. Peters Road (Route No. 2); thence westwardly along the St. Peters Road to the Church Road (Route No. 331); thence southwardly along the Church Road to the Bennett Road, thence continuing southeastwardly along the Church Road (Route No. 331) to the Cardigan Road (Route No. 313); thence southwardly along the Cardigan Road to the Alleys Mill Road (Route No. 4); thence continuing southwardly along the Alleys Mill Road to the Cardigan River; thence eastwardly along the Cardigan River to Cardigan Bay and continuing eastwardly to the Northumberland Strait; thence northeastwardly along the Northumberland Strait to the Gulf of St. Lawrence at East Point; thence westwardly along the Gulf of St. Lawrence to St. Peters Bay to the point of commencement.
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