dekò collection - CAST


dekò collection - CAST
dekò collection
Ci sono soluzioni d’arredo che superano i confini di una fisicità fatta di materia,
tecnologia e funzionalità, per assumere un valore simbolico ricco di esclusive atmosfere,
evocate da un mondo che ruota loro intorno.
Come l’innovativa linea Dekò, progettata a partire dall’originalità estetica della scala
e capace di rendere la forma dell’abitare una interpretazione stilistica dello spazio,
sottolineandone ogni aspetto attraverso accessori e complementi.
L’abbinamento dei tessuti di elevata finitura e design Kvadrat ai nostri prodotti made in
Italy, infatti, è una combinazione di alta artigianalità in grado di
restituire risultati unici nel quotidiano respiro: una moda che lascia
spazio allo stile, l’aspirazione alla consapevolezza dell’essere.
Un “total living” versatile pensato per chi non si accontenta del
consueto e pretende una semplicità progettata, senza per questo
dover rinunciare al comfort e alla durata. Il tutto garantito dalla
ricerca e dall’esperienza Cast.
Il y a des solutions d’aménagement qui franchissent les frontières d’une matérialité faite
de matière, technologie et fonctionnalité, pour assumer une valeur symbolique riche en
atmosphères exclusives, évoquées par un monde qui leur tourne autour.
Ainsi la ligne Dekò innovante, conçue à partir de l’originalité esthétique de l’escalier, est
en mesure de rendre la forme de l’habitation une interprétation stylistique de l’espace, en
soulignant et rehaussant chacun de ses aspects par des accessoires et des compléments.
L’assortiment des tissus d’une finition impeccable et le design Kvadrat de nos produits made
in Italy sont une combinaison d’artisanat de haut niveau, en mesure d’obtenir des résultats
uniques au quotidien: une mode qui permet au style de s’épanouir, l’aspiration à la conscience
de l’existence. Un “total living” versatile pensé pour ceux qui ne se contentent pas, désirant
sortir de l’ordinaire, et prétendent une simplicité de conception, sans pour autant devoir
renoncer au confort et à la durabilité. Le tout garanti par la recherche et l’expérience Cast.
There are furniture solutions that manage to exceed the boundaries of physicality, i.e.
material, technology and functionality, and take on a symbolic value which is rich in
exclusive atmosphere, evoked by the world that revolves around them.
This is the case of the innovative Dekò line, with a design that commences with the original
aesthetics of the staircase which is able to give a stylistic interpretation of space to living
areas, highlighting every aspect with accessories and detailed furnishings.
The combination of top quality Kvadrat design fabrics with our Made in Italy products, results
in a combination of high craftsmanship that is able to create final products which are totally
unique: trends and fashions that blend with style and the desire to achieve complete awareness.
A versatile “total living” concept designed for those for whom routine solutions are never
enough; those who demand straightforward and simple solutions without foregoing comfort
or durability. This is what the research and experience gained by Cast is able to offer.
La collezione Dekò è caratterizzata
dall’inserimento di tessuti tra lastre di
vetro temprate e stratificate, applicabili
sui gradini in vetro di scale modulari e a
chiocciola, sulla ringhiera in vetro “View”
e sui piani in vetro della linea di tavoli
Cast Design.
La collection Dekò set caractérisée de
l’introduction de tissus dans panneaux de
verre trempé et stratifié. L’application est
réalisable sur les marches en verre, sur
la rampe modèle View et sur le ligne des
tables Cast Design.
Dekò collection features the insertion
of fabrics between plates of stratified
tempered glass, available on steps of
modular and spiral staircases, on the
railing model View and on table tops of
Cast Design line.
scala › escalier › staircase Swing View
tessuto › tissu › tissue Nectar
poltrona › fauteuil › arm-chair Bakko
tessuto › tissu › tissue Happy
vaso › vase › vase Oki
decorazione › décoration › décor Nectar
scala › escalier › staircase Swing Light View
tessuto › tissu › tissue Sleeping Rose
poltrona › fauteuil › arm-chair Bakko
tessuto › tissu › tissue Sudden
tavolo › table › table Always
tessuto › tissu › tissue Sleeping Rose
vaso › vase › vase Oki
decorazione › décoration › décor Sleeping Rose
scala › escalier › staircase Swing Light View
tessuto › tissu › tissue Nectar
tavolo › table › table Icaro
tessuto › tissu › tissue Nectar
scale › escaliers › staircases
cod.113 › Sleeping rose
cod.115 › Pressed flower
cod.106 › Swirling
cod.303 › Sleeping rose
cod.346 › Swirling
ringhiera › rampe › railing View
cod.113 › Sleeping rose
cod.115 › Pressed flower
cod.600 › Nectar
cod.194 › Tarantel
modelli realizzabili modèles rèalisables › available models
Swing Light, Swing Light View, Ice Blue
cod.600 › Nectar
cod.194 › Tarantel
cod.644 › Tarantel
tessuti › tissus › tissues
cod.644 › Tarantel
tavoli › tables › tables
cod.113 › Sleeping rose
cod.115 › Pressed flower
cod.106 › Swirling
cod.303 › Sleeping rose
cod.346 › Swirling
modelli realizzabili › modèles rèalisables › available models
Icaro, Always, Link
cod.600 › Nectar
cod.194 › Tarantel
cod.644 › Tarantel
tessuti › tissus › tissues
poltrone e divani › fauteuils et divans › arm-chairs and sofa
tessuti › tissus › tissues Sudden
argento › argent › silver
marrone › marron › brown
oro › or › gold
marrone › marron › brown
rosso › rouge › red
rosso › rouge › red
nero › noir › black
ecopelle › peau artificielle › artificial leather
bianco › blanc › white
beige › beige › beige
modelli realizzabili › modèles rèalisables › available models
Bakko, Bakkino, Bakkone, Qubit
viola › violet › purple
verde › vert › green
tessuti › tissus › tissues Prince, Happy
cod.404 › Prince
giallo › giallo › yellow
cod.104 › Prince
nero › noir › black
cod.106 › Happy
rosso › rouge › red
finiture › finitions › finishes
vaso in vetroresina realizzato con decoro a mano a tiratura limitata
vase en fibre de verre réalisé avec décoration à la main avec tirage limitée
glass fiber vase with hand-made decoraions in limited edition
cod.113 › Sleeping rose
cod.600 › Nectar
cod.644 › Tarantel
cod.303 › Sleeping rose
cod.102 › Prince
cod.194 › Tarantel
decori › décorations › décors
design › Tord Boontje
for › Kvadrat
design › Technical Office
for › Cast
tables and vase
design › Roberto Panizza
for › Cast
arm-chairs and sofa
design › Robby, F. Cantarutti
for › Figurae
artwork › Davide Ploia
images › Roberto Panizza
print › Arti Grafiche Castello
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