us competitiveness, technology policy, and public research
us competitiveness, technology policy, and public research
« COMMENT UTILISER LE MODELE AMERICAIN RECHERCHE ET L’INNOVATION ? » POUR ECLAIRER LES DEBATS FRANÇAIS SUR LA A la suite de la conférence d’Arthur Bienenstock sur la politique scientifique et le pilotage stratégique de la recherche aux Etats-Unis qui se tiendra le 23 juin à l’IFRI (programme en ligne Nous avons le plaisir de vous inviter à la septième conférence du cycle d’information de l’Association Nationale de la Recherche Technique (ANRT) et de la French-American Foundation-comité français (FAF) "US COMPETITIVENESS, TECHNOLOGY POLICY, AND PUBLIC RESEARCH" What does competitiveness of the US R&D enterprise owe to the public R&D, to the public money and those who grant it, and globally to the government policy? avec Graham MITCHELL, Director of the Program in Entrepreneurship, Lehigh University, Pennsylvania Former Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Technology Policy le vendredi 1er juillet 2005 de 9h00 précises à 11h00 à l’Association Nationale de la Recherche Technique, 41 boulevard des Capucines – 75002 Paris CONFERENCE EN ANGLAIS Entrée libre dans la limite des places disponibles INSCRIPTION OBLIGATOIRE - MERCI DE REMPLIR LE FORMULAIRE Prénom….……………………………………………………………………………………………. Nom …………………………………………………………………………………………………. Fonction……………………………………………………………………………………………… Organisme/Société…………………………………………………………………………………… Adresse………………………………………………………………………………………………. Tél…………………………………………….. e-mail : ……………………………………….. assistera n’assistera pas à la conférence du 1 juillet 2005 A RENVOYER A : ANRT, 41 boulevard des Capucines , 75002 Paris Par email à : [email protected] Par fax au 01 55 35 25 55 Graham R. Mitchell Graham Mitchell is the Director of the Program in Entrepreneurship at Lehigh University, Pennsylvania, where he is responsible for teaching, research and curriculum development in Entrepreneurship. From 1998 to 2003 Graham Mitchell was the Bladstrom Visiting Professor at the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania, and Director of the Wharton Program in Technological Innovation. Between 1993 and 1997 he was appointed by the President to the position of United States Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Technology Policy, where his responsibilities included the development and implementation of policies to increase the role of technology in enhancing the competitiveness and economic growth of the United States. He was also charged with promoting the interests of the United States in developing international science and technology policies, programs and partnerships with our major trading partners. In this position, Dr. Mitchell has directed and authored more than 20 major studies on the competitiveness of both mature and emerging U.S. industries, and on the S&T policies of advanced and growing economies throughout the world, including “Technology and the National Interest” – 1996 Presidential Statement of U.S. Technology Policy. Before joining the Administration he served as Director of Planning and Forecasting for GTE (now Verizon) where he developed and operated corporate technology planning systems covering GTE’s main businesses in telecommunications, lighting, and materials. Prior to that he was for 12 years with the General Electric Company as manager of research, engineering, and business development in operations, and with the Corporate Research and Development Center. He began his career in fundamental research in plasma physics in England. His more than 20 research publications from this period cover: The Management of Industrial Research, The Contrast between R&D Portfolios of Manufacturing and Service Industries, Research and Development as a Financial Option, The Physics and Design of Electrical Equipment. Dr. Mitchell has also served as a director of the Industrial Research Institute, and a consultant and advisor to industry, government, and academe. Co founder of a start up in wireless communication, and member of several boards. He holds 7 U.S. patents, and is a recipient of several major honors including the IRI’s “Maurice Holland Award” for the management of industrial R&D and IAMOT’S “2003 Distinguished Award” for the Management of Technology: He holds a B.Sc. and Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering from the University of Westminster, London.
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