Cast Your Vote - Port Colborne Public Library


Cast Your Vote - Port Colborne Public Library
Cast Your Vote
For the 2012
Regional Chair Early Years Niagara
Literary Award
2012 Shortlist
Sélection Française
The Regional Chair Early Years Niagara Literary Award is intended to draw attention to the value of reading
with children in their early years and the need for quality books for this age group.
Families are encouraged to read the finalists together before voting online at, or
by paper ballot at public libraries, Ontario Early Years Centres, and regionally operated child care centres
throughout Niagara.
Voting is from September 10 - November 10, 2012.
Supported in part by Touch a Truck
Regional Chair Early Years Niagara Literary Award
2012 Shortlist
I Broke My Trunk!
by Mo Willems
Published: 2011
ISBN: 1423133099 (ISBN13: 9781423133094)
Publisher: Disney Book Group
Summary: Gerald is careful. Piggie is not. Piggie cannot help smiling. Gerald can. Gerald worries so that Piggie does not have to.
Gerald and Piggie are best friends. In I Broke My Trunk! Gerald tells Piggie the long, crazy story about breaking his trunk. Will Piggie
end up with a long, crazy story of her own?
Without You
by Genevieve Cote
Published: 2011
ISBN: 1554536200 (ISBN13: 9781554536207)
Publisher: Kids Can Press
Summary: In this delightful book two friends discover the joy of togetherness. After falling out over a spilled wagon of toys, a fussy
bunny and an exuberant piggy explore all the things they can do without each other and gradually realize that life is much sweeter
when it's shared with one another. This gently humorous, charmingly illustrated look at the ups and downs of friendship is a book
you won't want to do without.
by Oliver Jeffers
Published: 2011
ISBN: 0399257373 (ISBN13: 9780399257377)
Publisher: Harpercollins (uk)
Summary: When Floyd's kite gets stuck in a tree, he's determined to get it out. But how? Well, by knocking it down with his shoe, of
course. But strangely enough, it too gets stuck. And the only logical course of action . . . is to throw his other shoe. Only now it's
stuck! Surely there must be something he can use to get his kite unstuck. An orangutan? A boat? His front door? Yes, yes, and yes.
And that's only the beginning.
Is Everyone Ready for Fun?
by Jan Thomas
Published: 2011
ISBN: 1442423641 (ISBN13: 9781442423640)
Publisher: Roaring Brook Press
Summary: Knock! Knock! The cows have come to visit Chicken. Are they here for a nice, quiet chat? No siree! They’re here to jump,
wiggle, and dance on Chicken’s teeny-tiny sofa. At first Chicken is none too pleased. But then he finds his own way to join in the fun.
Hello, naptime! Once again, Jan Thomas’s bold, bright illustrations; jaunty, irresistible text; and unexpected surprise ending make
this just right for reading aloud to young children.
The Busy Beaver
by Nicholas Oldland
Published: 2011
ISBN: 1554537495 (ISBN13: 9781554537495)
Publisher: Kids Can Press
Summary: The busy but careless beaver spends his days following random impulses, rarely thinking things through and leaving in his
wake a devastated forest filled with stumps, half-nibbled trees and injured, homeless animals. But then one day the beaver finds
himself on the wrong side of a falling tree, which as it turns out, is just the thing to knock some sense into him. After reflecting on his
behavior, he decides to make some changes. Soon, the now wiser and gentler beaver is getting down to the business of making
things right, much to the delighted surprise of his forest friends. This charming story from the creator of Big Bear Hug and Making
the Moose Out of Life gently teaches youngsters how to take care with others, as well as the world around us.
Le Castor qui travaillait trop fort de Nicholas Oldland
Date de parution: 2011
ISBN: 1443111589 (ISBN13: 9781443111584)
Éditeur: Editions Scholastic
Résumé: Nicholas Oldland est de retour! Cette fois, le castor est en vedette! C'est dans sa nature. Le castor est toujours très occupé,
si bien qu'il oublie souvent de réfléchir... Il a coupé tant d'arbres que le paysage est désolant. Plusieurs animaux souffrent parce qu'il
n'a pas fait attention... sans compter qu'il y a des fuites dans son barrage. Un jour, le castor est victime d'un accident qu'il a luimême causé - quoi d'étonnant? Il réalise alors ses torts et se réconcilie avec ses amis comme seul un castor peut le faire..