Tribune video example Radiohead 2.notebook


Tribune video example Radiohead 2.notebook
Tribune video example Radiohead 2.notebook
October 30, 2015
Le style de musique que je préfère, c'est le rock alternatif. J'aime la
musique expressive et énergique. J'écoute cette musique quand je
conduis et quand je me relaxe. La musique alternative est la plus
rythmée et originale. Le groupe que j'aime, c'est Radiohead. J'aime
beaucoup de leurs chansons mais ma chanson préférée, c'est "Street
Spirit" et "Creep". Les vidéos de ce groupe sont aussi très originaux et
créatifs. A mon avis, la musique la moins intéressante, c'est la musique
country. Mais, je dois l'écouter chez mes parents.(Désolée!)
House of cards
spinning plates creep
Tribune video example Radiohead 2.notebook
October 30, 2015
La musique que j'aime
You are going to present a style of music that you enjoy to the class. You will write a paragraph describing the music that you like and then present this music and/or group to the class.
1. Complete the planning sheet (next page) using your music vocabulary page to help you.
2. Use the example (on the previous page) to help you write the paragraph, describing your preferences about music that you enjoy.
3. Find some pictures and a video (clean version) of a song of the group/singer.
4. Be ready to present your music preferences to the class!
Be sure to...
• use the planning sheet & submit it for evaluation
• check the forms of your adjectives (masc/fem)
• include all parts of the planning sheet in your paragraph
• write in full sentences in French
• include the pictures + one video of group/musicien
• hand in both final copy and rough work for this activity
• try to include other types of information (go beyond the example)
• check the rubric (end of this document) to ensure you have done a good job
Tribune video example Radiohead 2.notebook
October 30, 2015
La musique que je préfère...
Write a paragraph that describes the music that you enjoy listening to (as per the teacher's example) Be sure to talk include the following details:
le style de musique _________________
4 adjectifs différents _________, _________, _________, __________
un exemple d'un groupe qui représente ce style ______________
le nom d'une chanson de ce groupe ____________________________
j'écoute cette musique quand je ________________________________ (when do you listen?)
une expression superlative (le plus / la plus / les plus + adjectif) ________________________
une expression d'opinion personnelle ______________________
un phrase unique de ton choix __________________________________________________
Le style de musique que je préfère, c'est le rock alternatif. J'aime la musique
expressive et énergique. J'écoute cette musique quand je conduis et quand je me
relaxe. La musique alternative est la plus rythmée et originale. Le groupe que
j'aime, c'est Radiohead. J'aime beaucoup de leurs chansons mais ma chanson
préférée, c'est "Street Spirit" et "Creep". Les vidéos de ce groupe sont aussi
très originaux et créatifs. A mon avis, la musique la moins intéressante, c'est
la musique country. Mais, je dois l'écouter chez mes parents.(Désolée!)
Tribune video example Radiohead 2.notebook
October 30, 2015
Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Level 4
­ limited evidence of planning & editing in written work­ limited elements & creativity/interest in presentation & content
­ some evidence of planning & editing in written work­ some elements & creativity/interest in presentation & content
­ considerable evidence of planning & editing in written work­ considerable number of elements & creatvity/interest in presentation & content
­ a high degree of evidence of planning & editing in written work­ more than required elements & very creative & interesting presentation & content
­ limited sense of audience (voice / Communicatio preparedness)­ pronunciation weak / n
difficult to understand / clarity limited
­ some sense of audience (voice / preparedness)­ some clarity in oral presentation, difficulty with pronunciation
­ considerable sense of audience­ considerable clarity, easy to understand, little difficulty with pronunciation
­ great use of voice and well­prepared for difficult words & numbers­ high degree of clarity, few errors in pronunciation
(Use of adjectives / superlatives and music vocabulary)
­ some ability to transfer language structures and vocabulary in writing, expands a little on the given model
­ considerable ability to transfer language structures and vocabulary in writing / uses model a little but also adds more details and self­created sentences
­easily able to transfer language structures and vocabulary in writing, includes new vocabulary, writes own paragraph containing all information but in own, unique paragraph
­ limited ability to transfer language structures and vocabulary in writing/ relies heavily on given model