WEB NEWS Nice truck terror
WEB NEWS Nice truck terror
HELL ON WHEELS Truck’s route CHILDREN’S HOSPITAL Vo ie er Pr om re M at h N I C E is . de sA la ng is LOCATION OF FIRST BODY, A MUSLIM WOMAN THAT WAS CRUSHED BY THE TRUCK Pi Route of truck The truck hit people for about 1.8 km Areas where bodies could be seen in video and pictures EUROPE r ncois G ard Fra v le u o B osso BODIES Boulevard Gambetta Promenade Des Anglais AFP No truck: revellers flee down a Nice street FRANCE Nice The truck careered into families and friends listening to an orchestra or strolling near the beach towards the grand, century-old Hotel Negresco BODIES Fireworks finish and the crowd is leaving when the 19-tonne rented truck mounts the footpath Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx C Rue Du ongres A bystander jumps on to the truck in a bid to stop it, at which point police shoot dead the driver. Police pump at least 20 bullets into the vehicle The ID card of a 31-year Tunisian-born Frenchman is reportedly found in the vehicle Videos posted online showing crowds fleeing in these directions AP Dear life: a man holds a child after the horror AFP Nice fireworks: Bastille Day celebrations N Ma Nolan’s Irish Pub Place Massena