Ancestor table of Hubert Heinrich Kremer


Ancestor table of Hubert Heinrich Kremer
Ancestor table of Hubert Heinrich Kremer
1 Kremer Hubert Heinrich, Weber später Eisenbahnarbeiter, *06.04.1875 Eupen
I. generation
2 Kremer Andreas, Steinhauer, *10.11.1840 Eupen
3 Schillings Maria Hubertina, *16.07.1845 Eupen, +30.10.1936 Eupen
II. generation
Kremer Christian, Steinhauer
Cormann Maria Sophia, +14.11.1867 Eupen
Schillings Johann Hubert, Schuster
Dütz Christina
III. generation
10 Cormann Andreas, Weber
11 Ackens Maria Catharina
8 ancestors over 3 generations of Kremer Hubert Heinrich are known.
The numbering system used is known as the Eytzinger- or Sosa-Stradonitz-Method.The subject (proband),
here Kremer Hubert Heinrich, of the ancestor table (Ahnentafel) is listed as No. 1, the subject's father as
No. 2 and the mother as No. 3, the paternal grandparents as No. 4 and No. 5 and the maternal
grandparents as No. 6 and No. 7, and so on, back through the generations. Apart from No. 1, who can be
male or female, all even-numbered persons are male, and all odd-numbered persons are female. In this
schema, the number of any person's father is double the person's number (2·n), and a person's mother is
double the person's number plus one (2·n + 1).
printed 30.09.2016 (CEST)
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