certificate - Wellness Kliniek


certificate - Wellness Kliniek
NBN EN15224:2012
Healthcare services
AIB-VINCOTTE International nv/sa
Jan Olieslagerslaan 35, 1800 Vilvoorde, Belgium
This is to certify that
Birand n.v. - Wellness Kliniek
Located at
Grotestraat 42
3600 GENK
has established and maintains a quality system based on the requirements of EN ISO 9001 : 2008 “Quality
Management System” for:
Running a hospital for plastic and aesthetic surgery and medical care
at the site in Genk, Belgium
This certificate is based on the result of a quality audit documented in the audit report 60554319.
Certificate number: 16 HCEN 0001
Valid from 18 April 2016 to 14 September 2018
Further clarifications regarding the scope of this certificate and the applicability of NBN EN 15224:2012
requirements may be obtained by consulting the organization.
This certificate is granted during the Certification Commission of 18 April 2016 and is subject to the General
Regulations of AIB-VINÇOTTE International nv/sa.
Signed for the certification body:
Bart Janssens
Chairman Certification Committee