View profile - Audren | Rolland


View profile - Audren | Rolland
Marie has twenty-five years of experience as a litigator. For the last fifteen years,
her practice has been focused on defending class actions, particularly in the
fields of consumer law and product liability. She has also argued on the plaintiff
side before the Supreme Court of Canada in a landmark class action regarding
municipal taxation, Marcotte v. Longueuil, 2009 SCC 43.
Marie is the founder and former President of the Class Action Section of the
Marie Audren, Ad. E.
Canadian Bar Association – Québec Division. She chaired the Annual
Conference of the CBA on Class Actions from 2006 to 2010. She is a member
of the Canadian Bar Association’s National Task Force on Multijurisdictional
Class Actions.
Marie is a member of the Class Action Committee of the Barreau du Québec
where she chairs the sub-committee on notice to class members. She is also
a member of the Planning Committee of the Osgoode Hall National Symposium
on Class Actions.
In 2013, she was awarded the distinction Advocatus Emeritus (Ad. E.) by the
Barreau du Québec in recognition for her contribution to the law profession.
Prior to founding Audren Rolland, Marie was a partner at a full-service national
law firm where she practiced for over eighteen years.
393, Saint-Jacques
bureau 248
Montréal (Québec) H2Y 1N9
T 514.284.0770
F 514.284.7771
[email protected]
_ Recognized as one of Canada’s top litigators in Lexpert®/Report on Business
Litigation Special Edition (Globe and Mail)
_ Recognized with a 2014 Lexpert® Zenith Award (Litigation - Class Actions)
_ Recognized as a leading Canadian cross-border litigator in the 2015, 2014
and 2013 Lexpert® Guide to the Leading US/Canada Cross-Border Litigators
_ Selected by her peers for inclusion in The Best Lawyers in Canada®
(Litigation – Class actions) every year since 2008
_ Recognized in the 2015 edition of Benchmark Canada - The Definitive Guide
to Canada’s Leading Litigation Firms & Attorneys as a «Local Litigation Star:
Québec» and a «Litigation Star: Product Liability, General Commercial,
Insurance and Class Actions»
_ Recognized in The Canadian Legal Lexpert® Directory (Class Actions) every
year since 2008
_ CLE Barreau du Québec: Développements récents sur les recours collectifs
au Québec, au Canada et aux États-Unis, Avis aux membres du groupe:
Soyons créatifs!, Montréal, 2016
_ Western Canada Class Actions Conference, British Columbia Law Society,
View from the Center of the Canadian Universe, Vancouver, 2016
_ 12th National Symposium on Class Action, Osgoode Hall, The Class Action
Trials of the Year, Toronto, 2015
_ 10th National Symposium on Class Actions, Osgoode Hall, The US Supreme
Court on Class Actions, Toronto, 2013
_ CLE Barreau du Québec: Développements récents sur les recours collectifs
au Québec, au Canada et aux États-Unis, Les classes nationales, recours
multiterritoriaux, multijuridictionnels… et quoi encore…, Montréal, 2013
_ 9th National Symposium on Class Actions, Osgoode Hall, National Class
Update, Toronto, 2012
_ CLE Barreau du Québec: Développements récents sur les recours collectifs
au Québec, au Canada et aux États-Unis, Recours collectifs
multijuridictionnels et groupes nationaux, Montréal, 2012
_ 8th National Symposium on Class Actions, Osgoode Hall, National Class
Update, Toronto, 2011
_ 7th National Symposium on Class Actions, Osgoode Hall, Overtime Class
Actions, Toronto, 2010
_ Conférence annuelle avancée sur la conformité réglementaire dans le domaine
pharmaceutique, The Canadian Institute, What’s the Latest in Product Liability
Class Actions?, Montréal, 2010
_ CLE Barreau du Québec: Développements récents en recours collectifs,
L’arrêt Marcotte, Montréal, 2009
_ Western Canadian Class Actions Conference, British Columbia Law Society,
Quebec Class Actions Update: A Renewed Sense of Commonality,
Vancouver, 2009
_ 10th Annual National Forum on Litigating Class Actions, The Canadian Institute,
Québec Class Actions Update: A Renewed Sense of Commonality, Toronto,
_ McGill University Faculty of Law, Practical Perspectives in Class Actions,
Montréal, 2008
_ CLE Barreau du Québec: Développements récents en recours collectifs,
Revue de la dernière année de la jurisprudence, Montréal, 2008
_ State Bar of New York, Professional Training Course, Class Actions in Canada:
Comparison of Our Experience and Yours, New York, 2007
_ CLE Barreau du Québec: Développements récents en recours collectifs,
Revue de la jurisprudence récente en matière de recours collectif au Québec
et au Canada, Montréal, 2007
_ Canadian Bar Association, Différents enjeux soulevés par les recours collectifs,
Montréal, 2007
_ Canadian Defense Lawyers/CICMA Joint Conference, Quebec Ice Storm Class
Action: Pushing the Boundaries for Economic Loss, Toronto, 2007
_ Barreau du Québec Annual Convention, Avocats en entreprise: Atelier sur les
recours collectifs, Montréal, 2006
_ Conférence sur les litiges en assurances, The Canadian Institute, Risques et
nouvelles tendances, Montréal, 2005
_ CLE Barreau du Québec: Développements récents en recours collectifs,
L’article 1048 C.p.c. : une disposition d’exception, Montréal, 2005
_ 6th Annual National Forum on Litigating Class Actions, Navigating the Provincial
Legislative Landscape, Toronto, 2005
_ 2e Conférence avancée sur les recours collectifs, The Canadian Institute,
Le règlement d’un recours collectif : le processus d’approbation d’une
transaction, Montréal, 2005
_ CLE Barreau du Québec: Développements récents en recours collectifs,
La multiplicité de défendeurs en l’absence d’intérêt et d’une cause d’action,
Montréal, 2004
_ A public transport authority in a class action following a mass transit strike
_ A major Canadian bank in a class action relating to the disclosure of insurance
premiums in financing contracts of vehicles
_ A telecommunications company in a class action involving early termination
fees and notice of cancellation for the wireline phone service
_ A telecommunications company in a class action involving the throttling of
Internet traffic
_ A telecommunications company in a class action involving late payment
_ A telecommunications company in a class action involving early termination
fees for Internet and television services
_ A telecommunications company in a class action involving early termination
fees for wireless service
_ A national retailer in a class action alleging misleading advertising
_ A pharmaceutical company in a class action relating to a dopamine agonist
_ The Québec Bar’s Professional Liability Insurer in a class action alleging
prosecutorial abuse
_ The Québec Bar’s Professional Liability Insurer in a class action alleging
_ A national law firm in a class action involving Conrad Black and Hollinger
and allegations of non-disclosure of information to investors
_ A German company building chipboard plants in an arbitration before an ICC
panel concerning manufacturer’s liability
_ Québec Bar, 1992
_ LL.B., Université de Montréal (1991)
_ B.A. in Translation, Concordia University (1988)
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