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14th Edition
November 16th & 17th, 2016
In Chartres, France
With over 500 participants,
the Perfumes & Cosmetics Congress is
the major meeting of the sector
Organized by:
Exhibition Organizers :
Congress Presentation
The Congress of Perfume & Cosmetics will be the opportunity to get up-todate on the regulations which affect the cosmetic and perfume sector, to
exchange with your professional counterparts and to dialogue with industry
We offer an interactive participation and meetings with numerous companies. Each
subject will be validated by a research carried out by industry professionals in the
perfume and cosmetics sector
The audience
The Congress audience is CEO, COO, Scientific Directors, Directors or Managers
Regulatory Affairs, R & D, laboratory, formulation, toxicology, Quality, Technical,
Production, Marketing Managers Pharmacists ...
At the end of the first day, these groups will be led by the speakers and will be an
additional element to the talks held throughout the day. These groups provide:
- A better exchange, more informal, between participants and speakers
- Further engagement with the themes covered throughout the day
Perfume & Cosmetics Congress
+33(0)1 41 86 49 06
[email protected]
advanced business events
35-37 rue des Abondances
92513 Boulogne cedex, France
The Congress audience
Participants repartition by position
Quality / Safety / Toxicologists
R&D / Pharmacist
General Management
Inspection / Audit / Supervisory
Marketing / Communication / Consultants
Technique / Production
Products development / Account manager, projects
Education (Teachers, Students)
Others (Purchases, Lawyers)
9% of the participants come from firms based outside France
A total of 275 different companies were present at the 13th edition.
Finished products manufacturers
Raw materials manufacturers
Consultancy firm, audit
Testing laboratories
Regulators, associations, institutions
Subcontractors (some are manufacturers)
Education (Teachers, Students)
Packaging Manufacturers
Rate of customers’ loyalty: 60 to 67% of participants according editions
Our sponsors in 2012, 2013, 2014 and/or2015
Atoxigen, Berkem, Biorius, BMI System France, Bougie et Senteur,
Cehtra, CERT, Cosmepar, CRM Paris, Decernis, Delfin Technologies,
Dentons, Elementar, Embatherm, Ennov, Expertox, Ifis Cosmétique, Imed
Global, Intertek, Isha, Laboratoire Midac, Lisam Services Telegis,
Productlife, Qacs Ltd, SACI CFPA, Merieux, Scientis, Trace One,
Veg'extra, Veolia Eau
Companies that attended the Congress in 2015
ABC Texture, Abiss, Actolis, Afnor, Agro Hall, Aiglon, Alban Muller International, Albéa, Ales Groupe Industrie,
Alpol Cosmétique, Ambrosi Scientific Consulting, Analytec, Anny Jean, Ansm, Antonio Puig, Aptar, Ashland
Industries France, Aspa – Ingrecos, Aspec, ATN Conseil, Auchan, BASF Beauty Care Solutions France,
BASF France, Bayer Healthcare, Bayer Santé Familiale Division Serdex, BCM Cosmétique, Beauty Ethics,
Berdoues Parfums et Cosmétiques, Biocosmethic, Bio-HC, Biolab, Bioeurope - Groupe Solabia, Biolab,
Biorus, Boiron; Bourjois, Bruker Biospin, By Terry, Carrefour France, Cartier Parfums, Caudalie, CCI
Productions Parfums et Cosmétiques, Cehtra, Ceva Sogeval, CERT, Chanel Parfums Beauté, Church &
Dwight Uk Ltd, Citoxlab, Clear, Clinreal Online, CNP - Hermès Parfums, Clariant Se, Belgian Branch, Colgate
Palmolive, Commission Européenne, Confarma France, Cosmact, Cosmed, Cosmetics Europe, Cosmo
International Fragrances, Coty Lancaster, Croda, Crodarom, CVL Cosmetics – Valmont, CVO Europe,
Dermatec Lyon, Dessange Beauté Accessoires, DGCCRF, DGCCRF-DDCSPP Eure et Loir, Dna Gensee,
Direction Générale des Entreprises, DSM Nutritional Products France, Dupont Performance Polymers, Ecole
de Biologie Industrielle, Ecomundo, Edencos, Editions B.G.M., Editions de Parfums, Elaboractiv Cosmetic
Creation, Elipso, Elizabeth Arden International, Eras, ESCOM, Essential Consulting, Estee Lauder Cosmetics,
Ethnical Care, Eugene Perma France, Euro Wipes, Eurofins, Eurofins ATS, Eurofins - Evic France, Eurosafe,
Evaux Laboratoires, Expertox, Expression Cosmétique, Exsymol, Faculté de Pharmacie - Université Paris
Descartes, Fareva Care, Febea, Fiabila, Fidal, Firmenich & Cie, Floral Concept, Galderma R&D, Galec,
Gattefosse, Givaudan France Fragrances, Greenpharma, Greentech, Cosmepar, Idea Tests, Groupe Léa
Nature, Groupe Panther, Groupe Sothys, Guerlain, Herbarom Laboratoire, Huiles Bertin, Hunton & Williams,
ID Bio, Ifis Cosmétiques, Ifscc, Imcd France, Inolex, Innospec Ltd, Inra, Institut Cameane, International
Flavors & Fragrances France, International Beauty Office, International Consulting Produits de Luxe,
International Pharmaceutical Consultancy, nterpolymer, Intertek, Iris-Lucas Meyer Cosmetics), Isaltis, Isipca,
Isispharma, Ixxi, Jacques Bogart, Johnson & Johnson Santé Beauté France, Keva/Pfw, L'Observatoire des
Cosmétiques, L'Oréal, La Brosse et Dupont, Laboratoire Cosmétique de Lecousse, Laboratoire de
Cosmétologie Moderne, Laboratoire Bea, Laboratoire Dermophil Indien, Laboratoire M&L L'Occitane,
Laboratoire National de Métrologie et d'Essais, Laboratoire Nuxe, Laboratoire Rivadis, Laboratoire Science et
Nature (Body Nature), Laboratoires Clarins, Laboratoires Dermatologiques d'Uriage / Payot, Laboratoires
Expanscience, Laboratoires Gilbert, Laboratoires Genévrier, Laboratoires Iprad Pharma, Laboratoires Prat,
Laboratoires Prodhyg, Laboratoires Paris Dome, Laboratoires Wilson, Laboratoires Sarbec, Laboratoires
SVR, LGV Cosmétique, Laboratorios Maverick, LCM, Lesaffre International, Lessonia, LGV Cosmétique,
Lisam Services Telegis, Lucas Meyer Cosmetics, LVMH Fragrance Brands, LVMH Recherche Parfums &
Cosmétiques, Maesa, Marionnaud, Make Up For Ever, Maprecos, Matis, Mayoly-Spindler, Minasolve,
Monoprix, Mulon Conseil, Multaler, Naos Group, Natrue Aisbl; Natural Santé - Santé Verte, Naturex, Novaxia,
Oléos, Olvea Vegetable Oils, Onyligne, Oriflame Research & Development Ltd, Orléans Cosmetics, Pacific
Création Parfums Beauté, Parfums Christian Dior, Payan Bertrand, Perfrance, Pharmadec, Phytoark, Pierre
Fabre Dermo Cosmétique, Ponroy Vitarmonyl Industrie, Prodarom, Product Law Firm, Productlife, Provital
France, Provital, Puig Prestige Beauté, QACS Ltd, Qualiwell, Reg & Safe Cosmetic Solutions, Rni Conseil,
Rossow, Roval, SACI CFPA, Safic-Alcan, Savonnerie de L‘Atlantique, Sanofi, Sanofi Aventis France, SCA
Tissue France, Schuelke France, Scientis, Sederma, Selerant Srl, Sensient Cosmetic Technologies, Sephora,
Seppic, Seyco (Sino-European Yihong Consulting, Ltd.), SGS Consumer Testing Services, SGS Multilab,
Shiseido International France, Sicaf Cosmétiques, Silab, Sicobel- Groupe Condat, Sisley, Société Française
de Cosmétologie, Société Française des Parfumeurs, Société Monégasque de Parfums, Sofibel, Sogiphar,
Soliance, Solvay Novecare, Soredec-Groupe Sothys, Sothys International, Sozio, Spah Consulting,
Stéarinerie Dubois, Strand Cosmetics Europe, Sud Cosmetics, Symrise, Syres, Tech-ISI, Thepenier Pharma
Industrie, Thor Personal Care, Unilever France, Unitis, Universkin, Visatox, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Weleda
France, Yves Rocher
What did they think
Out of 520 participants in 2015
97,13 % of them deemed the Congress « GOOD» or «EXCELLENT»
The participants come for:
• The quality of speakers and news topic
• The organization and conviviality
• The wealth of exchanges and encounter opportunities
What aspects the participants particularly liked about the event :
 Quality of the speakers on form and content, subjects mastering and the pedagogy to return them "simple" and
Pascale COCHET, Cosmetic Regulatory Affairs Director, Laboratoires Expanscience
 Very good scanning of the various current problems which were treated well by the speakers. Accessibility of
the speakers and very diverse audience.
Stéphane DHALLUIN, Worldwide Safety Evaluation, L’Oréal
 Presence of the authorities and all the profession (group, brands, providers, associations, SME, Distributors,
Raw materials, etc.). Very good organization, variety and relevance of the subjects. Is it necessary to remind
that it is THE annual meeting of the profession?
Emilie CAVE-CORNILLOT, Regulatory Affairs Manager, Intertek
 All the speakers knew how to realize very clear and concise presentations on news headlines for which all the
industries have the same problems.
Erika ESPI, Safety & Raw Materials Engineer, Laboratoires M&L
 The subjects which are very interesting, the people, in a general way there is a good atmosphere.
Angélina CUINIER, Regulatory Affairs Coordinator, Albéa
 The diversified subjects which recover finished products but also cosmetic ingredients.
Silvia FONTES, Regulatory Affairs Deputy Manager, Naturex
 A multidisciplinary congress which in two days allows to synthesize the major regulatory progress in the
cosmetic field.
Isabelle KATZ, Technical Director Private Label Cosmetics Division, Alban Muller International
 The various news and the regulations follow-up as well as the national and international context.
Khalil TAOUBI, Scientific Advisor; Regulatory Affairs, Boiron
 The congress approaches concrete problems and bring very operational comments through quality speakers.
Nathalie SAFFROY, Technical and Regulatory Director, Rossow
 The diversity of the participants. The outspoken. The friendly aspect. The excellent organization.
Philippe DUPUIS, Study Director, Eurofins Pharma Discovery Services
 Good information balance between regulatory, scientific, industry to assure compliance and protect consumers.
Topics related to current and future regulation brings clarification with presentations, Q&A and information
exchange between participants.
Anca GRADINARIU, Regulatory Associate Flavors & Fragrances Affairs, Colgate Palmolive R&D