Dr. Hye-Young Song Recital Program


Dr. Hye-Young Song Recital Program
Dr. Hye-Young Song
Pianist Hye-Young Song, First Prize winner of The Janice K. Hodges Piano Competition,
is an accomplished pianist who has appeared throughout the United States. After she got
her Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees from Ewha Woman’s University with highest honors
in performance, Ms. Song moved to the United States to further her piano studies. She
received an Artist Diploma in Piano Performance from Texas Christian University, and
a Doctor of Musical Arts degree from the University of Texas at Austin where she was a
recipient of full scholarship and served as a Teaching Assistant.
Dr. Song received the top prizes in competitions including the Janice K. Hodges
Contemporary Piano Competition, the Sydney Wright Accompanying Competition,
International Chopin Piano Competition in Corpus Christi and Ewha University Concerto
Competition. Among her additional honors were being a semi-finalist in the National
Young Artist Competition and the Concert Artists Guild International Competition in
New York City. As a soloist and chamber musician, she has studied or been coached with
renowned artists and pedagogues, including Gregory Allen, Elliot Antokoletz, Jose Mendez,
Harold Martina, Tamas Ungar, Mijae Youn, Anne Schein, Aldo Parisot, Miyoko Lotto,
Philippe Bianconi, Benedetto Lupo, Krassimira Jordan, Jose Fegahli, Robert Blocker
and Richard Cass. She has presented numerous solo and chamber recitals in Korea and
the United States and has been invited to several universities and music festivals as a
guest artist. Most recently, she has been invited to perform and teach at the Stony Brook
International Piano Festival in New York.
She previously served as a Teaching Assistant at the University of Texas at Austin as well as
piano faculty at the Central Texas College, and the Orpheus Academy of Music. In 2005,
Ms. Song received the Outstanding Teaching Assistant Award at University of Texas for
superior teaching as recognized by both students and professors. She is an active member of
Music Teachers National Association, Texas Music Teachers Association and Dallas Music
Teachers Association.
Dr. Song resides in Frisco Texas, with her husband. And she is serving as an Artist in
Residence at Weatherford College.
Recital Program
Moments Musicaux D. 780
I. Moderato
II. Andantino
III. Allegretto moderato
Franz Schubert
Ballade No.1 in G minor, Op. 23
Frédéric Chopin
Preluedes Book I
Claude Debussy
I. Danseuses de Delphes (Dancers of Delphi): Lent et grave
II. Voiles (Sails): Modéré
III. Le vent dans la plaine (The Wind on the Plain): Animé
IV. Les sons et les parfums tournent dans l’air du soir
(The sounds and fragrances swirl through the evening air): Modéré
V. Les collines d’Anacapri (The Hills of Anacapri): Très modéré
VI. Des pas sur la neige (Footsteps in the Snow): Triste et lent
VII. Ce qu’a vu le vent d’ouest (What the West Wind has seen):
Animé et tumultueux
VIII. La fille aux cheveux de lin (The Girl with the Flaxen Hair):
Très calme et doucement expressif
IX. La sérénade interrompue (Interrupted Serenade): Modérément animé
X. La cathédrale engloutie (The Engulfed Cathedral):
Profondément calme
XI. La danse de Puck (Puck’s Dance): Capricieux et léger
XII. Minstrels: Modéré
L’isle Joyeuse (The Island of Joy)