in French


in French
AfricaFrance is launching an ambitious certifying training programme designed for African leaders from
the private, public, and non-profit sectors to support the needs identified on the African continent.
A consortium comprised of Sciences Po, the ISM in Dakar, the GSDPP at UCT and the CEFEB will ensure
the programme’s operational implementation. This alliance between African and French institutions is
aligned with AfricaFrance’s principles of fostering stronger relations between Africa and France based on
partnerships and a shared vision.
LeAD Campus - Global Leaders for Africa’s Development was launched on Friday 13 November, in a
ceremony presided by Charline Avenel, Secretary General of Sciences Po, Anne Paugam, Executive
director of AFD and Jean-Michel Debrat, Executive director of Fondation AfricaFrance ; and in attendance
of Sarah Marniesse, development Advisor at the cabinet of Annick Girardin, Minister of state for
Development and Francophony and Tony Elumelu, Chairman, United Bank of Africa / Founder of the Tony
Elumelu Foundation.
The programme will be executed in close collaboration with African and French companies.
An educational partnership between France and Africa with a view to developing and promoting
an innovative training programme
Sciences Po, the Higher Institute of Management in Dakar (ISM) and the Graduate School of Development Policy
and Practice (GSDPP) at the University of Cape Town (UCT) have partnered together to create LeAD Campus Global Leaders for Africa’s Development, in response to a call for proposals issued by AfricaFrance for the
creation of an innovative training programme, in Africa and for Africans. They also sought out the expertise of the
CEFEB, the corporate university of the French Development Agency (AFD), backed by more than 50 years of
experience in delivering training to African decision-makers and executives.
LeAD Campus - Global Leaders for Africa’s Development is a degree programme aimed at training “360degree managers” capable of incorporating the challenges related to growth and sustainable development on the
African continent into the practices of their companies and organisations.
This intensive programme, taught in both French and English, is structured around three key topics specific to
Africa: Business, Leadership and Societal Challenges. The one-week sessions will be organised successively in
South Africa, Dakar and Paris.
In-class training sessions will be complemented by innovative distance learning activities that combine e-learning
courses, a business game and language skills enhancement.
Throughout the programme, participants will have access to a mentor with an African business background to
develop their career path.
The first class of 25 participants – who will start the course in April 2016 – will be comprised of high potentials
with exceptional career paths, mainly from the private sector. Men and women aged 28 to 40 years, they will
reflect the African continent’s great socio-professional diversity and will come from its five major sub-regions:
North, West, East, Central and South. The goal is to welcome 50 participants in following years.
African and French companies: a key role in the programme’s management and implementation
The central role of companies with regard to economic and social development as well as environmental
conservation will be at the core of the programme.
African and French companies will provide the programme’s strategic guidance and assist with its
implementation by supplying experts, mentors, case studies and site visits. The companies will also be in charge
of identifying and registering programme participants.
Birth of a programme resting on the shared will to strengthen the capacities of African leaders
AfricaFrance was launched in February 2015 as a follow-up to the Elysée Summit for Peace and Security in
Africa, held in December 2013 , during which President François Hollande committed to developing a new twoway partnership between France and Africa: “the continent of the future”.
AfricaFrance aims to become the community of French and African economic stakeholders – companies, local
authorities and civil society organisations – by endeavouring to:
Facilitate dialogue between the public and private sectors in France and Africa
Promote the development of human capital
Enable the transfer of technological expertise and innovation between France and Africa.
The programme LeAD Campus: Global Leaders for Africa’s Development, which aims to strengthen African
human capital through an executive programme, contributes to the second objective.
The French Ministry of the Economy and Finance (Directorate General of the Treasury) will finance the design
and launch of the programme, which will eventually become entirely self-funded via the training fees.
Selected through a call for proposals, Sciences Po will be the operator in charge of the programme’s
implementation, alongside the ISM in Dakar and the GSDPP at UCT.
The 1-million-euro contract signed by AFD and Sciences Po represents a portion of the direct public contribution
to the project, the total cost of which is estimated at 3 million euros for the first three years.
“Training African executives on the continent’s complex realities in relation to development is both a necessity
and a priority. It entails designing a specific programme that can only be developed hand-in-hand with African
academic partners. This is the stated objective of Lead Campus – Global Leaders for Africa’s Development.”
Lionel Zinsou, Chairman of AfricaFrance and Prime Minister of Benin.
Based on the reports: “A Partnership for the Future: 15 proposals for building a new economic relationship between Africa
and France”, compiled by Hubert Védrine, with Lionel Zinsou, Tidjane Thiam, Jean-Michel Severino and Hakim El Karoui; and
“Innovating by mobilising stakeholders: 10 proposals for a new approach to development assistance”, compiled by Emmanuel
Faber and Jay Naidoo.
About AfricaFrance
The brainchild of a taskforce comprised of Hubert Védrine, Lionel Zinsou, Tidjane Thiam, Jean-Michel Severino
and Hakim El Karoui, AfricaFrance’s creation was approved in December 2013 at the Elysée Summit for Peace
and Security and was ratified in February 2015 by the French and African Heads of State at the Franco-African
Forum for Shared Growth. AfricaFrance brings together governments, companies, local authorities, non-profit
organisations, education and research establishments, both African and French, with the objective of renewing
economic relations between France and the African continent in order to promote shared, sustainable and
inclusive growth.
Press Contact:
Director of Communications
[email protected]
Tel: +33 (0)6 44 20 90 32
About Sciences Po Executive Education
Over the past 40 years, Sciences Po Executive Education has been assisting French and international
stakeholders from both the public and the private sectors in their drive to transform and develop. The programme
draws its specificity from a rich diversity of knowledge and approaches, combined with a strong tradition of
educational innovation rooted in professional reality.
Sciences Po Executive Education offers 120 training programmes (degree-awarding, certificates and short
courses) in four areas of expertise: Public Affairs & Regulation; Strategy, Leadership & Governance; Digital &
Media Communications; and Personal Efficiency & coaching.
“At Sciences Po Executive Education, we go beyond lectures to place the emphasis on action. Our objective is to
balance the intellectual innovation inherent to Sciences Po with the practical needs and prospects for change of
companies and public stakeholders.” Nicolas Péjout, Director of Sciences Po Executive Education
Press Contacts:
Muriel Dubois
Programme Manager
[email protected]
Tel: +33 (0)1 45 49 63 34
Caroline Allain
Press Relations Manager
[email protected]
Tel: +33 (0)1 45 49 72 98
About the Higher Institute of Management (ISM) in Dakar
Founded in 1992, ISM is a key player in higher education in Africa. As the leading business school in Frenchspeaking sub-Saharan Africa, ISM has trained, since its inception, some 15,000 leaders from nearly 30 countries.
The training offered covers all cycles of higher education (Bachelor’s, Master’s and PhD). In addition to delivering
training programmes in management sciences, ISM also offers, via several specialised institutions, courses in
business law, applied computer sciences and political sciences. With antenna institutions established in 10 cities
located throughout Senegal, ISM constitutes the country’s largest national network of higher education. ISM is a
member of the leading African and international academic networks (AABS, CAMES, AUF, EFMD, AACSB, etc.)
and works in close partnership with several universities and educational establishments worldwide.
Press Contact:
Idrissa Mbengue
Directeur associé
[email protected]
Tel : (00.221) 776 538 426
About the GSDPP (Graduate School of Development Policy and Practice) at UCT (University of Cape
Since its inception in 2011, the GSDPP at the University of Cape Town has been committed to identifying and
mentoring emerging leaders. GSDPP offers training and scholarship in strategic public leadership in Africa and
our academic programmes are aimed specifically at senior government officials.
The School hosts four main programmes:
• A Master of Philosophy (MPhil) Programme in Development Policy and Practice for public sector
• The Building Bridges Programme, which connects political leaders and policy experts across Africa to
deepen understanding around key challenges facing the continent.
• Executive Short Courses on public policy and leadership for senior public officials, non-profit leaders and
business leaders.
• Innovative Research on governance and development in Africa.
Two of Africa’s top economics thinkers serve as Senior Fellows: Professor Thandika Mkandawire, Chair of African
Development at the London School of Economics and Visiting Professor at UCT and Trevor Manuel, former
South African Minister of Finance, and Honorary Professor at UCT.
GSDPP’s teaching staff are largely practitioners with extensive experience in the public, non-profit and/or private
sectors. The GSDPP is well placed to promote scholarship on African experiences of development policy and
practice, and to shape discourses that are based on continental realities.
Press Contact:
Karen Williams
Media Consultant
[email protected]
South Africa: +27-78 624 0753
Thailand: +66-800 495 474
About AFD
A public institution that plays a pivotal role in France’s cooperation policy, the French Development Agency (AFD)
has been working for 70 years to reduce poverty and promote development in countries in the South. Through
subsidies, loans, guarantee funds as well as debt-reduction and development contracts, AFD finances projects,
programmes and studies while supporting the capacity-building efforts of its partners in the South. PROPARCO,
AFD’s private-sector arm, provides funding and assistance for the projects of companies and financial institutions
in emerging and developing countries.
The mission of the CEFEB (Centre for Financial, Economic and Banking Studies), AFD’s corporate university, is
to transfer knowledge and showcase the best practices essential to the development-related activities of the
players in the AFD ecosystem. As a tool to promote change, the CEFEB aims to build the capacities of individuals
and organisations. Its activities centre on three methods of action: degree and skills-training programmes,
discussions with development stakeholders, and promoting French expertise.
Press Contact:
Vincent Douillet
Educational Project Manager
[email protected]
Tel: +33 (0)4 91 13 17 67